Dictionary of Key Spiritual Terms

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See also guilt, righteousness
  1. drang po/ 

    Biblical: right, sincere, honest: skyes bu drang po 'di/  this innocent man (Mt. 27:19), des nga drang po mi 'gyur/  that does not make me innocent (1 Cor. 4:4), drang po de khyed tshos khrims btang nas bsad/  you have condemned and murdered innocent men (Jas. 5:6); see faithful.

  2. skyon med/ 

    [lit. without fault]

    Biblical: faultless, innocent: shab bad mi srung na'ang khong la skyon med do/  [the priest] does not keep the Sabbath and yet is innocent (Mt. 12:5), skyon med la skyon ma bkal ba yin/  you would not have condemned the innocent (Mt. 12:7); see fault.

  3. nongs med/ 

    [lit. without error] var. mnong / 

    Biblical: innocent: ngas skyes bu nongs med cig btad/  I have betrayed innocent blood [lit. man] (Mt. 27:4), de'i nang khyed tsho rnam pa kun tu mnongs med pa mngon to/  at every point you have shown yourselves to be innocent in this matter (2 Cor. 7:11).

  4. gnod med/ 

    [lit. without harm]

    Biblical: harmless: phug ron ltar gnod med du gyur cig be as innocent as doves (Mt. 10:16), rang gi khang par nyal nas bsdad yod pa'i mi gnod med cig bsad/  killed an innocent man in his own house and on his own bed (2 Sam. 4:11 NTV).

    Cognates: gnod skyon med/  [lit. harm + fault + not] without the guilt of harming another: eb ner bsad pa'i skor la nga'i 'bangs dang nga la gnod skyon sogs gang yang med pa de gtso bo dkon mchog gis mkhyen gyi red/  I and my kingdom are forever innocent before the Lord concerning the blood of Abner son of Ner (2 Sam. 3:28 NTV); see fault.

  5. sdig med/ 

    [lit. without sin]

    Biblical: innocent: rnam pa thams cad du khyod cag ni las de la dag pa yin pa'i rtags bstan pa yin no/  at every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter (2 Cor. 7:11 SV); see holy, righteous.

    Cognates: sems pa rnam dag [lit. mind + pure] innocent: sems pa rnam dag gis kho'i rjes su phyin pa red/  they went quite innocently (2 Sam. 15:11 NTV).