Dictionary of Key Spiritual Terms

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See also atonement, repent
  1. sdig pa mthol ba/ 

    p. mthol/  f. mthol/  [var. 'thol ba/ ] [lit. sin + confess]

    Biblical: the term confession has two Biblical meanings: 1) to confess sin, and 2) to admit or declare that something is true (see dpang po byed pa/  and khas len/  below): sdig pa mthol nas yor dan nang khrus blangs so/  confessing their sins, they were baptized in the Jordan River (Mt. 3:6), gcig gis gcig la sdig pa mthol zhig confess your sins to one another (Jas. 5:16), sdig pa mthol na/  if we confess our sins (1 Jn. 1:9).

    Buddhist: In Bsm. confession is not a path to forgiveness but to correction: sdig pa mthol ba/  is the ordinary religious term for confessing wrongdoing (AMD). It is not just an admission of faults, but includes: 1) developing a feeling of regret (see repent); 2) relying on the triple refuge and generating a feeling of compassion for those one has injured; 3) performing virtuous actions such as doing prostrations, reciting mantras, or reading the scriptures in order to cancel the demerits of the wrongdoing; and 4) promising to avoid negative actions in the future (JPG 77). The Pratimoksha sutra thar gyi mdo/  contains the disciplinary rules for monks and nuns, who are required twice a month to assemble and make public confession of any transgression of their vows in a ceremony called gso sbyong /  [Skt. poshadha]. sdig ltung snying nas mthol zhing bshags sems kyis/,,/stobs bzhi tshang ba'i ngang nas yig drug sgrongs/  from your heart acknowledge all wrongdoing and downfalls, and, confessing them, with the four powers complete, recite the six-syllable mantra (HTE 182).

    Related Terms: sdig pa mthol ba/  see sdig pa gshog pa/  below.

  2. dpang po byed pa/ 

    p. byas/  f. bya/  imp. byos/ 

    Biblical: to act as a witness or give testimony: to confess, testify, or admit: gal te ye shu gtso bo lags so zhes kha nas dpang po byed/  if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," (Rom. 10:9), kha nas dpang po byed pa la thar pa thob bo/  with your mouth you confess and are saved (Rom. 10:10).

    Cognates: 1) dpang po/  the testimony given by a witness: dpang po bzang po/  the good confession (1 Tim. 6:13); 2) dpang yig a contract (SLR 10).

  3. khas len/ 

    p. blangs/  f. blang /  imp. longs/  [lit. mouth + take]

    Biblical: to admit, acknowledge, or confess: khyod kyis khas len pa bzang po/  the good confession you made (1 Tim. 6:12), khas ma blangs so/  they did not confess their faith (Jn. 12:42), ye shu ma shi ka 'ba' zhig,,/gtso bo lags zhes khas blang /  to confess that Jesus Christ alone is Lord (Phil. 2:11).

    Buddhist: 1) khas len/  is to accept or believe in: nang ba'i chos la khas len yod pas/  do you accept the Buddhist religion (KTM), nang pa'i lta ba khas len pa/  one who accepts a Buddhist viewpoint (TRC 94); 2) to give intellectual assent to a proposition: dge 'dun pa rnams dbyar snga ma khas len dgos pa red/  the members of the Sangha ought generally to accept the precepts of the earlier summer retreat (TRC 50), mdo sde pa gnyis kyis khas mi len/  the Sautrantika do not admit [accept] it (TRC 95); 3) a commitment or promise: phyir log rgyu'i khas len zhus pa ltar/  in keeping with their commitment to return (TRC 154); 4) used negatively to deny that something is true: 'phrul bzo rig gnas kyis sngon chad med pa'i dngos po'i khe phan gang 'dra bsgrubs yod pa khas mi len pa sus kyang byed mi thub/  no one can deny the unprecedented material benefit of science and technology (DLP 3).

    Cognates: 1) khas len zhu/  to answer; 2) ngos len byas/  to admit to having done something wrong; e.g. committed a crime (ETD 82), nag nyes ngos len byed na/,,khrims thog nas nyes pa yang ba yod red/  if someone confesses his crime, his punishment would be more lenient (TQP 125).

  4. kha bsangs/ 

    Biblical: to speak truthfully what is on the mind (KTM): khong gis kha bsangs te nga ni ma shi ka min zhes drang por gsungs so/  He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, "I am not the Christ" (Jn. 1:20).

  5. gshog

    p. bshags/  f. gshag imp. gshogs/ 

    Biblical: to admit or confess; often in compounds with mthol/ , e.g. nyes pa mthol bshags/  [lit. fault + confess + explain] to confess a moral fault: gal te nged rnams kyis byas pa'i nyes pa mthol bshags 'bul na/  if we confess our sins (1 Jn. 1:9 SV).

    Buddhist: bshags pa/  is the confession of non-virtuous actions or breaking of vows; sdig pa bshags pa/  is cancellation of sin by confession and acknowledgement (KTM), also by doing good, reading scriptures, going on pilgrimage, doing worship, etc. (AMD). sdig ltung snying nas mthol zhing bshags sems kyis/,,/stobs bzhi tshang ba'i ngang nas yig drug sgrongs/  from your heart acknowledge all wrongdoing and downfalls, and, confessing them, with the four powers complete, recite the six-syllable mantra (HTE 182), sdig pa bshags pa'i stobs bzhi/  the four powers necessary for forgiveness of sin by confession and repentance are: rten gyi stobs/  the power of persistence, sun 'byin pa'i stobs/  renunciation, nyes pa las slar ldog pa'i stobs/  turning away from sin gnyen po kun tu spyod pa'i stobs/  using all remedies (CNG 41).

    Related Terms: drang por bshad pa/  to speak truthfully (KTM).