English - Tibetan Dictionary of Spiritual Terms !ABEL@ #{ha bel/}$ [Heb. hebel] ^Bib: son of Adam and Eve: {de'i spun ha bel bya ba skyes so/} his brother Abel was born (Gen. 4:2). !ABOMINATION@ see also CLEAN 1) #{mi gtsang ba/}$ [lit. not + clean] ^Bib: unclean or impure, e.g: 1) sacrificial flesh which has been left too long: {rdzas de ni mi gtsang bas/} because [the meat] is an unclean thing [KJV: abomination] (Lev. 7:18); 2) idols: {am mon pa'i rdzas mi gtsang ba'i lha mo mil kom/} Milcom, the abomination [KJV] of the Ammonites (1 Ki. 11:5); 3) ceremonially unclean food: {khyed kyi phyir mi gtsang ba yin/} they shall be an abomination [KJV] to you (Lev. 11:10); 4) the "abomination of desolation": {stong byed kyi mi gtsang ba/} the abomination that makes desolate (Mt. 24:15 and Mk. 13:14). ^Bst. dirty, filthy, vile, polluted: {zos pas ci bya zos tshad mi gtsang rgyu/} what's the good of all you've eaten - it just becomes excrement (HTE p. 203), {mi gtsang ba'i dri ma ngan pa/} a bad smell of uncleanliness (TCR 270), {mi gtsang ba la gtsang bar 'dzin pa/} apprehending the unclean as clean (TCR 284), {khor yug mi gtsang ba/} polluted (dirty) environment (SLR 20). 2) #{zhen log}$ [lit. attachment or desire + reversed] ^Bib: loathing, disgust, aversion, revulsion: {srang log la ya ho was zhen pa log gis/} a false balance is an abomination to the Lord (Prov. 11:1 NRSV), {sa gzhi'i zhen log rnams kyi a ma/} mother of the abominations of the earth (Rev. 17:5), {phyi pa'i zhen log gi khrims bzhin du/} according to the detestable ways of the nations (2 Kings 16:3). 3) #{dri ma/}$ ^Bib: filth, impurities, defilement: {sa gzhi na yod pa'i dri ma rnams kyi ma/} mother of the abominations of the earth (Rev. 17:5 SV). ^Bst. stain, defilement; traditionally, the six defilements {dri ma drug} are: {dri chen/} excrement, {dri chu/} urine, {mig skyag} (infected) matter from the eyes, {rna spabs/} ear wax, {mchil ma/} saliva, {snabs rnams/} mucus from the nose (CNG 74). !ABRAHAM@ 1) #{ab ra ham/}$ ^Bib: the patriarch Abraham (ca. 2,000 BC): {khyod kyi ming ab ra ham zhes zer bar 'gyur/} your name will be Abraham (Gen. 17:5). 2) #{ya be la han/}$ [Ch.] Abraham (JFS). !ACCUSE@ see also BLASPHEMY, CURSE, FAULT, SLANDER 1) #{skyon 'gel ba/}$ p. {bkal/} f. {dgal/} imp. {khol/} [lit. fault + to load, burden with] ^Bib: to accuse someone (KTM): {bla chen dag gis khong la nyes skyon mang po bkal ba/} the chief priests accused him of many things (Mk. 15:3), {nyes skyon 'gel rgyu med/} no reason for an accusation (Acts 23:29), {skyon 'gel mi tsho/} accusers (Acts 23:30), {ya hu da pas nga la skyon 'gel lo/} the Jews are accusing me (Acts 26:7), {ngar ngar shugs shugs kyis khong la skyon bkal/} vehemently accusing (Lk. 23:10), {rgan mi la skyon bkal na ma rtsi zhig} do not consider an accusation against an elder (1 Tim. 5:19). 2) #{skyon 'dogs/}$ p. {btags/} f. {gdags/} imp. {thogs/} [lit. fault + bind] (same as {snyad 'dogs/}) ^Bib: a false accusation: {skyon btags pa'i rgyu mtshan/} the reason for an accusation (Acts 22:30), {rang gi bsam pa rnams gcig la gcig gis skyon 'dogs pa'am/,,skyon mi 'dogs pa'i sgo nas de la dpang po byed de/} their thoughts now accusing, now even defending them (Rom. 2:15 SV). 3) #{skyon brjod byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to accuse verbally: {khyod kyis nga la bud med zhig gi skor la skyon brjod byed byung /} you accuse me of an offense involving this woman (2 Sam. 3:8 NTV). ^Bst. {skyon brjod kyi tshig ngan lab pa/} to criticize another with harsh speech (TRC 244). Cognates: 1) {skyon 'grus ba/} gossip, slander; 2) {skyon gtags pa/} name calling; 3) {skyon rgyab pa/} to damage; 4) {nyes skyon phog pa/} to pay for the results of an error (KTM).% 4) #{snyad 'dogs/}$ p. {btags/} f. {gdags/} imp. {thogs/} [same as {snyad 'dzug} and {skyon 'dogs/}] ^Bib: a malicious or false accusation (KTM): {khong la snyad 'dogs pa'i phyir/} in order to accuse him (Mt. 12:10), {de rnams kyis snyad btags pa'i rgyu mtshan/} the reason they were accusing him (Acts 23:28), {snyad 'dogs mkhan/} the accuser (Rev. 12:10). 5) #{snyad 'dzug}$ or {snyad 'dzugs/} p. {btsugs/} imp. {tshugs/} ^Bib: to blame, accuse; prosecute, accuse in a legal sense: {mi rnams kyis snyad 'dzug pa'i phyir/} [looking for] a reason to accuse (Mk. 3:2), {nged kyi spun rnams kyi snyad 'dzug pa po/} the accuser of our brothers (Rev. 12:10 SV). Related Terms: 1) {snyan phra/} [see also {phra ma/} (slander) and {phra dog} or {phrag dog} (jealousy)] to slander, libel, or create discord (KTM): {gnyer pas nor chud zos la gtong ba'i snyan phra/} a steward was accused of stealing his possessions (Lk. 16:1); 2) {smad/} to criticize, blame, or dishonor: {khyed tshos nga la smad do/} you dishonor me (Jn. 8:49), {ma shi ka pa'i spyod lam bzang por smad mkhan rnams/} those who slander Christians' good behavior (1 Pet. 3:16), {smad pa'i tshig} a slanderous accusation (2 Pet. 2:11 SV); 3) {kha ngan/} [lit. mouth + evil] an unjust accusation or slander: {khyed mi rigs pa byas mkhan ltar yin pa'i kha ngan/} an accusation of doing wrong (1 Pet. 2:12 SV); 4) {nag nyes 'dzugs pa/} p. {btsugs/} to accuse someone of a serious crime; {nyes 'dzugs byas/} to find fault (ETD 6); 5) {kha 'phangs lag 'phyis/} to blame: {nor 'khrul rang gis byas te kha 'phangs lag 'phyis gzhan la byas na ma rabs red/} it is impolite to blame others for one's own mistakes (TQP 42); 6) {khag dkris bsnyon 'dzugs/} to blame and accuse: {ma'o tse thung gi chab srid nor 'khrul rnams mi bzhi shog khag la khag dkri bsnyon 'dzugs byas pa red/} Mao Tse Tung blamed his political mistakes on the Gang of Four (TQP 46).% !ADAM@ see also EVE, GARDEN OF EDEN, CREATE #{a dam/}$ ^Bib: the first man: {a dam gyis bud med kyi ming la ha wa zhes btags pa yin/} Adam named the woman Eve (Gen. 3:20). ^Bst. The story of Adam and Eve in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 3) may be contrasted with the Tibetan account of man's origins: {nga tsho nang pa'i chos kyi bshad pa ltar na/,,'dzam gling tshang ma rang bzhin gyi 'byung pa yin pa bshad do/,,nang pa'i chos ltar na spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa pre'u gcig mi rnams kyi pha yin pa dang /,,rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo mi rnams kyi ma yin pa bshad do/} according to our Buddhist religion, the world arose by itself. A monkey, the emanation of the god Chenresi, was the father of all men, and a rock-demoness, the emanation of the goddess Dolma, was the mother (DPD). The supposed site of this event, near Tsethang in the Yarlung Valley, is a popular pilgrimage destination. !ADOPTION@ 1) #{bu dod/}$ ^Bib: adopted son; a term used exclusively by Paul to describe the relationship between God and the Christian: {bu dod du 'gyur phyir/} to be adopted as sons (Rom. 8:23), {de tsho ni bu dod du 'gyur 'os/} theirs is the adoption as sons (Rom. 9:4). ^Bst. Anyone who takes up Mahayana Bst. practice is known as a son (or daughter) of a Buddha (JPG 391) or {rgyal sras/} (GSL). Those who gain the thought of enlightenment or {byang chub sems/} may pray: "today I have been born into Buddha's family and have become Buddha's child" (MTB 98). 2) #{bu tshab/}$ adopted son. Related Terms: 1) {bu tshab blangs/} to adopt a child; 2) {rang phrug tu byas pa/} [own + child + as + do] to adopt a child (Est. 2:15); 3) {gso nyar byed pa/} to rear or raise (DBG 15).% !ADULTERY@ 1) #{log g.yem/}$ ^Bib: adultery or sexual misconduct: {log g.yem dang /,,'dod log} adultery and sexual immorality (Mt. 15:19). ^Bst. Geshe Lhundup Sopa defines {log g.yem/} as: {log g.yem ni/,,rang gi chung ma ma yin pa gzhan gyis bdag tu bzung ba'i chung ma la sogs pa dang /,,rang gi chung ma yin yang /,,dus ma yin pa sbrum ma dang /,,bsnyen gnas la sogs pa'i skabs dang /,,lam ma yin pa dbad po'i sgo gzhan dang /,,gnas ma yin pa mchod rten la sogs pa'i drung du 'khrig pa spyod pa lta bu la zer/} . . sexual misconduct signifies the performance of the sexual act not with one's own wife but a wife held by another as his, etc. or even with one's own wife at an inappropriate time like during the pregnancy, the one day vow, etc. or through an inappropriate avenue (i.e. another aperture than customary) or at an inappropriate place like in front of a stupa, etc. (TRC 244), {lus kyi mi dge ba gsum ni/,,srog gcod pa/,,ma byin par len pa/,,log g.yem bcas red/} the three non-virtues of body are killing, stealing, and adultery (TRC 242), {sangs rgyas kyis gzhan la gnod pa spong ba dang /,,gzhan gyi nor mi rku ba/,,rdzun mi shod pa dang /,,log g.yem spong ba bcas ni chos kyi srung sdom yin/} the Buddha [teaches that] not harming others, not stealing, not lying, and not committing adultery (or sexual misconduct) sums up the keeping of the doctrine (SGN 21). 2) #{log g.yem byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: commit adultery: 1) physical adultery: {log g.yem ma byed/} do not commit adultery (Mt. 5:27), {log g.yem byed mur bzung ba'i bud med cig} a woman caught in adultery (Jn. 8:3); 2) spiritual adultery: {'dod chags skyes te bud med cig la lta ba des kyang snying nang de mnyam du log g.yem byas zin/} one who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart (Mt. 5:28); 3) national unfaithfulness to God: {rdo dang shing mnyam du'ang log g.yem byas/} committed adultery with stone and wood (Jer. 3:9). Cognates: 1) {'dod log} [lit. desire + wrong] sexual immorality; 2) {g.yem sbyor/} or {sgab mthun/} adultery (DBG 16).% !ADVOCATE@ 1) #{rogs mdzad mkhan/}$ [help + do + person] ^Bib: a helper: {gal te sdig pa byed na/,,yab kyi drung du rogs mdzad mkhan ye shu ma shi ka thugs drang po lags pa de bzhugs yod/} if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One (1 Jn. 2:1). 2) #{ngo chen mdzad mkhan/}$ [lit. face + big + make + person] ^Bib: an advocate, one who represents the interests of another: {yab kyi drung du ngo chen mdzad mkhan zhig yod/} we have an advocate in the presence of the Father (1 Jn. 2:1 SV). 3) #{cha dpang /}$ ^Bib: a witness in a legal dispute: {mtho ris nang na nga yi cha dpang bzhugs/} even now my witness is in heaven; my advocate is on high (Job 16:19). 4) #{zhu sna/}$ ^Bib: interceding before a higher authority on behalf of someone else: {zhu sna mdzad cing rgyun du bzhugs pa/} He always lives to intercede for them (Heb. 7:25), [same as {zhu brgyud/}]. Related Terms: 1) {sems gso mkhan/} comforter {khyod kun don med sems gso pa rnams/} miserable comforters are you all (Job 16:2); 2) {dar spel gtang mkhan/} one who popularizes, supports or advocates (DBG 18).% !ALMIGHTY@ #{kun dbang /}$ [lit. all power; Heb. shaddai] ^Bib: a name of God whose root meaning is uncertain, but usually translated "almighty"; one who has all power: {nga ni dkon mchog kun dbang yin/} I am God Almighty (Gen. 17:1), {kun dbang ldan pa'i gtso bo dkon mchog} the Lord God Almighty (2 Sam. 5:10 NTV), {nga ni khyod kyi yab tu gyur/,,zhes kun dbang gi gtso bos bka' stsal lo/} I will be a Father to you, says the Lord Almighty (2 Cor. 6:18). Related Terms: 1) {bla na med pa'i dkon mchog} God Most High; 2) {dpung tshogs kyi gtso bo/} Lord of Hosts (Rom. 9:29 SV); 3) {dkon mchog yab thams cad nus pa/} God the Father Almighty (ATM; 1762).% !ALTAR@ 1) #{mchod khri/}$ [lit. "offering throne"] ^Bib: place where sacrifices are offered: 1) stone altar used in OT times: {no as yo ho wa la mchod khri zhig brtsigs/} Noah built an altar to the Lord (Gen. 8:20); 2) altar of the Temple in Jerusalem: {mchod khri lta mkhan rnams mchod khri dang mnyam du skal ba thob pa/} those who serve at the altar share in what is offered on the altar (1 Cor. 9:13 SV); 3) the altar before God's throne: {pho nya gzhan zhig 'ongs nas/,,mchod khri'i rtsar 'greng ba/} another angel came and stood at the altar (Rev. 8:3); 4) altar seen by Paul in Athens: {rgyus med pa'i dkon mchog gi phyir zhes bris yod pa'i mchod khri zhig} an altar to an unknown God (Acts 17:23). ^Bst. The table in front of an idol or god where precious things like tsampa, butter, or other offerings are placed (AMD), {mchod pa 'bul sa'i khri'am stegs/} a shelf or place for offerings (TDC 854). 2) #{spos 'bul sa'i mchod khri/}$ ^Bib: the altar of incense: {gtso bo'i pho nya spos 'bul sa'i mchod khri'i g.yas su krong nger byung ba/} an angel of the Lord appeared to him, standing at the right side of the altar of incense (Lk. 1:11). Related Terms: 1) {gser gyi spos phor/} the golden altar of incense (Heb. 9:4 SV); 2) {mchod stegs} altar on which offerings are placed (ETD 19).% !AMBASSADOR@ see also ANGEL, APOSTLE 1) #{sku tshab/}$ [lit. hon. + substitute] ^Bib: an honorific term for any representative (AMD); used by the Apostle Paul as a metaphor for his apostolic office: {lcags sgrog gis bcings pa'i sku tshab/} an ambassador in chains (Eph. 6:20). ^Bst. {dga' ldan khri pa zhu ba ni/,,rje tshong kha pa'i sku tshab mdzad/} the occupier of the Ganden throne represents ({sku tshab mdzad/}) the lord Tsong Khapa (TRC 53). ^Sec. {krung dbyang mi dmangs srid gzhung gi sku tshab bod du phebs/} representatives of the Central Peoples' Government came to Tibet. Cognates: 1) {rgyal tshab/} regent, crown prince; 2) {sbyin bdag gi tshab byas so/} [I] acted in place of the owner (DPD); 3) {pha tshab ma tshab/} houseparents, foster parents (DPD); {gzhung tshab/} (ETD 19) or {gzhung tshab gi mi sna/} (DBG 31) diplomatic representative.% 2) #{pho nya/}$ ^Bib: a messenger: {nga tsho ni ma shi ka'i tshab tu pho nya yin/} we are therefore Christ's ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20 SV). See ANGEL. 3) #{sgrog po/}$ ^Bib: one who preaches or proclaims: {sgrog po lcags sgrog gis bkyigs pa zhig yin/} I am an ambassador in chains (Eph. 6:20 SV). ^Sec. {sgrog pa/} to tell, proclaim: {stong gsum khyab par sgrog par byed na yang /} even if [news of] it has been told to three thousand others (GSL 14). !AMEN@ #{a men/}$ [Heb. amen] ^Bib: an expression used to confirm or attest to the truth of a statement, or {ye shu chos lugs nang de ltar 'grub par shog ces pa'i mjug smon/} in Christianity, a closing prayer meaning "may it be so" (DBG 32); {zhi bde'i dkon mchog khyed thams cad dang mnyam du bzhugs par shog cig,,/a men/} the God of peace be with you all. Amen. (Rom. 15:33 SV). !ANGEL@ see also AMBASSADOR, APOSTLE, EVIL SPIRIT 1) #{pho nya/}$ [lit. messenger] ^Bib: 1) supernatural beings who serve as God's messengers: {gtso bo dkon mchog gi pho nya rmi lam du byung /} an angel of the Lord appeared to him in a dream (Mt. 1:20), {nam mkha'i pho nya/} angels of heaven (Mt. 22:30); 2) supernatural beings who serve the devil: {bdud dang de'i pho nya/} the devil and his angels (Mt. 25:41); 3) angels of churches: {skar ma bdun po ni chos tshogs bdun gyi pho nya yin/} the seven stars are the angels of the seven churches (Rev. 1:20); 4) human messengers: {khyed kyi sngon du nga yi pho nya gtong /} I will send my messenger ahead of you (Mt. 11:10), {spun gzhan gnyis po chos tshogs kyi pho nya/} as for our brothers, they [are] representatives of the churches (2 Cor. 8:23); 5) delegation: {gzhan de thag ring na yod ring pho nya btang /} while the other is far away, [he] will send a delegation (Lk. 14:32). ^Bst. 1) {pho nya/} or {lha'i pho nya/} a supernatural messenger who seeks to help those who practice the dharma; like an evil spirit, however, a {pho nya/} is a mind consciousness which is afflicted by defilements (KTM); 2) a human messenger, a bearer of news (KTM); in the past one who rode a horse to carry or deliver a letter. Now used mainly in artistic writing, e.g. the bird who begins singing at the beginning of spring is called the {pho nya/} of spring (AMD); 3) a messenger of the lord of death, {gshin rje/} (KTM), or of the devil: {bdud kyi pho nya dga' rab dbang phyug} the devil's messenger, Garab Wangchuk (SGN 22). 2) #{pho nya mchog}$ [lit. messenger + best] ^Bib: an archangel {pho nya mchog gi skad/} voice of the archangel (1 Thes. 4:16). 3) #{gshed ma/}$ [lit. executioner, angel of death] ^Bib: angel of destruction {la las ma rangs pa'i tshig smras nas gshed mas bsad pa ltar/} as the destroying angel killed some of them after they complained (1 Cor. 10:10). ^Bst. {gshed ma/} a class of killer demons which takes away life by seizing its victims' deteriorated life force ({srog}). The exorcism of a {gshed ma/} from the home of the deceased is known as {za 'dre kha sgyur/}, (turning away the mouth of the eating demon), even though the {gshed ma/} is what caused the death (KTM). ^Sec. {gshed ma/} a term of contempt used of one completely selfish and without reason; in former Tibetan society the common people used this term of oppressive rulers (AMD). See also EVIL SPIRIT. Related Terms: 1) {bang chen/} messenger: {bdud kyi bang chen/} a messenger of Satan (2 Cor. 12:7); 2) {gtam skyel ba/} bearer of news (KTM); 3) {sems nyid/} spirit: {de tshos kho'i sems nyid yin smras so/} they said, "It must be his angel" (Ac. 12:15).% !ANGER@ 1) #{khro ba/}$ [hon. {thugs khro/}] ^Bib: wrath, passion, outwardly expressed indignation: 1) human anger: {mi'i khro ba/} man's anger (Jas. 1:20), {rgyal po'i khro ba/} the king's anger (Heb. 11:27); 2) used of Jesus' anger: {thams cad la khro bas gzigs te/} looking at all of them in anger (Mk. 3:5); 3) God's wrath: {dkon mchog gi thugs khro'i 'chag gzhong /} the winepress of God's wrath (Rev. 14:19), {gtso bo dkon mchog u dza dang thugs dgongs khros te/} the Lord's anger burned against Uzzah (2 Sam. 6:7 NTV). ^Bst. {khro ba/} anger, is the mental state of wanting to harm an object (JPG 317). It is one of the 20 secondary afflictions (KBT 23) and one of the greatest of all sins (MTB 167). Bst. protector deities are often depicted as having wrathful expressions, e.g. {khro ba chen po gshin rje/} the wrathful Shinje, god of the dead. Cognates: 1) {khong khro/} anger as one of the six root afflictions; described as the will to harm sentient beings, whether present or not (KBT 18). Some gods have {khro ba/} expressions in thankas, and good characters can have {khro ba/} (AMD). {zhe sdang gis gsod pa ni/,,gsod yag de la khong khro langs nas gsod pa lta bu/} to kill on account of hatred is, say, to kill the victim on account of the arising of anger (TRC 243), {gal srid nga tsho khong khro'i gzhan dbang du song na/} if our minds are dominated by anger (DLP 23); 2) {khro gnyer ma/} "scowling old woman"; commonly applied to female deities of fierce aspect (TRC 271); 3) {khro bo bcu gcig} the eleven wrathful deities (CNG 151); 4) {khro blo/} the angry mind (HTE 194).% Proverbs: 1) {'dzom re khong khro slong dus ma dran na/,,rjes su dran na rang gi kha la rgyob/} If you don't remember your anger at times, but recall it later, slap your own mouth (KPU 14); 2) {khong khro dbang du 'dus na mkhas pa'i rtags/,,khong khro'i rjes la 'gro mi glen pa red/} if you've subdued your anger, it's a sign of your education; one who follows his anger is a fool (KPU 14). 2) #{tshig pa/}$ ^Bib: anger [used chiefly in spoken language] {tshig pa mi za/} [love is] not easily angered (1 Cor. 13:5 SV). Related Terms: {dgongs pa tshoms/} [hon.] to get angry (ETD 21).% !ANOINT@ 1) #{byug pa/}$ p. {'byug} or {byugs/} ^Bib: to apply or put on: 1) to apply oil or ointment for physical or ritual purposes: {khong gis nga la snum gyis byugs mdzad do/} he has anointed me with oil (Lk. 4:18); 2) to be selected for a special position: {gtso bo'i byugs pa/} the Lord's anointed One (Ac. 4:26); 3) to receive spiritual gift(s) from God: {dkon mchog gis dam pa'i thugs nyid dang mthu yis byugs te/} God anointed [Jesus] with the Holy Spirit and with power (Ac. 10:38); 4) to put oil or spices on a body in preparation for burial: {spur la 'byug pa'i phyir/} in order to anoint the body (Mk. 16:1). ^Sec. {byug pa/} 1) used of applying paint to a wall (AMD); 2) used of washing down an animal: {rta las babs te de la byams brtse chen pos byug byug mdzad pa/} getting off his [sweating] horse, he wiped it down with great compassion (SGN 3). 2) #{sko/}$ p. {bskos/}, f. {bsko/} imp. {skos/} ^Bib: to select or appoint: 1) to appoint someone to or select someone for an honored position: {thugs nyid dam pas khyed tsho bskos pas/} you have an anointing from the Holy One (1 Jn. 2:20), {gtso bo dkon mchog gis 'dems bskos mdzad pa'i rgyal po/} the king that the Lord anointed (2 Sam. 1:14 NTV); 2) to receive spiritual gift(s) from God: {khyed bskos pa'i gnang sbyin de khyed nang gnas pas/} the anointing you received from him remains in you (1 Jn. 2:27). ^Bst. to appoint: {mi gsar du bla ma zhig bskos pa/} to appoint a new person as a lama (KTM), {lo gcig nang tik ka skyor dpon zer ba'i dge bshes gnyis ched mangs kyis gsang 'dus tik ka'i skyor dpon dub skos/} within a single year two Geshes called the lead tika reciters are especially selected as reciters of the Guhyasamaja tika (TRC 49). !ANTICHRIST@ 1) #{ma shi ka'i bstan dgra/}$ [lit. Christ's-teaching-enemy; Gr. antichristos] ^Bib: the supernatural enemy of Christ: {ma shi ka'i bstan dgra 'ong bar 'gyur/} the antichrist is coming (1 Jn. 2:18), {ma shi ka'i bstan dgra'i sems nyid yin/} this is the spirit of the antichrist (1 Jn. 4:3). ^Bst. 1) {bstan dgra/} an enemy of Buddhist teaching: {bstan dgra bod mi'i rigs dang mthun 'thabs med/} there is no way for enemies of the doctrine to be in harmony with the Tibetan people (RRT 232 n. 30); 2) {dgra bcom pa/} foe destroyer [Skt. arhat] one who has attained enlightenment through the Hinayana path (TRI 50). Cognates: {dgra/} an enemy who actively seeks to destroy one's views, plans, etc (AMD).% 2) #{go log gi ma shi ka/}$ [lit. perverse Christ] ^Bib: antichrist: {go log gi ma shi ka mang po byung yod pas/} even now many antichrists have come (1 Jn. 2:18 SV). Related Terms: {ma shi ka rdzus ma/} [lit. deceptive Christ; Gr. pseudochristos] false Christ: {ma shi ka rdzus ma dang lung ston pa rdzus ma/} false Christs and false prophets (Mt. 24:24).% !APOSTLE@ see also AMBASSADOR, ANGEL 1) #{sku tshab/}$ [lit. hon. + representative] ^Bib: an honorific term for any representative (AMD): 1) an apostle, a representative of Jesus Christ: {sku tshab bcu gnyis kyi mtshan/} the names of the twelve apostles (Mt. 10:2), {sku tshab dang lung ston pa rnams/} apostles and prophets (Eph. 2:20); 2) used in a special sense of Jesus: {sku tshab dang bla chen ye shu/} the Apostle and high priest Jesus (Heb. 3:1); 3) {sku tshab/} a term used by the Apostle Paul as a metaphor for his apostolic office {lcags sgrog gis bcings pa'i sku tshab/} an ambassador in chains (Eph. 6:20). ^Bst. see AMBASSADOR. Cognates: 1) {rgyal tshab/} regent, crown prince; 2) {tshab/} in place of: {sbyin bdag gi tshab byas so/} [I] acted in place of the owner (DPD); 3) a substitute: {pha tshab ma tshab/} houseparents, foster parents (DPD).% 2) #{mi sna/}$ [lit. messenger, see {pho nya/}] ^Bib: 1) an apostle: {mi sna'i las tshan du bos/} called to be an apostle (Rom. 1:1 SV); 2) title used in 1903 NT for the Book of Acts. ^Sec. personnel, class of people {sman bcos mi sna rnams/} medical workers (BFT 20), {bod kyi gso rig ched gnyer mi sna,800/} eight hundred specialists in Tibetan medicine (TMB 25), {mi sna gsar pa/} new personnel (SLR 10), {gtsang sbra'i mi sna/} sanitation workers (SLR 15), {gtso 'dzin mi sna/} a leading figure (SBC-1, 61). Related Terms: 1) {bang chen/} messenger {bdud kyi bang chen/} a messenger of Satan (2 Cor. 12:7); 2) {gtam skyel ba/} bearer of news (KTM).% !APPEAR@ see also REVELATION 1) #{'byung /}$ p. {byung /} ^Bib: to come into being, appear, arise, come into view: {dkon mchog gi pho nya rmi lam du byung /} an angel of the Lord appeared in a dream (Mt. 1:20), {la las e li ya byung /} some [said] Elijah had appeared (Lk. 9:8), {nged thams cad ma shi ka'i bzhugs khri'i drung du byung /} we must all appear before the judgment seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10 SV). ^Bst. 1) appear, arise: {chos lug sa mi 'dra ba gang 'dras byung yod dam/} how did the different schools of Tibetan Buddhism arise? (TRC 135); 2) {pad ma 'byung gnas/} [lit. "appeared from a lotus"] Padmasambhava: {slob dpon chen po pad ma 'byung gnas/} the tantric teacher Padmasambhava (TRC 113). 2) #{mngon pa/}$ ^Bib: open, public, revealed, plain: 1) to appear, become visible; manifest: {sku gzugs gzhan du gyur te mngon par mdzad pas/} [Jesus] appeared in a different form (Mk. 16:12), {dpal dang ldan par mngon te/} appeared in splendor (Lk. 9:31), {nga tsho'i mi tshe lags pa'i ma shi ka mngon pa'i dus su/} when Christ who is our life appears (Col. 3:4); 2) {yo ha nan la mngon par mdzad pa/} the Revelation to John (Revised NT). ^Bst. see REVELATION. 3) #{sprul ba/}$ ^Bib: to alter one's appearance; transform oneself miraculously, to appear in another form: {bka' de sku lus ldan par sprul/} the Word became [lit. appeared in] the flesh (Jn. 1:14), {ma shi ka mi ru sprul pa yin/} Christ appeared as man (1 Tim. 3:16) [cf. SV: {khong ni sha'i nang na mngon par gyur/} he appeared in the flesh (1 Tim. 3:16)]. See DESCEND. ^Bst. The Buddhas are believed capable of manifesting in any form necessary to help living beings e.g. as human beings, clothes, medicine, food, or any other inanimate object (JPG 198). Hence: 1) {sprul sku/} a person who, like the Dalai Lama, is recognized as a rebirth of previously deceased lama: {rdo brag rig 'dzin chen po ni gu ru pad ma 'byung gnas kyi sprul sku yin pa bshad do/} it is said that Rigdzin Chenpo, founder of the line of monks at Dorje Trak, is the manifestation of Guru Padmasambhava (DPD). The {sprul sku/} is believed to be reborn with the death of each of his predecessors, to be above conventional standards of behaviour, and to be a manifestation or emanation of a deity. 2) {sprul pa'i sku/} a manifestation body: one of the three bodies of the Buddha (KBT 69); 3) a vision, apparition, or phantom: {sprul pa'i bud med gar mkhan ma/} a vision of dancing girls (SGN 10), {sprul pa'i grong khyer/} a phantom city (BLI 315); 4) a manifestation of a deity: {spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa pre'u gcig} a monkey, the emanation of the god Chenresi (DPD), {rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo/} the rock-demoness, the manifestation of the goddess Dolma (DPD). 4) #{'thon pa/}$ [var. {thon/}] p. {thon/} f. {'thon/} imp. {thon/} ^Bib: to become evident, appear: {phi lib ni grong khyer a zod du thon/} Philip appeared at Azotus (Acts 8:40), {mal ki tshe deg dang 'dra ba'i bla ma gzhan zhig 'thon na/} if another priest like Melchizedek appears (Heb. 7:15,16). ^Sec. 1) appear: {dbyang rlung mang tsam thon pa byed rgyu/} to make more oxygen appear (SLR 13); 2) to be produced: {bzo grwa de nas thon pa'i sman/} the medicine produced by the factory (TMB 25). 5) #{snang ba/}$ ^Bib: appearance in the sense of giving an impression of being like something else: {khong ni glog 'drar snang ste/} his appearance was like lightning (Mt. 28:3), {shes rab ltar snang /} the appearance of wisdom (Col. 2:23). ^Bst. 1) ordinary impressions or appearances, especially as contrasted with a mystical Bst. point of view: {snang tshad 'khrul pa lags te/} whatever appears is delusion (HTE 188), {'khor ba rang snang tsam ste logs na med/} the world is nothing other than how things appear to you (HTE 184); 2) visions: {snang gsum ni/,,ma dag pa'i snang ba/,,rnal 'byor nyams kyi snang ba/,,dag pa'i snang ba/} the three types of visions are impure visions, pure visions of yogic experience, and the pure vision (TRI 163); 3) {sangs rgyas rnam par snang mdzad/} the Buddha Vairocana (TRC 198); 4) {gya nom snang ba/} excellent appearance: (one of the types of beings in the form realm). Cognates: 1) {mi snang ba/} disappear: {khong mi snang bar gyur to/} he disappeared (Lk. 24:31); 2) {'jigs snang /} fear; 3) {do snang /} interest.% 6) #{lang ba/}$ p. {langs/} [hon. {bzheng /}] ^Bib: to get up, arise: {lung ston pa rdzus ma mang po lang zhing /} and many false prophets will arise (Mt. 24:11), {ma shi ka'i zhal che'i khri'i drung du lang bar dgos so/} we must all appear before the judgement seat of Christ (2 Cor. 5:10), {lung ston pa chen po zhig nga tsho'i dbus su bzhengs/} a great prophet has appeared among us (Luke 7:16). ^Bst. 1) to arise, stand up: {ting nge 'dzin de las bzhengs te/} arising from deep meditation (HSU 168), {yar lang dus/} on standing up (TRC 271); 2) to build or put together a sacred object: {tshon gyi dkyil 'khor bzhengs te/} constructing the mandala of colored stone dust (TRC 49), {gtor ma bzhengs pa/} setting up torma offerings (DPD), {mchod rten bzhengs pa/} to build a chorten (MHP 9). 7) #{mthong ba/}$ ^Bib: to perceive, see, or behold; either directly or by inference; to appear: {khyod tsho'ang phyi nas mi la drang po mthong /} on the outside you appear to people as righteous (Mt. 23:28), {mthong bzor min par drang por thag chod cig} stop judging by mere appearances (Jn. 7:24), {spun lnga brgya las mang pos gcig car du mthong ste/} [He] appeared to more than five hundred of the brothers at the same time (1 Cor. 15:6 SV). ^Bst. {mthong ba'i lam/} the path of seeing; one of the five paths to enlightenment (KBT 63), {shin tu mthong ba/} great perception - one of 17 types of beings in the form realm (KBT 118). Related Terms: {mjal kha/} to meet, appear before others: {nye gnas rnams la slar yang mjal kha gnang ngo /} [Jesus] appeared again to the disciples (Jn. 21:1), {mi gzhan la sku mdun mjal kha rag ya khag po yod/} for other people it was difficult to see or meet the Dalai Lama (DPD).% !ARK (OF NOAH)@ 1) #{sgam/}$ [lit. box] ^Bib: Noah's ark: {sgam gyi nang du zhugs shig} Go into the ark (Gen. 7:1), {no a yis sgam chen po bzo ba'i tshe/} while Noah was building the ark (1 Pet. 3:20 SV). ^Sec. {gtam gyi nor bu snying gi sgam du chugs/} keep this precious advice in the inner recesses [lit. heart box] of your heart (KPU 32). 2) #{gru/}$ [lit. boat] ^Bib: Noah's ark: {no a gru'i nang zhugs pa'i nyin mo/} the day Noah entered the ark (Mt. 24:38). ^Bst. a container for the soul: {dal 'byor gru chen rnyed dka' thob dus 'di/} this human vessel difficult to find (GSL 6). Cognates: 1) {gru zing /} boat: {gru zing chen po gcig gzos dgos/} had to build a large boat (DPD), 2) {gnam gru/} [sky + boat] airplane.% !ARK (OF THE COVENANT)@ 1) #{zhal chad kyi sgrom/}$ [lit. covenant + box] ^Bib: ark of the covenant: {gser gyis yongs su bkab pa'i zhal chad kyi sgrom/} the gold-covered ark of the covenant (Heb. 9:4). 2) #{dam bca'i sgrom/}$ [lit. promise + box] ^Bib: ark of the covenant: {dkon mchog gi dam bca'i sgrom de ni gur gyi nang du bzhag yod/} the ark of God remains in a tent (2 Sam. 7:2 NTV). !ATONEMENT@ see also CONFESS, FORGIVE, REPENT #{sdig bshags/}$ [lit. sin + confess] ^Bib: to confess sin: {mi sde'i sdig bshags kyi phyir du/} in order to make atonement for the sins of the people (Heb. 2:17), {khong ni nga tsho'i sdig pa'i sdig bshags yin/} he is the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 Jn. 2:2), {nyid kyi sras nga tsho'i sdig bshags la gnang ba de yin/} gave his son as the atoning sacrifice for our sins (1 Jn. 4:10). ^Bst. {sdig bshags/} is admission and repentance of non-virtues by confession to one's spiritual teacher, who points out the fault and encourages better behaviour in the future: {sdig pa bshags pa'i stobs bzhi/} the four powers of confession [reliance, renouncing faults, turning away from faults, overcoming adversaries]. Ultimately one must "carry the burden of one's own sin" {sdig bsags rang khur/} (TDC 1463). The Tibetan Dhammapada says: {gang du sdig pa'i las kyis mi tshugs pa'i/,,/sa phyogs de ni yod pa ma yin/} where can we go where our sins will not touch us? There is no such place (DMP 67) [cf. Ps. 103:12]. Related Terms: 1) {thugs rje'i bzhugs khri/} atonement cover (Heb. 9:5); 2) {sdig sel ba/} to forgive or clear sins: {sdig sel du gnang ngo /} given in order to forgive sins (Rom. 3:25); 3) {ltung ba byir bcos byed pa/} curing moral faults (KTM); 4) {ltung ba bshags pa/} to confess sin; 5) {mthol gshags/} to ask for forgiveness.% !BAPTISM@ #{khrus/}$ [hon. {khrus gsol/}] ^Bib: a bath or washing: 1) baptism (Gr. baptisma) {yo ha nan gyi khrus/} John's baptism (Mt. 21:25), {'gyod tshangs kyi khrus/} a baptism of repentance (Mk. 1:4), {khrus gsol de'i sgo nas nga tsho khong dang mnyam du shi nas dur du bcug pa yin/} through baptism we were buried with him (Rom. 6:4), {gtso bo gcig,,/dad pa gcig,,/khrus gsol gcig} one lord, one faith, one baptism (Eph. 4:5); 2) washing: {chu gtsang mas lus khrus nas/} having our bodies washed with pure water (Heb. 10:22). ^Sec. {rma khrus ya/} washing of wounds (DPD). The honorific form {khrus gsol/} is not in common spoken use today, but could be appropriately used e.g. of washing by a high lama (AMD). See BAPTIZE, below. Cognates: {'khru 'khor/} washing machine.% !BAPTIST@ #{khrus gsol mkhan/}$ ^Bib: one who baptizes {khrus gsol mkhan yo ha nan/} John the Baptist (Mk. 6:14). !BAPTIZE@ 1) #{khrus/}$ [hon. {khrus gsol/} var. {'khrud gsol/}] ^Bib: wash; used in various verbal compounds to mean wash, bathe, or baptize: 1) ordinary washing: {lag pa khrus nas/} after washing hands (Mk. 7:2-4); 2) water baptism: {yor dan nang khrus blangs/} they were baptized in the Jordan River (Mt. 3:6); 3) baptism with the Holy Spirit: {khyed la dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi khrus gsol bar 'gyur/} you will be baptized with the Holy Spirit (Ac. 1:4), {khong gis khyed tshor dam pa'i thugs nyid dang me'i khrus gsol bar 'gyur ro/} He will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and with fire (Lk. 3:16). ^Bst. 1) {khrus bya ba/} a symbolic washing during a Bst. initiation (TRI 26); 2) {khrus gsol byed pa/} to wash or bathe images or their surroundings in a shrine, temple, or area holding ritual objects (TDC 287); 3) {khrus gsum byed pa/} "taking a threefold bath" - a tantric ritual (TRI 27); 4) {chu bo gang ga la khrus byed pa/} ritual washing in the waters of the Ganges (TRC 96). Cognates: 1) {khrus len/} or {khrus gsol len/} to take or receive baptism: {khrus len du 'ong ba'i mi tshogs/} the crowds who were coming to be baptized (Lk. 3:7), {nga tsho ye shu ma shi ka dang gcig tu gyur ba'i khrus gsol len tshad/} as many of us as were baptized into Christ Jesus (Rom. 6:3); 2) {khrus bzhes/} [hon. of {khrus len/}] to receive or take baptism: {sku khrus bzhes pa tsam gyis/} as soon as [Jesus] was baptized (Mt. 3:16); 3) {khrus gtong /} to baptize: {ngas chu'i khrus gtong gis/} I baptize you with water (Mt. 3:11), {yo ha nan gyis chu'i khrus btang /} John baptized with water (Ac. 11:16); 4) {khrus gnang /} [hon.] to give baptism: {ye shu nyid kyis khrus ma gnang bar/} Jesus himself was not baptizing (Jn. 4:1-2); 5) {khrus thob/} or {khrus gsol thob/} to receive or get baptism: {dad cing khrus thob pa rnams/} whoever believes and is baptized (Mk. 16:16), {pho mo thams cad la khrus gsol thob bo/} they were baptized, both men and women (Ac. 8:12); N.B. {khrus/} = bathing, washing, ablution; {'khrud/} p. {bkrus/} or {'khrus/} f. {bkru/}; imp. {khrus/} is the transitive verb "to wash". Alternate forms (according to older references) are {'khru/} and {khru/} .% 2) #{bsil/}$ [hon.] to wash: {phyag mi bsil ba mthong nas/} seeing that [Jesus] did not wash his hands. ^Bst. {phyag bsil gyi chu gtor bar mdzad/} [The Buddha] scattered handfuls of water (SGN 16). !BELIEF@ see also BELIEVE, FAITH 1) #{dad pa/}$ ^Bib: the state of believing or trusting in, faith: {bden pa nyid la dad/} belief in the truth (2 Thes. 2:13). Cognates: 1) {mi dad pa'i sems/} unbelief: {nga'i mi dad pa'i sems la skyabs mdzod cig} help my unbelief (Mk. 9:24), {ngas dad pa med par mi shes bzhin du/} acted in unbelief and ignorance (1 Tim. 1:13 SV); 2) {dad pa log pa/} perverse faith or unbelief: {tshod lta'i dus su dad pa log pa rnams yin no/} in the time of testing they are faithless (Lk. 8:13), {dad pa log 'jug pa/} to enter into unbelief or sin (Mt. 18:6).% 2) #{mos pa/}$ ^Bib: faith, belief, trust: {dkon mchog la mos pa'i sems/} a mind that trusts in God; godly (1 Tim. 6:3 SV). ^Bst. 1) {mos pa/} or belief is one of the fifty one factors making up mental consciousness (KBT 14); 2) a wish or mental inclination: {mos pa sna tshogs mkhyen pa'i stobs/} power of knowing various mental inclinations (KBT 76), {rang gi mos pa mang ba'i rgyu/} because of my many wishes (UCO 150); 3) esteem or trust: {'dul ba la mos pa/} esteem for the Vinaya scriptures (TRC 152), {dad mos/} devotion; 4) generated or believed in by the mind: {rang gi yid ngor mos pa'i dmigs rten/} a meditative object that is mentally imagined (TRC 199); 5) religion, faith: {mos pa 'dra min sna tshogs/} various faiths or religions (DLP 20). !BELIEVE@ 1) #{dad pa byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to believe, trust, or be devoted to superiors and supernatural beings; to trust in, commit oneself to: {sems sgyur la phrin bzang la dad pa byos shig} repent and believe the good news (Mk. 1:15), {thob zin pa la dad pa byos shig} believe that you have [already] received it (Mk. 11:24), {gsung rab dang ye shu'i bka' la dad par gyur/} [they] believed the Scriptures and Jesus' word (Jn. 2:22), {gtso bo ye shu la dad pa byos shig} believe in the Lord Jesus (Acts 16:31), {dad pa mi byed pa rnams/} those who do not believe (1 Pet. 2:7), {khyod ye shu la dad pa byed dam/} do you believe in Jesus? (DPD). 2) #{dad pa skye ba/}$ p. {skyes/} f. {skye/} [faith + born, arise] ^Bib: to have faith arise, e.g. as a result of a witnessed miracle, an experience, or of one's own thought: {dad pa skyed pa'i phrin gyi sgo nas/} by believing the message you heard (Gal. 3:2), {dad pa skyed pa thams cad kyi phar gyur/} he became the father of all who believe (Rom. 4:11 SV). ^Bst. to believe, also to create or induce belief: {dad pa skye ba'i phyir/} in order to produce [the quality of belief] in his disciples (SGN 16), {dad pa skyes nas sangs rgyas kyi zhabs la phyag 'tshal/} he believed, and did homage at the Buddha's feet (SGN 17-18), {sangs rgyas la dad pa skyes nas skyabs su bzung /} he believed in the Buddha and took refuge (SGN 18), {mo yang sangs rgyas dang /,,chos dang /,,dge 'dun la dad pa skyes/} she too believed in the Buddha, the doctrine and the monks (SGN 20). 3) #{yid ches byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} to believe or trust in humans or visible objects; usually of a less religious character than {dad pa/} but with some overlap in meaning: [e.g. compare {nga tsho yid ches 'ong /} (Mt. 27:42 RV) vs. {nga cag gis kho la dad pa byed par 'gyur/} (Mt. 27:42 SV) we will believe Jesus]. {'grub pa la the tshom med par yid ches na/} if, without doubting, [he] believes that it will be done (Mk. 11:23), {khyed kyis khong la ci'i phyir yid ma ches/} why didn't you believe him? (Mt. 21:25), {ngas zer na khyed kyis yid mi ches/} if I tell you, you will not believe me (Lk. 22:67). ^Bst. {sems kyi bde sdug myong tshor shugs che bar yid ches byed kyi yod/} I believe that mental suffering and happiness are the more acute (DLP 8), {yid ches 'os pa/} that which can be believed (AMD). !BELIEVER@ see also DISCIPLE 1) #{dad pa/}$ Many compounds of {dad pa/} are used in the NT to indicate those who believe or disbelieve in Christ: 1) {dad par gyur pa/} one who has come to faith: {dad par gyur pa'i ya hu da pa/} the Jews who had become believers (Ac. 10:45); 2) {gtso bo la dad pa/} one who believes in the Lord; 3) {dad ldan/} [faith + having] {dad ldan dang dad med la mtshungs pa ci yod/} what does a believer have in common with an unbeliever? (2 Cor 6:15); 4) {dad pa'i khyim tshang /} the household of the faith (Gal 6:10); 5) {dad pa byed pa/} [faith + do + person] believer: {dad pa byed pa rnams lhan du gnas shing /} all the believers were together (Ac. 2:44); 6) {dad pa'i grogs rnams/} the fellowship of believers (Gal. 6:10 SV); 7) {dad pa can/} believer: {dad pa can gyi phyir/} for believers (1 Cor. 14:22); 8) {dad med/} [lit. no faith] unbeliever: {ya hu da'i dad med rnams/} Jewish unbelievers (Rom 15:30-31), {dad pa med pa'i mi rnams/} unbelievers: (1 Cor. 6:6 SV); 9) {dad pa mi byed/} not believing: {dad pa mi byed mkhan zhig} an unbeliever (1 Cor. 7:12 SV).% 2) #{spun/}$ ^Bib: brother/sister: used metaphorically of Christian believers: {spun brgya dang nyi shu tsam/} about 120 believers (Ac. 1:15), {ya hu da pa yin pa'i spun tsho/} the Jewish believers (Ac. 11:2), {lha chos pa nas yin pa'i spun rnams/} Gentile believers (Ac. 15:23), {spun mo zhig gi khyo phyi pa yin te/} a sister who has an unbelieving husband (1 Cor. 7:13). ^Sec. siblings, brothers and sisters: {pha ma gnyis dang spun tshang ma/} my parents and all my siblings (DPD). 3) #{ma shi ka pa/}$ ^Bib: a Christian; occasionally used to express the idea "believer": {ma shi ka pa rnams dang mo reng ma rnams bos nas/} having called the believers and widows (Ac. 9:41), {dpon po ma shi ka pa yin/} [slave] masters who are believers (1 Tim. 6:2). 4) #{yid ches byed mkhan/}$ ^Bib: believer: {chos la yid ches byed mkhan/} those who believe in religion (DLP 16). Related Terms: 1) {nang pa/} [lit. inside person] a Buddhist: {nang pa'i grub mtha' smra ba tshang ma nang pa yin/} all who hold Buddhist tenets are Buddhists (TRC 94), {nang pa sangs rgyas pa/} a Buddhist (DLP 3), {nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos/} Buddhism (TRC 112), {bod kyi nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos lugs/} a Tibetan Buddhist (DLP 15); 2) {phyi pa/} [lit. outsider] a) an unbeliever, a Gentile: {spun zhig gi chung ma phyi pa yin te/} a brother who has a wife who is not a believer (1 Cor. 7:12), {phyi pa rnams kyi de dag las sems kyi nor rdzas kyi skal ba thob pa yin na/} if the Gentiles have shared in the Jews' spiritual blessings (Rom. 15:27 SV); b) believers in non-Bst. religions (AMD); 3) {log chos/} what one calls another who believes in a different religion (AMD); 4) {log pa/} one who used to believe but changes and now doesn't believe anymore (AMD).% !BIBLE@ see SCRIPTURE !BLASPHEMY@ see also ACCUSE, CURSE, FAULT, SLANDER 1) #{skur pa/}$ ^Bib: defamation, slander, accusation, blasphemy: {skur pa de khyed cag gis da lta thos yod/} now you have heard the blasphemy (Mt. 26:65). 2) #{skur pa 'debs/}$ p. {btab/} f. {gdab/} imp. {thob/} ^Bib: to speak falsely against, to defame, to accuse, blaspheme or slander: {'dis skur pa 'debs so/} this fellow is blaspheming (Mt. 9:3), {skur ba 'debs pa 'di khyed tshos thos/} you have heard this blasphemy (Mk. 14:64), {mo she dang dkon mchog la skur pa btab pa/} blasphemy against Moses and against God (Acts 6:11), {dkon mchog la skur pa 'debs so/} God's [name] is blasphemed (Rom. 2:24). ^Bst. {skur 'debs/} to defame someone or to assert that a Bst. doctrine is untrue (TRI 16). 3) #{smod/}$ p. {smad/} f. {smad/} imp. {smod/} ^Bib: to blaspheme, dishonor, or slander: {nga tsho'i lha mo la'ang ma smad do/} [they have] not blasphemed our goddess (Acts 19:37), {mi shes pa de la smad pas/} blaspheme in matters they do not understand (2 Pet. 2:12), {ngas yab la bstod pas khyed tshos nga la smad do/} I honor my Father and you dishonor me (Jn. 8:49), {ma shi ka pa'i spyod lam bzang por smad mkhan rnams/} those who slander Christians' good behavior (1 Pet. 3:16). !BLESS@ 1) #{byin gyis rlob pa/}$ p. {brlabs/} f. {brlab/} imp. {rlobs/} ^Bib: to bless: {phyag bzhag cing byin gyis brlabs/} put his hands on them and blessed them (Mk. 10:16), {yab kyis byin gyis brlabs pa khyed/} you who are blessed by [my] Father (Mt. 25:34), {sa gzhi'i khyim tshang thams cad byin gyis rlob par 'gyur/} all families of the earth will be blessed (Acts 3:25), {i sag gis ya kob dang e sab gnyis la byin gyis rlabs so/} Isaac . . blessed both Jacob and Esau (Heb. 11:20). ^Bst. see BLESSING. 2) #{byin rlabs gnang /}$ p. {gnang /} f. {gnang /} imp. {gnongs/} [hon.] ^Bib: to give a blessing: {shim on gyis khong tshor byin rlabs gnang nas/} then Simon blessed [gave blessing to] them (Lk. 2:34), {gtso bo dkon mchog gis khyod tshor byin rlabs gnang bar shog} the Lord bless you (2 Sam. 2:5 NTV). 3) #{byin rlabs gtong /}$ p. {btang /} f. {gtang /} imp. {thong /} or {thongs/} ^Bib: to bless: {gzhan gyis smad na nga tshos byin rlabs gtong /} when we are cursed, we bless (1 Cor. 4:12), {chen pos chung ngu la byin rlabs gtong ba/} the lesser person is blessed by the greater (Heb. 7:7), {byin rlabs thongs/} imperative form with alt. spelling {khyed rang la 'tshe ba rnams la smon log ma 'debs par byin brlabs thongs shig} bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Rom. 12:14). 4) #{byin rlabs mdzad/}$ p. {mdzad/} f. {mdzad/} imp. {mdzod/} ^Bib: to make blessed, bless: {byin rlabs mdzad pa'i ring la/} while [Jesus] was blessing them (Lk. 24:51). Related Terms: {phyag dbang gnang ba/} to bless by laying on hands (ETD 49).% !BLESSED@ 1) #{bde ba/}$ ^Bib: peace, contentment, safety, security, blessedness (AMD), state of beatitude or happiness: {da khyed kyi mig bde'o/,,/des mthong ngo /} blessed are your eyes because they see (Mt. 13:16), {nga la bde legs brjod par 'gyur/} from now on [all generations] will call me blessed (Lk. 1:48), {byed na khyed tsho bde'o/} you will be blessed if you do them (Jn. 13:17), {len pa bas spyin pa bde'o/} it is more blessed to give than to receive (Ac. 20:35), {mdo 'di'i lung bstan rnams srung ba de bde legs so/} Blessed is he who keeps the words of the prophecy in this book. (Rev. 22:7). ^Bst. {bde ba/} bliss (KBT 104), {yid mi bde ba/} unhappiness (KBT 36), {zhi ba'i bde ba/} the blessing of peace (TRC 166), {tshe phyi ma bde ba/} happiness in future lives (TRC 245), {bde 'gro/} "those gone to the fortunate destinies", i.e. those who are reborn as gods, demigods, or men (TRI 141). Cognates: 1) {bde skyid/} happiness; 2) {zhi bde/} peace; 3) {bde sdug} happiness and suffering; 4) {bde ba can/} one of the Bst. heavens; see HEAVEN; 5) {bde chen/} great bliss; 6) {stabs bde ba/} convenient (TRC 199).% 2) #{bkra shis/}$ ^Bib: blessedness: {dkon mchog gis thar bar brtsis pa'i mi la bkra shis/} the blessedness of the man whom God reckons as saved (Rom. 4:6), {sdug sran byed pa rnams la nga tshos bkra shis brjod/} we call blessed those who have endured (Jas. 5:11), {bkra shis pa yin pa khyod bde bar gyur cig} Greetings, blessed one (Lk. 1:28 SV). ^Bst. lucky, auspicious: {bkra shis rdzas brgyad/} the eight auspicious articles (CNG 105), {bkra shis lhun po/} Tashilhunpo monastery in Shigatse, {bkra shis bde legs/} Tashi Delek (common greeting). !BLESSING@ 1) #{byin rlabs/}$ ^Bib: blessing: {ma shi ka'i byin rlabs/} the blessing of Christ (Rom. 15:29 SV), {ab ra ham la gnang ba'i byin rlabs/} the blessing given to Abraham (Gal. 3:14 SV). ^Bst. a term for religious power, as opposed to ordinary power {nus pa/} (AMD): 1) empowerment through speech, tantric teaching, or meritorious acts e.g. counting prayer beads (KTM): {byin rlabs 'pho ba'i dbang bskur/} the initiation that transfers spiritual power (BLI 351), {sngags phyag rgya ting nge 'dzin gsum gyis byin gyis brlabs/} the blessing of mantras, mudras, and samadhi, or one-pointedness (BLI 344). Such power may also be resident in blessed objects, e.g. if a high lama gives one a pen, that object has {byin rlabs/} (AMD); 2) the Buddha is believed to convey blessings: {byin gyis brlabs pa'i bka'/} the blessed words of the Buddha (TRI 185), {byin rlabs bzhi/} the four blessings: {bden pa/} truth, {gtong ba/} giving, {nye bar zhi ba/} ultimate peace, {shes rab/} wisdom (TRI 185). Even animals may be blessed by the Buddha, as in the story of a wandering pig that died near a stupa {mchod rten/} and through the Buddha' blessing was reborn as a desire realm god (JPG 209). Cognates: 1) {byin can/} holy, sacred; 2) {byin nus/} blessing.% 2) #{shis rjod/}$ [lit. spoken blessing, benediction] ^Bib: {shis rjod 'di ya hu da pa'i rtags ldan pa la yin nam/} is this blessedness only for the circumcised? (Rom. 4:9). ^Bst. 1) to recite auspicious verses at the conclusion of a ceremony (TRI 273); 2) in spoken language {shis rjod/} implies blessing with the connotation of prayer for the one blessed, e.g. a lama may bless a soldier for success in battle, or a newborn child for a good life (AMD). !BODDHICITTA@ see ENLIGHTENMENT !BODDHISATTVA@ see ENLIGHTENMENT !BODY@ see also FLESH 1) #{lus/}$ ^Bib: a living body: 1) physical body: {'chi bar 'dren pa'i lus 'di las nga sus sgrol/} who will rescue me from this body of death? (Rom. 7:24), {lus nang yod dus su byas pa'i las/} the works done while in the body (2 Cor. 5:10), {mig ni lus kyi mar me yin/} the eye is the lamp of the body (Mt. 6:22), 2) resurrection body: {'byung bzhi'i lus shig 'debs nas sems nyid kyi lus shig lang ngo /} it is sown a natural body, it is raised a spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:44), {lus hril po dmyal bar dbyug pa/} for the whole body to be thrown into hell (Mt. 5:29); 3) Christ's body: {'di ni nga'i lus yin/} this is my body (Mt. 26:26), {nga tsho mang po yin kyang ma shi ka'i nang na lus gcig yin pas/} though we are many, in Christ we are one body (Rom. 12:5). ^Bst. In Bsm. the body is a separate entity from the mind or spirit, and ultimate happiness requires transcending its limitations [compare NT concept of resurrection body]. The term {lus/} refers to the bodies of: 1) humans: {lus kyi yan lag lnga/} the five members of the body (CNG 60), {rang gi sku lus yongs rdzogs keng rus lta bur gyur kyang /} though [the Buddha's] whole body ({sku lus/}) became like a skeleton (SGN 9), {lus ngag yid gsum/} body, speech, and mind (DLP 18), {sems dang lus po rang rang so so red/} mind and body are separate (KPU 5), {lus dang sems gnyis/} body and mind (TRC 202); 2) gods: {lha dang mi'i lus rten phun sum tshogs pa zhig 'thob pa la/} to obtain the desirable body of a man or a god (TRC 165); 3) hell beings: {yi dwags kyi lus blangs nas/} taking the body of a preta i.e. born as a tantalized ghost in the hell realm (TRC 260); 4) animals: {rma bya'i lus/} the body of a peacock (KPU 35); 5) bodies of dream or meditational states: {sgyu lus rmi lam gyi dbang /} a mahayana doctrine called the "dream state of the illusory body" (TRC 137). Proverbs: {zhim tshad ma za 'jam tshad ma gyon cig,,,kha lus gnyis kyis sdug la sbyar yong ngo /} don't eat all the good food or wear all the good clothes; you might become a slave to the mouth and body (KPU 24). Cognates: 1) {lus dkyil/} body mandala - a tantric visualization practice (TRI 269); 2) {lus sa la phab ste/} prostrating himself (SGN 15); 3) {lus zha bo/} a cripple (TRC 5); 4) {lus kyi dka' thub/} bodily austerities (practiced by ascetics) (TRC 96); 4) {lus khams bde srung gi bya ba/} health care (BFT 21).% 2) #{ro/}$ [hon. {spur/}] ^Bib: a corpse, dead body: 1) a dead body: {lus ro dang 'dra ba/} his body was like a corpse [as good as dead] (Rom. 4:19), {sems dang bral ba'i lus ro yin pa ltar/} as the body without the spirit is dead (Jas. 2:26), {ro yod sar bya rgod 'khor ro/} at the place where there is a dead body, the vultures will gather (Lk. 17:37), {spur khyer te dur du bcug} [John's disciples] took his body and buried it (Mt. 14:12), {ye shu'i spur/} Jesus' body (Mt. 27:58); 2) figuratively dead: {bka' khrims med pa yin na sdig pa ro ltar yin/} without the law, sin is dead [lit. like a dead body] (Rom. 7:8). ^Bst. modern spoken term for a corpse (AMD): {bden zhen ro rgan zhen med me la sregs/} cremate that old corpse of clinging to things as real in the fire of nonattachment (HTE 186), {mi shi ba'i ro zhig} the body of a dead man (SGN 7). Tantric adepts claim to be able to transfer their consciousness into the body of a dead person, a process called {grong 'jug} (TRI 40). Proverbs: {tshwa kha'i khyi ro mtha' ma tshwa la 'gro/} even the corpse of a dead dog turns to salt in a salt lake (KPU 12) i.e. if a student remains in school long enough, he will become educated no matter how dull he is. Cognates: 1) {me ro/} [fire + corpse] embers; 2) {ro sgam/} coffin; 3) {ro lang /} the spirit of a dead person returned to earth = a ghost; also a spirit which occupies a dead body (TRI 263); 4) {ro langs rgyag pa/} to restore: {ro langs rgyag pa'i rgyal rabs/} the restored monarchy (SBC-1, p. 61).% 3) #{sha/}$ [hon. {sku sha/}] ^Bib: meat, flesh: {lam de ni gsar pa dang gson po yol ba yang na khong rang gi sku sha'i sgo nas nged kyi don du bkod pa yin/} by a new and living way opened for us through the curtain, that is, his body (Heb. 10:20 SV). ^Bst. flesh: {sems can bsad pa'i sha khrag gis mchod sbyin byed pa/} to offer the flesh of slaughtered animals (TRC 96), {de bsad nas nya sha bzas/} after killing it, ate the fish flesh (TRC 259), {sha za/} flesh-eater, a type of hell-being (TRI 272), {sha rigs/} meat (SLR 11). 4) #{sku/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: body: {nged rnams khong gi sku'i yan lag yin/} we are members of his body (Eph. 5:30 SV). ^Bst. The Buddha is believed to have three mystical bodies: 1) {chos kyi sku/} the body of the dharma or truth, which can only be perceived by other Buddhas; 2) {longs spyod rdzogs pa'i sku/} the enjoyment body, which can only be seen by boddhisattvas; and 3) {sprul pa'i sku/} emanation bodies, which can be seen by humans (DMP 244; JPG 557). {sku'i yon tan/} the virtues of [the Buddha's] body (TRC 74), {sku gsung thugs gsum/} the body, speech and mind of the Buddha (TRC 75) cf. {lus ngag yid gsum/} under {lus/} above, {sprul sku/} emanation body of a Buddha (see APPEAR). 5) #{phung po/}$ [lit. heap] ^Bib: corpse, body: {gcan gzan rnams las phung po'i rus pa de tshor srung skyob byas pa red/} guarded the bodies from wild animals (2 Sam. 21:10 NTV). ^Bst. {phung po lnga/} the five elements [Skt. skandhas] which make up human consciousness (form, feeling, perception, compositional factors, and consciousness). ^Sec. dead body {dur khung la phung po bcug pa/} to put a body into a grave (DPD). 6) #{gzugs/}$ ^Bib: {dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs nang bzhin sa bon re re la rang gi gshis bzhin gzugs re gnang ngo /} according to God's will, to each seed is given its own kind of body (1 Cor. 15:38). ^Bst. 1) body in the sense of shape or outward form; e.g. used of a woman's figure (AMD); {so so'i gzugs po'i babs/} circumstances of individual body structure (TRC 198); 2) form: {gzugs kyi phung po/} form aggregates - the set of conditions that create human life (KBT 11), see also FLESH, {gzugs khams/} the form realm (one of several in Bst. cosmology) see WORLD. !BUDDHA@ #{sangs rgyas/}$ title given to the founder of Buddhism, whose personal name was {don drub/} [Skt. Siddhartha] or "one who accomplishes his purpose"; later known as {rgyal sras don drub/} Prince Siddhartha; and after his enlightenment, {sangs rgyas/} . The Buddha lived at roughly the same time as Jesus' ancestor Zerubbabel and Cyrus the Persian; his life probably began before and ended after the rebuilding of the Temple in Jerusalem. Honorific titles attached to him and to his non-historical counterparts include: {kun mkhyen/} all-knowing, {kun tu bzang po/} good to all, {rkang gnyis gtso bo/} lord of men, {sku gsum pa/} three-bodied, {khyab bdag} all-pervading, {rgyal ba/} conqueror, {mngon shes drug ldan/} possessor of the six foreknowledges, {bcom ldan 'das/} transcendent victor, {chags 'joms/} desire-subduer, {'jig rten 'dul/} world-tamer, {ston pa/} teacher, {stobs bcu ba/} having ten powers, {thams cad mkhyen/} all-perceiving, {thams cad sgrol/} all-saving, {thams cad rtogs/} all-knowing, {thams cad gzigs/} all-seeing, {dus gsum mkhyen/} knowing the three times, {bdud 'dul/} devil-subduer, {bde gshegs/} gone to nirvana, {sangs rgyas dkon mchog} Buddha jewel; portion of the triple refuge. Non-historical Buddhas include {'jam dpal/} Manjushri, {spyan ras gzigs/} Chenresi, {phyag na rdo rje/} Vajrapani. !BUDDHISM@ 1) #{chos/}$ [lit. religion] 1) Buddhism in general; believed to have begun in the 6th century BC. By 100 AD it separated into the so-called Hinayana ({theg dman/}) and Mahayana ({theg chen/}) schools, the latter marked by belief in Buddhist saints called boddhisattvas ({byang chub sems dpa'/}), a dual standard of truth ({bden pa gnyis/}), and multiple Buddhas. The seventh century saw developments in tantra ({rgyud/}), yoga ({rnal 'byor/}), as well as interaction with the native Tibetan religion ({bon/}), produce a uniquely Tibetan Buddhism ({bod brgyud sangs rgyas chos lugs/} (MHP 7). {nang pa'i chos/} [lit. inside + person + religion] or {nang pa'i chos lugs/} Buddhism (DLP 19), {nang pa'i chos lugs su 'jig rten bkod pa po med pa/} in Buddhism there is no Creator (DLP 20); 2) used in a more general sense to mean religion: {ye shu'i chos/} or {ye shu'i chos lugs/} Christianity, {ya hu da pa'i chos/} Judaism. 2) #{nang bstan/}$ Buddhism {nang bstan mthun tshogs/} Tibetan Buddhist Association (SLR 16). Related Terms: 1) {nang pa/} Buddhist {nang pa sangs rgyas pa zer ba 'di gang 'dras shig la zer gyi yod pa red/} what sort of person is called "a Buddhist"? (TRC 73), {nang pa'i grub mtha'/} a holder of Buddhist tenets (TRC 94); 2) {phyi pa/} [lit. outsider] non-Buddhist.% !CAIN@ see also ABEL #{ka yin/}$ ^Bib: brother of Abel: {ka yin zhing pa byas so/} Cain worked the soil (Gen. 4:2). !CHRIST@ see also ANOINT, ANTICHRIST, LORD, JESUS CHRIST, SON OF MAN, TEACHER 1) #{ma shi ka/}$ [Heb. mashiach, Gr. christos] ^Bib: Jesus Christ was born about 500 years after Siddartha Gautama; and about 700 years before the appearance of Tibetan Bsm. 1) a title for the Messiah: {ma shi ka dang mjal byung /} we have found the messiah (Jn. 1:41), {gtso bo dang khong gi ma shi ka'i rgyal srid/} the kingdom of the lord and of his Christ (Rev. 11:15); 2) Jesus Christ: {ye shu ma shi ka/} Jesus Christ (Mt. 1:1), sometimes reversed in form: {ma shi ka ye shu'i bstan pa'i skor la nyan to/} [Felix] listened to the teaching about Christ Jesus (Acts 24:24), {dkon mchog sku'i rnam par ma shi ka'i nang bzhugs so/} for in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form (Col. 2:9), {ma shi ka sku gson por bzheng ba/} the resurrection of the Christ (Acts 2:31). Scriptural names of Christ include: {thog ma dang mtha' ma/} [lit. beginning and end] Alpha and Omega (Rev. 1:8), {tshe'i bag leb/} Bread of Life (Jn. 6:35), {lug rdzi bzang po/} Good Shepherd (Jn. 10:11), {skye bu dam pa/} Holy One (Ac. 3:14), {im ma nu el/} Immanuel (Is. 7:14), {ya hu da pa'i rgyal po/} King of the Jews (Mt. 2:2), {rgyal po rnams kyi rgyal po/} King of kings (1 Tim. 6:15), {dkon mchog gi lug gu/} Lamb of God (Jn. 1:29), {'jig rten gyi 'od/} Light of the World (Jn. 8:12), {yu da'i sde'i seng ge/} Lion of the Tribe of Judah (Rev. 5:5), {gzi brjid kyi gtso bo/} Lord of Glory (1 Cor. 2:8), {gtso bo rnams kyi gtso bo/} Lord of Lords (1 Tim. 6:15), {zhi bde'i rgyal po/} Prince of Peace (Is. 9:6), {thugs nyid kyi brag} [spiritual] Rock (1 Cor. 10:4), {skyabs mgon/} Savior (Luke 2:11), {da bid kyi sras/} Son of David (Mt. 1:1), {mi'i bu/} Son of Man (Mt. 16:27), {bka'/} The Word (Jn. 1:1), {dkon mchog gi bka'/} Word of God (Rev. 19:3). 2) #{mi seb ya/}$ Ch. Messiah (JFS). !CHRISTIAN@ #{ma shi ka pa/}$ [lit. messiah + person; written form] ^Bib: a Christian, a follower of Jesus Christ: {nye gnas rnams la ma shi ka pa zhes pa'i ming thog mar an ti yog tu thogs so/} the disciples were called Christians first at Antioch (Acts 11:26), {khyod kyis nga ma shi ka pa bzo bar bsam mam/} do you think that you will make me a Christian? (Acts 26:28), {ma shi ka pa yin pa'i don du sdug bsngal 'byung na/} if you suffer as a Christian (1 Pet. 4:16). ^Sec. modern spoken and written forms include {ye shu pa/} (DPD) and {ye shu'i chos lugs pa/}. Related Terms: 1) Christian (adj.) {ye shu'i sman khang /} a Christian hospital (DPD), 2) {ye shu'i chos/} Christianity (DLP 20), 3) {ye shu chos lugs/} Christianity.% !CHURCH@ #{chos tshogs/}$ [lit. religion + assembly] ^Bib: religious gathering: 1) local bodies of Christian believers (the church): {chos tshogs bsdus te/} they gathered the church together (Acts 15:30), {de dag gi khim la mdzom pa'i chos tshogs/} the church that meets at their house (Rom. 16:5), {ye ru sha lem na yod pa'i chos tshogs la 'tshe ba drag po byung bas/} a great persecution broke out against the church at Jerusalem (Acts 8:1); 2) all who believe in Christ (the Church): {chos tshogs ni ma shi ka'i 'bangs yin pa ltar/} as the church submits to Christ (Eph. 5:24). Various workers in the church are described as follows: {lung ston pa dang /,,mkhas pa dang /,,mkhan po/} prophets and wise men and teachers (Mt. 23:34), {lung ston pa dang slob dpon rnams/} prophets and teachers (Acts 13:1), {dang por sku tshab/,,gnyis par lung ston pa/,,gsum par slob dpon/,,de nas ltas ston pa/,,nad gso ba'i gnang sbyin/,,rogs ram/,,mgo skyong /,,skad rigs so so 'byung ngo /} first of all apostles, second prophets, third teachers, then workers of miracles, also those having gifts of healing, those able to help others, those with gifts of administration, and those speaking in different kinds of tongues (1 Cor. 12:28), {la lar sku tshab/,,la lar lung ston pa/,,la lar phrin bzang 'chad pa/,,la lar rdzi bo'am slob dpon/} some to be apostles, some to be prophets, some to be evangelists, and some to be pastors and teachers (Eph. 4:11), {dam pa dang lung ston pa rnams/} saints and prophets (Rev. 16:6). ^Bst. 1) {chos tshogs/} refers to an assembly of monks chanting the Bst. scriptures (AMD); 2) {dge 'dun dkon mchog} the monk body is one element of the Bst. triple refuge: the sangha (KBT 47), {dge 'dun pa rnams/} the monks, the sangha (TRC 50). Geshe Lhundup Sopa describes the Sangha as: {dge 'dun dkon mchog mchog la'ang /,,don dam pa dang kun rdzob pa'i dge 'dun dkon mchog gnyis su dbye ba yod/,,don dam pa'i dge 'dun dkon mchog zer ba ni/,,lam gyi bden pa dang /,,'gog pa'i bden pa ci rigs dang ldan pa'i theg pa gsum gyi 'phags pa'i gang zag ngo ma de tsho red/,,kun rdzob pa'i dge 'dun ni/,,bsnyen rdzogs kyi sdom pa dang ldan pa'i so so skye bo'i dge slong bzhi yan chad tshogs pa'i tshogs pa rnams la kun rdzob ba'i dge 'dun zhu gi yod pa red/,,dkon mchog gsum so so'i ngo bo rags rim tsam ngos bzung ba de tsam red/} the Sangha is also divided into ultimate and conventional. The ultimate Sangha Jewel are individuals of the three vehicles endowed with the Truth of the Path and the Truth of Cessation. The conventional Sangha is an assembly of from four monks on up, ordinary individuals who possess the vow of a bhiksu; this is called the Sangha which is conventional. To identify only roughly the nature of each of the Three Jewels is just the above (TRC 75). ^Sec. {chos tshogs/} the Christian Church {smyo ham che ba'i log spyod chos tshogs/} the ferociously reactionary church (SBC-1, p. 62). !CIRCUMCISE@ (CIRCUMCISION) #{mdun lpags gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} imp. {chod/} [lit. fore + skin + cut] ^Bib: to give the covenant sign of the Jews: {zhag brgyad pa la byis pa'i mdun lpags gcod du 'ongs nas/} on the eighth day they came to circumcise the child (Lk. 1:59), {mdun lpags gcod pa'i srung bya/} the custom of circumcising (Acts 7:8), {kho'i mdun lpags bcad do/} he circumcised him (Acts 16:3). Euphemisms for circumcis(ed)(ion) include: 1) {gcod pa/} cut {gcod pa'i phan ci 'dug} what value is there in circumcision? (Rom. 3:1 SV), {gcod pa dang ldan pa rnams kyi pha/} the father of the circumcised (Rom. 4:12 SV); 2) {ya hu da pa/} for those who are circumcised: {dad par gyur pa'i ya hu da pa rnams/} the circumcised believers (Acts 10:45); 3) {rtags/} [lit. sign or mark] {ya hu da pa'i rtags phan no/} circumcision has value (Rom. 2:25), {lus khar rtags med kyang bka' khrims srung ba/} the one who does not have physical circumcision but keeps the Law (Rom. 2:27), {rtags len pa thams cad/} all who take circumcision (Gal. 5:3). Related Terms: 1) {phyi pa/} [lit. "outsider"] for uncircumcised {khyed ci la phyi pa rnams kyi rtsar song /} why did you go to the place of uncircumcised men? (Acts 11:3). see BELIEVER; 2) {'doms pags gcod pa/} circumcise (ETD 69).% !CLEAN@ see also ABOMINATION, HOLY, RIGHTEOUS(NESS) 1) #{gtsang ba/}$ ^Bib: to be clean or pure: 1) physically clean: {ras gtsang ma/} clean cloth (Mt. 27:59), {lag pa mi gtsang ba/} unwashed hands (Mk. 7:2-4); 2) ceremonially clean: {kha zas thams cad gtsang ma yin par bstan to/} he taught that all foods were clean (Mk. 7:19), {ngas kha zas phal pa dang mi gtsang ba nam yang ma zos/} I have never eaten anything common or unclean (Acts 10:14). ^Bst. 1) physically clean: something which is {gtsang ma/} is free of dirt or bad smells. It includes clean people {mi gtsang ma/} a person of good appearance (KTM) [or one who is honest (AMD)], {sa cha gtsang ma/} clean or beautiful places (e.g. Tibet), or things, (e.g. a wind that is clean and crisp (KTM). {sman khang de'i nang la nyal khri dang nyal chas gtsang ma 'dug} the beds and facilities in that hospital were clean (DPD), {mi gtsang ba'i dri ma ngan pa/} a bad smell of uncleanness (TRC 270), {khor yug mi gtsang ba/} a polluted environment (SLR 14); 2) pure, free from moral faults: {spyod pa gtsang ma/} pure habits or practices (KTM), {dam tshig gtsang ma'i mi/} one who follows his commitments (KPU 11), {mi gtsang ba la gtsang bar 'dzin pa/} apprehending the unclean as clean (TRC 284). ^Sec. {gtsang sbra/} public sanitation (SLR 14). Proverbs: {dam tshig gtsang chu bzhin du gtsang gcig dgos/} your commitment should be as pure as the River Tsangpo (KPU 3). Cognates: 1) {rgyal po zas gtsang /} King Setsang [lit. "clean food"] father of the Buddha (SGN 1); 2) {dri ma/} blemish; 3) {nyes pa/} moral fault or offense; 4) {skyon/} fault (KTM).% 2) #{gtsang bar byed/}$ [hon. {mdzad/}] [lit. clean + do] ^Bib: to clean or make clean: {ma shi ka'i bka' dang chu'i khrus kyis chos tshogs gtsang bar mdzad do/} making the church clean by means of washing with water and Christ's word (Eph. 5:26-27). 3) #{dag}$ [var. {'dag}] ^Bib: to be pure or clean, be washed clean: {ngas smras pa'i bka' yis khyed dag pa yin/} you are already clean because of the word I have spoken to you (Jn. 15:3), {rang gi sngar kyi sdig pa 'dag pa de brjed do/} [he] has forgotten that he was cleansed from his past sins (2 Pet. 1:9). ^Bst. pure, without adulteration: {btang snyoms yongs su dag pa/} pure equanimity (KBT 105), {dran pa yongs su dag pa/} pure mindfulness (KBT 105), {dag pa bzhi/} the four total purities: {lus dag pa/} pure body, {dmigs pa dag pa/} pure objectives, {sems dag pa/} pure mind, {ye shes dag pa/} pure wisdom (TRI 130). See also JUSTIFICATION, RIGHTEOUS(NESS), PERFECTION. Cognates: {dag par byed/} to clean {mdze can dag par byos/} cleanse those who have leprosy (Mt. 10:8), {sngar phor pa dang sder ma'i nang dag par byos/} first clean inside the bowl and the dish (Mt. 23:26).% 4) #{sbyong /}$ p. {sbyangs/} f. {sbyang /} imp. {sbyongs/} to wash, to clean {chu'i khrus kyis de sbyangs nas/} made clean by washing with water (Eph. 5:26 SV). 5) #{dri ma med pa/}$ [lit. spotless] ^Bib: completely pure or clean, holy: {na bza' dri ma med pa/} clean clothing (Rev. 15:6 SV), {ka shi ka dkar po dri ma med pa gon pa rnams/} dressed in fine linen, white and clean (Rev. 19:14 SV), {dkon mchog gi sras dri ma med par/} children of God without fault (Phil. 2:15). ^Bst. 1) {dri ma med pa/} is one of the names given to the Buddha. It suggests that the mind of Buddha is completely and utterly pure and without any defilement (KTM); 2) unadulterated: {sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa dri ma med pa/} the pure teaching of the Buddha (TCR 153), {bka' gdams pa'i bzhed srol dri ma med pa/} the pure system of the Kadampas (TRC 139), {rgya gar gyi nang bstan dri ma med pa/} pure Indian Buddhist teachings (MLP 320); 3) spotless or stainless: {dri ma med pa/} one of the ten boddhisattva grounds: the "stainless ground" (TRI 137); 4) free from defilement: {dri ma med pa/,,dri ma dang bral ba med pa/} no defilement and no separation from defilement (HSU 167). Related Terms: {grib/} contamination, defilement, pollution; usually in moral or religious sense {mi'i khog pa'i nang nas 'thon pa des grib can byed/} what comes out of a man is what makes him 'unclean.' (Mk. 7:20).% !COMMANDMENT@ see also SCRIPTURE 1) #{bka'/}$ [lit. word, law] ^Bib: order, command of someone in authority, commandment: {dkon mchog gi bka' dang tshul khrims/} God's commandments and regulations (Lk. 1:6), {bka' rnams khyod kyis shes so/} you know the commandments (Lk. 18:20), {bka' khrims ni dam pa yin te/,,bka' ni dam pa/} the law is holy, and the commandment is holy (Rom. 7:12), {bka' khrims kyi bka' re re/} every commandment of the law (Heb. 9:19), {dkon mchog gi bka' srung /} those who obey God's commandments (Rev. 12:17), {bka' bcu/} Ten Commandments. ^Bst. {bka'/} is the speech or authoritative teaching of the Buddha or his successors, especially as recorded in the Bst. scriptures: {sangs rgyas kyi bka'/} the scriptures of the Buddha (TRC 75). see SCRIPTURE. Cognates: 1) {bka' brgyud pa/} Kagyupa: one of the four major schools of Tibetan Bsm. (TRC 135); 2) {bka' gdams pa/} Kadampa: precursor of the Gelugpa school (TRC 135); 3) {bka' shog} a letter of request (KPU 4); 4) {bka' lung /} oral transmission, prophecy, prediction (TRI 13) also the Tibetan title of the Book of Deuteronomy; 5) {bka' bsdu gsum/} the three Bst. councils recognized by Tibetan Bsts (TRI 13).% 2) #{bka' rgya/}$ ^Bib: commandment: {bka' rgya rnams srungs shig} obey the commandments (Mt. 19:17), {bka' khrims kyi nang na bka' rgya che shos/} the greatest commandment in the law (Mt. 22:36), {bka' rgya 'di gnyis la bka' khrims thams cad dang lung ston pa rnams rag lus pa yin/} on these two commandments depend all the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 22:40). ^Bst. {bka' rgya ma/} secret (i.e. tantric) instruction (TRC 51). 3) #{bka' khrims/}$ [lit. word + law] ^Bib: commandment, law: {bka' khrims chung shos/} the least of the commandments (Mt. 5:19), {bka' khrims bzhin/} according to the commandment (Lk. 23:56). 4) #{tshul khrims/}$ ^Bib: regulations, moral law: {dkon mchog gi bka' dang tshul khrims/} God's commandments and regulations (Lk. 1:6), {tshul khrims pa/} a righteous man (i.e. one who keeps the moral law) (Mt. 10:41), {dad pa'i sgo nas ma btsal bar/,,tshul khrims kyi sgo nas btsal bas/} because they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works (Rom. 9:32). ^Bst. ethics, lawful conduct, moral discipline: {tshul khrims kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of ethical discipline (KBT 65), {mi dge bcu spong ba'i tshul khrims/} lawful conduct which avoids the ten non-virtues (TRC 246), {bslab gsum zer yag de tshul khrims/,,ting nge 'dzin/,,shes rab kyi bslab pa/} the three disciplines are the disciplines of lawful conduct, meditation, and understanding (TRC 257), {tshul khrims bsrung ba/} to observe moral behavior (GSL 22). 5) #{gdams ngag}$ ^Bib: advice, counsel: {mi'i gdams ngag dang bstan pa/} human commands and teachings (Col. 2:22 SV). ^Bst. the spiritual practice instructions which a Bst. teacher gives to his disciple: {gdams ngag dang slob dpon gyi sgo nas ming btags pa/} [named] by way of their practice instructions or a teacher (TRC 135), {theg chen 'pho ba'i gdams ngag ni/} instructions on mahayana transference (UCO 149), {bdag 'dzin 'dul ba'i gdams ngag} instructions for controlling self-grasping (UCO 150). Related Terms: {chos khrims/} rules of conduct in a monastery.% !COMMUNISM@ #{gung bran ring lugs/}$ [Ch; var. {dmar po'i ring ring lugs/}] communism. After Buddhism, the ideological and spiritual system having the greatest impact upon the life and culture of modern Tibetans. The term {gung bran/} (communist) is a Chinese loan word; {spyi tshogs ring lugs/} [lit. general + together + "ism" = socialism] is perhaps more commonly used. !COMPASSION@ see also GRACE, KINDNESS, LOVE, MERCY 1) #{snying rje/}$ [hon. {thugs rje/}] ^Bib: 1) compassion: {za rgyu med pas nga snying rje'o/} because they have [had] nothing to eat, I have compassion [for them] (Mk. 8:2), {ngas thugs brtse dgongs pa de la thugs brtse bya/,,snying rje dgongs pa de la snying rje bya'o/} I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion (Rom. 9:15), {snying rje dang sha tsha/} compassion and affection (Phil. 2:1), {snying rje dang bka' drin/} compassion and kindness (Col. 3:12), {gtso bo ni byams mgon thugs rje can yin/} the Lord is compassionate (Jas. 5:11 SV); 2) mercy: {snying rje can yin na/} if [one's gift is] showing mercy (Rom. 12:8); 3) kindness {khong gi thugs rje dang /,,thugs bzod dang /,,thugs sna ring ba/} [God's] kindness, tolerance and patience (Rom. 2:4). ^Bst. a mental attitude of sympathy towards the suffering of people or animals: {skyes bu chen po zer ba 'dis sems can thams cad la byams pa dang /,,snying rje'i bsam pa sbyangs/} the great individual practices the thought of love and compassion to all living creatures (TRC 218). It may be divided into: 1) compassion felt in the actual presence of suffering: {sems can la dmigs pa'i snying rje/} compassion aroused by the sight of suffering beings; and 2) general compassion for all suffering beings: {dmigs med la dmigs pa'i snying rje/} (CNG 17). Boundless compassion {snying rje tshad med/} (SGN 7) is an attribute of the Buddha and great boddhisattvas: {snying rje'i dbang gis de yi sdig pa rnams/,,bdag la len pa rgyal sras lag len yin/} with the power of compassion, take [his] faults on yourself - this is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 14). In modern Bst. writing, compassion is exalted as the basis of world peace: {snying rje ni 'dzam gling zhi bde'i ka ba yin/} compassion is the pillar of world peace (DLP 4) and its absence is the cause of {snying rje bral ba'i gtor/} inhuman destruction (DLP 7). {byams brtse dang snying rje byung bar dga' tshor mi byed mkhan su yang med/} there is no one who does not appreciate love and compassion (DLP 15). The present Dalai Lama distinguishes love, kindness, compassion, and altruism as follows: {ngos kyis snying rje zhes pa'i go don gsal tsam zhig brjod rgyur/,,skye bo gang zhig gis shin tu dbul zhing phongs pa'i mi zhig la ya nga ba dang /,,snying rje skye ba'i skabs su/,,gang gis dbul phongs de la gdung sems mnyam skyed kyi rnam 'gyur 'don gyi yod cing /,,de ni snying rje skye yul pho mo gang rung ba de dbul phongs yin pa'i rgyu mtshan la brten nas byung ba yin/,,de bas na skye bo de'i snying rje de ni gzhan phan sems khur gyi gzhi rtsar brten pa zhig yin/,,phyogs gzhan zhig gi cha nas/,,rang gi chung ma'am/,,khyo bo/,,bu phrug,,yang na nye ba'i mdza' grogs bcas la brtse sems skye ba ni chags zhen gyi gzhi las byung ba yin/,,gang gi chags zhen de la 'gyur ba 'gro skabs su de'i byams sems la'ang 'gyur ba 'gro ba ma zad/,,byams sems de nyams brlag tu 'gro ba'ang yong srid/,,'di ni brtse sems ngo ma ma yin/,,brtse sems ngo ma ni chags zhen gyi gzhi las byung ba ma yin par/,,gzhan phan gyi sems skyed 'ba' zhig la brten nas byung ba yin/,,skabs don 'di'i thad la/,,'gro ba sems can mtha' dag ji tsam sdug bsngal gyis mnar bzhin yod pa de tsam du rang gis gzhan la phan pa sgrub pa'i sems 'khur bskyed pa yin na/,,rang nyid kyi snying rje nyams skyon med par rgyun gnas thub ba yin/} Let me define what I mean by compassion ({snying rje/}). When you have pity {ya nga ba/} or compassion {snying rje/} for a very poor person, you are showing sympathy because he or she is poor; your compassion is based on altruistic {gzhan phan sems/} considerations. On the other hand, love {brtse sems/} towards your wife, your husband, your children, or a close friend is usually based on attachment {chags zhen/}. When your attachment changes, your kindness {byams sems/} also changes; it may disappear. This is not true love {brtse sems ngo ma/}. Real love {brtse sems ngo ma/} is not based on attachment {chags zhen/}, but on altruism {gzhan phan gyi sems/}. In this case your compassion will remain as a humane response to suffering as long as beings continue to suffer (DLP 13-14). Proverbs: {mi ngan rtsa med bzos kyang rung /,,de 'dra'i mi la snying rje lta dgos med/} evil criminals can be done away with; you cannot have compassion on such men (KPU 11). 2) #{snying rje skye ba/}$ p. {skyes/} f. {skye ba/} [hon. {'khrungs/}] [lit. compassion + arise, be born] ^Bib: to feel compassion for someone: {phas kho mthong ste/,,snying rje skyes nas/} [his] father saw him and was filled with compassion for him (Lk. 15:20), {snying rje 'khrungs nas de rnams kyi nad pa gso bar mdzad do/} [Jesus] had compassion on them and healed their sick (Mt. 14:14). 3) #{brtse ba/}$ [hon. {thugs brtse/}] p. {brtses/} ^Bib: love, affection, or compassion: {sha tsha dang /,,spun la brtse ba dang /} affection and brotherly love (1 Pet. 3:8), {ye shus thugs brtses nas de gnyis kyi mig la phyag reg pas/} Jesus had compassion on them and touched their eyes (Mt. 20:34), {ngas thugs brtse dgongs pa de la thugs brtse bya/,,snying rje dgongs pa de la snying rje bya'o gsungs so/} I will have mercy on whom I have mercy, and I will have compassion on whom I have compassion (Rom. 9:15). ^Bst. Compassion inspired by the suffering of people or animals is exalted as one of the highest Bst. virtues: {nad par rjes su brtse ba/} compassion for the sick (KTM), {mkhyen brtse nus gsum gyi yon tan bla na med pa dang ldan pa 'di la sangs rgyas zhu ba red/} one possessing unsurpassable qualities of wisdom, compassion, and power is called Buddha (TRC 75), {gcan gzan sogs phar 'gro tshur 'ong byed pa gzigs kyang gnod 'tshe mi mdzad pa dang /,,byams pa dang /,,brtse ba chen pos rang 'dod ltar 'gror bcug pa/} though [the Buddha] saw the deer and wild animals coming and going, he did not harm them, but in great love and compassion let them come and go as they pleased (SGN 3), {sems can tshang mar byams brtse chen pos skyong bar mdzad pa/} [the Buddha] treated all animals with love and compassion (SGN 3). See also LOVE. 4) #{phan sems/}$ ^Bib: benevolence, readiness to help; good intentions or thoughts: {gcig gis gcig la phan sems gyis shig} be kind and compassionate to one another (Eph. 4:32). ^Bst. {phan sems/} is the wish for good to come to others; {gzhan phan gyi sems/} altruism (DLP 14), {rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas gzhan phan sems las 'khrungs/} complete Buddhahood is born of the wish to benefit others (GSL 12). Cognates: {phan pa/} to benefit.% !CONDEMN@ see also CURSE, JUDGE, JUDGMENT 1) #{zhal che gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} imp. {chod/} ^Bib: to judge; God's judging of sinners: {dkon mchog gis nyid kyi sras 'jig rten gyi zhal che gcad du ma mngags/} God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world (Jn. 3:17), {khong la dad pa de la zhal che mi gcad/,,mi dad pa la dkon mchog gi sras gcig po'i mtshan la ma dad pas/,,zhal che bcad zin to/} whoever believes in him is not condemned, but whoever does not believe stands condemned already because he has not believed in the name of God's one and only Son (Jn. 3:18), {log g.yem gyis sa gzhi bslus pa'i smad tshong ma chen mor zhal che bcad de/} He has condemned the great prostitute who corrupted the earth by her adulteries (Rev. 19:2). ^Bs. In Buddhism there is no ultimate judgement, although the god of the dead {gshin rje/} does exercise limited judgement over those who enter his realm. This judgement is not eternal, and only facilitates the retributive karma of those who are condemned. ^Sec. {zhal che gcod/} is to sentence a criminal; meaning the same as {khrims gcod/} (AMD). 2) #{krims gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} imp. {chod/} ^Bib: to judge, to condemn judicially: {de rnams kyis khong gsad pa'i khrims bcad/} they will condemn him to death (Mk. 10:33), {mi chos drang po de khyed kyis khrims bcad nas bsad do/} you have condemned and murdered innocent men (Jas. 5:6 SV). 3) #{khrims gtong /}$ p. {btang /} f. {gtang /} imp. {thong /} ^Bib: to condemn judicially: {des ci byed par ma brtags par khrims gtong chog gam/} does [our law] condemn anyone without first hearing him to find out what he is doing (Jn. 7:51). 4) #{'pham pa/}$ p. {pham/} f. {'pham/} [lit. to be defeated, e.g. in a lawsuit] ^Bib: to be condemned: {khyod kyi ngag gis khyod rgyal bar 'gyur/,,khyod kyi ngag gis khyod pham par 'gyur/} by your words you will be acquitted, and by your words you will be condemned (Mt. 12:37). ^Bst. {pham pa bzhi/} the four moral defeats: {mi bsad pa/} murder, {ma byin par len pa/} theft, {mi tshangs par spyod pa/} sexual misconduct, {mi chos bla ma'i brdzun smra ba/} lying about one's spiritual attainments (TRI 171). Cognates: {blo pham/} [mind + loss] to be sorry {blo pham gyi gnas tshul/} sad news (DLP 1).% Related Terms: 1) {chad pa gcod/} p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} imp. {chod/} to punish: {nyes pa gcig gi rkyen gyis mi thams cad la chad pa bcad pa/} the result of one trespass was condemnation for all men (Rom. 5:18 SV), {da nas ye shu ma shi ka'i ngang na yod pa rnams la chad pa gcod pa ni med do/} there is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus (Rom. 8:1 SV); 2) {chad pa 'phog pa/} p. {phog} [lit. punish + strike] to condemn to punishment: {de lta bu dag la chad pa 'phog par 'os so/} their condemnation is deserved (Rom. 3:8 SV); 3) {smad pa gtong /} p. {btang /} f. {gtang /} imp. {thong /} to abuse, revile, speak evil of, verbally condemn: {ngas khyed cag la smad pa gtong ba'i phyir de mi smra'o/} I do not say this to condemn you (2 Cor. 7:3 SV); 4) {mi glud/} cursed: {mi glud yin/} let him be eternally condemned (Gal. 1:8,9 SV), See CURSE; 5) {spyo/} p. {spyos/} f. {spyo/} imp. {spyos/} to scold, blame, or verbally condemn: {gtam lhad med cing spyo bar mi rung ba/} soundness of speech that cannot be condemned (Tit. 2:8 SV); 6) {gshags 'debs/} to condemn: {gshags ma 'debs/,,khyed la'ang gshags mi 'debs/} do not condemn, and you will not be condemned (Lk. 6:37).% !CONFESS@ see also ATONEMENT, REPENT 1) #{sdig pa mthol ba/}$ p. {mthol/} f. {mthol/} [var. {'thol ba/}] [lit. sin + confess] ^Bib: the term confession has two Biblical meanings: 1) to confess sin, and 2) to admit or declare that something is true (see {dpang po byed pa} and {khas len} below): {sdig pa mthol nas yor dan nang khrus blangs so/} confessing their sins, they were baptized in the Jordan River (Mt. 3:6), {gcig gis gcig la sdig pa mthol zhig} confess your sins to one another (Jas. 5:16), {sdig pa mthol na/} if we confess our sins (1 Jn. 1:9). ^Bst. In Bsm. confession is not a path to forgiveness but to correction: {sdig pa mthol ba/} is the ordinary religious term for confessing wrongdoing (AMD). It is not just an admission of faults, but includes: 1) developing a feeling of regret (see REPENT); 2) relying on the triple refuge and generating a feeling of compassion for those one has injured; 3) performing virtuous actions such as doing prostrations, reciting mantras, or reading the scriptures in order to cancel the demerits of the wrongdoing; and 4) promising to avoid negative actions in the future (JPG 77). The Pratimoksha sutra {thar gyi mdo/} contains the disciplinary rules for monks and nuns, who are required twice a month to assemble and make public confession of any transgression of their vows in a ceremony called {gso sbyong /} [Skt. poshadha]. {sdig ltung snying nas mthol zhing bshags sems kyis/,,/stobs bzhi tshang ba'i ngang nas yig drug sgrongs/} from your heart acknowledge all wrongdoing and downfalls, and, confessing them, with the four powers complete, recite the six-syllable mantra (HTE 182). Related Terms: {sdig pa mthol ba/} see {sdig pa gshog pa/} below.% 2) #{dpang po byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to act as a witness or give testimony: to confess, testify, or admit: {gal te ye shu gtso bo lags so zhes kha nas dpang po byed/} if you confess with your mouth, "Jesus is Lord," (Rom. 10:9), {kha nas dpang po byed pa la thar pa thob bo/} with your mouth you confess and are saved (Rom. 10:10). Cognates: 1) {dpang po/} the testimony given by a witness: {dpang po bzang po/} the good confession (1 Tim. 6:13); 2) {dpang yig} a contract (SLR 10).% 3) #{khas len/}$ p. {blangs/} f. {blang /} imp. {longs/} [lit. mouth + take] ^Bib: to admit, acknowledge, or confess: {khyod kyis khas len pa bzang po/} the good confession you made (1 Tim. 6:12), {khas ma blangs so/} they did not confess their faith (Jn. 12:42), {ye shu ma shi ka 'ba' zhig,,/gtso bo lags zhes khas blang /} to confess that Jesus Christ alone is Lord (Phil. 2:11). ^Bst. 1) {khas len/} is to accept or believe in: {nang ba'i chos la khas len yod pas/} do you accept the Buddhist religion (KTM), {nang pa'i lta ba khas len pa/} one who accepts a Buddhist viewpoint (TRC 94); 2) to give intellectual assent to a proposition: {dge 'dun pa rnams dbyar snga ma khas len dgos pa red/} the members of the Sangha ought generally to accept the precepts of the earlier summer retreat (TRC 50), {mdo sde pa gnyis kyis khas mi len/} the Sautrantika do not admit [accept] it (TRC 95); 3) a commitment or promise: {phyir log rgyu'i khas len zhus pa ltar/} in keeping with their commitment to return (TRC 154); 4) used negatively to deny that something is true: {'phrul bzo rig gnas kyis sngon chad med pa'i dngos po'i khe phan gang 'dra bsgrubs yod pa khas mi len pa sus kyang byed mi thub/} no one can deny the unprecedented material benefit of science and technology (DLP 3). Cognates: 1) {khas len zhu/} to answer; 2) {ngos len byas/} to admit to having done something wrong; e.g. committed a crime (ETD 82), {nag nyes ngos len byed na/,,khrims thog nas nyes pa yang ba yod red/} if someone confesses his crime, his punishment would be more lenient (TQP 125).% 4) #{kha bsangs/}$ ^Bib: to speak truthfully what is on the mind (KTM): {khong gis kha bsangs te nga ni ma shi ka min zhes drang por gsungs so/} He did not fail to confess, but confessed freely, "I am not the Christ" (Jn. 1:20). 5) #{gshog}$ p. {bshags/} f. {gshag} imp. {gshogs/} ^Bib: to admit or confess; often in compounds with {mthol/}, e.g. {nyes pa mthol bshags/} [lit. fault + confess + explain] to confess a moral fault: {gal te nged rnams kyis byas pa'i nyes pa mthol bshags 'bul na/} if we confess our sins (1 Jn. 1:9 SV). ^Bst. {bshags pa/} is the confession of non-virtuous actions or breaking of vows; {sdig pa bshags pa/} is cancellation of sin by confession and acknowledgement (KTM), also by doing good, reading scriptures, going on pilgrimage, doing worship, etc. (AMD). {sdig ltung snying nas mthol zhing bshags sems kyis/,,/stobs bzhi tshang ba'i ngang nas yig drug sgrongs/} from your heart acknowledge all wrongdoing and downfalls, and, confessing them, with the four powers complete, recite the six-syllable mantra (HTE 182), {sdig pa bshags pa'i stobs bzhi/} the four powers necessary for forgiveness of sin by confession and repentance are: {rten gyi stobs/} the power of persistence, {sun 'byin pa'i stobs/} renunciation, {nyes pa las slar ldog pa'i stobs/} turning away from sin {gnyen po kun tu spyod pa'i stobs/} using all remedies (CNG 41). Related Terms: {drang por bshad pa/} to speak truthfully (KTM).% !CONQUER@ 1) #{rgyal ba/}$ ^Bib: to conquer, overcome, be victorious: {'di thams cad nang nga tshor byams par mdzad po'i mthus rab tu rgyal lo/} in all these things, in the power of the one who loves us, we conquer (Rom. 8:37). ^Bst. {sems mchog rgyal ba/} the Buddhas (HTE 182), {tshang ma las rgyal ba/} [the Buddha] was victorious over them all (SGN 5). Cognates: {rgyal ba rin po che/} "precious conqueror"; title of the Dalai Lama.% 2) #{'joms pa/}$ p. {bcom/} or {bcoms/} imp. {chom/} ^Bib: to conquer, overcome, or destroy: {'joms par byed cing 'joms su thon no/} [he] went out conquering, and to conquer (Rev. 6:2). ^Bst. 1) to destroy or overcome: {nad rgyu dang bcas pa rtsa ba nas 'joms par byed pa'i sman/} a powerful medicine which destroys the root of the illness and its causes (TRC 76), {'byung bzhis 'joms pa/} overcome by the four elements [i.e. corruptible] (TRC 167), {me chen de 'joms pa'i thabs/} a way to extinguish the great fire (SGN 14), {bum pa tho bas bcom pa/} destruction of a pot by a hammer (TRC 94); 2) in a figurative sense, overcoming the enemies of illusion, etc. which obstruct the Bst. on the path to nirvana: {dgra 'joms pa'i mtshon cha/} a foe-destroying weapon (TRC 167), {dgra bcom pa/} a foe-destroyer, [Skt. arhat] one who has attained nirvana according to the Hinayana {theg dman/} school (CNG 77); 3) the Buddha {sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das/} is a common term for the Buddha [lit. Buddha + victorious + passed]. Cognates: {bsdus 'joms/} one of the eight hot hells (TRC 229).% 3) #{'dul ba/}$ p. {btul/} or {thul/} f. {gdul/} imp. {thul/} ^Bib: subdue, conquer: {dad pa'i sgo nas de rnams kyis rgyal khams btul/} by faith they conquered kingdoms (Heb. 11:33). ^Bst. 1) to subdue or to tame: {dgra mgo 'dul bar dgos rgyu'i dgos cha gnyis/} there are two reasons why you must be able to subdue your enemies (KPU 12), {dgra 'dul gnyen skyong /} guarding friends and subduing enemies - of a person who lives for this present life alone (TRC 216); 2) mental training or discipline by which obstacles to spiritual progress are removed (KTM): {rang sems 'dul thabs/} mental training (DLP 8); 3) the {'dul ba/} or vinaya is the set of vows that must be observed by Bst. monks and nuns, and forms one of the three principal divisions {'dul ba'i sde snod/} of the Bst. scriptures. It is a major course of study in the monasteries. The actual rules of monastic conduct are known as the {'dul krims/} . 4) #{'bangs su 'jug}$ p. {bcug} f. {gzhug} imp. {chug} or {chugs/} ^Bib: to put in subjection, put under one's power, subdue: {de dag gis dad pa'i sgo nas rgyal khams rnams 'bangs su bcug} through faith they conquered kingdoms (Heb. 11:33 SV). Cognates: {dpon 'bangs/} aristocracy and subjects (KPU 10).% !CONSCIENCE@ 1) #{shes bzang /}$ [lit. knowledge + good] ^Bib: used in the Revised NT for "conscience", but not a widely understood term. Conscience is a Biblical concept implying an inner moral judgement: {kha cig gis shes bzang spangs te dad pa nub bo/} some have lost their faith by abandoning their conscience (1 Tim. 1:19), {de tsho'i blo gros dang /,,bshes bzang gnyis ka grib can yin/} both their minds and consciences are corrupted (Tit. 1:15), {bsnyen bkur byed pa de'i shes bzang phun sum tshogs pa byed mi thub/} the conscience of the worshiper could not be made clear (Heb. 9:9). ^Bst. The inner moral awareness of right and wrong can be expressed by: {legs nyes 'byed pa'i blo yi nus pa/} the ability to decide between right and wrong (DLP 23). See SHAME. 2) #{bzang ngan shes pa/}$ [lit. good + bad + know] ^Bib: conscience; used in various compounds: {rang gi bzang ngan rtogs pa'i shes/} their consciences bearing witness (Rom. 2:15 SV), {mi thams cad kyi bzang ngan shes pa/} every man's conscience (2 Cor. 4:2 SV), {bzang ngan shes pa bzang po/} a good conscience (1 Tim. 1:5 SV), {shes pa bzang po zhig} a clear conscience (Heb. 13:18 SV). 3) #{snying /}$ [lit. heart] ^Bib: physical heart; also used figuratively to mean emotions or moral nature; conscience: {snying drang po'i ngang nas/} on account of conscience (Rom. 13:5 SV), {de dag gi snying brtan po med/} their conscience is weak (1 Cor. 8:7 SV), {snying dag pa'i ngang la/} with a clear conscience (2 Tim. 1:3 SV), {de dag gi blo dang snying la grib phog pa yin/} both their minds and consciences are corrupted (Tit. 1:15 SV), {khyed kyi snying shi ba yin pa'i las rnams las 'dag par mdzad par 'gyur/} cleanse our consciences from acts that lead to death (Heb. 9:14 SV). 4) #{'gal mthun shes pa/}$ [lit. oppose + agree + know] ^Bib: conscience: {'gal mthun shes pa'i phyir ma za zhig} do not eat for conscience' sake (1 Cor. 10:28 SV). Related Terms: 1) {shes pa/} [lit. knowledge] conscience: {shes pa bzang po/} a good conscience (1 Tim. 1:5); 2) {bsam pa zhan/} [lit. thought + bad, poor] weak conscience: {de dag gi bsam pa zhan pas/} because their conscience is defiled; 3) {rtogs pa zhan/} [lit. understanding + bad, poor] weak conscience: {rtogs pa zhan pa zhig} a person with a weak conscience (1 Cor. 8:10).% !CONTEMPT@ 1) #{brnyas/}$ ^Bib: to despise or hold in contempt: {chung ngu 'di rnams kyi nang nas gcig la'ang ma brnyas shig} see that you do not look down on one of these little ones (Mt. 18:10), {khyed tshos zhen ma log cing ma brnyas par/} you did not treat me with contempt or scorn (Gal. 4:14), {lung bstan pa la brnyas par ma byed/} do not treat prophecies with contempt (1 Thes. 5:20 SV). ^Bst. contempt or deprecation: {sngags la brnyas btags nas/} deprecating the tantras (TRC 152), {bdag nyid la brnyas pa'i le lo/} the laziness of self-depreciation (TRC 361), {nga rgyal dbang gis brnyas thabs byed na yang /} even if the force of their pride treats us with contempt (GSL 16). 2) #{mthong chung /}$ [lit. sight + small] ^Bib: contempt: {khyod tshos nga tsho mthong chung byed mi dgos/} do not treat us with contempt (2 Sam. 19:43 NTV). !COUNSELOR@ see also ADVOCATE 1) #{stongs grogs/}$ [lit. accompany + friend; not in current spoken use (AMD)] ^Bib: a helper or companion, used of the Holy Spirit: {khyod dang mnyam rgyun du bzhugs pa'i stongs grogs gzhan zhig} another Counselor to be with you forever (Jn. 14:16), {stongs grogs thugs nyid dam pa/} the Counselor, the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26), {yab nas 'byung ba'i stongs grogs/} the Counselor who will come from the Father (Jn. 15:26). 2) #{gros mi/}$ [lit. advice + person] ^Bib: counselor: {su khong gi gros mi yod pa yin/} who has been his counselor? (Rom. 11:34 SV). Cognates: 1) {gros dpon/} [advice + minister] official counselor or government advisor: {a hi to phel ni rgyal po da bid kyi gros dpon zhig yin/} Ahithophel was King David's counselor (2 Sam. 15:12 NTV); 2) {gros rogs byed mkhan/} counselor (ETD 91).% 3) #{sems gso pa/}$ [lit. spirit + heal + person] ^Bib: a counselor or helper: {khyod rnams la sems gso pa gzhan zhig gnang bar 'gyur/} he will give you another Counselor (Jn. 14:16 SV), {sems gso pa bden pa nyid kyi thugs nyid/} the Counselor, the Spirit of truth (Jn. 15:26 SV). !COVENANT@ see also ARK OF THE COVENANT, PROMISE 1) #{kha chad/}$ [hon. {zhal chad/}] ^Bib: 1) testament: {zhal chad rnying pa/} Old Testament, {zhal chad gsar pa/} New Testament; 2) agreement or covenant {'di ni zhal chad kyi nga'i khrag yin/} this is my blood of the covenant (Mk. 14:24), {zhal chad gsar pa zhig gi zhabs tog} ministers of a new covenant (2 Cor. 3:6), {khong ni zhal chad gsar pa zhig gi bar mi lags so/} [Christ] is the mediator of a new covenant (Heb. 9:15). Cognates: {zhal chad kyi sgrom/} [lit. covenant's box] ark of the covenant: {mchod khang gi nang na khong gi zhal chad kyi sgrom/} within the temple was the ark of his covenant (Rev. 11:19).% 2) #{kha chems/}$ ^Bib: a (spoken) last will and testament: {mi zhig gi kha chems/} a human covenant (Gal. 3:15). Related Terms: 1) {srung bya/} [lit. what is to be kept or observed] rules, regulations, or customs: {mdun lpags gcod pa'i srung bya gnang ngo /} he gave Abraham the covenant of circumcision (Acts 7:8); 2) {'grig lam/} is the equivalent in spoken language of {srung bya/} (AMD); 3) {mos mthun thag gcod/} an agreement: {rgya gar la slob phrug gtong rgyur mos mthun thag gcod byung song /} an agreement was made to send students to India (TQP 185).% !COVET@ see also DESIRE, GREED 1) #{chags sred/}$ [lit. attachment + desire] ^Bib: covetousness, evil desire, especially when fallen into voluntarily: {ngas chags sred gang yin pa ma shes pa yin/} I would not have known what coveting was (Rom. 7:7), {bka'i thabs kyis sdig pas nga'i nang du chags sred sna tshogs bskyed do/} sin, seizing the opportunity afforded by the commandment, produced in me every kind of covetous desire (Rom. 7:8). Covetousness is a major moral fault in both Christianity and Bsm. ^Bst. One of the ten virtues is: {gzhan gyi nor la chags sred mi byed pa/} not to covet other people's possessions (KTM). Cognates: {sred/} craving or attachment, coveting: {ma sred/} do not covet (Rom. 13:9).% 2) #{ham pa byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to covet (also spoken form): {ngas su'i dngul lam gser ram gos la ham pa ma byas/} I have not coveted anyone's silver or gold or clothing (Acts 20:33), {ham pa ma byed/} do not covet (Rom. 13:9 SV). ^Bst. to expect or demand more than one's share (TRI 300). 3) #{brnab sems byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} [lit. covet + do] ^Bib: to covet (written form): {brnab sems byed cing ma thob/} you want something but don't get it (Jas. 4:2). ^Bst. Covetousness is explained as: {brnab sems zer ba ni/,,gzhan gyi ca lag mthong dus de nga la byung na snyam pa lta bu'i sems gzhan gyi yo byad la chags pa'i cha gcig la zer/} covetousness signifies the portion of the mind which longs for another's possessions with the thought "would it were mine" at the time of seeing another's possessions (TRC 245), {yid kyi mi dge ba gsum ni/,,brnab sems/,,gnod sems/,,log lta bcas red/} the three non-virtues of mind are covetousness, the wish to injure, and wrong view (TRC 242). {brnab sems/} may also imply jealousy that someone else has obtained a coveted object (AMD). 4) #{'dod pa/}$ ^Bib: want or desire, occasionally in the sense of covetous desire: {bka' khrims kyis 'dod pa ma skyed ces ma gsungs na/} if the law had not said, "Do not covet" (Rom. 7:7 SV), {nga'i nang na 'dod pa kun bskyed/} produced in me every kind of covetous desire (Rom. 7:8 SV). ^Bst. see DESIRE. Cognates: {'dod zhen/} desire (KTM).% !CREATE@ 1) #{'god pa/}$ p. {bkod/} imp. {khod/} ^Bib: to create, found, or establish: 1) name of the Book of Genesis: {'god pa/} Genesis; 2) to create: {dkon mchog gis nam mkha' dang sa bkod do/} God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1), {'god pa po las bkod pa la lhag par bsnyen bkur byas te/} worshiped created things rather than the Creator (Rom. 1:25), {ci yod tshad bkod pa'i dkon mchog} God, who created all things (Eph. 3:9). ^Bst. The creation of the universe is a doctrine not found in Bsm, which assumes the universe is eternal, and subject to periodic destructions and rebirths. Bst. writings mention creation only to deny it: {nang pa'i chos lugs su 'jig rten bkod pa po med/} in Tibetan Bsm. there is no Creator (DLP 20), {nga tsho nang pa'i chos kyi bshad pa ltar na/,,'dzam gling tshang ma rang bzhin gyi 'byung pa yin pa bshad do/,,nang pa'i chos ltar na spyan ras gzigs kyi sprul pa pre'u gcig mi rnams kyi pha yin pa dang /,,rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo mi rnams kyi ma yin pa bshad do/} according to our Buddhist religion, the world arose by itself. A monkey, the emanation of the god Chenresi, was the father of all men, and a rock-demoness, the emanation of the goddess Dolma, was the mother (DPD). Cognates: {bkod pa'i las/} [lit. established work] fate; about which there are many Tibetan proverbs, e.g. {bkod pa'i las la chog shes ma byas na/,,rang sdug rang gis nyo ba don med red/} if you are not content with what fate has decided, then you are looking for suffering (KPU 17).% 2) #{byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} [hon. {mdzad/}] ^Bib: do or make: {dkon mchog gis mdzad pa'i kha zas/} foods which God created (1 Tim. 4:3), {dkon mchog gis mdzad pa thams cad bzang po yin/} all that God created is good (1 Tim. 4:4-5), {nam mkha' dang 'jig rten gyi mdzad pa po/} Maker of heaven and earth (ATM; 1762). Related Terms: {'dzugs pa/} create in the sense of to set up, found, or establish.% !CREATURE@ 1) #{sems can/}$ [lit. mind + have] ^Bib: living being, animal, supernatural being: {gnam 'og gi sems can thams cad/} all creatures under heaven (Col. 1:23), {rgya mtsho'i sems can/} creatures of the sea (Jas. 3:7), {sems can bzhi/} the four living creatures (Rev. 4:8), {sems can rnams gru'i nang la bcug nas/} after the animals are in the ark (DPD). In a philosophical sense, the Tibetan term {sems can/} "having mind" is very different from, and cannot be equated with, the English word creature (i.e. "what is created"). ^Bst. 1) in spoken language, animals; though in some dialect areas may include man as well: {rim pas yar rgyas je cher song ba'i yid can 'gro ba mi dang /,,spros med dud 'gro lta bu'i sems can gang 'dra zhig yin rung /} whether they belong to more evolved [{rim pas yar rgyas je cher/}] species like humans or to simpler ones such as animals (DLP 7-8), {sems can tshang mar byams brtse chen pas skyong bar mdzad pa/} [the Buddha] treated all animals with loving compassion (SGN 3); 2) in Bst. cosmology, all beings having a mind, or who are in some way conscious: {nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i lta ba gzhir bzhag byas na/,,rang re tshang mas grangs las 'das pa'i skye ba yang nas yang du blangs dang len rgyu ma zad/,,sems can re res kyang rang cag gi pha ma byas dang byed srid pa de ltar yin/} according to Buddhist theory, we are born and reborn countless numbers of times, and it is conceivable that each being [{sems can/}] has been our parent at one time or another (DLP 15), {'dod pa'i khams na gnas pa'i sems can/} beings in the desire realm (KBT 116), {sems can gyi sdug bsngal/} the suffering of living beings (TRC 76). 2) #{bkod pa/}$ [lit. created one] ^Bib: creature: {nam mkha' dang /,,sa dang /,,sa 'og dang /,,rgya mtsho la gnas pa'i bkod pa thams cad/} every creature in heaven and on earth and under the earth and on the sea (Rev. 5:13). see CREATE. 3) #{dngos po/}$ ^Bib: a thing, an object: {g.yo bar 'gyur bar mdzad pa'i dngos po rnams/} what can be shaken - that is, created things (Heb. 12:27 SV). ^Bst. 1) matter, things that exist: {'dod pa'i dngos po/} object of desire (TRC 270), {gzhan gyi dngos po/} another's possession (TRC 243), {dngos po yar rgyas/} material progress (DLP 2), {dngos po dang nang lta ba/} matter and ideology (DLP 6); 2) any observable object, which in Bst. philosophy exists only from moment to moment, "created" by its causes {dngos po rang dbang yod min/} no independent thing exists (LKT 8), {dngos po yod pa nyid mi skye/} an existent thing does not arise (LKT 6), {rten cing 'brel par gang byung ba/,,/de nyid khyod ni stong par bzhed/} what arises dependently is what you have called emptiness (LKT 8). 4) #{srog chags/}$ ^Bib: living, animate beings: {rgya mtsho'i srog chags rnams/} creatures of the sea (Jas. 3:7 SV). ^Bst. living things, animals: {srog chags kyi rigs ha cad mang po/} very many kinds of living creatures (TRC 50). Related Terms: 1) {srog chags kyi rig pa/} zoology, 2) {dud 'gro/} animals.% !CROSS@ see also CRUCIFY 1) #{rgyangs shing /}$ [lit. stretch + wood; var. {rgyang shing /} and {rkyang shing /} in the 1970 NT, and {brkyang shing /} in the 1903 NT] ^Bib: originally used for a board on which a criminal was stretched out to be tortured. As crucifixion was unknown to the Tibetans, and the precise shape of the "cross" [Gr. stauros] on which Jesus died is unknown, translators have adopted the name of this traditional Tibetan instrument of torture to denote the object on which Jesus died: 1) in a literal sense: {khong gi rgyang shing 'khur phyir dbang byas so/} they forced him to carry the cross (Mk. 15:21), {rgyang shing las mar bobs shig} come down from the cross (Mk. 15:30); 2) in a figurative sense: {bdag 'dzin spong la/,,rang gi rkyang shing 'khur/} deny himself and take up his cross (Mk. 8:34), {rgyang shing gi bstan pa/} the message of the cross (1 Cor. 1:18), {ma shi ka'i rgyang shing gi dgra bo/} enemies of the cross of Christ (Phil. 3:18). 2) #{rgya gram/}$ a cross; cross shape: {rgya gram gyi dbus su gzhags pa/} crucified on the cross (ATM; 1762). !CRUCIFY@ #{rkyang shing la rkyong /}$ p. {brkyangs/} f. {brkyang /} imp. {rkyongs/} [variants include {rgyang shing /} and {brkyang shing la brkyang /} (1903 NT)] to stretch out a victim on a {rgyangs shing /} ^Bib: 1) to crucify in a literal sense: {khyod tshos kha cig gsad 'ong /,,rkyang shing la brkyang 'ong /} some you will kill and crucify (Mt. 23:34), {rgyang shing la brkyang ba'i dus nyin mo'i chu tshod dgu pa'o/} it was the ninth hour when they crucified him (Mk. 15:25), {rgyang shing la rkyong ba'i dbang yod/} I have power to crucify you (Jn. 19:10); 2) figurative crucifixion: {nga tsho'i gang zag rnying pa khong mnyam brkyangs pa yin pa shes so/} we know that our old self was crucified with him (Rom. 6:6-7), {de rnams kyis rang gi phyogs nas dkon mchog gi sras yang skyar rgyang shing la rkyong /} they are crucifying the Son of God all over again (Heb. 6:6). ^Bst. The Bst. scriptures include many stories of self-sacrifice and enlightened beings giving away parts of their bodies or sacrificing their lives for others; however, this occurs without suffering on their part (MTB 209). See SACRIFICE. ^Sec. The term "crucify" is defined in Tibetan as: {rgyang shing brgyab nas gsod pa/} (DBG 212), a more ordinary use of the term {rkyong /} is: {mkhan por phyag gsum 'tshal dus rkang lag brkyangs te/} saluting the preceptor three times, extending the limbs (TRC 5), {brkyangs phyag} a full prostration (TRI 19). !CURSE@ see also ACCUSE, BLASPHEMY, SLANDER 1) #{dmad/}$ p. {dmod/} [lit. curse, insult] ^Bib: to curse or call down imprecations: {khos dmod pa bor/} [Peter] called down curses on himself (Mt. 26:74), {khyed kyis dmod pa gnang ba'i se yab shing /} the fig tree you cursed (Mk. 11:21), {khyed la dmod pa rnams la byin rlabs thong /} bless those who curse you (Lk. 6:28). ^Bst. 1) {dmod pa 'dor ba/} or {dmod bor ba/} to pray for harm to come to someone (TDC 2146), 2) {dmod sngags/} an evil mantra or imprecation. Cognates: 1) {dmod mo/} curse, malediction, verbal abuse {dmod mo phog pa dag} you who are cursed (Mt. 25:41); 2) {dmod mo 'debs pa/} to curse or defame; 3) {dmod tshig} a curse, defined as {gzhan gnod kyi smon tshig} a prayer for the harm of others (SGC 641).% 2) #{glud/}$ ^Bib: {nga glud la 'gyur/} that I would be cursed (Rom. 9:3), {gtso bo la mi byams pa de mi glud du gyur cig} if anyone does not love the Lord - a curse be on him (1 Cor. 16:22), {bka' khrims kyi mdo nang yod pa thams cad sgrub cing mi gnas pa de mi glud yin/} cursed is everyone who does not continue to do everything written in the Book of the Law (Gal. 3:10), {nga tsho'i tshab tu ma shi ka mi glud du gyur/} Christ became a curse for us (Gal. 3:13). ^Bst. {glud/} a ransom or substitute offering given in a folk Bst. ceremony. An effigy is made of a sick person and the image is then thrown to the evil spirits as a substitute for the ill person himself. The image which is thrown away (a {gtor ma/}) is considered to be "cursed" and it is this special sense of the term that the original translators of the NT adopted the terms {glud/} and {mi glud/} to mean "curse" [cf. Jaeschke 81]. The terms are not current in this sense outside this very restricted context. See also RANSOM. Cognates: {glud tshab/} substitute offering, ransom.% 3) #{smod/}$ p. {smad/} f. {smad/} imp. {smod/} ^Bib: to criticize, dishonor, mock, slander, or curse: {pha'am ma la smad mkhan/} one who curses father or mother (Mt. 15:4), {gzhan gyis smad na nga tshos byin rlabs gtong /} when we are cursed, we bless (1 Cor. 4:12). 4) #{skur pa 'debs pa/}$ p. {btab/} f. {gdab/} imp. {thob/} ^Bib: to slander, blaspheme, or speak falsely against: {dkon mchog la skur pa btab bo/} [they] cursed God (Rev. 16:11). ^Bst. {skur 'debs/} to defame someone or to assert that a Bst. doctrine is untrue (TRI 16). 5) #{smon log 'debs pa/}$ p. {btab/} f. {gdab/} imp. {thob/} [lit. "perverse prayer"] ^Bib: to curse, to call down imprecations: {khyed rang la 'tshe ba rnams la smon log ma 'debs par byin brlabs thongs shig} bless those who persecute you; bless and do not curse (Rom. 12:14). 6) #{rgol ba zhus/}$ ^Bib: to verbally oppose, revile, curse: {dkon mchog la rgol ba zhus 'chi/} curse God and die (Job 2:9). Related Terms: 1) {mthu gtong ba/} to curse with magic, cast a magic spell over someone; 2) {dkon mchog gi chad pa'i 'og tu/} worthy of God's punishment {bka' khrims kyi las la rten pa thams cad dkon mchog gi chad pa'i 'og tu gyur pa yin/} all who rely on observing the law are under a curse (Gal. 3:10 SV).% !DANIEL@ #{da ni el/}$ ^Bib: 1) the prophet Daniel: {lung ston pa da ni el/} the prophet Daniel (Mt. 24:15); 2) the OT book of Daniel. !DARKNESS@ #{mun pa/}$ ^Bib: dark, darkness: 1) absence of light: {chu tshod gsum pa'i bar du yul thams cad mun pas 'thibs/} darkness came over all the land until the third (NIV: sixth) hour (Mt. 27:45), 2) figurative darkness, especially moral darkness, sin, or the lack of God's revelation: {mun par sdod pa/} those who live in darkness (Mt. 4:16), {'od de mun pa'i nang du shar/} the light shines in the darkness (Jn. 1:5), {phan med kyi mun pa'i bya ba/} fruitless deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11), {mun pa 'das shing yang dag pa'i 'od shar/} the darkness is passing and the true light is already shining (1 Jn. 2:8). ^Bst. 1) In Bst. writing, darkness is usually equated with ignorance: {gti mug gi mun pa/} the darkness of ignorance (TRC 166), {mun bskal/} [lit. dark age] an age in which there is no Buddha (SGC 634), {mun gling /} a place where Buddhism has not spread (SGC 634); 2) may also be used figuratively: {sems la mun pa babs pa lta bu'i rmugs pa/} torpor like darkness falling on the mind (TRC 186). 2) #{mun nag}$ [lit. dark + black] ^Bib: blackest darkness, pitch black: {phyi rol gyi mun nag} the darkness outside (Mt. 22:13), {mun nag dang /,,smag rum dang /,,rlung drag} darkness, gloom, and storm (Heb. 12:18), {de'i rgyal khams mun nag tu byas nas/} his kingdom was plunged into darkness (Rev. 16:10). ^Bst. {khang pa mun nag zhig} a pitch-dark house (TRC 167). ^Sec. {spyi tshogs kyi mun nag} social darkness (SBC-1, p. 62). Related Terms: 1) {nag phyog} [black + side] the darkness of occultism; 2) {sgrib par gyur/} plunged into darkness (Rev. 16:10 SV).% !DAVID@ #{da bid/}$ ^Bib: David, king of ancient Israel ca. 1,000 B.C.; or about 450 years before the birth of Siddartha Gautama: {ab ra ham gyi sras da bid kyi sras ye shu ma shi ka/} Jesus Christ the son of David, the son of Abraham (Mt. 1:1). !DEATH@ (DEAD, DIE) see also KILL 1) #{'chi ba/}$ p. {shi/} f. {'chi/} ^Bib: to die. In the Bib. sense includes not only physical death, but spiritual death, or separation from God. 1) physical death: {nga khyed mnyam du 'chi dgos na'ang /} even if I have to die with you (Mt. 26:35), {mo yang khong gi zhabs drung du 'gyel te shi ba/} she also fell at his feet and died (Acts 5:10), {nad 'di 'chi ba'i rgyu ma yin/} this sickness will not cause death (Jn. 11:4), {'chi ba mi myong /} will not experience death (Mk. 9:1), {he ro de ma shi ba'i bar du/} until the death of Herod (Mt. 2:15); 2) figurative death: {'chi ba'i yul dang grib ma la/,,/sdod pa rnams la 'od shar ro/} on those living in the land of the shadow of death a light has dawned (Mt. 4:16); 3) physically dead: {khye'u chung 'di'i srog la brngams pa rnams shi bas/} those who sought this child's life are dead (Mt. 2:20), {kho shi yang dad pa'i sgo nas da dung gtam byed do/} though he is dead, through faith he still speaks (Heb. 11:4), 4) figuratively dead: {nga'i bu 'di shi nas gson/} this son of mine was dead and is alive again (Lk. 15:24). ^Bst. Death is thought to be heralded by definite physical signs (JPG 341) and to be caused by exhaustion of one's karma, merit, or life force (JPG 342). For the Bst. layman, death is a transition to the next rebirth: {shi yang gson yang tshe 'dis ci/,,/phyi ma'i chos tsam 'grub na de ga rang /} whether you live or die right now, what does this life matter? Just practice dharma for the next life - that's the point (HTE 180). After death, the person's karmic stream must dwell in the intermediate state or {bar do} before taking rebirth: {mi shi nas nyin zhag bzhi bcu zhe dgu'i ring bar der 'khyams nas sdod kyi yod par bshad pas/,,de'i ring la bar do'i lha tshogs zhi ba dang khro bo mang po mthong snang du 'jigs skrags skyed/} it is said that when someone dies, they must wander [in the bardo] for 49 days, and during that time, they are terrified by the appearance of [various gods] of the bardo (DPD). The concept of death is intimately linked with rebirth and the action of karma, as seen in the following story: {snga ma mi tshang zhig gi rgyab tu chu rdzing yod pa dang /,,de'i pa yas rdzing de'i nang nas rtag par nya bsad nas za gi yod pa red/,,pa pha shi nas sngar nya la chags pa'i dbang gis rjes su khang pa'i rgyab kyi rdzing der nya la skyes/,,a ma de mi tshang la chags ba'i stobs kyis shi nas mi tshang de'i khyi ru skyes/,,mi tshang gi dgra lte ba de mi tshang gi mna' ma la chags te shi ba'i rjes su mna' ma de'i pu gur skyes byas yod dus/,,nyin gcig mi tshang gi chung ma'i khyo ga des kho rang gi pha khang rgyab kyi rdzing du nyar skyes pa de bsad nas nya sha bzas/,,kho rang gi a ma'i skye ba khyi des nya rus za stangs byed dus khyi de brdungs pa dang /,,kho rang tsho'i dgra'i skye ba pu gu de pang du 'khyer nas gang min tshad kyis byams po byas te bsdad yod pa red/,,de bcom ldan 'das kyi nyan thos sha ri'i bu zhu ba des mngon mkhyen gyis gzigs nas 'di 'dra zer gsungs pa red/,,pha sha za zhing ma la 'tshog,,bsad pa'i dgra bo pang du khur/,,chung mas khyo yi rus pa 'cha'/,,'khor ba'i chos la gad mo bro/} (TRC 259) Once there was a pool in the back of a family's house, and the father of the family was constantly killing and eating the fish in that pool. When the father died, on account of his former attachment to fish, he was born as a fish in the pool behind the house. The mother, because of the force of her attachment to the family, was reborn as the family dog. The principal enemy of the family was attached to the family's daughter in law. When this had occurred, one day the husband of the daughter in law killed his father who had been born as a fish in the pool and ate the flesh. The mother who had been born as a dog was beaten when she tried to eat the fish bones; their enemy who was born as an infant, they carried on their lap and fondled affectionately without any measure. Then a disciple of the Buddha named Sariputra, seeing with his supernatural knowledge, said: "A father's flesh is eaten and a mother beaten, a mortal enemy carried on the lap, a wife gnaws her husband's bones; the law of the round [i.e. karma] draws a laugh." Death is a frequent topic in the preaching of the lamas, and a common subject of meditation: {skye rga na 'chi'i sdug bsngal/} the sufferings of birth, old age, sickness, and death (SGN 7), {'chi 'pho ba dang skye ba mkhyen pa'i stobs/} the power of knowing deaths and births - one of the powers of the Buddhas (KBT 76), {sems can shi ba/} the death of a living creature (TRC 94), {'chi ba'i tshe chos ma gtogs gang gis kyang mi phan pa/} at the time of death, nothing but dharma can help (TRC 225), {'chi ba mi rtag pa/} the impermanence of death (TRC 226), {'chi ltas lnga/} the five signs of the impending death of a god (TRC 272), {shi ba'i 'og tu gang du skye ba/} where they will be born after death (TRC 273), {'chi ba'i 'jigs pa las thar thabs med/} no way of escape from the fear of death (SGN 20). Proverbs: 1) {rgyal po gser khri'i steng du bzhugs pa dang /,,sprang phrug ben po'i 'og tu sdod pa gnyis/,,mi rtag 'chi ba byung dus 'dra 'dra red/} as far as death is concerned, there is no difference between a king on his throne and a beggar; both will die (KPU 6); 2) {'di phyi gnyis kyi dbu 'phang mtho dgos na/,,mi rtag 'chi ba ma brjed thugs la zhog} if you want to have reputation here and hereafter, always remember death (KPU 16). See also: list of Euphemisms, below. 2) #{'grongs pa/}$ p. {'grongs/} or {grong /} [hon.], [var. {grongs/} {'grong /} or {bkrongs/}] ^Bib: to die: 1) physical death: {gtso bo la dad cing 'grongs pa rnams bde'o/} blessed are the dead who die in the Lord (Rev. 14:13), {khong bkrong ba'i rgyu rkyen ci'ang ma brnyed/} they found no proper ground for a death sentence (Acts 13:28), {grongs pa tsam du bka' 'bangs mdzad/} became obedient to death (Phil. 2:8), {rgyang shing khar bkrongs pa yin/} put him to death on the cross (Acts 2:23); 2) figurative death: {ye shu'i grongs pa de'ang rtag tu rang gi lus nang 'khur ro/} we always carry around in our body the death of Jesus (2 Cor. 4:10); 3) physically dead: {grongs zin pa la pi la tu ngo mtshar du gyur te/} Pilate was surprised to hear that he was already dead (Mk. 15:44), {grongs pa yin bsnyams nas/} thinking [he] was already dead (Acts 14:19). ^Bst. {gzhan rnams sa chu ma 'phrod pas grongs/} the other [monks] died of unsuitable conditions (TRC 116), {yum sgyu ma lha mdzes grongs/} the Buddha's mother died (SGN 2). 3) #{gsod pa/}$ p. {bsad pa/} f. {gsad pa/} imp. {sod/} ^Bib: to kill, to put out or extinguish: 1) to die: {gsod 'os so/} he must die [lit. worthy of being killed] (Jn. 19:7), {gsod rgyu'i mi dang 'dra bar/} like men condemned to die (1 Cor. 4:9); 2) death: (put to death) {gsod pa'i khrims gcad nas/} condemn him to death (Mt. 20:18), {khong tsho gsod par 'dod do/} wanted to put them to death (Acts 5:33); 3) dead: {mo'i phru gu rnams gsod par bya'o/} I will strike her children dead (Rev. 2:23). ^Bst. {sems can gsod pa/} killing animals (TRC 152); see also KILL. 4) #{gshin po/}$ ^Bib: those who have died, the dead: {nad pa gsos/,,gshin po slong /} heal the sick, raise the dead (Mt. 10:8), {khrus gsol mkhan yo ha nan gshin po'i khrod nas langs te/} John the Baptist has been raised from among the dead (Mk. 6:14), {mi gcig gi rkyen gyis gshin po las lang ba'ang byung ngo /} by one man also came the resurrection from the dead (1 Cor. 15:21), {gson gshin gnyis kyi zhal che gcod/} judge the living and the dead (1 Pet. 4:5). ^Bst. {gshin po'i dge rdzogs ngang nas/} consumating all positive actions done for the sake of the dead (HTE 186). Cognates: 1) {gshin rje/} the Bst. Lord of Death, often depicted as holding the "wheel of life" {'chi bdag gshin rje'i zhags pa'i 'ching ba/} bound up by the Lord of Death (SGN 7), 2) {gshin rgyal skar ma/} the planet Pluto.% 5) #{srog gtong /}$ p. {btang /} f. {gtang /} imp. {thong /} ^Bib: to give up one's life voluntarily: {ye ru sha lem du srog gtong ba la'ang gral sgrig yod/} I am ready to die in Jerusalem (Acts 21:13), {mi bzang po zhig gi phyir srog gtong /} to die for a righteous man (Rom. 5:7). An honorific form of this construction would be {sku srog phul ba/} to give life {khong rang gi sku srog phul ba'i sgo nas/} by giving up the life of his Son (Rom. 5:10 SV). ^Bst. There are many examples of self-sacrifice in the Bst. scriptures (see SACRIFICE): {chos kyi phyir lus srog btang /} to give up one's life for the sake of the doctrine (TRC 154). Related Terms: 1) {srog med/} [lit. life + without] lifeless {bka' khrims med par sdig pa ni srog med do/} apart from the law, sin is dead (Rom. 7:8 SV); 2) {mi gson pa/} not live: {phru gu rnams mi gson pa'i phyir/} in order that the children should not live (Acts 7:19); 3) {ro/} corpse {nga ni khyi ro lta bu'i skye bo/} a dead dog like me (2 Sam. 9:8 NTV), {tshwa kha'i khyi ro mtha' ma tshwa la 'gro/} even dead dogs in a salty lake turn into salt (KPU 12). Euphemisms for death include: 4) {sa 'og song /} [lit. to go underground] {kha che pha lu sa 'og song na yang /} even when Khache Phalu is dead (KPU 26); 5) {dbyings su mnal/} (MHP 7); 6) {mya ngan las 'das/} [lit. to pass beyond suffering] used of the death of the Buddha (SGN 22); 7) {mkha' spyod du gshegs/} [lit. gone to heaven] (BLI 327).% !DEMON@ see EVIL SPIRIT, SATAN !DESCEND@ (COME DOWN) 1) #{'bab/}$ p. {babs/} imp. {'bob/} or {bobs/} ^Bib: 1) to come down to earth from heaven; to enter the world: {sprin gyi nang na ya ho wa babs nas/} the Lord came down in the cloud (Num. 11:25), {gtso bo'i pho nya nam mkha' nas babs te/} an angel of the Lord came down from heaven (Mt. 28:2), {nam mkha' nas babs pa'i bag leb de nga yin/} "I am the bread that came down from heaven" (Jn. 6:41), {thugs nyid phug ron ltar nam mkha' nas babs te/} the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove (Jn. 1:32), {lha rnams mi'i lus su sprul nas nga tsho'i rtsar babs pa yin/} the gods have come down to appear among men (Acts 14:11 SV), {nam mkha' nas me babs/} fire came down from heaven (Rev. 20:9); 2) to come to a physically lower place: {mo she ri sin las bab tshe/} when Moses came down from Mt. Sinai (Ex. 34:29), {rkyang shing las bobs shig} come down from the cross (Mt. 27:40). ^Bst. 1) {lha babs dus chen/} the festival of the Buddha's descent from heaven (TRI 301); 2) {bka' babs/} [lit. mouth + fall] oral instruction: {ti lo pa nas brgyud pa'i bka' babs rnam bzhi la sogs pa'i gdams pa mang po gsan/} he heard many instructions on the four tantric "precept transmissions" from Tilopa (TRC 136). ^Sec. 1) to descend from, come down: {chibs rta las babs te/} [the Buddha] getting off his horse (SGN 3); 2) to happen, to have circumstances fall a certain way: {gzugs po'i babs/} [lit. body + fall] the particular shape, form, or conditions of one's body (TRC 198), {rang babs su/} natural condition (TRC 199), {da ni ci la bab kyang mi byed do/} from now on, whatever happens, don't be like that (HTE 178); 3) {mun pa 'bab/} nightfall: {sems la mun pa babs pa/} darkness descending on the mind (TRC 186); 4) {dus 'bab/} to be time to {da ni rang tshul sbed pa'i dus la bab/} now is the time to keep your own way hidden (HTE 176), {da ni mya ngan las 'da' ba'i dus la babs/} now is the time to die (SGN 22); 5) {char pa 'bab/} to rain: {char pa nyin mtshan bzhi bcu 'bab nas 'dzam gling chur nub po/} after forty days and nights of rain, the world will be flooded (DPD); 6) {'bab thang /} airport: {gzhis rtse'i zhi bde 'bab thang /} Shigatse's Peace Airport (MHP 9); 7) {'bab chu/} tap water: {lcags po ri'i rang 'bab chu'i bzo grwa/} the Yaowangshan Tap Water Works (SLR 8); 8) {yong 'bab/} income: {khong tsho'i yong 'bab ha cang chen po yod pa/} they have a very good income (SLR 11). Related Terms: 1) descent through a family: {ye shu ma shi ka da bid kyi gdung brgyud nas byung ste/} Jesus Christ, descended from David (2 Tim. 2:8 SV), {ab ra ham gyi rigs brgyud/} Abraham's descendants (Heb. 2:16 SV), {khong gi gdung brgyud su yis ston par 'gyur/} who can speak of his descendants (Acts 8:33); 2) lineage: {rgyud pa gsum/} the three kinds of lineage {gdung rgyud/} personal or family, {sku rgyud/} rebirth lineage (as in the case of incarnate lamas) {slob rgyud/} succession by disciples (TRI 57).% !DESIRE@ see also COVET 1) #{'dod pa/}$ ^Bib: the most general term for desire or want: 1) [vb.] to desire or wish for: {las legs pa zhig 'dod do/} he desires a noble task (1 Tim. 3:1), {ngas bzang po byed par sems la 'dod/} I desire to do what is good (Rom. 7:18 SV); 2) [n.] a wish, a will, a desire for: {de tsho thar ba'i phyir snying nas 'dod pas/} my heart's desire is that they may be saved (Rom. 10:1), {ma shi ka dang mnyam du sdod pa/} the desire to be with Christ (Phil. 1:23); 3) evil or inappropriate desire: {'dod pa ngan pa/} evil desires (Col. 3:5), {don med pa dang gnod byed kyi 'dod pa/} foolish and harmful desires (1 Tim. 6:9), {'dod pa mngal dang ldan par gyur te sdig pa skyes/} when desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin (Jas. 1:15), {lus kyi 'dod pa/} fleshly desires (Rom. 13:14), {bdag 'dzin gyi 'dod pa/} desires of the self (Gal. 5:16), {bdag 'dzin ni de'i zhen pa dang 'dod pa bcas rgyang shing la bsad pa yin/} have crucified the self with its desires (Gal. 5:24). ^Bst. 1) a common colloquial term for "wish" or "want to": {nga ja 'thung na 'dod gi/} I want to drink tea (AMD); 2) physical desires: [colloq.] lust or sexual desire (AMD), {yi dwags 'ga' shas bza' btung 'dod pa yin pa/} some pretas have the desire for food and drink (TRC 229), 3) desire for happiness, convenience, or welfare: {ngas rang gi 'dod pa bzhin byas nas sdad/} I lived as I pleased (DPD), {sems can thams cad bde ba 'dod pa dang sdug bsngal mi 'dod pa/} every being wants happiness and does not want suffering (TRC 9); 4) spiritual desires: {byang chub 'dod pa/} the desire to be enlightened (GSL 22), {mtshan nyid kyi gzhung la slob gnyer byed yag la 'dod pa chen po/} a great wish to study the books on philosophy (TRC 2). Cognates: 1) {'dod pa khengs/} to be satisfied: {des kyang 'dod pa ma khengs par/} not satisfied with that (TRC 260); 2) {'dod pa'i khams/} the desire realm, which encompasses the six possible rebirths: god, demigod, man, animal, preta, and hell-being (TRI 144); 3) {'dod pa bsod nyams/} asceticism (SGN 10); 4) {'dod pa'i dngos po/} an object of desire (TRC 270); 5) {'dod log} evil desires (Mk. 7:21); 6) {'dod pa'i dad pa/} longing faith. See FAITH.% Proverbs: 1) {khyod rang khyod gi 'dod pa zin 'dod na/,,chang dang a rag de las lhag pa med/} if you are merely interested in following your own desire, there is nothing better than beer and hard liquor (KPU 8); 2) {rang 'dod can gyi mi la ngo tsha med/} selfish people have no sense of shame (KPU 9); 3) {'dod pa'i zhags thag rkang nas ma khrol na/,,lha chos byas song zer yang stong pa red/} if you cannot untie the noose of desire completely, even the best so-called religious practice is pointless (KPU 9). 2) #{'dod chags/}$ ^Bib: desire in a negative sense, carnal desire, lust: {lus kyi 'dod chags/} lusts of the flesh (2 Pet. 2:18), {lus kyi 'dod chags spongs shig} get rid of the desires of the sinful nature (Rom. 13:14 SV). ^Bst. {'dod chags/} is a technical term meaning attachment or an undue desire to obtain something (KTM). As the fundamental Bst. fault it is given first place in both the "three poisons" {'dod chags/,,/zhe sdang /,,gti mug} attachment, hatred, and ignorance (TRI 132), and the "six root afflictions" {'dod chags/,,zhe sdang /,,nga rgyal/,,ma rig pa/ nyon mongs can gyi lta ba/,,the tshom/} attachment, hatred, conceit, ignorance, wrong view, and doubt (TRI 284). It can be defined as follows: {'dod chags zer ba/,,tshul min yid byed kyis rang gi yul la yid 'ong gi rnam par sgro btags nas chags pa'i yul de 'thob par 'dod pa'am/,,mi 'bral bar 'dod pa'i chags pa gcig} attachment is an inappropriate desire which wishes to obtain or not to be separated from the object of desire (TRI 284). In Bsm. such attachment is the root of all suffering, and so occupies a place analogous to original sin in Christian theology. Proverbs: 1) {'dod chags 'dra ba'i me med de/} there is no fire like desire (DMP 105); 2) {'dod chags yul rjes ma zhen zhen blo ltos/} don't pursue the object of desire, look at the craving mind (HTE 194); 3) {'dod chags nag po rgya mtsho'i gting la bskur/} sink the black passion of desire to the bottom of the ocean (KPU 2). 3) #{chags pa/}$ ^Bib: to become attached or attracted to: {'jig rten dang 'jig rten la chags pa 'da'/} the world and its desires pass away (1 Jn. 2:17). ^Bst. 1) {chags pa/} in its Bst. sense is any attachment or desire, even normal family ties: {a ma de mi tshang la chags ba'i stobs kyis shi nas mi tshang de'i khyi ru skyes/} the mother, because of her attachment to the family, was reborn as the family dog (TRC 259). Even attachment to personal existence {bdag tu chags pa/} (attachment to a self) is evil in Bsm. and is listed as one of the "afflicted consciousnesses" (KBT 31). {chags pa/} thus has very negative connotations, being a cause of continued rebirth. By contrast, {ma chags pa/} (non-attachment) is a virtue that "arises when one realizes that one's body and wealth are impure, having the nature of aging, illness, and death. Thus one's mind separates from these phenomena and does not grasp at them" (KBT 16-17), {rgyu nor la chags pa/} the desire for wealth; 2) {chags pa/} = "love", but used as a negative term, as in a monk loving a woman (AMD). 4) #{chags sred/}$ ^Bib: desire: {sdig pas nga'i nang du chags sred sna tshogs bskyed do/} sin produced in me covetous desires (Rom. 7:8). 5) #{sred pa/}$ ^Bib: attachment, desire: {sred pa sna tshogs/} various kinds of desires (Mk. 4:19), {ma sred/} do not covet (Rom. 13:9). ^Bst. {sred pa/} is the desire to seek pleasure and avoid pain, and is also used in a technical sense to mean attachment (TRI 289). As such it is one of the twelve links of internal dependent-arising, or causes of suffering and rebirth (KBT 36). At death three cravings {sred pa gsum/} are said to be experienced {'dod sred/} attachment to objects, {'jigs sred/} craving for fear of losing a human body, {srid sred/} attachment to existence (CNG 11). Related Terms: 1) {dga' ba/} [hon. {mnyes/}] to like or be pleased with: {nga ni mchod par mi dga' snying rjer dga'/} I desire [lit. am pleased with] mercy, not sacrifice (Mt. 12:7), {dmar mchod dang ni 'bul bar khyed mi mnyes/} you did not desire [lit. are not pleased with] sacrifice and offering (Heb. 10:5); 2) {zhen pa/} longing, attachment: {zhen pa dang 'dod pa/} longings and desires (Gal. 5:24), {zhen yul/} object of attachment (TRI 231), {zhen pa bzhi bral/} separation from the four attachments (TRI 231), {sems kyi zhen pa/} the clinging of the mind (HTE 190), {bdag 'dzin zhen pa'i blo 'di srid pa'i rgyu/} the mind, holding onto an "I", clings to everything - this is the cause of samsara (HTE 182), {bdag 'dzin zhen pa bcad na dga'/} you'd better put an end to your possessive grasping (HTE 204), {zhen pa log} bitterness (KPU 21), {'dod zhen/} hankering after (KTM); 3) {snyeg pa/} p. {bsnyegs/} f. {bsnyeg} imp. {snyegs/} to pursue, run after: {gnang sbyin mtho ba rnams la snyegs shig} pursue the higher gifts (1 Cor. 12:31); 4) {brtson pa/} strive for, aim at: {gnang sbyin che ba rnams la brtson par byos shig} eagerly desire the greater gifts (1 Cor. 12:31 SV), effort: {brtson pas bsgrubs pa'i dge ba rnams/} merit gained through effort (GSL 30); 5) {gdung sems/} compassion, fervor: {nga la gdung sems chen po yod pa yin/} I [Jesus] have eagerly desired it (Lk. 22:15).% !DEVOUT@ see also GODLINESS 1) #{chos pa/}$ [lit. religion + person] ^Bib: devout person {mi drang po dang /,,chos pa/} a righteous and devout man (Lk. 2:25), {bka' khrims bzhin du chos pa/} a devout observer of the law (Acts 22:12). ^Bst. A {chos pa/} is someone who practices a given religion, not necessarily one who is devout {'dzam gling zhi bde'i don la sems khur ldan pa'i chos pa tsho/} religious practitioners who are concerned with world peace (DLP 21), {snang ba de ltar chos pa'i gzugs brnyan bdag} I myself am just the semblance of a dharma practitioner (HTE 170), {bya lugs byed lugs ldan pa'i pha rgan tsho/,,'dod pa can gyi chos pa brgya las lhag} cultured and elderly fathers are better than a hundred selfish monks (KPU 9), {sangs rgyas chos pa mang po/} large numbers of Buddhists (SLR 15), {chos pa'i gzugs kyis chos min byed srid pa/} possible to do unreligious deeds while having the form of a religious practitioner (GSL 26). 2) #{chos sems can/}$ [lit. religious mind having] ^Bib: a devout person {dmag mi'i nang nas chos sems can/} a devout soldier [from among other soldiers] (Acts 10:7), {ya hu da pa dang /,,de'i slob gsar chos sems can mang po/} many of the Jews and devout converts to Judaism (Acts 13:43). ^Bst: {sku ngo gzim 'gag chos sems chen po rang yin pa bsam gyi yod/} we thought the bodyguard was very devout (DPD). 3) #{chos la dga'/}$ [lit. religion + love] ^Bib: devout: {chos la dga' zhing khyim tshang dang bcas pa dkon mchog la 'jigs/} he and all his family were devout and God-fearing (Acts 10:2), {de ni chos la dga' zhing drang po yin/} he was a devout and righteous man (Luke 2:25 SV), {bka' khrims bzhin du chos la dga'/} a devout observer of the law (Acts 22:12 SV). 4) #{mos pa/}$ ^Bib: trust, devotion, belief, faith: {dmag mi rnams las chos la dad mos yod pa zhig} a devout soldier (Acts 10:7 SV). ^Bst. See BELIEF. Related Terms: {bag byed pa/} to fear; God fearing, devout: {dkon mchog la bag byed pa mang po/} many who feared God (Acts 13:43 SV), {o bad ya ni ya ho wa la rab tu bag byed pa zhig go} Obadiah was a devout believer in the Lord (1 Ki. 18:3), {khyed dkon mchog la bag byed pa'i zhabs phyi/} you God-fearing servants (Rev. 19:5).% !DISCIPLE@ see also BELIEVER 1) #{nye gnas/}$ ^Bib: 1) one of Jesus' original followers: {nye gnas kyi nang nas ye shu'i thugs su byon pa/} among the disciples, the one whom Jesus loved (Jn. 13:23); 2) other NT Christians: {ti mo the'u bya ba'i nye gnas shig} a disciple named Timothy (Acts 16:1), {a nan ya bya ba'i nye gnas shig} a disciple named Ananias (Acts 9:10), {ye shu'i nye gnas yin pa'i a ri ma tha ya pa yo seb/} Jesus' disciple Joseph of Arimathea (Jn. 19:38); 3) those who truly follow Jesus: {rang gi rkyang shing 'khur zhing nga'i rjes su mi 'brang mkhan de/,,nga'i nye gnas min/} anyone who does not carry his cross and follow me cannot be my disciple (Lk. 14:27). ^Sec: a neighbor, person living nearby. According to (AMD) not used in spoken language; occasionally used to mean follower or disciple. Cognates: 1) {nye gnas ma/} female disciple {ta bi tha zer ba'i nye gnas ma zhig yod/} in Joppa there was a disciple named Tabitha (Acts 9:36); 2) {nye ba'i sras chen brgyad/} the eight close disciples of the Buddha (TRI 95).% 2) #{slob ma/}$ ^Bib: religious student, disciple: {ye shu'i slob ma a ri ma tha pa yo seb/} Jesus' disciple Joseph of Arimathea (Mt. 27:57), {nga tsho mo she'i slob ma yin/} we are Moses' disciples (Jn. 9:28), {yo ha nan gyi slob ma rnams/} John's disciples (Mt. 9:14), {pha ru shi pa'i slob ma/} disciples of the Pharisees (Lk. 5:33). ^Bst. 1) {slob ma/} is the ordinary Bst. term for a disciple: {skal ldan gyi slob ma 'ga' zhig la gsang sngags kyi chos gsungs/} [they] taught tantra to various fortunate disciples (TRC 136), {sangs rgyas kyis rang gi slob ma rnams der 'khrid pa/} the Buddha took his disciples there (SGN 14), {slob ma'i bya ba lnga/} the five duties of a Bst. disciple (TRI 290); 2) follower, believer in a religion {rjes 'brangs slob ma rnams mi bzang po zhig tu sgyur rgyu'i nus pa/} able to make their followers into better human beings (DLP 18); 3) student: {da lta slob grwa der dge rgan dang slob ma 500 lhag tsam yod pa/} there are now more than 500 lecturers and students in the college (TMB 24), {slob ma la las gzhan gyi las bya bshus pa/} some students copy others' work (TCR 1). Related Terms: {slob dpon/} teacher or master.% !DISHONOR@ see also ACCUSE, BLASPHEME, CURSE, GLORY, HONOR, PRAISE 1) #{smod/}$ p. {smad/} f. {smad/} imp. {smod/} ^Bib: to accuse, criticize, mock, curse or dishonor: {ngas yab la bstod pas khyed tshos nga la smad do/} I honor my Father and you dishonor me (Jn. 8:49), {smad par 'gyur ba zhig 'debs nas gzi brjid dang ldan pa zhig lang /} it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory (1 Cor. 15:43), {bstod rung smad rung /} through glory and dishonor (2 Cor. 6:8). ^Bst. {gang zhig de la zhen gyur pa/,,/de nyid khyod kyis shin tu smad/} whoever is attached to [it, you have] declared him lost [lit. reviled, dishonored him] (LKT 8). 2) #{dma' 'bebs/}$ ^Bib: to dishonor or humiliate: {rang gi dbu de dma' 'bebs/} dishonors his [own] head (1 Cor. 11:4 SV). 3) #{grags pa med/}$ [lit. without reputation] ^Bib: dishonor: {khyed rnams kyi grags pa che/,,nged rnams la grags pa med/} you are honored, we are dishonored (1 Cor. 4:10 SV), {grags pa med pa zhig btab kyi/,,dpal dang ldan pa zhig lang bar 'gyur/} it is sown in dishonor, it is raised in glory (1 Cor. 15:43 SV). Related Terms: 1) {ngo tsha/} shame, disgrace: {ngas rang gi ngo tsha 'bud du ci zhig bya/} where could I get rid of my disgrace (2 Sam. 13:13); 2) {ngan brjod/} blasphemy; 3) {tshig ngan/} evil words (KTM).% !DOUBT@ 1) #{the tshom/}$ ^Bib: doubt, suspicion, uncertainty, or hesitation (KTM), in both secular and religious senses (AMD): 1) uncertainty or doubt: {khyed kyis the tshom med par dad pa byed na/} if you have faith and do not doubt (Mt. 21:21); 2) {the tshom byed pa/} to be skeptical, hesitant, or disbelieving: {kha cig gis the tshom byas/} some doubted (Mt. 28:17), {dad chung khyod/,,the tshom ci la byas/} you of little faith, why did you doubt? (Mt. 14:31); 3) {the tshom skye ba/} to have doubts arise: {the tshom skyed mkhan des za na/} if the one who doubts eats (Rom. 14:23 SV), {the tshom ci la skyed/} why do doubts arise in your minds? (Lk. 24:38); 4) {the tshom za/} = {the tshom skye ba/} to have doubts: {the tshom za bas de dag la bslab bya ston cig} instruct those who doubt (Jude 22 SV); 5) {the tshom shar ba/} to have doubts arise, to doubt inadvertently (KTM). ^Bst. {the tshom/} to question the basic precepts of Bsm; one of the six root afflictions (KBT 19). {the tshom gsum/} are the three types of doubt: {don 'gyur gyi the tshom/} doubt which inclines towards its object, {don mi 'gyur gyi the tshom/} doubt which inclines away from its object, and {cha mnyam pa'i the tshom/} evenly balanced doubt (TRI 123). ^Sec. {'phrul bzo rig gnas gong 'phel byung yod par the tshom med/} no doubt about the increase in our technology (DLP 2), {rgyal spyi'i khrims srol rang thag rang gcod kyi thob thang yod pa'i sgo nas chos srid rang dbang gtsang ma'i dpal pa spyod thub rgyur the tshom med/} there can be no doubt about our ability to enjoy the glory of full religious and secular independence via the principle of self-determination encompassed in international legal tradition (RRT 282 n. 22). 2) #{rnam rtog}$ ^Bib: suspicion, doubt: {rnam rtog can gyis za na/} if the one who doubts eats (Rom. 14:23). ^Bst. 1) in spoken language a superstition, or bad omen (e.g. the accidental breaking of a teacup being an omen that something bad has happened) (AMD); 2) {rnam rtog} in philosophy is an obstacle or obscuration {rnam rtog med na sangs rgyas yin, rnam rtog yin na sangs rgyas med/} if there is not obscuration, there is buddhahood, if there is obscuration, there is no buddhahood (KTM). Related Terms: {dogs pa/} apprehension or suspicion that something might be the case (KTM): {khyed tsho'i 'dod pa bzhin nga med par mthong gis dogs so/} I am afraid you may not find me as you want me to be (2 Cor. 12:20), {dogs pa za ba/} to hesitate (KTM).% !DRIVE OUT@ #{skrod/}$ p. {bskrad/} fut. {bskrad} imp. {skrod/} ^Bib: 1) to drive out or exorcise an evil spirit: {'gong po skrod pa'i dbang /} authority to drive out demons (Mk. 3:14-15), {khyed kyi mtshan nas brjod de bgegs bskrad ba ma yin nam/} did we not drive out demons in your name (Mt. 7:22 SV), {gdon mi gtsang ba rnams skrod pa/} drive out unclean spirits (Mt. 10:1 SV), {bdud kyis bdud skrod pa ci ltar srid/} how can Satan cast out Satan (Mk. 3:23 SV); 2) to take away or expel: {yang dag pa'i byams pas 'jigs pa phyir skrod/} perfect love drives out fear (1 Jn. 4:18). Related Terms: 1) {bgegs skrod mkhan/} one who drives out demons {bgegs skrod mkhan yin pa'i ya hu da pa/} some Jews who drove out evil spirits (Acts 19:13); 2) {bka' bkyon/} [hon.] to rebuke an evil spirit {'gong po la bka' bkyon mdzad/} he rebuked the evil spirit (Mk. 9:25).% !EGYPT@ #{mi ser yul/}$ [Heb. misrayim] ^Bib: Egypt: {mi ser yul du bros/} escape to Egypt (Mt. 2:13). !ELIJAH@ #{e li ya/}$ ^Bib: the prophet Elijah, who lived in the 9th century B.C. {go bar 'dod na/,,'byung bar 'gyur ba'i e li ya 'di ka yin/} if you are willing to accept it, he is the Elijah who was to come (Mt. 11:14). !ELISHA@ #{e li sha/}$ ^Bib: the 9th century B.C. prophet Elisha: {lung ston pa e li sha'i dus su/} in the time of the prophet Elisha (Lk. 4:27). !EMPTY@ #{stong pa/}$ [var. {stongs/}] ^Bib: empty, void: {sa ni stongs shing stong par yod de/} the earth was formless and empty (Gen. 1:2), {phyug po stong par bton par mdzad/} he sent the rich away empty (Lk. 1:53), {las dang bral ba'i dad pa ni stong pa yin/} faith without works is empty (Jas. 2:20). ^Bst. 1) emptiness {stong pa/} or {stong pa nyid/} is the view that the world lacks separate, inherent existence, and is the fundamental Bst. view of reality (called {rang stong /} ). Bsm. denies the substantial existence of all phenomena, including that of: a) man: {phung po lnga po de dag la yang rang bzhin gyis stong par rnam par lta'o/} looking perfectly at the emptiness of inherent existence also of the five aggregates (HSU 166); b) the soul: (KBT defines {stong pa/} as the absence of a permanent self abiding in the five aggregates (KBT 94); c) all observable phenomena: {chos thams cad stong pa nyid de/} all phenomena are merely empty [of inherent existence] (HSU 167), {rten cing 'brel par gang byung ba/,,/de nyid khyod ni stong par bzhed/} whatever arises dependently is exactly what you have explained as emptiness (LKT 8), {gzugs stong pa'o/,,/stong pa nyid gzugs so/} form is emptiness, emptiness is form (HSU 167); d) and even emptiness itself {stong pa nyid stong pa nyid/} the emptiness of emptiness (TRI 114); 2) pointless or futile: {'dod pa'i zhags thag rkang nas ma khrol na/,,lha chos byas song zer yang stong pa red/} if you can not untie the lasso of desire completely, even the so-called best religious practice is empty (KPU 9). Related Terms: 1) {med par byed/} to be nullified, destroyed: {de min ma shi ka'i brkyang shing med par byed par 'gyur/} lest the cross of Christ be emptied of its power (1 Cor. 1:17 SV); 2) {don med pa/} meaningless, futile: {don med pa'i tshig} empty words (Eph. 5:6 SV); 3) {snying po med pa/} [lit. without heart] without substance, lacking what is important or substantial {spyod lam snying po med pa/} an empty way of life (1 Pet. 1:18 SV); 4) {thos na che zhing don chung /} [lit. big if heard, meaning small] {tshig thos na che zhing don chung ba lab ste/} they mouth empty, boastful words (2 Pet. 2:18 SV).% !ENEMY@ #{dgra/}$ [var. dgra bo] ^Bib: opponent or enemy; either human, natural, or supernatural: {khyim mtshes la byams pa byos/,,dgra la sdong zhig} love your neighbor and hate your enemy (Mt. 5:43), {de 'debs pa'i dgra bo ni bdud yin/} the enemy who sows them is the devil (Mt. 13:39), {dgra thams cad kyi mjug tu 'chi ba 'jom par mdzad do/} the last enemy to be overcome is death (1 Cor. 15:26). ^Bst. See ANTICHRIST. !ENLIGHTENMENT@ 1) #{byang chub/}$ enlightenment; the state of impersonal moral and spiritual perfection sought in Bsm. {byang chub lam/} the path to enlightenment (UCO 148), {{byang chub 'dod pas lus kyang btang /} those who seek enlightenment will even give up their bodies (GSL 22). Enlightenment differs profoundly from the Biblical idea of salvation in being impersonal, non-theistic, and ineffable. 2) #{byang chub kyi sems/}$ [Skt. boddhichitta] the mind of enlightenment; the desire to attain enlightenment in order to benefit other living beings (TRC 317). Attaining enlightenment is believed to be one of the first steps toward becoming a boddhisattva or {byang chub sems dpa'/} the ultimate goal of Tibetan Bsm: {theg pa chen po'i lam la zhugs pa la de'i 'jug sgo ni/,,byang chub kyi sems zer ba de red/} the gate of the Mahayana path is the mind of enlightenment (TRC 318). It is produced through a six or seven step series of meditations which include considering all beings as one's mother in previous rebirths {mar shes/} remembering the kindness of others in other rebirths {drin dran/} mentally repaying those kindnesses {drin gzo/} developing the wish for others to be free from suffering {byams pa/} and resolving to become an enlightened being in order to effect this (TRC 319). 3) #{byang chub sems dpa'/}$ [Skt. boddhisattva] one who dedicates the merit of his religious practice towards the liberation of all sentient beings; a Bst. saint and future Buddha. Some boddhisattvas are described as shepherds leading their flocks of sentient beings to buddhahood (JPG 428). Related Terms: {byang chub shing /} the bodhi tree under which the Buddha was enlightened (SGN 11).% !EVE@ #{ha wa/}$ [Heb. hawwah] ^Bib: Eve, the wife of Adam: {a dam gyis bud med kyi ming la ha wa zhes btags pa yin/} Adam named the woman Eve (Gen. 3:20). ^Bst. For the Tibetan account of man's origins, see ADAM. !EVIL@ 1) #{ngan pa/}$ ^Bib: the most general term for evil: 1) moral evil: {ngan pa spang /} forsake evil (Rom. 12:9), {ngan pa la mi dga'/} [love] does not delight in evil (1 Cor. 13:6), {shab bad kyi zhag la bzang po byed mchog gam ngan pa byed mchog} is it permitted to do good or evil on the Sabbath? (Lk. 6:9), {ngan pa byas pa rnams/} those who do evil (Jn. 5:29), {mi dga' ba'i ngan pa de byed do/} the evil I do not want to do is what I do (Rom. 7:19); 2) morally bad: {bsam ngan/} evil thoughts (Mt. 9:4), {khyod tsho ngan pa yin bzhin du/} though you are evil (Mt. 7:11), {mi thu ba dang ngan pa/} wicked and evil men (2 Thes. 3:2); 3) the evil one, the devil: {'di las lhag pa ji yod ngan pa nas 'byung ngo /} anything beyond this comes from the evil one (Mt. 5:37), {ngan pa las nged thar par mdzod/} deliver us from the evil one (Mt. 6:13), {ngan pa las srung bar 'gyur ro/} [the Lord] will guard you from the evil one (2 Thes. 3:3). The Biblical doctrine of evil includes both physical (e.g. natural disaster) and moral (e.g. sin) evil. ^Bst. Bsm. defines evil as any action which results in suffering (FLD 4), and so concerns itself more with the effects of evil (i.e. suffering) than with its causes. The existence of physical evil is one of the reasons that the Buddha was said to have rejected the concept of God. The Tibetan term {ngan pa/} includes both physical evil and moral evil; hence one may speak of {gsar 'gyur ngan pa ha cang mang po/} a great deal of bad news (DLP 1), and {'bras ngan pa/} disastrous consequences (DLP 2). Moral evil is implied in such phrases as: {nga rang spyod pa ngan pa'i rkyen gyis/} because of my bad behaviour (DPD), {grogs po ngan pa rnams/} evil companions (DPD), {bsam sbyor ngan pas rgyud bskul te/} inspired him to evil thought and action (TRC 114), {ngan song gsum/} the three evil destinies [of birth as a hell-being, preta, or animal] (TRC 272). Proverbs: 1) {ngan pa bskyangs na bzang po brdungs pa 'dra/} protecting the evil person is the same as hitting a good person (KPU 15); 2) {ngan pa'i rjes la ltas ngan gtam ngan yod/} bad omens and bad news follow a bad man (KPU 21); 3) {kha ngan khog ngan/} evil speech and evil mind [lit. inside] - someone who is thoroughly evil (TQP 35); 4) {ngan pa tshar ma bcad na/,,bzang po spro ba mi skye/} if evil people [i.e. criminals] are not done away with, good people cannot be happy (TQP 77).% 2) #{mi rigs pa/}$ ^Bib: wrong or improper: {mi rigs pa la mi dga'i/} [love] does not delight in evil (1 Cor. 13:6 SV), {lce yang me yin/,,nga tsho'i yan lag gi nang na mi rigs pa thams cad kyi 'jig rten/} the tongue also is a fire, a world of evil among the parts of the body (Jas. 3:6 SV). Related Terms: 1) {ngan sems/} lit. [evil + mind] evil, wicked: {ngan sems skyed pa rnams/} wicked men (2 Thes. 3:2 SV); 2) {gtam ngan/} evil speech, slander: {la las nga tshor gtam ngan gtong /} some slander us (Rom. 3:8); 3) {sdig spyod/} evildoer: {sdig spyod rnams phar song zhig} away from me, you evildoers (Mt. 7:23); 4) {smad pa/} speak evil of, verbally abuse {mi sde'i dpon po la ma smad/} do not speak evil of the ruler of the people (Acts 23:5); 5) {mi dge ba/} what is not right: {mi dge ba spyod pa/} one who does what is not right (Rom. 2:9); 6) {'dod pa/} [evil] desire, see the entry for DESIRE; 7) {'gong po/} evil spirit (see EVIL SPIRIT); 8) {dri ma ngan pa/} a bad smell (TRC 270).% !EVIL SPIRIT@ (DEMON, GHOST, UNCLEAN SPIRIT) see also SATAN 1) #{'dre/}$ ^Bib: 1) demons: {khong nang 'dre zhugs so/} he has an evil spirit (Mk. 3:30), {mchod pa ni 'dre la 'bul lo/} sacrifices are given to demons (1 Cor. 10:20), {'dre'i chos la rten/} to follow the teaching of demons (1 Tim. 4:1-2); 2) ghosts: {'dre la sha dang rus pa med/} a ghost does not have flesh and bones (Lk. 24:39), {'dre'o zer zhing 'jigs pas 'bod bsgrags so/} "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear (Mt. 14:26). ^Bst. {'dre/} the most general and inclusive term for evil spirit. Evil spirits are perceived on two levels in Bsm. Folk Bsts. accord them substantial existence and may even claim to have seen them; the more educated regard them as manifestations of impure mental consciousnesses (e.g. greed, lust, etc.). While different classes of evil beings are represented in the words given below, there is great overlap between each type (KTM). Though feared by the laity, the monks take a more sanguine view of the supernatural, as in the story about a geshe moved to tears by the sufferings of all sentient beings. When the local demons and spirits came to harm him, they found they could not, because of his attitude of compassion for all beings (JPG 395). 1) The {'dre/} are one class of spirits which are quite powerful and invoke much fear (KTM): {gu ru rin po ches lha 'dre dam la btags sa/} the place where Guru Rinpoche bound an evil spirit (DPD), {'dre dang grogs po byed na/} if you want to be friends with a spirit (KPU 33); 2) a bad person [this sense used only by educated modern people] (AMD). Cognates: {'dre shig} bedbug (DPD).% 2) #{'gong po/}$ ^Bib: a general term for demons [Gr. daimon] or evil spirits [prob. more common in Ladakh]: 1) demon {'gong zhugs shin tu drag po gnyis/} two very violent demon-possessed men (Mt. 8:28), {khyed kyi mtshan gyi ngang nas 'gong po ma bskrad dam/} in your name did we not drive out demons? (Mt. 7:22), {'gong po'i gtso bo/} the prince of demons (Mt. 9:34), {'gong po skrod pa'i dbang /} authority to drive out demons (Mk. 3:14), {khyed 'gong zhugs yin pa da shes so/} we know you are demon-possessed (Jn. 8:52); 2) evil spirit: {'gong pos mi de dkrugs/} the evil spirit shook the man violently (Mk. 1:26), {'gong po rnams kyis khong mjal ba tsam/} whenever the evil spirits saw him (Mk. 3:11). ^Bst. a general term for a class of demons believed to be responsible for producing illness. A sorcerer is usually called in to cast lots to determine if such a demon is present, then a ceremony of exorcism is performed to drive it out (EBN). Cognates: {'gong ba/} to bewitch or enchant.% 3) #{bdud/}$ demon or devil (see also SATAN) ^Bib: {bdud kyang yid ches/} the demons also believe (Jas. 2:19), {bdud kyi stobs thams cad las rgyal ba'i dbang /} authority to overcome all the power of the enemy (Lk. 10:19), {'on kyang khyed las gcig ni bdud yin/} yet one of you is a devil (Jn. 6:70), {bdud rnams kyi rgyal po/} the prince of demons (Mt. 9:34 SV). ^Bst. 1) In orthodox Bsm. the {bdud/} are impersonal obstacles to Bst. practice, e.g. the {bdud bzhi/} are {phung po'i bdud/} aggregates, {nyon mongs pa'i bdud/} ignorance {'chi bdag gi bdud/} death {lha'i bu'i bdud rnams/} the evil of a son of a god [i.e. lust] (CNG 37). 2) these forces can be personified as the Bst. devil {bdud dga' rabs dbang phyug} the Lord of Desire, who is often depicted as the chief tempter of the Buddha and his saints {bdud dga' rabs dbang phyug phrag dog skyes nas/} the evil spirit Sunandesvara had grown jealous (BLI 332 no. 83); 3) a general category of formless, invisible, omnipresent, and powerful evil beings. The purpose of the {bdud/} is to keep people from Bsm. through various types of mischief (KTM). {bdud sdig to can rnams/} demonic tempters (SGN 11), {bdud des sangs rgyas la gnod pa skyel thabs byas kyang /} though the devil tried to harm the Buddha (SGN 18), {bdud kyis dge slong zhig la nyams sad btang /} the devil tempted a monk (DPD), {lha bdud du mi dbab/} do not turn a god into a demon (UCO 150). Proverbs: {bud med yin na bdud kyi yan lag red/} woman is a manifestation [lit. branch] of the devil (KPU 33). 4) #{gdon/}$ ^Bib: an unclean or evil spirit: unclean spirit {gdon mi gtsang ba/} an unclean spirit (Mt. 12:43), {gdon mi gtsang ba mi'i nang nas thon pa'i tshe/} when an evil spirit comes out of a man (Mt. 12:43). ^Bst. 1) impersonal forces obstructing the practice of Bsm. {gdon gsum/} the three evil forces {steng gdon gza' dang rgyu skar/} the planet of the upper world, {bar gdon btsan dang rgyal po/} the mountain gods of the intermediate world, {'og gdon klu dang da bdag} the nagas and earth lords of the subterranean world (TRI 138); 2) {gdon/} is a class of demon which causes disease (KTM). Cognates: {gdon 'dre/} = {'gong 'dre/} evil spirit.% 5) #{bgegs/}$ ^Bib: a demon: {bgegs kyis zin pa'i mi gnyis/} two demon possessed men (Mt. 8:28 SV), {khyed kyi mtshan nas brjod de bgegs bskrad pa ma yin/} in your name did we not drive out demons? (Mt. 7:22 SV), {bgegs rnams skrod pa'i dbang /} authority to drive out demons (Mk. 3:14 SV), {bgegs rnams kyi sdod gnas/} a haunt for demons (Rev. 18:2). ^Bst. 1) obstacles, obstructions, impersonal forces obstructing the practice of Bsm. {rang snang dbang du 'dus na dgra bgegs thul/} as your perceptions come under control, enemies and obstructing influences are subjugated (HTE 186); 2) the {bgegs/} [lit. hindrance, obstacle] is a class of demons believed to create obstacles and difficulties for man (KTM). 6) #{mi ma yin/}$ [lit. non human being] ^Bib: {mi ma yin gyi bstan pa rnams/} things taught by demons (1 Tim. 4:1 SV); 2) ghosts: {mi ma yin zhig la sha dang rus pa med/} a ghost does not have flesh and bones (Lk. 24:39 SV). 7) #{ngan pa/}$ ^Bib: evil one: {'di las lhag pa ji yod ngan pa nas 'byung ngo /} anything beyond this comes from the evil one (Mt. 5:37). 8) #{gshed ma/}$ ^Bib: a killer demon: {la las ma rangs pa'i tshig smras nas gshed mas bsad pa ltar/} as the destroying angel killed some of them after they complained (1 Cor. 10:10) ^Bst. 1) A {gshed ma/} is a class of killer demon believed to take the life of an individual by seizing its life force {srog} when it is in a deteriorated condition. The exorcism of a {gshed ma/} from the home of the deceased is known as {za 'dre kha sgyur/}, (turning away the mouth of the eating demon). Though a {gshed ma/} is what causes the death of an individual, its exorcism is known as the exorcism of a {'dre/} (KTM), 2) a derogatory name for oppressive rulers, meaning "one who is completely selfish and without reason" (AMD). Related Terms: a small sample of terms for evil spirits includes: 1) {lha 'dre gdug pa can/} an evil spirit (DBG 239); 2) {ma mo/} a class of wrathful protector goddesses (TRI 201); 3) {glu gnyan/} malignant or harmful nagas (TRI 9); 4) {mkha' 'gro/} a dakini, witch, or goddess; 5) {btsan/} a type of spirit living in mountains which may become familiar spirits for an oracle or shaman (TRI 210); 6) {sri/} an evil spirit born of a resurrected corpse (TRI 288); 7) {phra men ma/} vampire witches (BLI 396); 8) {'byung mo/} a demoness {'byung mo bcu gnyis kyi bzlas pa byas pas zhag dang po la sa g.yos/} twelve demonesses shook the earth (BLI 396 no. 78); 9) {srin po/} a class of large cannibal demons, one of whom (a female {srin mo/}) is supposed to be the mother of the Tibetan race (see ADAM); 10) {gnyan/} or {gnyan khra/} a class of demigods; 11) {gnod sbyin/} a class of harmful spirits (TRI 155), believed to inhabit roads and mountain passes; they must be propitiated by travelers (EBN); 12) {ro lang /} the spirit of a dead person returned to earth = a ghost; also a spirit which occupies a dead body (TRI 263); {ro langs rgyag pa/} to restore {ro langs rgyag pa'i rgyal rabs/} the restored monarchy (SBC-1, p. 61); 13) {grul bum/} a vampire-like demigod (TRI 40); 14) {sha za/} a type of hungry ghost (preta) (TRI 272); 15) {sha khon/} a vengeful spirit (TRI 272); 16) {srung mo/} one of the fierce protector demonesses of Tibet.% !EXALT@ 1) #{'phags/}$ ^Bib: to be raised or exalted: {nam mkha' las kyang 'phags pa/} exalted above the heavens (Heb. 7:26), {dkon mchog gis/,,/mtshan rnams yongs las mtho ba'i mtshan/,,/khong la gnang zhing 'phags par mdzad/} God exalted him to the highest place and gave him the name that is above every name (Phil. 2:9). ^Bst. Sublime, noble, or exalted; may be used of high lamas, a doctrine, or a student outstanding in his class (AMD). Hence {'phags pa/} is a common written term for boddhisattva. As an honorific, it is often applied to: 1) doctrines: {'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi/} the four noble truths of Bsm. (CNG 28), {'phags lam yan lag brgyad/} the noble eightfold path (CNG 116), {'phags pa'i nor bdun/} the seven sublime treasures (SGN 16); 2) Bst. lamas or saints: {'phags pa/} a so-called Aryan individual; a person who through study and meditation obtains the power of direct perception of the true or real through yogic perception (TRC 73), {'phags pa lha/} Aryadeva, a disciple of Nagarjuna (TRC 25), {dbu 'dzin khyad du 'phags pa kun gzigs pan chen er te ni sku phreng bcu pa/} an outstanding leader, the 10th Panchen Lama (MHP 7), {'phags pa klu sgrub/} Nagarjuna (TRI 177); 3) Bst. gods: {'phags pa'i sku/} [lit. exalted body] Chenresi (HTE 190), {'phags pa nam mkha'i rgyal po/} the sublime king of the sky (HTE 196), {byang chubs sems dpa' chen po 'phags pa spyan ras gzigs/} the superior Avalokiteshvara (Chenresi) (HSU 166); 4) religious places: {'phags pa'i yul/} India (KPU 2), {pha ri si'i 'phags ma'i mchod khang /} Notre Dame Cathedral in Paris (SBC-1 62). ^Sec. 1) one who is accomplished or superior: {lam lugs khyad du 'phags pa/} accomplished in ways and customs (KTM), {stobs shugs bla na 'phags pa/} higher than any other in strength and ability (KTM); 2) above all, supremely: {rang nyid sems can gzhan las khyad par 'phags pa'i 'gro ba mi'i khyim tshang gi nang mi zhig yin pa'i sems khur 'dzin mkhan/} one who sees himself above all as a member of the human family (DLP 16). Cognates: 1) {'phags mchog} sublime (HTE 200); 2) {'phags skad/} Sanskrit; 3) {phul tu phyin pa/} accomplished (KTM).% 2) #{mtho bar byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to raise, lift up, exalt: {rang mtho bar byed pa de dma' bar 'gyur 'ong /} whoever exalts himself will be humbled (Mt. 23:12), {nam mkha' rnams las mtho bar mdzad par gyur pa zhig} one who is exalted above the heavens (Heb. 7:26 SV). ^Bst. To lift up through verbal expression, to exalt, to extol (KTM). Cognates: 1) {mtho ris/} higher rebirth (TRI 127); 2) {ches mtho/} supreme {ches mtho ba'i sgyu tsal/} supreme art (SBC-1 63); 3) {mtho sar bzhag} put in a high place: {dkon mchog gis khong mtho sar bzhag ste/} God exalted him to the highest place (Phil. 2:9 SV).% 3) #{'degs pa/}$ p. {btegs/}, f. {gdeg} imp. {theg} ^Bib: to raise up, exalt: {rang 'degs pa de 'bebs par 'gyur/,,rang 'bebs pa de 'degs par 'gyur ro/} everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted (Lk. 18:14). Related Terms: 1) {snyan grags 'byung ba/} to gain glory, prestige, or fame: {nga'i lus kyi sgo nas ma shi ka la snyan grags 'byung ba/} Christ will be exalted in my body (Phil. 1:20), {ma shi ka la nga'i lus nas grags pa chen po 'byung bar re ste/} hope that Christ will be exalted in my body (Phil. 1:20 SV); 2) {yar rgyas gong 'phel du gtong ba/} to cause to make progress or advance: {nyid kyi rgyal srid yar rgyas gong 'phel du gtong ba/} [God had] exalted his kingdom (2 Sam. 5:12 NTV).% !EXORCISE@ see DRIVE OUT !FAITH@ see also BELIEVE 1) #{dad pa/}$ ^Bib: trust or belief, especially in a supernatural object; religious faith. In its Christian sense it implies complete trust in and reliance upon God: {dad pa ni re ba byas pa'i dngos po rnams la blo gdeng /} faith is being sure of what we hope for (Heb. 11:1), {ri spo nus pa'i dad pa/} faith that is able to move mountains (1 Cor. 13:2), {dad pa'i bka'/} the word of faith (Rom. 10:8), {dad pa/,,re ba/,,byams pa/} faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13), {drang po dad pas 'tsho bar 'gyur/} the righteous will live by faith (Rom. 1:17), {nga tsho dad pa'i sgo nas thar/} we are saved by faith (Rom. 5:1), {khyod kyi dad pas khyod thar ba yin/} your faith has saved you (Mk. 10:52), {ye shu la dad mkhan/} those who have faith in Jesus (Rom. 3:26), {dad pa'i sgo nas sa ra yis zhal chad mdzad mkhan bslu med lags par yid ches pas/} by faith Sarah believed him who had made the promise (Heb. 11:11). ^Bst. {dad pa/} implies: 1) belief in the basic Bst. doctrines such as the four truths and the 8-fold path; 2) belief in one's spiritual teacher. Faith is taught to be the root of all spiritual achievement (JPG 106) and its absence {ma dad pa/} is counted as an affliction. Four types of faith are distinguished in the Bst. scriptures: 1) {yid ches pa'i dad pa/} or "convinced faith" is the fruit of rational analysis of a proposition. An individual with this kind of faith is one who has examined the truth of a proposition (normally karma or the four noble truths) and is convinced of its truth (KTM), or one who has seen the good qualities of his spiritual teacher and become convinced that the teacher is a Buddha (JPG 107); 2) {dang ba'i dad pa/} or "pure faith" is a fully trusting, naive, contented, childlike faith (KTM); 3) {mngon 'dod kyi dad pa/} or "longing faith" is a faith which sees good qualities in another and wants to emulate them (JPG 107); 4) {phyir mi ldog pa'i dad pa/} or "irreversible faith" is a final, convinced, experienced faith which is beyond doubt and the ultimate goal of the Bst (KTM). Faith is not spontaneous, but must be cultivated (JPG 196). Examples of faith include: {rgyal po de sangs rgyas la dad pa chen po skyes/} the king had great faith in the Buddha (SGN 14), {sangs rgyas la dad pa skyes nas skyabs su bzung /} he had faith in the Buddha and took refuge (SGN 18), {nga'i dad pa rten po med pas/} because my faith was not firm (DPD), {dad pa'i yul/} an object of faith (TRC 199). Cognates: 1) {dad pa log pa/} perverse faith or unbelief: {mang po dad pa log par 'gyur/} many will turn away from the faith (Mt. 24:10); 2) {dad med/} lack of faith: {de rnams kyi dad med la ngo mtshar 'khrungs so/} he was amazed at their lack of faith (Mk. 6:6); 3) {rmongs dad/} [lit. ignorance + faith] superstition: {bkas bkod rgyud 'dzin rmongs dad/} feudal superstition.% 2) #{yid ches/}$ ^Bib: trust, reliance, or confidence; often but not always of a lower or more general type than the trusting, devotional faith implied by {dad pa/} : {khyed kyi yid ches bzhin du gyur cig} according to your faith will it be done to you (Mt. 9:29), {de rnams kyi yid ches la gzigs nas/} when Jesus saw their faith (Lk. 5:20), {nga tshor dkon mchog gis byams pa shes shing yid ches so/} we know and rely on the love God has for us (1 Jn. 4:16), {gtam bden zhing yid ches 'os pa'o/} a [true and] trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (1 Tim. 4:9). ^Bst. {yid ches/} is trust, confidence, or faith {'jigs pa las skyob pa'i nus pa yod par yid ches te/} to have faith that [{dkon mchog}] has the power to save from fear (TRC 73), {yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa/} to hope with strong, firm faith (REF 114), {yid ches la sogs pa rgya chen po bskyed dgos/} one ought to develop great confidence (TRC 164), {yid ches 'os pa/} that which is trustworthy or can be believed (AMD). ^Sec. {khyod kyi nad de drag pa yid ches yod dam/} do you believe [lit. have faith] that your illness will get better? (DPD), {yun ring mi dgos par lha sa grong khyer gyi rnam pa shin tu mdzes sdug ldan pa zhig tu 'gyur thub pa nga la yid ches yod/} I believe [lit. have faith] that the appearance of Lhasa City will be very beautiful in the near future (SLR 15). Related Terms: 1) {blo gdeng /} confidence, trust (see TRUST); 2) {thugs log} to turn away from faith, backslide, reject a former belief (EBN).% !FAITHFUL@ 1) #{drang po/}$ ^Bib: Several terms derived from {drang po/} convey the idea of faithful in the sense of right, sincere, true, or honest: 1) {drang po/} honest, righteous: {nga'i gces phrug drang po ti mo the'u/} my dear son Timothy, who is faithful (1 Cor. 4:17), {zhabs tog pa drang po/} a faithful servant (Eph. 6:21), {dpang po drang po/} [Jesus Christ] the faithful witness (Rev. 1:5); 2) {blo drang ba/} [lit. mind + sincere], faithful: {nga blo drang po yin par rtsis nas/} considered me faithful (1 Tim. 1:12), {blo drang ba'i bla chen/} a faithful high priest (Heb. 2:17); 3) {sems drang po/} or {thugs drang po/} [hon.] honest, righteous, faithful: {gtso bo'i ngang na zhabs tog pa sems drang po/} a faithful servant in the Lord (Eph. 6:21 SV), {mdzad pa po thugs drang po la 'bul bar byos/} commit themselves to their faithful Creator (1 Pet. 4:19 SV). 2) #{dam bcas pa las mi 'gal/}$ [lit. not to break a promise or a vow] ^Bib: faithful to one's word, reliable, dependable: {khyed bos pa'i dkon mchog ni dam bcas pa las mi 'gal bas de bzhin du sgrub par 'gyur ro/} the one who calls you is faithful and he will do it (1 Thes. 5:24 SV), {bla ma chen po brtse ba dang ldan zhing dam bcas pa las mi 'gal ba zhig} a merciful and faithful high priest (Heb. 2:17 SV), {mo she ni khong gi pho brang thams cad kyi nang na dam bcas pa las ma 'gal ba ltar/} as Moses was faithful in all God's house (Heb. 3:2 SV), {zhal bzhes mdzad mkhan ni dam bcas pa las 'gal ba ma lags pas/} he who promised is faithful (Heb. 10:23 SV), {dpang po dam bcas pa las mi 'gal zhing bden pa/} the faithful and true witness (Rev. 3:14 SV). Cognates: {dam bcas pa las 'gal ba/} faithless {blo gros med pa dang /,,dam bcas pa las 'gal ba/} [they are] they are senseless [and] faithless (Rom. 1:31 SV).% 3) #{bka' las mi 'gal/}$ [lit. not to go back on one's word] true to what one has promised, faithful: {dkon mchog ni bka' las mi 'gal te/} God is faithful (1 Cor. 1:9 SV), {ma shi ka'i g.yog po bka' la mi 'gal ba zhig yin/} a faithful minister of Christ (Col. 1:7 SV), {ma shi ka ye shu nga bka' las mi 'gal bar dgongs/} Christ Jesus considered me faithful (1 Tim. 1:12 SV), {khong ni rang gi bka' las mi 'gal zhing thugs drang po lags pas/} He is faithful and just (1 Jn. 1:9 SV). Cognates: {bka' las 'gal/} faithless {nga tsho bka' las 'gal na/} if we are faithless (2 Tim. 2:13 SV).% 4) #{bka' las mi 'da'/}$ [lit. not to go beyond one's word] faithful: {dkon mchog gis bka' las mi 'da' ste/} God is faithful (1 Cor. 10:13 SV), {dkon mchog ni rang gi bka' las mi 'da' bas/,,nged kyis khyod cag la smras pa ni yin min gyi gtam ma yin no/} as surely as God is faithful, our message to you is not "Yes" and "No" (2 Cor. 1:18 SV). 5) #{'gyur med/}$ [lit. change + not] ^Bib: unchanging, constant, faithful: {khong 'gyur med dang drang po lags pas/} He is faithful and just (1 Jn. 1:9), {nga tsho 'gyur kyang khong mi 'gyur/} though we change, he remains faithful (2 Tim. 2:13), {'gyur ba med pa'i mdzad pa po/} faithful Creator (1 Pet. 4:19), {der 'chibs mkhan la mi 'gyur ba dang bden pa zhu'o/} its rider was called faithful and true (Rev. 19:11). 6) #{brtan pa/}$ ^Bib: steadfast, firm, unwavering: {smon lam la brtan par gnas shig} be faithful in prayer (Rom. 12:12), {'chi ba la thug kyang brtan por gnas shig} be faithful, even to the point of death (Rev. 2:10). 7) #{bslu med/}$ [lit. tempt, seduce + not] ^Bib: not deceptive; trustworthy, dependable, reliable: {gtso bo ni slu med lags pas/} the Lord is faithful (2 Thes. 3:3), {dkon mchog slu med lags pa ltar/} as God is faithful (2 Cor. 1:18). ^Bst. The Bst. god Chenresi is described as {bslu ba med pa/} meaning that he is not deceptive, but trustworthy. When one "takes refuge", the object of faith should be something which is {bslu med pa/} (KTM). Related Terms: 1) {dam tshig nyams pa/} [lit. vow + break] to be unfaithful to a vow or command: {mi de'i dam tshig nyams pa des dkon mchog gi dam tshig de nyams par bya'am/} will their unfaithfulness negate God's faithfulness? (Rom. 3:3); 2) {rtag tu 'debs pa/} persistent, constant: {smon lam rtag tu 'debs pa/} faithful in prayer (Rom. 12:12 SV); 3) {blo skyel ba/} to depend or rely upon,trustworthy: {'di ru gnyer pa rnams ni blo skyel bar nus pa'i mi yin par dgos/} it is required that those who have been given a trust must prove faithful (1 Cor. 4:2 SV); 4) {blo gtad can/} one who is trustworthy: {bdag gi gces pa'i phru gu blo gtad can de khyod cag gi drung du btang ngo /} I am sending to you my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord (1 Cor. 4:17 SV); 5) {srung /} to keep or observe: {nga'i kha chad de dag gis ma bsrungs pas/} they did not remain faithful to my covenant (Heb. 8:9 SV); 6) {g.yo ba med pa/} unwavering (KTM); 7) {slu/} to fool, to deceive; see TEMPT; 8) {mgo skor btang /} to trick (KTM).% !FATHER@ 1) #{yab/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: father: {ab ra ham nga cag gi yab yin/} Abraham is our father (Mt. 3:9), {khyod tsho'i nam mkha'i yab/} your heavenly Father (Mt. 5:48). ^Bst. Spiritual fatherhood is recognized in Bsm; hence the honorific term {yab/} may be applied to: 1) lamas: {rje yab sras gsum/} are the three 14th century monks {rje bdag nyid chen po/} Tsong Khapa, {rgyal tshab dar ma rin chen/} Darma Rinchen, and {mkhas grub dge legs dpal bzang /} Gelek Palsang (SGC 266); 2) the Dalai Lama/Chenresi {kun mkhyen yab sras brgyud pa rin po che/} the precious lineage of the all-knowing father and son (HTE 208); 3) male tantric deities (TRI 248) adorned with six ornaments, the so-called {yab kyi phyag rgya drug} (CNG 83); 4) as well as being an honorific term for biological father: {pan chen rin po che nyid kyi yab/} the father of the Panchen Lama (MHP 8). 2) #{pha/}$ ^Bib: the ordinary written and spoken term for father: {pha ze bad ya mnyam du gru'i nang na/} with their father Zebedee in a boat (Mt. 4:21), {sngon du nga'i pha dur du 'jug par 'gro ba'i dgongs pa gnong /} first let me go and bury my father (Mt. 8:21). ^Sec. {khong gi pha ni na pho lun gyi lag 'og gi dmag dpon chen po zhig yin/} his father was a general in Napoleon's army (SBC-1 61). Related Terms: 1) {pha mes/} ancestor, forefather: {pha mes kyi gtam rgyud rnams/} the traditions of [my] fathers (Gal. 1:14 SV), {pha mes kyi spyod lam snying po med pa/} the empty way of life [handed down to you from] your forefathers (1 Pet. 1:18 SV); 2) {mes po/} ancestor, forefather: {nged rnams kyi mes po ab ra ham/} our forefather Abraham (Rom. 4:1 SV), {nged rnams kyi mes po i sag} our father Isaac (Rom. 9:10 SV).% !FAULT@ see also ACCUSE, BLASPHEMY, CURSE, SLANDER, SIN 1) #{skyon/}$ ^Bib: a fault, defect, or sin. The Christian sense of the term implies lack of conformity to God's law and consequent guilt, a sense not found in Bsm. {de nang skyon gzigs pas/} seeing faults in them (Heb. 8:8), {bla chen dag gis khong la nyes skyon mang po bkal/} the chief priests accused him of many things [lit. crimes and faults] (Mk. 15:3). ^Bst. In Bsm. faults are usually seen as stains or removable imperfections rather than as moral transgressions or sins. All lay Bsts. are believed to have four faults: birth in cyclic existence, seeking salvation for private peace, obstructions to meditative practice, and obstructions to omniscience (KTM). 1) In a general sense, {skyon/} is a term for defect or flaw: {skyon can/} damaged, {skyon gnod/} sabotage, {skyon cha/} fault, {kha dog gi sgo nas skyon yod med/} to see by means of its color whether there is a defect in refined gold (TRC 184), {spyi tshogs rnying pa'i lam srol skyon cha/} the faulty customs of the old society (RRT 283 n. 25). 2) In a Bst. sense {skyon/} is often used of errors in meditative technique: {skyon du bltas te/} seeing as a fault [in technique of meditation] (TRC 201), or of something that is simply objectionable and therefore faulty {ngan song gi sdug bsngal la skyon du mthong nas/} seeing as objectionable the suffering of those gone to evil destinies (TRC 217); 3) {skyon/} may also be used of non-virtuous acts or moral errors: {ngoms pa med pa'i skyon/} the fault of dissatisfaction (TRC 260), {sangs rgyas kyi chos nas gsungs pa'i skyon dang yon tan/} the faults and the good qualities which are taught in the doctrine of the Buddha (TRC 167), {sems bzang gting nas dkar kyang skyon du rtsi/} if your mind is truly good and pure, they will judge it a defect (HTE 176). Proverbs: 1) {rang skyon mi mthong mi skyon ston le 'dra/} I don't see my own faults, yet I point out those of others (KPU 35), {skyes mchog rang gi skyon la lta/,,skye bo ngan pa gzhan skyon tshol/} the noble look upon their own faults, the wicked seek the faults of others (CTL 220, n. 23); 2) {skyon spong dge bsgrub/} abandon faults and cultivate virtues (TQP 32). 2) #{nyes pa/}$ ^Bib: evil, sin, offense, transgression: {nged kyis gzhan nyes sel ba ltar/} as we have forgiven others' sins (Mt. 6:12), {skyon med dang nyes med/} without fault or defect (Phil. 2:15). ^Bst. 1) moral responsibility or blame: {sman pas ma nyes sman gyis ma nyes te/,,nad pa de nyid kyis ni nyes pa yin/} it is not the fault of the physician or the medicine, but of the sick man himself (TRC 77); 2) a character defect or a moral fault: {nyes pa mi smra rgyal sras lag len yin/} not to mention faults is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 26); 3) a defect or mistake in technique: {nyes pa lnga/} the five meditative faults: {le lo/} laziness, {gdams ngag brjed pa/} forgetting instructions, {bying rgod/} dullness and agitation, {mngon 'du mi byed pa/} non-application of antidotes, {mngon par 'du byed pa/} over-application of antidotes (TRI 95); 4) violation of a vow: {nyes byas bzhi bcu zhe drug} the forty six faults (transgressions of boddhisattva vows (TRI 95); 5) a crime or sin: {srog bcad pa'i nyes pa/} the sin of killing (DPD), {log g.yem byas na de bas nyes pa che/} to commit adultery is a great sin (DPD), {chang de nyes pa kun kyi rtsa ba yin/} [drinking] beer is the root of all evil (DPD); 6) evil in general: {legs pas nyes pa pham par gyis/} overcome evil with goodness (DMP 114). Cognates: {nyes chad/} punishment, {nyes pa can/} or {nyes can/} criminal (AMD), {nyes bya/} monetary fine, penalty.% 3) #{ltung ba/}$ [lit. fall] ^Bib: a moral fall or fault: {nyams sad nang mi ltung ba'i phyir/} so that you will not fall into temptation (Mt. 26:41), {ltung ba rnams la drag po ste/} sternness to those who fell (Rom. 11:22), {sha za ba dang chang 'thung ba sogs khyed kyi spun ltung ba'i rgyu spong ba legs/} it is better not to eat meat or drink wine or to do anything else that will cause your brother to fall (Rom. 14:21), {bud med de bslus par gyur te sdig pa'i nang ltung ba yin/} it was the woman who was deceived and became a sinner (1 Tim. 2:14). ^Bst. {ltung ba/} is a violation of religious, and especially monastic rules or vows, of which there are five classes: {ltung ba lnga/} and four causes: {ltung ba 'byung ba'i sgo bzhi/} (CNG 39). When a {ltung ba/} occurs, it must be confessed {ltung bshags/} (TRI 112); see CONFESS. Related Terms: 1) {bka' bkyon mdzad/} to find fault: {bka' bkyon mi mdzad par thams cad la lhag par gnang ba'i dkon mchog} God, who gives generously to all without finding fault (Jas. 1:5); 2) {skyon med pa/} faultless: {bka' khrims kyi drang ba nyid la bltas nas skyon med pa zhig} as for legalistic righteousness, faultless (Phil. 3:6 SV); 3) {skyon rnyed/} [lit. fault + find] {'on kyang skyon rnyed/} but [God] found fault [with the people] (Heb. 8:8 SV); 4) {mi nor ba/} not at fault, not making mistakes: {su yang tshig gis kyang mi nor ba/} if anyone is never at fault in what he says (Jas. 3:2 SV); 5) {dri ma med pa/} faultless, pure, holy: {dkon mchog gi sras dri ma med par/} children of God without fault (Phil. 2:15).% !FEAR@ 1) #{'jigs/}$ ^Bib: the most general term for a state of fear. In a Christian sense it implies awe of and reverence for God, but other types of fear are also mentioned in the Bible: 1) fear of men: {mi rnams la 'jigs pas/} they feared the people (Mk. 11:32), {'jig rten gyi lugs su dpon po yin pa rnams la/,,'jigs shing 'dar gyin blo drang pos kha la nyon/} obey your earthly masters with respect and fear, and with sincerity of heart (Eph. 6:5), {rgyal po'i khro ba la ma 'jigs par/} not fearing the king's anger (Heb. 11:27); 2) fear of the supernatural: {de mthong ste tshabs nas 'jigs so/} on seeing [the angel], he was terrified (Lk. 1:12), {'dre'o zer zhing 'jigs pas 'bod bsgrags so/} "It's a ghost," they said, and cried out in fear (Mt. 14:26), {'jigs shing 'dar zhing rang gi thar pa sgrubs shig} work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), {mo shes kyang nga 'jigs shing 'dar ro/} Moses said, "I am trembling with fear." (Heb. 12:21); 3) fear of God: {dkon mchog la mi 'jigs sam/} don't you fear God? (Lk. 23:40), {nga tshos gtso bo la 'jigs par shes nas/} we know what it is to fear the Lord (2 Cor. 5:11), {dkon mchog la 'jigs shig,,/rgyal po la gus shig} fear God, honor the king (1 Pet. 2:17); 4) fear of future events: {'du khang gi khyu nas 'bud pa'i 'jigs pas/} for fear they would be put out of the synagogue (Jn. 12:42). ^Bst. 1) fear of physical harm: {chu logs la 'jigs so rung ba/} it is appropriate to fear a flood (KTM); 2) fear of future events: {'tsho ba med pa'i 'jigs pa/} fear of not finding a means of livelihood, {mi bsngags pa'i 'jigs pa/} fear of not being praised, {'khor gyi 'jigs pa/} fear of not finding followers, {ngan 'gro'i 'jigs pa/} fear of lower rebirths (TRI 87), {ngan song gi sdug bsngal sogs kyi 'jigs pa/} fear of the sufferings in the three evil destinies (TRC 73). 3) The fear of death and suffering is important in Bsm. as a motivator of religious practice: {skyes bu chung ngu'i mchog zer yag de ni/,,tshe 'di ring du mi gnas pa dang /,,dge sdig gi las 'bras la yid ches rnyed nas phyi ma ngan song la skye ba blang gi dogs pas 'jigs shing skrag} the so-called superior small individual [is one who] sees that this life does not last long and has faith in karma and fears an evil rebirth (TRC 217). Deliverance from this fear is the province of the lamas who read the famous Bardo Thodol text: {thos sgrol de thos pa dang /,,'jigs pa las sgrol kyi yod pas na thos grol zhes brjod pa yin/} because it is heard and because it delivers from fear, it is called the Bardo Thodol (DPD). The Buddhas (who are fearless) and {dkon mchog gsum/} also deliver from fear: {dkon mchog gsum gyis gzhan 'jigs pa las skyob pa'i tshul ni/,,dper na/,,nad drag pos zin pa'i nad pa zhig gi nad kyi 'jigs pa las skyob pa la nad kyi ngo bo rgyu dang bcas pa dang /,,de las thar ba'i thabs sman bcos sogs la shin tu mkhas shing /,,sman la sogs pa thabs mkhas kyis bster bar byed mkhan gyi em rje mkhas pas nad pa'i sdug bsngal las skyob bar byed pa de bzhin du sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyis kyang sems can gyi sdug bsngal rgyu dang bcas pa ji lta ba bzhin du ma khyen cing /,,de las thar ba'i thabs la ma zab mo phyin ci ma log bar ston pa'i sgo nas 'gro sdug bsngal las skyob pa mdzad gnang gi yod pa red/} The way in which the three jewels save others from fear is, for example, as follows: Just as a man seized by fear due to a serious illness may be freed from his fear by a doctor highly skilled in a treatment which frees from the nature and causes of the disease, so the Buddha also, knowing exactly the misery of living creatures and its cause, delivers beings from misery by way of teaching without error the deep path which is the method of release (TRC 76). Tibetans unfamiliar with the Bible may regard the phrase {dkon mchog la 'jigs mkhan/} (God-fearer) as inappropriate, since in {dkon mchog} there is nothing of which to be afraid (AMD). Cognates: 1) {'jigs snang /} fear: {'jigs snang skye ba'i gnas/} a fearful place (TRC 218), {'jigs snang dang dngangs 'tshab/} fear and tension (DLP 1); 2) {'jigs dngangs/} = {'jigs snang /} fearful: {'jigs dngangs dang ngo lkog sbas gsang ma dgos pa/} need not be fearful, deceitful, or secretive (RRT 282 n. 23); 3) {ma 'jigs par/} fearlessly: (Phil. 1:14); 4) {mi 'jigs pa/} fearlessness, an attribute of the Buddhas: (KBT 72); 5) {'jigs byed/} one of the three principal tantric texts of the Gelugpas; collectively known as the {gsang bde 'jigs gsum/}; 6) {'jigs nyen/} [lit. fear + danger] threat: {rdul phran gyi 'jigs nyen/} the nuclear threat (DLP 7).% 2) #{skrag}$ ^Bib: to be violently afraid, terrified: {skrags te mig phur tshugs su bltas nas/} [Cornelius] stared at him in fear (Acts 10:4), {nye gnas rnams kyis khong mtsho'i khar zhabs 'chag pa mthong nas skrag ste/} when the disciples saw him walking on the lake, they were terrified (Mt. 14:26). ^Bst. 1) intense fear, terror: {skrag nas snying rtsa 'dar/} to shake in the very heart from fear, {de dag la mi skrag pa/} not terrified of them (TRC 360); 2) fear of suffering and death, which motivates religious practice: {sdug bsngal thams cad la snying nas skrag cing /,,de las skyob pa'i nus pa dkon mchog gsum la yod pa'i yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa la/,,skyabs 'gro zer ba red/,,dper na/,,phru gu lo lnga drug tsam son pa shig,,khyi gtum po zhig gis ded pa'i skabs/,,phru gu de khyi de la shin tu skrag cing /,,de las skyob pa'i nus pa pha ma la yod yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa dang 'dra ba yin/} Being deeply fearful of all suffering and firmly believing with a strong hope that the three jewels have power to save from suffering is called going for refuge. It is like, for example, when a 5 or 6 year old child is pursued by a fierce dog. He is terrified of the dog, and firmly believes that his parents can save him from it (REF 115). The Buddhas are believed to be immune from fear {sems la sgrib pa med cing skrag pa med/} [boddhisattvas] have no mental obscurations and no fear (HSU 168). Proverbs: {mdun du spyang kir skrag pa dang/,,rgyab tu stag la skrag pa/} to fear a wolf from the front and a tiger from the rear - i.e. to be terrified (KTM). Cognates: {dngangs skrag} panic (DLP 3).% 3) #{'jigs skrag}$ [lit. fear + terror] ^Bib: to be terrified, panic stricken, greatly afraid: {'di thos pa thams cad 'jigs skrags so/} great fear seized all who heard what had happened (Acts 5:5). ^Bst. {'jigs skrag} used of supernatural fear: {de'i ring la bar do'i lha tshogs zhi ba dang khro bo mang po mthong snang du 'jigs skrags skyed/} while in the Bardo, the [soul is] terrified by the appearance of its various gods (DPD). 4) #{dogs pa/}$ ^Bib: to be apprehensive, concerned, worried, or afraid of a future event (also suspicious or doubtful): {rang gi las mngon gyis dogs pas/} fears that his deeds will be exposed (Jn. 3:20), {sir ti ru 'khyer dogs kyis/} fearing they would run aground on Syrtis (Acts 27:17), {khyed tsho'i 'dod pa bzhin nga med par mthong gis dogs so/} I am afraid you may not find me as you want me to be (2 Cor. 12:20). ^Bst. {re dogs/} hopes and fears (HTE 178), {da ni su la'ang mi re mi dogs so/} now have no hope or doubts about anyone (HTE 178). Cognates: {dogs zon/} to watch out for: {g.yo sgyur dogs zon dgos/} watch out for deceit (KPU 15), {dras pa'i mi de dag la dogs zon byos shig} watch out for those mutilators of the flesh (Phil. 3:2 SV).% 5) #{bag byed pa/}$ ^Bib: to be reverentially or respectfully afraid or apprehensive; also to be timid: {khyed dkon mchog la bag byed pa'i zhabs phyi/} you God-fearing servants (Rev. 19:5), {dkon mchog la gus pa'i bag byed/} holy fear (Heb. 11:7 SV). Cognates: 1) {bag yod/} restrained or prudent; 2) {bag med/} [lit. no fear] a person who has no fear of authority; heedless, reckless, or imprudent; 3) {bag 'khum/} intimidated, cowardly; 4) {bag srab/} sensitive: {skye bo sems bag srab pa/} a sensitive person (DLP 1); 5) {bag phebs/} content: {sems bag mi phebs pa/} mental discontent (DLP 1).% Related Terms: {zhed pa/} to be scared.% !FELLOWSHIP@ 1) #{'grogs/}$ ^Bib: to befriend or associate with; by extension, to have fellowship: 1) to have fellowship with God: {gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka dang 'grogs phyir khyed tsho bos par mdzad pa'i dkon mchog} God, who has called you into fellowship with his Son Jesus Christ our Lord (1 Cor. 1:9), {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi 'grogs lugs/} the fellowship of the Holy Spirit (2 Cor. 13:14); 2) fellowship with man: {nga tsho phan tshun 'grogs pa yin/} we are in fellowship one with another (1 Jn. 1:7). ^Bst. Bsm. has both a positive and negative view of association with other people: 1) association with lay people creates barriers to religious practice and is seen as an obstacle {gang dang 'grogs na dug gsum 'phel 'gyur/} from associating with others, the three poisons increase (GSL 8); 2) association with other Bsts. is viewed positively (see {grogs/}). 2) #{mnyam grogs/}$ ^Bib: friend, associate, or helper: {mnyam grogs kyi rtags yin pa'i lag g.yas/} the right hand of fellowship (Gal. 2:9). ^Bst. Friendship with and attachment to lay people is an obstacle to religious practice in Bsm. However, friendship with like-minded Bsts. who will encourage religious practice is seen positively: 1) {mthun pa'i grogs bzang po/} a good companion who is in agreement with one's religious aims (TRC 198); 2) {zla grogs/} a close companion {sdig pa spong zhing dge ba sgrub pa'i zla grogs/} friends who forsake sin and make merit (REF 115), {zla grogs gzhan la'ang de bzhin du sgrub pa'i bskul grogs byed pa'i sgo nas 'jigs pa las skyob pa mdzad kyi yod pa red/} it saves from fear by encouraging other companions also to accomplish [the dharma] (TRC 76), {skyabs sgrub pa'i zla grogs yang dag pa/} the right religious companion who offers a refuge (TRC 73). This kind of friendship is idealized in the relationship of Bst. doctrine to the believer {de'i tshe 'khyer rgyu yod pa'i grogs ni dam pa'i chos ma gtogs med/} at the time [of death] there is no companion other than the dharma which can carry one along (TRC 228), {'chi ba'i tshe mtha' gcig tu phan pa'i grogs po ni dam chos dge ba'i las/} the friend who definitely assists at the time of death is the virtuous action taught by the noble doctrine (TRC 228), 3) {chos grogs/} fellow religionists, associates, or disciples; who may be Bst. (SGN 12) or Christian {chos grogs tshos chu tsha po mang po bzos nas 'khrud gsol len sa'i 'jing nang la blugs/} my Christian friends poured much warm water into the place where I was to be baptized (DPD). Cognates: 1) {grogs po/} friend (DPD); 2) {nye grogs/} a friend (DLP 14); 3) {snying grogs/} a dear friend (TRC 228); 4) {nye ba'i mdza' grogs/} a close friend (DLP 14); 5) {sngar 'dris grogs/} an old friend with whom one is well-acquainted (HTE 210); 6) {rtsed grogs/} playmates (SGN 3); 7) {grogs po phyi rgyal ba tshos/} foreign friends (MHP 9); 8) {grogs ngan/} bad companions: {grogs ngan spong ba rgyal sras lag len yin/} to abandon evil companions is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 8); 9) {las grogs} fellow workers (AMD).% Proverbs: 1) {snying gtam snying gi grogs la shod tshod gyis/,,snga grogs dgong dgrar song ba mang po yod/} watch what secrets you tell even your close friends, for many are the friends-turned-enemies (KPU 18); 2) {thos pa de ni 'gyur ba med pa'i grogs kyi mchog lta bu'ang red/} learning [lit. {thos pa/} hearing] is like the best of friends who doesn't change (TRC 167). 3) #{mthun 'brel/}$ or {mthun sbrel/} or {mthun lam/} ^Bib: friendship, good will, fellowship: {mthun 'brel gyi mchod/} fellowship offering (2 Sam. 6:17 NTV). ^Sec. {mi dmangs dang mthun lam byed/} live peaceably with others (DPD). Related Terms: 1) {yid mthun pa/} people who have the same qualities or characteristics and can become friends (AMD); 2) {mthun pa/} to be like-minded, in agreement, close to someone: (KTM); 3) {'chams pa/} to be compatible, to get along well; 4) {mdza' ba/} to be close.% !FLESH@ see also BODY 1) #{sha/}$ [lit. meat, flesh] ^Bib: 1) meat: {zhi bde'i mchod pa'i sha/} the meat of the peace offering (Lev. 7:15); 2) physical flesh: {'dre la sha dang rus pa med/} a ghost does not have flesh and bones (Lk. 24:39), {mi'i sha rigs so so/,,dud 'gro'i sha so so/,,nya'i sha so so/,,'dab chags kyi sha so so yin no/} men have one kind of flesh, animals have another, birds another and fish another (1 Cor. 15:39 SV); 3) the natural part of human beings {nga tshos sha dang khrag la mi 'thab kyi/} we do not struggle against flesh and blood (Eph. 6:12), {sha khrag dang ldan pa la dkon mchog gi rgyal srid kyi thob skal med/} flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50); 4) a representation of Christ: {bag leb de nga'i sha yin/} this bread is my flesh (Jn. 6:51); 5) {sha rus/} physical relation: {nga tsho ni khyed kyi sha rus dang 'brel yod pa yin/} we are your own flesh and blood (2 Sam. 5:1 NTV). ^Bst. 1) meat: {dam tshig gi rdzas sha lnga/} [lit. the five meats of commitment] human, elephant, cow, dog, horse (CNG 67), {nya sha/} fish flesh (TRC 259), {sha rdog} a piece of meat (KPU 30), {sha rigs/} the various types of meat to be found in a market (SLR 11), {tshag sha dang lug sha/} beef and mutton (SLR 12), {phag sha/} pork (SLR 12); 2) flesh in general: {sems can bsad pa'i sha khrag gis mchod sbyin byed pa/} ceremonial offering of the bloody flesh of slaughtered animals (TRC 96), {nang sha khrag thad pa'i rus 'bur/} bones protruding from wasted inner flesh (TRC 271). 2) #{lus/}$ ^Bib: a living physical body: {bka' de sku lus ldan par sprul/} the Word became [lit. appeared in] the flesh (Jn. 1:14), {lus nas skyes pa ni lus yin/,,thugs nyid las skyes pa ni thugs nyid yin/} flesh gives birth to flesh, but the Spirit gives birth to spirit (Jn. 3:6), {tsher ma zhig nga'i lus kyi nang /} a thorn in my flesh (2 Cor. 12:7), {lus la bltas te blo gdeng byed pa'i rgyu/} cause to put confidence in the flesh (Phil. 3:4), {ye shu ma shi ka sku lus bzhes pa/} Jesus Christ [came] in the flesh (1 Jn. 4:2). ^Bst. 1) human body: {lus kyi yan lag lnga/} the five members of the body are {mgo} head, {lag pa gnyis/} two arms, {rkang pa gnyis/} two legs (CNG 60), {lus dang sems gnyis ka/} both body and mind (TRC 202), {lus ngag yid gsum/} body, speech, and mind (TRC 244), {sems dang lus po rang rang so so red/} body and mind are separate (KPU 5), {gser lus tsam zhig sprad/} to give the weight of one's body in gold (TRC 153), {tshe 'di'i lus srog bral bar byed thub pa/} able to separate the life-force from the body (TRC 286); 2) a general term for the body of a human, animal, or supernatural being: {tshe gcig lus gcig} one body for each lifetime (KTM), {lha dang mi'i lus/} the body of a god or man (TRC 165), {yi dwags kyi lus/} the body of a yidag (TRC 260), {rma bya'i lus/} the body of a peacock (KPU 35); 3) extended meanings: {lus srog la gnod pa/} harm to life and limb (TRC 50), {lus kyi dka' thub/} physical austerities (TRC 96), {lus khams bde srung gi bya ba/} preventive health work (BFT 21), {rang gi lus sa la phab ste/} prostrating himself (SGN 15), {lus zha bo/} a cripple (TRC 5), {lus bcad pa/} maimed (TRC 272). 3) #{gzugs/}$ [lit. form, shape] ^Bib: body, form: ^Bib: {gzugs thams cad gcig pa min/} all flesh is not the same (1 Cor. 15:39). ^Bst. 1) the human body: {gzugs po'i bde thang la gces pa/} to take care of the well being of the body (KTM), {gzugs po che chung /} body size (TRC 216), {gzugs ring po/} tall (DPD); 2) in philosophy, form; all changeable things are {gzugs/} (AMD): {ming dang gzugs/} name and form - one of the twelve links of internal dependent-arising (KBT 36), {gzugs khams/} the form realm (KBT 117), {gzugs med khams/} the formless region (TRC 272), {gzugs stong pa'o/,,/stong pa nyid gzugs so/} form is empty, emptiness is form (HSU 167), {gzugs kyi sku dang /,,chos kyi sku/} form body and dharma body (CNG 8); 3) extended meanings: {gzugs brnyan/} image (LKT 2), {gzugs can snying po/} King Bimbisara (SGN 14). !FORGIVE@ see also ATONEMENT, CLEAN, JUST, PERFECTION 1) #{sel ba/}$ p. {bsal/} [lit. to clear, blot out, or remove] ^Bib: used in compounds to mean complete removal or forgiveness of sins or offenses: {sdig pa sel ba/} to forgive sin {khyod kyi sdig pa sel ba yin/} your sins are forgiven (Mt. 9:2), {sdig pa sel ba'i phyir/,,'gyod tshangs kyi khrus kyi chos bshad/} preaching a baptism of repentance for the forgiveness of sins (Mk. 1:4), {nged kyis gzhan nyes sel ba ltar/,,/nged kyi sdig pa sel bar mdzod/} forgive us our debts, as we also have forgiven our debtors (Mt. 6:12), {sdig pa dang skur pa thams cad sel bar 'gyur/} every sin and blasphemy will be forgiven men (Mt. 12:31). Other compounds of {sel ba/} indicate clearance or forgiveness of many types of offense: 1) {'khon sel ba/} to forgive grudges {su dang 'khon yod na sel zhig} if you hold anything against anyone, forgive him (Mk. 11:25); 2) {bsam pa sel ba/} evil thoughts: {khyod kyi snying gi bsam pa de sel ba/} he will forgive you for having such a thought in your heart (Acts 8:22 23); 3) {sdig sgrib/} evils, obscurations {mis mi rigs par byas pa 'dag cing /,,/sdig sgrib bsal bar mdzad na bde/} blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered (Rom. 4:7 SV); 4) {skyon sel ba/} faults {ma shi kas khyed kyi skyon bsal ba ltar/} as the Lord forgave you (Col. 3:13 SV); 5) {nyes pa sel ba/} transgressions: {su yi nyes pa bsal mdzad de/,,/nyes sdig sel ba'i mi rnams bde'o/} blessed are they whose transgressions are forgiven, whose sins are covered (Rom. 4:7). ^Bst. 1) {sdig pa sel ba/} is to wipe away or remove faults committed through ignorance or imperfect religious practice. The underlying idea is cleaning up or removing stains from something that is fundamentally perfect, as in wiping dirt from a mirror. In Bsm. this is accomplished through religious practice, and it is in this sense that Chenresi or the Dalai Lama are said to remove sins. Prayers for such forgiveness are not unknown (MTB 196). 2) The term is also used of Bst. practice as a means of clearing up or removing suffering: {gnod pa dang sdug bsngal thams cad sel bar byed pa/} to clear away all suffering and harm (TRC 330); or clearing away ignorance: {gti mug gi mun pa sel ba/} clearing away the darkness of ignorance (TRC 166); 3) {sel ba/} is a technical term in Bst. logic, meaning all things except one specified (TRI 287). Cognates: 1) {nad sel ba/} to cure a disease: {nad sel ba'i sman la zhim po med/} medicine which takes away sickness is not tasty (KTM), {glog par nang la nad med pa bsal po stan to/} the x-ray was clear of disease (DPD); 2) {dka' rnyog sel ba/} to solve problems (DLP 4).% 2) #{bzod pa/}$ ^Bib: to forgive or pardon offenses at the human, rather than the supernatural, level: 1) normally used of people forgiving offenses committed by others: {khyod kyis gzhan la bzod pa byed na/} if you forgive men when they sin against you (Mt. 6:14), {snying nas bzod par mi byed na/} if you do not forgive from your heart (Mt. 18:35), {bzod pa skyed cig,,khyed la'ang bzod pa skyed par 'gyur/} forgive, and you will be forgiven (Lk. 6:37), {khyed tshos su la bzod pa bzhes na/} if you forgive anyone (2 Cor. 2:10), {'gal ba de bzod par gsol/} forgive me this wrong (2 Cor. 12:13), {mi mthun pa yod na bzod pa sgoms shig,,/gtso bos khyed tshor bzod pa mdzad pa ltar khyed tshos kyang bzod pa sgoms shig} forgive whatever grievances you may have against one another. Forgive as the Lord forgave you (Col. 3:13); 2) God forgiving human sin: {de tsho'i nyes pa bzod bya/} I will forgive their wickedness (Heb. 8:11 12). ^Bst. In spoken language can be used of human forgiveness, e.g. a husband forgiving his wife. 1) In Bsm. the most common meaning is endurance: {nang chos la gus bkur rgya che zhus pas phrag dog gis mi bzod pa/} could not endure the wide respect and service being paid to the Buddhist doctrine (TRC 114), {ye shes 'od thugs kyis ma bzod par/} Yeshe 'Od was unable to endure (TRC 152), {sdug bsngal bzod glags med pa/} unendurable misery (TRC 229); 2) patience {bzod pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of patience (KBT 65), {bzod pa bsgom pa rgyal sras lag len yin/} meditation on patient endurance is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 22); 3) forbearance: {sdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod pa/} forbearance of suffering (KBT 98). Cognates: 1) {bzod par gsol/} to request pardon or forbearance with what one has done wrong (KTM); 2) {thugs bzod/} an attitude of forbearance.% 3) #{gshog}$ p. {bshags/} or {gshags/} f. {gshag} imp. {gshog} [used mainly in poetry or literature] ^Bib: to forgive: 1) forgiveness of sins: {sdig bshags kyi dmar mchod phul phyir yin/} to offer sacrifices for the forgiveness of sins (Heb. 5:1); 2) atonement: {mi sde'i sdig bshags kyi phyir du/} atonement for the sins of the people (Heb. 2:17), {khong ni nga tsho'i sdig pa'i sdig bshags yin/,,nga tsho ma zad 'jig rten yongs kyi sdig pa'i sdig bshags yin no/} He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world (1 Jn. 2:2); 3) {bshags/} may be used to mean forgiveness generally: {khos 'gyod na bshags pa blong /} if he repents, forgive him (Lk. 17:3), {'di tshos ci byed mi shes pas/,,bshags pa mdzod/} since they do not know what they are doing, forgive them (Lk. 23:34). ^Bst. see ATONEMENT. Related Terms: 1) {sdig pa 'dag pa/} p. {dag} f. {'dag} [lit. to have sins made right] be made pure, clean, right: {'di ni zhal chad kyi nga'i khrag yin/,,khrag de mang po'i sdig pa 'dag phyir blug go} this is my blood of the covenant, which is poured out for many for the forgiveness of sins (Mt. 26:28), see HOLY; in Bsm. {sdig pa 'dag pa/} is to cancel the demerit of sin by doing good things (AMD); 2) {mthol gshags/} to ask for forgiveness; 3) {med par bzo ba/} to blot out (KTM).% !FREEDOM@ see also SAVE 1) #{rang dbang /}$ [lit. own + power] ^Bib: freedom, independence, liberty. The NT speaks of man's liberty from sin and of freedom from bondage to the Law as a means of salvation; both are God-centered concepts unknown in Bsm. {ma shi ka'i rang dbang /} the freedom [we have in] Christ (Gal. 2:4), {rang dbang du gnas pa'i phyir ma shi kas nged thar bar mdzad pas/} it is for freedom that Christ has set us free (Gal. 5:1), {khyed rnams rang dbang la bos/} you were called to be free (Gal. 5:13), {khyed tsho rang dbang ldan par 'tsho/} live as free men (1 Pet. 2:16). ^Sec. 1) freedom in general: {ma bshad bar du gtam la rang dbang thob/} before having told [a secret] you have freedom (KPU 19); 2) political freedom or independence: {gzhug pa'i rang dbang /} political self determination, {mi dmangs kyi rang dbang /} liberty (RRT 282), {dmangs gtso'i thob thang dang rang dbang 'dra mnyam bcas bed spyod byed pa/} implementing democratic rights and equal freedoms (RRT 282), {rgya gar rang dbang thob pa'i nyi ma/} Indian Independence Day (DPD); 3) independently, autonomously: {rang dbang rang thob ngang nas/} receiving innate empowerment by yourself (HTE 184). Cognates: {rang dbang med/} powerless: {rang dbang med par sa la gzags pa red/} he fell powerless to the ground (TRC 260), {rang dbang med par shi dgos pa/} to have to die without personal control of the matter (TRC 273).% 2) #{thar pa/}$ [lit. save, deliver from] ^Bib: freedom in the sense of escape, deliverance or being set free: {snod bcud kyang mi rtag pa'i dbang las thar te/} the creation itself will be set free from its bondage to decay (Rom. 8:21), {gal te thar thub pa'i skabs yod na/} if you can gain your freedom (1 Cor. 7:21), {gtso bo'i thugs nyid yod sar thar pa yod/} where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom (2 Cor. 3:17), {thar pa'i bka' khrims/} the law of freedom (Jas. 2:12). ^Bst. see SAVE. 3) #{sgrol/}$ p. {bsgral/} [save, deliver from] ^Bib: deliverance, rescue, freedom [from an oppressive situation]: {btson par sgrol dang long bar mig} freedom for the prisoners and recovery of sight for the blind (Lk. 4:18), {khyed rnams sdig pa'i dbang las bsgral nas/,,rnam par dag pa'i g.yog po ru gyur to/} you have been set free from sin and have become slaves to righteousness (Rom. 6:18 SV). ^Bst. see SAVE. 4) #{'bral/}$ p. {bral/} [lit. separated from; used in compounds to express the idea "free from"] ^Bib: 1) {sems 'khral dang 'bral ba/} free from worry {nga ni khyod rnams sems 'khral dang 'bral bar gnas par 'dod/} I would like you to be free from concern (1 Cor. 7:32 SV); 2) {bka' khrims dang bral/} free from God's law {nga rang dkon mchog gi bka' khrims dang mi bral zhing ma shi ka'i bka' khrims la brten/} I am not free from God's law but am under Christ's law (1 Cor. 9:21 SV); 3) {brnab sems dang bral ba/} free from the love of money {brnab sems dang bral bar gyur cig} keep your lives free from the love of money (Heb. 13:5 SV). ^Bst. 1) {thab bral/} the place free of fighting; a god realm (KBT 117), {skyon dang bral ba/} free of faults, faultless (TRC 199), {bying rgod dang bral/} free of mental distractions [in meditation] (TRC 202), {sdug bsngal las 'bral/} free of suffering (TRC 332), {snying rje bral ba/} heartless, cruel, inhuman (DLP 7); 2) outside, away from: {lha sa dang bral/} outside Lhasa (SLR 10). 5) #{skyabs gnang /}$ [lit. give salvation] ^Bib: {dgra bo'i lag nas nga la skyabs gnang /} who sets me free from my enemies (2 Sam. 22:49 NTV). ^Bst. see SAVE. Related Terms: 1) {rin med/} free of charge: {dkon mchog gi phrin bzang rin med par khyed cag la bstan to/} preaching the gospel of God to you free of charge (2 Cor. 11:7 SV); 2) {bran mo ma yin/} [lit. not a servant] free as opposed to being a slave: {gcig ni bran mo nas chad/,,gcig bran mo ma yin pa'i chung ma nas chad/} one [son] by the slave woman and the other by the free woman (Gal. 4:22 SV); 3) {bran 'khol ma yin/} not a slave; a free man or woman: {bran 'khol dang bran 'khol ma yin/} slave or free (1 Cor. 12:13 SV).% !FRUIT@ (KARMA) 1) #{'bras bu/}$ ^Bib: 1) literal fruit: {rtsi shing bzang pos 'bras bu bzang po skyed/} every good tree bears good fruit (Mt. 7:17), {'bras bu las shing sdong gang yin shes pas/} from its fruit a tree is recognized (Mt. 12:33); 2) result or effect of faith in God: {'bras bu mi chags pa'i nga'i yal ga thams cad/} every branch in me that bears no fruit (Jn. 15:2), {'gyod tshangs dang mtshungs pa'i 'bras bu skyed cig} produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Mt. 3:8), {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu/} the fruit of the Spirit (Gal. 5:22), {'od kyi 'bras bu/} the fruit of the light (Eph. 5:9); 3) result or effect generally: {sdig pa'i 'bras bu ni 'chi ba yin/} the wages [lit. fruit, result] of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). ^Bst. 1) {'bras bu/} is the fruit, effect, or result of an action, and one of the so-called links of dependent arising (KBT 35). The theory that good or bad actions always have good or bad results in future lives is known as the law of causality {las rgyu 'bras/} or {las 'bras/} [Skt. karma]; it is one of the central doctrines of Bsm. Hence {las 'bras can/} one who believes in karma (KPU 11), {dge sdig gi las 'bras la yid ches rnyed nas/} obtained faith in the action and result of virtue and non-virtue (TRC 217), {mi dge ba'i las rgyu 'bras/} the action, cause and effect of non-virtue (TRC 242). According to the theory of karma, good deeds are rewarded and bad deeds punished in current or future rebirths. An action may have three major types of result: a) {rnam smin gyi 'bras bu/} the result of maturation [lit. "ripening"], b) the result consistent with the cause {rgyu mthun gyi 'bras bu/}, and c) {bdag po'i 'bras bu/} the controlling result. For example, the maturation of killing is rebirth in unpleasant circumstances, the result consistent with the cause is desire for killing and being killed by others in future rebirths, and the controlling result might be damage to one's crops, etc. (TRC 245). Similarly, respecting authority is a cause of being born as a noble, patience is said to cause beauty, generosity to cause wealth, and saving the lives of others to cause long life (JPG 131). Conversely, there is the story of a man who insulted a monk by saying he looked like a frog, and so endured 500 rebirths as a frog (JPG 261). Once rewarded or punished, one's karma may be used up {sngon ma'i las bzang po'i 'bras bu longs spyad tshar nas/,,lha mang che ba ngan song du skye 'gro gi yod pa red/} having used up the result of former good action, most gods come to be born among those gone to the evil destinies (TRC 272). 2) {'bras bu/} may also mean effect or result: {rgyu chung ngu las 'bras bu chen po/} large results which stem from small causes (KBT 40), {'khor ba las thar ba'i rgyu 'bras/} the cause and effect of deliverance from the round of existence (TRC 256), {theg pa chung 'bring che gsum gyi lam 'bras bu/} the fruition of the Hinayana, Mahayana, and tantric vehicles (TRC 202), {'bras ngan pa/} disastrous consequences (DLP 2); 3) actual fruit {de la lam seng 'bras bu yang skyes te/} immediately [the tree] bore fruit (SGN 16), {'bras bu smin pa/} ripe fruit. Cognates: 1) {lam 'bras/} one of the Mahayana tantras (TRC 138); 2) {'bras mi 'byin/} fruitless (HTE 206); 3) {grub 'bras ha cang chen po red/} a great achievement (SLR 13).% Proverbs: 1) {las 'bras kha nas shod mkhan mang po yod /,,lag len lag tu lon pa gser las dkon/} there are many who talk about karma, but those who practice it are scarce as gold (KPU 34-5); 2) {shin tu bzod dka'i ngan song sdug bsngal rnams/,,sdig pa'i las kyi 'bras bur thub pa/} the fruit of sin is the unbearable suffering of the evil destinies (GSL 10) [cf. Rom. 6:23]. 2) #{shing tog}$ [var. {shing thog}] ^Bib: the fruit of a tree: {shing tog btsal du 'ongs nas/} he went to look for fruit on it (Lk. 13:6), {shing tog chags na/} if it bears fruit (Lk. 13:9), {khyod kyi snying la 'dod pa'i shing thog khyod las shor ba/} the fruit you longed for is gone (Rev. 18:14 SV). ^Bst. The term {shing thog} is used only for literal fruit and not for result or consequence of an action (AMD). {na bza' dang /,,'bras/,,shing tog} clothing, rice, and fruit (SGN 19), {ja 'bras shing tog} tea, rice, and fruit (DPD). 3) #{thog phud/}$ [lit. fruit + set apart] ^Bib: an offering of the first fruits of harvest: firstfruits {thugs nyid kyi thog phud/} the firstfruits of the Spirit (Rom. 8:23 SV), {nyal ba rnams kyi thog phud/} the firstfruits of those who have fallen asleep (1 Cor. 15:20 SV), {dang por ma shi ka thog phud de bzhengs/} Christ, the firstfruits (1 Cor. 15:23 SV). ^Bst. {thog phud/} [var. {phud mchod/}] the portion of a crop offered to gods (TDC 1717). 4) #{'phud/}$ p. {phud/} [lit. to set apart] ^Bib: a first taste, a trial portion or sample; firstfruits: {khong gis bkod pa rnams kyi phud du yin pa/} a kind of firstfruits of all he created (Jas. 1:18 SV), {phud lta bur blu bar mdzad pa yin/} offered as firstfruits (Rev. 14:4 SV). ^Bst. {skra phud/} [lit. hair + sample] a tuft of a novice's hair that is cut off when he enters a monastic college (TRC 4). 5) #{shing 'bras/}$ ^Bib: fruit: {bag leb dang shing 'bras rnams/} bread and fruits (2 Sam. 16:2 NTV). ^Sec. {shing 'bras ldum ra/} orchard. Related Terms: {phan med/} [lit. no benefit] fruitless: {phan med kyi mun pa'i bya ba/} the fruitless deeds of darkness (Eph. 5:11).% !GARDEN OF EDEN@ #{e den gyi tshal/}$ ^Bib: the Garden of Eden: {yang gtso bo dkon mchog gis mi ni bzhes te e den gyi tshal du bcug pa yin/} the Lord God took the man and put him in the Garden of Eden (Gen. 2:15). ^Bst. see ADAM. Cognates: 1) {nags tshal/} forest (DLP 12); 2) {tshal zhing /} garden for vegetables; 3) {dga' tshal/} a garden of the gods, a paradise (SGC 105); 4) {ri dwags kyi tshal/} the Deer Park in Sarnath, where the Buddha first preached (SGN 12); 5) {sngo tshal/} vegetables (SLR 11); 6) {skyid tshal/} a public park (SLR 12).% Related Terms: 1) {ldum ra/} garden for plants; 2) {shing 'bras ldum ra/} an orchard.% !GENTILE@ 1) #{phyi pa/}$ [lit. outsider] ^Bib: one who is outside a certain group, a foreigner; non-Jewish people: {phyi pa tsho'i phyir sku tshab/} apostle to the Gentiles (Rom. 11:13), {phyi pa'i lag tu gtad de/} handed over to the Gentiles (Lk. 18:32), {phyi pa la'ang dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi gnang sbyin babs/} the gift of the Holy Spirit had been poured out also on the Gentiles (Acts 10:45), {phyi pa'i khrod du ngas khyod 'od du bskos/} I have made you a light for the Gentiles (Acts 13:47), {phyi pa'i nang nas mi sde zhig} a people from among the Gentiles (Acts 15:14). ^Bst. A {phyi pa/} is a person who is not a Bst. [in contrast to a {nang pa/} [insider] who is a Bst.] (AMD). 2) #{lha chos pa/}$ [lit. god + religion + person] ^Bib: worshippers of gods; pagans: {lha chos pa nas yin pa'i spun rnams/} brothers from among the pagans [Gentiles] (Acts 15:23), {lha chos pa rnams la nyid kyi sras kyi mtshan 'chad pa'i don du/} in order to preach in His Son's name to the Gentiles (Gal. 1:16), {lha chos pa rnams kyi rtsar mngags pas/} sent to the Gentiles (Gal. 2:7 8). ^Bst. {lha chos/} means "religious" (AMD), {lha chos byed pa/} to engage in religious practice (KPU 9), {lha chos pa/} a priest, {lha chos bdun/} [lit. god + doctrine + 7] the four gods and three main texts of the Kadampa school (TRC 138). 3) #{he len pa/}$ [lit. Greeks Gr. Hellenes] ^Bib: non-Jews who may or may not have been ethnically Greek: {dang por ya hu da pa de nas he len pa/} first for the Jew, then for the Gentile (Rom. 1:16), {ya hu da pa dang he len pa/} Jews and Gentiles (Rom. 3:9). 4) #{mi brgyud/}$ ^Bib: race, people, lineage, or nation: {mi brgyud rnams kyi rgyal po/} the kings of the nations (Lk. 22:25), {mi brgyud thams cad/} all nations, all the Gentiles (Rom. 1:5), {mi brgyud gzhan gyi khrod nas/} from among the other nations [Gentiles] (Rom. 1:13). Related Terms: 1) {spun gzhan/} "other brothers" {spun gzhan ltar spyod pa/} live like the other brothers (Gal. 2:14); 2) {dkon mchog la 'jigs mkhan/} God-fearers {dkon mchog la 'jigs mkhan gyi spun rnams/} God-fearing Gentiles (Acts 13:26); 3) {gzhan mi/} Gentiles {rang mi'i 'jigs pa dang /,,gzhan mi'i 'jigs pa/} [in danger from] my own countrymen, [in danger from] the Gentiles (2 Cor. 11:26); 4) {ya hu da pa min pa'i spun/} Gentiles: {ya hu da pa min pa'i spun rnams dang mnyam du kha zas zos/} used to eat with the Gentiles (Gal. 2:12).% !GENTLENESS@ 1) #{sems dul ba/}$ [lit. mind + tame; hon. {thugs dul ba/}] ^Bib: mildness, gentleness: {ma shi ka'i thugs dul ba/} the gentleness of Christ (2 Cor. 10:1), {khyed tsho'i sems dul ba de mi thams cad la ston cig} let your gentleness be evident to all (Phil. 4:5), {sems dul ba dang gus pa/} gentleness and respect (1 Pet. 3:15), {dul po dang /,,btsun pa/} gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:23). ^Bst. 1) {dul ba/} is the p. of {'dul ba/} to subdue, discipline, or tame: {dgra mgo 'dul ba/} to subdue an enemy (KPU 12); 2) in the Bst. scriptures the term is frequently used of wild animals becoming tame: {dug sbrul de zhi zhing dul bar gyur/} the poisonous snake became peaceful and tame (SGN 13): 3) by extension, the term is used of taming passions or of disciplining the mind: {bdag 'dzin 'dul ba/} to tame self-grasping (UCO 150), {rang rgyud 'dul ba/} to tame one's stream of thought (GSL 18); 4) hence {'dul ba/} is commonly used as a term for the rules governing monastic behavior and discipline. The third major division of the Bst. scriptures, which deals with this topic, is called the {'dul ba/} [Skt. vinaya]. 2) #{sems 'jam pa/}$ ^Bib: gentleness, tenderness: {byams pa dang 'jam sems dang bcas/} in love with a gentle spirit (1 Cor. 4:21 SV), {khyed cag sems 'jam pa yin par mi thams cad kyis shes par gyur cig} let your gentleness be evident to all (Phil. 4:5 SV), {snying brtse ba'i shugs dang /,,drin dang /,,dman sa bzung ba'i sems dang /,,'jam pa'i sems/} compassion, kindness, humility, gentleness (Col. 3:12 SV), {khyed kyi nang na 'jam bor byed de bu rdzis phru gu skyong ba ltar khyed cag la dga' bas/} we were gentle among you, like a mother caring for her little children (1 Thes. 2:7 SV). ^Bst. 1) {sems pa zhi 'jam bzo ba/} to make the mind calm (DLP 17), {don rtsa 'jam po'i sgo nas lon/} to achieve one's goals peacefully (KPU 14); 2) compounds of {'jam pa/} are often used in honorific titles of Bst. gods and saints {phags pa 'jam dpal/} a name given to Chenresi which refers to Chenresi's compassionate and gentle ways (KTM), {'jam dpal dbyang /} the boddhisattva Manjushri, {rje 'jam dbyangs chos rje/} the founder of Drepung Monastery (DPD), {'jam mgon bla ma tsong kha pa/} Tsong Khapa (DPD). Cognates: 1) {'jam po'i gyon/} good clothes (KPU 23); 2) {'jam sha thon/} to make smooth, to polish metals (KPU 28); 3) {'jam pa bu dang rtsub pa pha mas byed/} when comfortable the baby sleeps, when uncomfortable the parents work (KPU 31).% Related Terms: {ngang ring ba/} patience, tolerance (KTM).% !GIFT@ see also OFFERING 1) #{sbyin pa/}$ [hon. {gnang sbyin/}] ^Bib: gift given by a higher person to a lower; charity, alms: {khyod kyi smon lam dang sbyin pa rnams/} your prayers and gifts (Acts 10:4), {gnang sbyin du dam pa'i thugs nyid thob par 'gyur ro/} you will receive the gift of the Holy Spirit (Acts 2:38), {dkon mchog gi gnang sbyin/} the gift of God (Rom. 6:23), {gso byed kyi gnang sbyin/} the gift of healing (1 Cor. 12:9), {gnang sbyin mtho ba rnams la snyegs shig} eagerly desire the higher gifts (1 Cor. 12:31). ^Bst. The giving of one's possessions to others, being the antithesis of desire, has a very high place among Bst. virtues. Four types of gift {sbyin pa rnam pa bzhi/} are usually distinguished: 1) {zang zing /} the gift of material help, 2) {chos/} the gift of Bst. doctrine, 3) {mi 'jigs/} the gift of freedom from fear, given by saving another from any undesirable state, and 4) {byams pa/} the gift of love (CNG 41 & TRC 345). The ultimate degree of these is called {sbyin pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of generosity (KBT 65); and it is said: {sbyin pa gtong ba rgyal sras lag len yin/} generosity is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 22). Cognates: 1) {sbyin gtong /} donation (TRC 217), 2) {sbyin bdag} patron, master, boss (DPD).% 2) #{'bul ba/}$ ^Bib: a gift from a lower to a higher person: {rdo rin chen dang 'bul ba rnams/} precious stones and gifts dedicated to God (Lk. 21:5), {dkor mdzod du 'bul ba 'jog pa/} putting gifts into the [temple] treasury (Lk. 21:1). ^Bst. {'bul ba/} are gifts usually given to lamas or officials: {dpon po phal cher ngo bstod la dga'/,,bla ma phal cher 'bul ba la dga'/,,byis pa phal cher rtsed mo la dga'/} masters usually like flattery, lamas usually like offerings, and common people usually like entertainment (KTM). Cognates: {zhal 'debs 'bul ba/} to make a donation or offering: {la las dngul gyi zhal 'debs 'bul ba/} some made offerings of money (SLR 15).% 3) #{mchod pa/}$ ^Bib: an offering, a gift given to God: {mchod khri'i khar mchod pa 'bul ba'i dus su/} when you are offering your gift on the altar (Mt. 5:23), {mo shes bka' gnang ba'i mchod pa/} the gift that Moses commanded (Mt. 8:4), {sbyin pa ster ba dang /,,mchod pa phul du 'ongs pas/} came to give gifts for the poor and present offerings (Acts 24:17), {mchod pa dang sdig bshags kyi dmar mchod phul/} to present gifts and sacrifices (Heb. 5:1). ^Bst. See OFFERING. Cognates: 1) {mchod 'bul/} [offering + gift] gifts and sacrifices {mchod 'bul dang dmar mchod 'bul ba'i phyir/} to offer both gifts and sacrifices (Heb. 8:3), {mchod 'bul dang dmar mchod 'bul/} gifts and sacrifices (Heb. 9:9); 2) {mchod sbyin/} offerings {sems can bsad pa'i sha khrag gis mchod sbyin/} offerings of the flesh of slain animals (TRC 96).% 4) #{gsol ras/}$ [hon.] a gift from a person of high rank to one of lower position: {las byed pa'i mi'i gla ni gsol ras su mi rtsi/} the worker's wages are not reckoned as a gift (Rom. 4:4), {ngas gsol ras mi 'tshol/} I am not looking for a gift (Phil. 4:17). Related Terms: 1) {skyes/} a gift, present {thugs nyid kyi skyes/} a spiritual gift (Rom. 1:11); 2) {lag rtags/} a present, small gift: {phan tshun lag rtags skur bar 'gyur ro/} will give each other gifts (Rev. 11:10); 3) {ster ba/} [lit. what is given] a gift {thugs rje nas gla ster ba ltar mi brtsi/} wages [are] not accounted as a gift (Rom. 4:4 SV).% !GLORY@ see also PRAISE 1) #{gzi brjid/}$ [lit. shine + glory] ^Bib: majesty, honor; the most common and general term for glory. God's glory is His honor and reputation, proclaimed through His mighty acts and revealed fully in Jesus Christ: 1) visible glory, radiance: {ri si na la ya ho wa'i gzi brjid bzhugs pa/} the glory of the Lord settled on Mt. Sinai (Ex. 24:16), {ya ho wa'i gzi brjid des bzhugs gnas khyab bo/} the glory of the Lord filled [the tabernacle] (Ex. 40:34); 2) the glory of God and His Presence: {khyed tsho'ang khong dang mnyam du gzi brjid dang ldan zhing mngon par 'gyur ro/} you also will appear with him in glory (Col. 3:4), {dkon mchog gi gzi brjid kyi 'od spros te/} the glory of God gives it light (Rev. 21:23), {gzi brjid kyi gtso bo/} the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2:8); 3) the glory of angels: {pho nya dam pa rnams kyi gzi brjid/} the glory of the holy angels (Lk. 9:26); 4) honor, fame, worth: {mo she'i zhal gyi gzi brjid/} the glory of Moses' covenant (2 Cor. 3:7). ^Sec. {gzi brjid/} applied to persons means glorious in appearance or commanding attention; applied to buildings means magnificent or imposing (AMD). Cognates: 1) {brjid nyams/} grand, majestic (MHP 8); 2) {brjid chags/} magnificent: {brjid chags yid du 'ong ba'i gna' bo'i bzo skrun/} magnificent and beautiful classical construction (MHP 8), {brjid chags pa'i pho brang /} magnificent palaces (SLR 7); 3) {rngam brjid/} grand, splendid: {mchod khang rngam brjid ldan/} a grand temple (MHP 11).% 2) #{dpal/}$ ^Bib: magnificence, splendor, abundance, glory: 1) of God: {dkon mchog gi dpal dang bral/} fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23), {nyid kyi dpal mngon par mdzad/} he revealed his glory (Jn. 2:11), {gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka'i dpal/} the glory of the Lord Jesus Christ (2 Thes. 2:14), {ke rub ces pa'i dpal ldan gyi pho nya/} the cherubim of the Glory (Heb. 9:5); 2) glory generally: {dpal mi 'tshol/} not to seek glory (Jn. 8:50), {dpal dang ldan par mngon te/} appeared in glorious splendor (Lk. 9:31), {dpal dang bkur sti/} glory and honor (Rom. 2:7), {dpal dang bkur sti'i cod pan gsol yod/} crowned with glory and honor (Heb. 2:9). ^Bst. 1) {dpal/} is a general literary term for glory, often used in poetry (AMD). {chos srid rang dbang gtsang ma'i dpal pa/} the glory of full religious and secular independence (RRT 282 n. 22), {bde skyid dang dpal/} happiness and glory (DLP 9), {grags pa'i dpal des kun tu shis gyur cig} may the glory of your fame bring happiness everywhere (HTE 170); 2) used in honorific titles: {dpal ldan/} glorious {jo bo rje dpal ldan a ti sha/} the glorious lord Atisha (TRC 152), {dpal ldan 'bras spungs/} magnificent Drepung (DPD), {dpal gyi chos sde/} an honorific title used of monasteries {dpal gyi chos sde chen po bkra shis lhun po/} glorious Tashilhunpo monastery (MHP 7); 3) used in compounds such as {dpal brjid/} and {dpal 'byor/} (see below). 3) #{dpal brjid/}$ [lit. glory + shine] glory: {dkon mchog gi dpal brjid/} God's glory (Jn. 21:19), {nyid kyi sras kyi dpal brjid ston par mdzod cig} show forth the glory of your Son (Jn. 17:1), {mi brgyud rnams kyi dpal brjid/} the glory of the nations (Rev. 21:26), {sa steng du khyed kyi dpal brjid bstan pa yin/} I have brought you glory on earth (Jn. 17:4). 4) #{dpal 'byor/}$ [lit. glory + wealth] ^Bib: abundant riches, wealth, abundance, or worldly splendor: {dkon mchog gi nyid kyi dpal 'byor/} God's glorious riches (Phil. 4:19), {gsang ba'i dpal 'byor/} the glorious riches of [this] mystery (Col. 1:26 27), {khong gi dpal 'byor ston phyir/} in order to make known the riches of his glory (Rom. 9:22-4), {ma shi ka pa'i nang du nor skal gyi dpal 'byor/} the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints (Eph. 1:18). ^Sec. 1) Wealthy people are said to be {dpal 'byor/} from their ability to accumulate wealth and status (KTM); 2) in modern Tib. {dpal 'byor/} is wealth or economy: {dpal 'byor yar rgyas/} economic development (DLP 8), {'char 'god dpal 'byor u yon lhan khang /} economic planning committee (MHP 10), {dpal 'byor gyi rin thang /} economic value (SLP 15). 5) #{grags pa/}$ ^Bib: glory, fame, reputation: {kho rnams kyi grags pa ni ngo tsha yin/} their glory is in their shame (Phil. 3:19 SV), {grags pa'i cod pan/} the crown in which [we] glory (1 Thes. 2:19 SV), {khyed rnams ni nged kyi grags pa dang dga' spro yin/} you are our glory and joy (1 Thes. 2:20 SV). ^Bst. 1) fame or renown: {grags pa'i dpal des kun tu shis gyur cig} may the glory of your fame bring happiness everywhere (HTE 170), {lugs srol grags che ba bzhi/} the four better-known schools (TRC 135), {grags chen bco brgyad/} the 18 major texts of the Sakya school (TRI 38), {lo rgyus 'dzam gling 'dir grags pa/} a story which is well known in this present age (TRC 260), {grags pa phul byung /} a good reputation; 2) an epithet of Bst. saints: {chos grags/} or {chos kyi grags pa/} Dharmakirti [7th cent. Bst. philosopher] (TRC 24), {zla ba grags pa/} Chandrakirti [8th cent. scholar] (TRC 25). Cognates: 1) {skad grags chen po/} fame {lha sa'i gtsug lag khang skad grags chen po de gnyis/} the two famous temples in Lhasa (TRC 112-3), {phyi nang du skad grags chen po/} well-known at home and abroad (TMB 25); 2) {sras mo grags 'dzin ma/} the name of Prince Siddartha's wife (SGN 4).% 6) #{snyan grags/}$ [lit. hearing + glory / reputation] ^Bib: fame, honor, or good repute: 1) glory {rang gi snyan grags 'tshol/} seeks his own glory (Jn. 7:18); 2) news, report {khong gi snyan grags si ri ya yul kun tu dar bas/} news about him spread all over Syria (Mt. 4:24), {he ro des ye shu'i snyan grags thos/} Herod heard the reports about Jesus (Mt. 14:1); 3) fame: {ye shu'i snyan grags rgyas pas/} Jesus' name had become well known (Mk. 6:14), {nga'i snyan grags dar 'jug pa'i don du/} that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Rom. 9:17). ^Bst. good repute, good name: {bde skyid/,,snyan grags/} happiness and a good name or reputation (TRC 217), {'dzam gling yongs la snyan grags che ba pho brang po ta la/} the world famous Potala Palace (DPD), {dgon pa de'i dge 'dun rnams mtshan snyan grags chen po yod/} the monks from that monastery are well-known (DPD), {lha sa ni snyan grags kyi ba dan kun tu khyab/} Lhasa is a famous city [lit. its banner of fame spreads everywhere] (SLR 14), {brtsams chos grags chen/} a famous literary work (SBC 61). Related Terms: 1) {bstod pa/} praise, glory: {bstod rung smad rung /} through glory and dishonor (2 Cor. 6:8); 2) {bstod bsngags/} glory, praise: {khong la dus rgyun nas rgyun du bstod bsngags par shog} to him be the glory forever (Rom. 11:36); 3) {dbu 'phangs/} [var. {dbu 'phang /}] (hon.) majesty, dignity: {dkon mchog gi dbyibs dang dbu 'phang /} the image and glory of God (1 Cor. 11:7 SV); 4) {rgyan cha/} [lit. ornament] {skra ring po yod na de'i rgyan cha zhig} long hair is a woman's glory (1 Cor. 11:15 SV); 5) {bkrag mdangs/} radiance, brilliance, brightness: {de'i bkrag mdangs dwangs shel ltar dwangs pa'i nor bu rin po che dang 'dra'o/} its brilliance was like that of a very precious jewel (Rev. 21:11), {bkrag mdangs nyams/} the radiant [complexion] fades (TRC 271).% !GLORIFY@ 1) #{stod pa/}$ p. {bstod/} ^Bib: to praise or glorify: {nga yi sems kyis gtso bor bstod/} my soul glorifies the Lord (Lk. 1:46), {ngas rang bstod gtong na/} if I glorify myself (Jn. 8:54), {nga'i yab kyis nga la bstod par mdzad do/} my Father is the one who glorifies me (Jn. 8:54). ^Bst. see PRAISE. 2) #{ngom pa/}$ p. {ngoms/} [lit. be satisfied with] ^Bib: "to glory in", take justifiable pride or satisfaction in {ma shi ka ye shu ngom pa nga tsho/} we who glory in Christ Jesus (Phil. 3:3), {ngas khyed tsho'i don du myong ba'i sdug bsngal de khyed tsho'i ngom rgyu de yin pas/} the sufferings which I experienced for you, which are your glory (Eph. 3:13). ^Sec. to boast, brag, or show off. 3) #{bsnyen bkur byed pa/}$ ^Bib: to worship; to show reverence or respect: {dkon mchog la bsnyen bkur bya ba'i phyir byos shig} do it to glorify God (1 Cor. 10:31 SV), {khong la dus rgyun du mi rabs thams cad du chos tshogs na ye shu ma shi ka'i ngang la bsnyen bkur byed par shog cig} to him be glory in the church and in Christ Jesus throughout all generations (Eph. 3:21 SV), {sems ma bsgyur zhing khong la bsnyen bkur ma byas so/} they refused to repent and glorify him (Rev. 16:9 SV). see WORSHIP. Related Terms: 1) {dpal brjid gnang ba/} [lit. give glory] glorify: {dpal brjid gnang ba'i dkon mchog} God [who] glorified him (1 Pet. 1:21); 2) {dpal brjid ston pa/} [lit. to show glory] glorify: {dpal brjid ston par 'gyur ba/} will show God's glory (Jn. 21:19); 3) {dpal dang ldan par mdzad pa/} to glorify: {gang rnam par dag par mdzad pa de dag dpal dang ldan par yang mdzad do/} those he justified, he also glorified (Rom. 8:30 SV); 4) {dpal dang ldan par 'gyur/} to be glorified: {gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka'i mtshan khyed cag gi nang na yang dpal dang ldan par 'gyur/} so that the name of our Lord Jesus may be glorified in you (2 Thes. 1:12 SV); 5) {gzi brjid du 'byung ba/} to be glorified: {rang gi dam pa'i mi rnams kyi nang na gzi brjid du 'byung ba/} to be glorified in his holy people (2 Thes. 1:10 SV); 6) {rlom sems/} to be proud of, to boast in: {ma shi ka ye shu'i nang na dkon mchog gi drung du rloms sems skyed do/} I glory in Christ Jesus before God (Rom. 15:17).% !GOD@ 1) #{dkon mchog}$ [lit. rare + highest, foremost, perfect] ^Bib: God, the infinite, eternal Spirit who created the world: {dkon mchog gis nam mkha' dang sa bkod do/} God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1), {dkon mchog gi sras/} the Son of God (Mt. 4:3), {dkon mchog gi thugs nyid/} the Spirit of God (Mt. 3:16), {bla na med pa'i dkon mchog} the Most High God (Mk. 5:7,8), {yis ra el gyi dkon mchog} the God of Israel (Lk. 1:68), {dkon mchog yab/} God the Father (Jn. 6:27), {dkon mchog gi lug gu/} the Lamb of God (Jn. 1:29), {dkon mchog gi dam pa/} the Holy One of God (Jn. 6:69), {thog ma med pa'i dkon mchog} the eternal God (Rom. 16:26), {ab ra ham dang /,,i sag dang /,,ya kob kyi dkon mchog} the God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob (Acts 3:13), {dkon mchog gson po/} the living God (Mt. 16:16). Christian use of the term {dkon mchog} for God extends back at least to 1762 (ATM). Special uses of the term in the Bib. include: 1) an indefinite noun that may include God and another god: {yang gang dkon mchog des me las lan 'debs pa/} the god who answers by fire - he is God (1 Ki. 18:24), {rgyus med pa'i dkon mchog} an unknown god (Acts 17:23); 2) a metaphor for a powerful man: {dkon mchog ni nga rang ste/} "I am a god" (Eze. 28:2); 3) a value prized above all: {de tsho'i dkon mchog grod pa yin/} their god is their stomach (Phil. 3:19); 4) spiritual beings: {khyed kyi bka' khrims nang khyed rnams dkon mchog yin ngas smras/,,zhes bris mi 'dug gam/} is it not written in your Law, 'I have said you are gods' (Jn. 10:34). Common phrases: {dkon mchog gi bka'/} the word of God (Mt. 15:6), {dkon mchog gi rgyal srid/} the kingdom of God (Mt. 19:24), {dkon mchog gi mthu stobs/} the power of God (Mk. 12:24), {dkon mchog gi thugs rje/} the grace of God (Lk. 2:40), {dkon mchog gi gnang sbyin/} the gift of God (Jn. 4:10), {dkon mchog gi dpal/} God's glory (Jn. 11:4), {dkon mchog la 'jigs/} God-fearing (Acts 10:2), {dkon mchog gi dgongs pa/} the will of God (Acts 20:26,27), {dkon mchog gi thugs khro/} the wrath of God (Rom. 1:18), {dkon mchog gi byams pa/} the love of God (Rom. 8:39), {dkon mchog gi mkhyen rab/} the wisdom of God (1 Cor. 1:21), {dkon mchog gi drung du/} in the presence of God (Lk. 1:19), {dkon mchog gi spyan/} in God's sight (2 Cor. 4:2), {dkon mchog gi zhabs tog} servants of God (2 Cor. 6:4), {dkon mchog gi phrin bzang /} the gospel of God (2 Cor. 11:7), {dkon mchog gi pho brang /} the house of God (Mt. 12:4), {dkon mchog gi bzhugs khri/} God's throne (Mt. 23:22), {dkon mchog gi ye shes/} the knowledge of God (Rom. 11:33), {dkon mchog gi sras/} sons of God (Mt. 5:9). ^Bst. 1) In folk Bsm. {dkon mchog} is a powerful, supernatural, impersonal being to whom prayers are often addressed: {rgyal srid skyong bar sras nges par du dgos par brten rgyal po zas gtsang gis yar dkon mchog mchod pa phul/} to make certain of having a son and preserving his kingdom, Setsang made offerings to {dkon mchog} above (SGN 1); 2) in orthodox Bsm. {dkon mchog} is used individually and collectively of the Buddha {sangs rgyas dkon mchog}, the doctrine {chos dkon mchog}, and the body of monks {dge 'dun dkon mchog} - the so-called triple refuge or {dkon mchog gsum/} The Buddha jewel is believed to be like a physician who prescribes a powerful medicine (the doctrine jewel) to a patient (mankind) who is attended by a skilful nurse (the jewel of the body of monks). Those who accept this treatment are said to "take refuge": {dkon mchog la skyabs su 'gro ba/} to go to the three jewels for refuge (TRC 217), {mi bslu gtan gyi skyabs gcig dkon mchog gsum/} the only never-failing, constant refuge is the three jewels (HTE 180). Devout Bsts. take refuge as often as four times a day (JPG 224). Related Terms: 1) {gnam bdag} the Lord of heaven, reportedly used as the word for God in an early Catholic translation of the Bible; hence the modern term {gnam bdag chos lugs/} Catholicism; 2) {dkon mchog rin po che/} used by the Muslim Tibetan author Khache Phalu to refer to Allah: {bod kyi skad du dkon mchog rin po che/,,rang re'i skad du go brda/} in Tibetan He is "the most Precious One", and in our language, "Godhar" (one of the names of Allah) (KPU 2); 3) used to refer generally to the God of the major theistic religions: {chos kyi dgos pa ji yin la blta dgos pa las/,,dkon mchog gi skor dang /} it is more important to look at the purpose of religion than at the details of theology [lit. God] (DLP 22).% 2) #{lha/}$ ^Bib: local spirits, pagan gods: 1) local gods {nga tsho'i gdong du 'gro ba'i lha/} gods who will go before us (Acts 7:40), {lha gzhan pa/} foreign gods (Acts 17:18), {lha dang jo bo mang po yod/} there are many "gods" and many "lords" (1 Cor. 8:5), {longs la/,,rang gi lha la bos/} get up and call on your god (Jonah 1:6); 2) powerful men: {lha'i gsung skad/} the voice of a god (Acts 12:22), {khong ni lha zhig go zer ro/} they said he was a god (Acts 28:6); 3) local pagan deities of the ancient world: {lha mo chen mo ar ti mi/} the great goddess Artemis (Acts 19:27), {rang gi lha nis rog gi lha khang /} the temple of his god Nisroch (2 Ki. 19:37); 4) a highly prized value: {mthu stobs nga'i lha las yin zhes sems/} men whose own strength is their god (Hab. 1:11); 5) a spirit or characteristic attitude: {'jig rten 'di'i lhas sems ldongs su bcug pa yin/} the god of this age has blinded the minds of unbelievers (2 Cor. 4:4). ^Bst. 1) Orthodox Bsm. recognizes two types of gods: those who are still trapped in cyclic existence: {'jig rten lha/}, and those who have passed beyond it. Gods in cyclic existence are born, live a life of pleasure and happiness for a period, and die like the other beings trapped in the cycle of rebirth. They have great merit, but not enough to release themselves from rebirth. They may even be distracted by their heavenly pleasures and fall into a lower rebirth (KTM). However, generally rebirth as a god is considered fortunate (TRC 216): {lha dang mi'i lus bzang po thob/} sometimes getting the good body of a human or a god [in rebirth] (TRC 260). Worldly gods include {dbang phyug} Ishvara, {brgya byin/} Indra, {tshangs pa/} Brahma, {khyab 'jug} Vishnu, {'dod pa'i dbang phyug} Kamadeva, and {tshogs bdag} Ganesh (TRI 300). Gods outside the cycle of rebirth include the tantric meditational deities {bya rgyud kyi lha/} including {stong pa'i lha/} emptiness deity, {sgra'i lha/} sound deity, etc. (TRI 183); 2) Buddhas and boddhisattvas are regarded as superior to the gods but are sometimes given the title {lha/} as an honorific: {bka' gdams lha bzhi/} the four deities of the Kadampas are {thub pa/} the Buddha, {spyan ras gzigs/} Chenresi or Avalokiteshvara, {sgrol ma/} Dolma or Tara, {mi g.yo ba/} Acala (CNG 51, TRI 13); 3) respected figures of the past are also sometimes given the title: {'phags pa lha/} Aryadeva, 3rd century disciple of Nagarjuna (TRC 25), {lha tho tho ri gnyan btsan/} twenty seventh of the ancient Tibetan kings (TRC 112), {lha bla ma ye shes 'od dang /,,byang chub 'od/} the guru-kings Yeshe Od and Byang Chub Od (TRC 116), {sgyu ma lha mdzes/} mother of the Buddha (SGN 1); 4) the term can also be used to mean "sublime" or "excellent": {lha chos/} the sublime dharma (HTE 204), hence {lha chos pa/} may be used to mean "sublime dharma person" or devout (AMD) as well as "pagan" (Acts 15:23); {lha rgyud/} a good lineage (KPU 33); {lha ram pa/} first class Geshe degree. Gods and spirits may be ranked in eight classes, the {lha srin sde brgyad/} namely: {gshin rje/} Shinje (Skt. Yama) the lord of death; {ma mo/} a class of terrifying female protector deities, the chief of which is {dpal ldan lha mo/} Palden Lhamo, foremost goddess of Tibetan Bsm.; {bdud/} the devil, demons (see EVIL SPIRIT); {btsan/} local mountain-dwelling demons believed capable of possessing humans and causing disease; {rgyal po/} principal local gods; {klu/} nagas or serpent-deities associated with water; {gnod sbyin/} [Skt. yaksa] harmful spirits believed to live near mountain passes; and {gza'/} malignant stars or planets which may cause disease or death (CNG 107). There are also personal gods called {'go ba'i lha/} which are believed to protect individuals. Among them are {yul lha/} local god, {pho lha/} the male god of a man; {mo lha/} the female god of a woman; {dgra lha/} the enemy-combatting god; {srog lha/} the life-force god (CNG 53, TRI 51). For the place of the gods in Bst. cosmology, see WORLD. Cognates: 1) {lha khang /} temple; 2) {lha bris/} thangka painting; 3) {lha ma yin/} demigods (TRC 272); 4) {lha sa/} Lhasa.% !GODLINESS@ see also BELIEF, DEVOUT 1) #{chos sems/}$ [lit. religion + mind] ^Bib: living according to God's commands; godliness: {drang ba dang /,,chos sems dang /,,dad sems/} righteousness, godliness, and faith (1 Tim. 6:11), {khyed la spyod lam bzang po dang chos sems ji lta bu zhig yod dgos/} you should live holy and godly lives (2 Pet. 3:11,12). ^Bst. 1) the desire to learn or study religion (AMD); 2) devout: {sku ngo gzim 'gag chos sems chen po rang yin pa bsam gyi yod/} we thought the [Dalai Lama's] bodyguard was very devout (DPD). 2) #{chos bzhin du spyod pa/}$ [lit. religion + according + behavior] ^Bib: godliness: {chos bzhin spyod par sbyong zhig} train yourself to be godly (1 Tim. 4:7), {chos bzhin spyod pa ni/,,tshe 'di phyi gnyis kyi phyir zhal bzhes dang ldan pas/,,ci sa nas phan thogs che'o/} godliness has value for all things, holding promise for both the present life and the life to come (1 Tim. 4:8). ^Bst. To do, act, or live according to the teachings of religion (AMD). 3) #{chos la dga' ba'i sems/}$ [lit. religion + like + mind] ^Bib: mindful of religion, godly: {'on kyang chos la dga' ba'i sems chog shes pa dang bcas pa ni nor chen po zhig yin no/} but godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim. 6:6 SV). Cognates: 1) {chos shes ldan pa/} [lit. religion + understanding + having] devoutness, godliness: {chog shes ldan pa'i chos ni nor gyi mchog go} godliness with contentment is great gain (1 Tim. 6:6,7); 2) {chos kyi gzugs/} the form of religion: {chos kyi gzugs tsam las snying po dang bral ba/} having a form of godliness but denying its power (2 Tim. 3:5); 3) {chos dang mthun pa/} in agreement with religion: {chos dang mthun par 'tsho ba/} to live a godly life (2 Tim. 3:12); 4) {chos min/} [without religion] godless: {chos min gyi rgya lab/} godless chatter (1 Tim. 6:20); 5) {chos ma yin pa/} ungodliness (Tit. 2:12 SV); 6) {chos med kha cig} godless men (Jude 4).% 4) #{dkon mchog gi lugs su/}$ [lit. God + way] ^Bib: godly; to act according to God's manner or way: {dkon mchog gi lugs su phrag dog} godly jealousy (2 Cor. 11:2). 5) #{dkon mchog la mos pa/}$ [lit. faith or trust in God] Bib: an attitude of faith in God which produces Godly behavior: {/'on kyang dkon mchog gi mi khyod de dag spong la/,,chos drang ba dang /,,dkon mchog la mos pa dang /} but you, man of God, flee from all this, and pursue righteousness, godliness . . (1 Tim. 6:11 SV), {khyed kyi dam pa'i spyod lam dang dkon mchog la mos pa'i sems ci lta bu zhig yin pa'i rigs/} since everything will be destroyed in this way, what kind of people ought you to be? You ought to live holy and godly lives (2 Pet. 3:11 SV), {dkon mchog la mos pa'i sems dang sbyar ba'i bstan pa/} godly teaching (1 Tim. 6:3 SV). 6) #{dkon mchog la gus pa/}$ [lit. God + reverence] ^Bib: respect, reverence or devotion to God: {dkon mchog la gus pa ni bya ba thams cad la phan/} godliness has value for all things (1 Tim. 4:8 SV), {dkon mchog la gus pa'i sems la spun la byams pa dang /,,spun la byams pa la kun la byams sems skyed cig} and to godliness, brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness, love (2 Pet. 1:7 SV). !GOOD@ see also GOSPEL 1) #{bzang po/}$ ^Bib: 1) an attribute of God, his works, and his law: {ya ho wa bzang zhing drang bas/} good and upright is the Lord (Ps. 25:8), {bzang po ni gcig go} there is only One who is good (Mt. 19:7), {dkon mchog gis mdzad pa thams cad bzang po yin/} everything God created is good (1 Tim. 4:4), {bka' ni dam pa dang drang po dang bzang po yin/} the commandment is holy, righteous, and good (Rom. 7:12); 2) good or righteous: {mi bzang po zhig} a righteous man (Rom. 5:7), {g.yog po bzang zhing drang po/} good and faithful servant (Mt. 25:21); 3) moral good in general: {bzang ngan rtogs pa'i shing /} the tree of the knowledge of good and evil (Gen. 2:9), {las bzang byed mkhan su gcig kyang mi 'dug} there is no one who does good, not even one (Ps. 14:3); 4) occasionally used of the quality or usefulness of objects: {yul de'i gser bzang po yin/} the gold of that land is good (Gen. 2:12); {sa bzang po/} good soil (Lk. 8:15). ^Bst. 1) morally good: {las bzang po'i 'bras bu rdzogs nas/} when the fruit of his good works is finished (TRC 260), {'gro ba mi tshang mar dga' nye'i 'du shes 'dzin pa'i sems pa bzang po/} a sense of affection for all humanity (DLP 15), {rjes 'brangs slob ma rnams mi bzang po zhig tu sgyur rgyu'i nus pa/} the ability to make their followers into better people (DLP 18), {dge ba'i lam bzang ston par mdzad pa/} to point out the path of [moral] goodness (DLP 18), {sems pa bzang po yar rgyas gong 'phel gtong ba/} to develop a good heart (DLP 22), {las bzang /} good works, good deeds (KPU 21), {dge 'dun rnams ya rab spyod bzang 'dug} the monks were fine men of noble behavior (DPD); 2) good in quality: {sman bzang bo drug} the six good medicines (CNG 72), {mchod pa dang bkur sti bzang po mdzad/} made good offerings and worship (TRC 114), {mi'i lus bzang po/} the good body of a human being (TRC 260), {gtam bzang /} a good reputation (KPU 21), {rgyud bzang /} a good breed [of dog] (SLR 14); 3) fortunate or auspicious: {mtshan bzang po/} a mark or physical feature of a Buddha (TRI 221); 4) skilled: {nad g.yog bzang po/} a good nurse (TRC 76); 5) beneficial: {mthun pa'i grogs bzang po/} an agreeable companion (TRC 198); 6) often used in names: {blo bzang /} "noble minded", {skal bzang /} "good fortune", {rin chen bzang po/} Rinchen Sangpo, one of the early translators (TRC 116). Proverbs: 1) {pha rol phyug po longs spyod dgos 'dod na/,,'di ru sprang po'i skyid sdug bltas pa bzang /} if you want to be rich in the next life, it's good to think of the poverty of beggars now (KPU 8); 2) {gzhon pa'i shed las rgad po'i jus bya bzang /} it's better to have the wisdom of age than the strength of youth (KPU 13); 3) {bzang la bzang dang ngan la ngan/} [do] good to the good and evil to the wicked (KPU 20); 4) {bzang po 'ongs pa'i rjes la gtam bzang yod/} where good men go, good reputation follows (KPU 21); 5) {ngan lan bzang 'jal/} to repay evil with kindness [a Bst. ideal] (TQP 78).% Cognates: 1) {bzang ngan/} [lit. good + bad] a) how good or bad something is; quality: {bla mas de'i bzang ngan la bltas/} the priest will judge its quality as good or bad (Lev. 27:14), {bzang ngan gyi brtag dpyad byas nas/} after examining its quality (TRC 184), b) moral: {deng sang 'dzam gling yongs khyab tu mi spyod bzang ngan gyi rnyog 'dzings/} the modern worldwide moral crisis (DLP 3); 2) {gzhan phan lhag bsam bzang po} humanitarianism: {yongs khyab kyi rang bzhin ldan pa'i 'gro ba mi'i gzhan phan lhag bsam bzang po/} universal humanitarianism (DLP 4); 3) {'phrin bzang /} good news, gospel (DPD).% 2) #{legs pa/}$ ^Bib: 1) moral good in general: {dkon mchog gis 'od legs pa yin par gzigs te/} God saw that the light was good (Gen. 1:4), {khyed tsho'i rlom sems de mi legs/} your boasting is not good (1 Cor. 5:6); 2) fine, noble, commendable: {snying legs mo dang bzang po/} a noble and good heart (Lk. 8:15), {don bzang po zhig gi phyir mdza' ba ni rtag tu legs/} it is fine to be zealous, provided the purpose is good (Gal. 4:18), {ji ste bzang po byas nas gnod pa bzod na dkon mchog gi legs so thob bo/} if you suffer for doing good and you endure it, this is commendable before God (1 Pet. 2:20); 3) beneficial: {jo bo lags/,,nged cag 'dir bzhugs pa legs/} Lord, it is good for us to be here (Mt. 17:4), {chung ma ma blang na legs/} it is good for a man not to marry (1 Cor. 7:1); 4) good in quality: {tshwa legs/} salt is good (Mk. 9:50), {bka' lan legs pa/} a good answer (Mk. 12:28), {ston thog legs pa/} a good crop (Lk. 12:16), {legs po rnams/} good things (Lk. 16:25). ^Bst. 1) good, excellent: {legs pa'i blo gros/} excellent wisdom (KBT 66); 2) good: {'di lta bu'i shes rig slob sbyong yongs khyab tu yod pa des legs pa'i cha gong nas gong 'phel gtong ma thub/} universal education does not seem to have fostered goodness (DLP 1); 3) {legs par/} well: {legs par shes pa/} to understand well (TRC 331), {rig gnas shes bya legs par slob/} to study cultural knowledge well (TCR 1). 3) #{phan/}$ ^Bib: 1) welfare, benefit, profit: {mi la 'jig rten hril po thob kyang /,,rang srog brlag na ci phan/} what good is it if a man gains the whole world but loses his own life (Mt. 16:26), {dkon mchog la byams pa rnams la bya ba thams cad 'dzoms nas phan pa'i rgyur 'gyur ba/} in all things God works for the good of those who love him (Rom 8:28); 2) to be good for, to benefit: {nga 'gro ba ni khyed la phan no/} it is good for you that I go (Jn. 16:7), {khyed la phan mkhan la phan na/} if you do good to those who are good to you (Lk. 6:33), {khyod la phan phyir dkon mchog gi zhabs phyi yin/} he is God's servant to do you good (Rom. 13:4). ^Bst. profit, help, benefit: {phan tshun gnyis phan/} mutual benefit (DLP 11), {chos ma gtogs gang gis kyang mi phan pa/} no benefit from any source other than religion (TRC 227), {gzhan la phan sems/} charity; the wish to benefit others (TRC 345), {gzhan phan lhag bsam ldan pa'i blo gros/} altruism (DLP 2). Cognates: 1) {phan yon/} benefit: {tshig brjod pa'i phan yon/} the benefit of [merely] saying the word (TRC 74); 2) {phan grogs/} companion (TRC 76); 3) {phan thogs/} benefit: {phan thogs rgya chen po/} wide benefit (TRC 154); 4) {phan 'dogs/} to be beneficial to: {pu gu la phan 'dogs pa'i zas za ba/} to eat food that is beneficial to [her] children (TRC 330); 5) {'gro ba mi'i gzhan phan lhag bsam bzang po'i rin thang /} humanitarian values (DLP 2); 5) {khe phan/} advantage, gain, benefit (DLP 19).% Related Terms: 1) {bde/} [lit. blessed] to be good for: {dpon po 'ong ste de bzhin du byed par mthong ba'i g.yog po bde'o/} it will be good for that servant whose master finds him doing so when he returns (Mt. 24:46); 2) {dge ba/} goodness, virtue: {dge ba la mi dga' ba/} not lovers of the good (2 Tim. 3:3 SV); 3) {dge bar byed/} to do good works or virtuous actions: {dge ba spyod pa/} one who does good (Rom. 2:10), {mi thams cad dang khyad par du dad pa'i khyim tshang la dge bar byos shig} let us do good to all people, especially to those who belong to the family of believers (Gal 6:10); 4) {rang don/} one's own good: {rang don mi 'tshol bar gzhan don tshol zhig} nobody should seek his own good, but the good of others (1 Cor. 10:24); 5) {spyi don/} the common good: {spyi don du mi re re la thugs nyid mngon pas/} to each one the manifestation of the Spirit is given for the common good (1 Cor. 12:7); 6) {gzhan don/} the good of others: {gzhan don dang sbyin pa sbyin pa ma rjed cig} do not forget to do good and to share with others (Heb. 13:16); 7) {drang po/} honest, faithful, good: {ma shi ka ye shu'i dmag mi drang po/} a good soldier of Christ Jesus (2 Tim. 2:3); 8) {yag po/} good: {khyod cag gis nga rgyal skyed pa de yag po ma yin/} your boasting is not good (1 Cor. 5:6 SV); 9) {rab/} best: {de dag nga dang 'dra bar gnas na rab yin/} it is best for them to remain as I am (1 Cor. 7:8 SV).% !GOSPEL@ 1) #{phrin bzang /}$ [var. {'phrin bzang /}] [lit. news + good] ^Bib: the gospel, the good news of Christ: {rgyal srid kyi phrin bzang /} the gospel of the kingdom (Mt. 24:14), {phrin bzang 'chad pa/} to preach the gospel (Acts 8:25), {khong gi sras po'i 'phrin bzang /} the gospel of his Son (Rom. 1:9 SV). {las ka ni 'phrin bzang bzhi dang mi sna bcas phal skad la 'gyur bya'o/} the work was putting the four Gospels and Acts into spoken language (DPD). ^Bst. A literary term for good news; often used in writing letters (AMD). 2) #{gnas tshul/}$ news, situation, actuality. The term {gnas tshul yag po/} has been used in spoken language for "good news" in the sense of "gospel". Bst. {phebs ma thub pa'i gnas tshul/} the news of their being unable to return (TRC 154), {legs nyes kyi gnas tshul/} the gospel of good and evil (TRC 166), {gnas tshul yag po shes dgos pa/} must understand the actual situation (TRC 242), {bden pa bzhi'i gnas tshul/} the actuality of the four truths (TRC 257), {blo pham gyi gnas tshul/} sad news (DLP 1), {sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das yul der phebs pa'i gnas tshul/} the news that the Buddha was coming (SGN 14). Cognates: {gnas tshul 'dri sa/} sign over information desk at Lhasa airport.% !GRACE@ see also COMPASSION, KINDNESS, MERCY 1) #{thugs rje/}$ [hon. of {snying rje/}] ^Bib: 1) God's unmerited favor or kindness. While mercy implies "holding back from punishing someone when punishment is deserved", grace means "showing (positive) kindness or generosity to someone who does not deserve it" (K. Barnwell). {dkon mchog gi thugs rje/} the grace of God (Lk. 2:40), {thugs rje bden pas gang ba/} full of grace and truth (Jn. 1:14), {gtso bo ye shu'i thugs rje'i sgo nas/} through the grace of our Lord Jesus (Acts 15:11), {dkon mchog gi thugs rje'i phrin bzang /} the gospel of God's grace (Acts 20:24), {bka' khrims kyi 'og na med par thugs rje'i 'og tu yod/} not under law, but under grace (Rom. 6:14), {thugs rje thams cad kyi dkon mchog} the God of all grace (1 Pet. 5:10), 2) also used in greetings: {khyed tshor gtso bo ye shu'i thugs rje 'bab par shog} the grace of the Lord Jesus be with you (1 Cor. 16:23). ^Bst. 1) compassion, defined as the wish for all sentient beings to be free from suffering. In Bsm. compassion generates merit for the one who feels it. It does not involve forgiveness of sins, but does imply showing kindness to those who may not deserve it. The term is not used in daily speech but is common in Bsm. (AMD). 2) grace; in a general sense, the boddhisattvas are considered to exhibit grace when they show the path of release from suffering to living beings (MTB 195); hence: {nga la bla mas thugs rje rgyang nas gzigs/} may the lama look upon me with compassion (KPU 35); 3) one of the names of {spyan ras gzigs/} Chenresi: {thugs rje chen po la phyag 'tshal lo/} homage to great compassion (UCO 148). 2) #{drin/}$ [hon. {bka' drin/}] ^Bib: 1) kindness, gift: {dkon mchog gi thugs rje'i bka' drin/} the gift of God's grace (Eph. 3:7 SV); {khyed thar bar gyur pa ni thugs rje'i gnang sbyin yin te dad pa'i sgo nas 'ongs/,,khyed rang nas ma byung /,,dkon mchog gi bka' drin yin/} it is by grace you have been saved, through faith--and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God (Eph. 2:8 SV); 2) grace: {dkon mchog gis ma ke don ya yul gyi chos tshogs rnams la gnang ba'i bka' drin/} the grace that God has given the Macedonian churches (2 Cor. 8:1 SV), {nged kyi gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka'i bka' drin/} the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ (2 Cor. 8:9 SV), {drin de yang rgyas par byos shig} excel also in the grace of giving (2 Cor. 8:7 SV). ^Bst. kindness. True {bka' drin che/} (great kindness) happens when the three jewels {dkon mchog gsum/} give refuge protection to beings experiencing obstacles (KTM). {sku drin sangs rgyas kun las lhag pa'i mgon/} of all the Buddhas, he is the kindest (HTE 182); {bod mi rnams la bka' drin shin tu che ba yin tsang /} because this was a great kindness to the Tibetan people (TRC 113); {pha ma bzang po bka' drin can/} good and kind parents (TRC 218); {bka' drin tshad med pa/} immeasurable kindness (TRC 331); {gzhan gyi bka' drin la brten/} to depend on others' kindness (DLP 15); {dgongs nas rang drin rang la che bar mdzod/} think about it and do yourself a big favor (HTE 172). Related Terms: 1) {'phrin las/} [lit. "good works"] virtue, merits, or positive energy received through the grace of the Buddha and his teachings (TRI 178); 2) {bka' drin che/} great kindness; 3) {bka' nyes/} a term used in nomad dialects instead of {thugs rje/} (KTM).% !GREED@ see also COVET 1) #{brnab sems/}$ ^Bib: greed, covetousness: {brnab sems kyi rigs thams cad las bag zon byos shig} be on your guard against all kinds of greed (Lk. 12:15). ^Bst. The desire to have someone else's wealth; greed, envy, or covetousness; one of the ten non-virtues (AMD & KTM): {brnab sems zer ba ni/,,gzhan gyi ca lag mthong dus de nga la byung na snyam pa lta bu'i sems gzhan gyi yo byad la chags pa'i cha gcig la zer/} covetousness signifies the portion of the mind which longs for another's possessions with the thought "would it were mine" at the time of seeing another's possessions (TRC 245), {yid kyi mi dge ba gsum ni/,,brnab sems/,,gnod sems/,,log lta bcas red/} the three non-virtues of mind are covetousness, the wish to injure, and wrong view (TRC 242). Proverbs: {gzhan gyi nor la brnab sems spang/,,rang gi nor la gron chung gyis/} abandon greed for others' wealth by spend little on yourself (KTM). 2) #{sred pa/}$ ^Bib: to desire strongly, be greedy for, or crave: {rkun ma dang /,,sred ldan dang /,,ra ros/} thieves or the greedy or drunkards (1 Cor. 6:10), {nor lha bsten pa'i 'dod sred can/} one who is greedy for money (Eph. 5:5). ^Bst. see COVET. 3) #{ser sna/}$ ^Bib: greed, desire for money: {ser sna can dang chom po/} greedy people and swindlers (1 Cor. 5:10 SV), {log g.yem dang mi tshangs par spyod pa dang /,,ser sna can/} immoral, impure or greedy people (Eph. 5:5 SV), {'dod pa ngan pa dang /,,ser sna/} evil desires and greed (Col. 3:5 SV). ^Bst. miserliness (KBT 22) or stinginess, {ser sna dang phangs sems sogs gang yang med par/} without any stinginess or parsimony (TRC 346). 4) #{ham pa/}$ ^Bib: greediness, covetousness: {mi tshangs par spyod dam/,,ham pa can yin/} one who is sexually immoral or greedy (1 Cor. 5:11 SV), {rkun ma dang /,,ham pa can dang /,,chang 'dod can/} thieves or the greedy or drunkards (1 Cor. 6:10 SV). ^Bst. see COVET. Related Terms: {nor grib/} [lit. wealth + defilement, pollution]: {nor grib can gyi phyir ma yin par/} not for filthy lucre (1 Pet. 5:2 KJV).% !GUILT@ see also CONFESS, REPENT, SIN 1) #{sdig pa/}$ [lit. sin] ^Bib: The NT uses compounds of {sdig pa/} with {yod/} and {med/} (literally "having or not having") sin to express the idea contained in the English term "guilt: {long ba yin na sdig pa med/} if you were blind, you would not be guilt of sin (Jn. 9:41), {de tshor sdig pa med pa yin/} they would not be guilty of sin (Jn. 15:22), {de la sdig pa che'o/} he is guilty of a greater sin (Jn. 19:11), {sdig pa'i nongs mi shes/} [lit. sin's pain not know] not to feel guilty (Heb. 10:2). ^Bst. In Bsm. guilt is irrelevant and unnecessary, for there is no external Authority to pass judgement on sin (MTB 63). Bsts. are encouraged to feel sincere regret for their sins, to go for refuge to the three jewels, perform purification by making prostrations, reciting mantras, or giving offerings, and to promise to refrain from bad actions in the future (JPG 77); see CONFESS. 2) #{nyes pa/}$ [lit. fault] ^Bib: Compounds of {nyes pa/} are used similarly to those of {sdig} (see above) to express "guilt": {nyes pa ma brtag pa/} without being found guilty (Acts 22:25), {ye ru sha lem pa gzhan las nyes can/} more guilty than the others living in Jerusalem (Lk. 13:4), {bka' khrims tshang ma la bltas nas nyes can yin/} is at fault before the whole law (is guilty of breaking all of it (Jas. 2:10 SV). ^Bst. see {sdig pa/} above. !HATE@ 1) #{sdang /}$ p. {sdangs/} imp. {sdong /} ^Bib: 1) used of men's hatred for one another: {dgra la sdong zhig} hate your enemy (Mt. 5:43), {de'i yul pas mi drag der sdang bas/} his subjects hated him (Lk. 19:14), {mi gzhan gyis sdang ba dang rang yang phan tshun sdang mkhan yin/} being hated and hating one another (Tit. 3:3); 2) used of men's hatred of Jesus: {nga la sdang ba des nga'i yab la'ang sdang ngo /} he who hates me hates my Father as well (Jn. 15:23); 3) men's hatred of Christians: {mi rgyud thams cad kyis khyed la sdang 'ong /} all nations will hate you (Mt. 24:9); 4) believers' hatred of evil: {ya ho war chags mkhan khyed rnams ngan par sdang zhig kye/} let those who love the Lord hate evil (Ps. 97:10), {ngan pa la sdang ba de ni dkon mchog la bag byed pa yin/} to fear the Lord is to hate evil (Pr. 8:13); 5) used also of God's displeasure: {ya kob la gces par 'dzin te/,,e sab la sdangs/} Jacob I loved, but Esau I hated (Rom. 9:13 quoting Mal. 1:3), {ya ho wa yis ra el gyi dkon mchog gis 'di skad du/,,nga ni chung ma gcod pa sdang ngo /} I, the God of Israel, hate divorce (Mal. 2:16), {khyed ni drang por byams kyang ngan par sdang /} you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Heb. 1:9 quoting Ps.45:7). ^Bst. {zhe sdang /} [lit. mental disposition + anger, hate] is the more common term for hatred, implying a wish to harm others which when outwardly expressed is {khro/} (AMD). {zhe sdang gis gsod pa ni/,,gsod yag de la khong khro langs nas gsod pa/} to kill on account of hatred is to kill the victim on account of the arising of anger (TRC 243). Hatred is one of the three poisons or {dug chu gsum/} which are: {'dod chags dang /,,zhe sdang dang /,,gti mug} attachment, hatred, and ignorance, {sdang sems/} an attitude of hatred (TRC 32), {zhe 'khon sdang 'dzin dang /,,rang gces 'dzin/,,phrag dog} hatred, selfishness, and jealousy (DLP 17), {sdang ba'i dgra/} an enemy (KPU 33), {dgra yi phyogs la zhe sdang me ltar 'bar/} hatred burns like fire towards an enemy (GSL 6). Proverbs: 1) {zhe sdang lta bu'i sdig pa med/,,bzod pa lta bu'i dka' thub med/} there is no evil like hatred; no ascetic practice like patience (TRC 347); 2) {zhes sdang dgra bo byams pa'i mtshon gyis thul/} overcome your enemy, hatred, with the weapons of love (HTE 186); 3) {phrag dog pa'i mi ni zhe sdang me ltar sbar ro/} the hate of a jealous man burns like fire (CTL 277). 2) #{'khon pa/}$ ^Bib: 1) hatred, malice, anger: {ngan sngags dang /,,'khon sems/} witchcraft [lit. evil mantras] and hatred (Gal. 5:20), {'jig rten dang mdza' ba ni dkon mchog dang 'khon pa yin/} friendship with the world is hatred toward God (Jas. 4:4); 2) to hate: {mi thams cad kyis khyed la 'khon/} all men will hate you (Mt. 10:22). ^Bst. 1) {'khon pa/} is wishing for a way to hurt or attack someone. All Bst. practitioners must get rid of this attitude (AMD); 2) the {'khon/} is also a lineage of lamas known as the "combat lineage" because it is believed to be the result of conflict between a demon and a god (TRI 30). 3) #{'khon du 'dzin/}$ p. {bzung /} f. {gzung /} imp. {zung /} ^Bib: used of God's hatred of sin: {nga ya ho was khrims drang po la sdug par 'dzin pas/,,'phrog bcom gyi sbyin sreg la 'khon du 'dzin no/} for I, the Lord, love justice; I hate robbery and iniquity (Is. 61:8), {bya ba 'di thams cad la ngas 'khon du 'dzin no/} I [God] hate all this (Zechariah 8:17). ^Bst. {'khon du 'dzin pa/} resentment, one of the secondary afflictions (KBT 22), {zhe 'khon sdang 'dzin/} hatred (DLP 17). Related Terms: 1) {chags pa ma spang /} [lit. attachment not abandon] used figuratively as "hate": {gal te su zhig nga'i rtsar 'ong yang /,,pha ma dang /,,bu smad dang /,,ming sring rnams ma zad rang gi srog la'ang chags pa ma spang na/,,nga'i nye gnas min/} if anyone comes to me and does not hate his father and mother, his wife and children, his brothers and sisters--yes, even his own life--he cannot be my disciple (Lk. 14:26); 2) {mi gces pa/} [lit. not love] {'jig rten 'dir rang srog la mi gces pa/} the one who hates his life in this world (Jn. 12:25); 3) {thugs log} [lit. spirit turn] {sdig spyod kun la khyed kyi thugs log go} you [God] hate all who do wrong (Ps. 5:5).% !HEART@ 1) #{snying /}$ ^Bib: 1) the physical heart: {rang gi snying la 'khur dgos/} he must carry it over his heart (Ex. 28:30); 2) the site of inner thoughts, feelings, and desires: {snying gi bsam pa dang 'dod pa rnams mkhyen no/} [the Word of God] knows the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb. 4:12), {bsam ngan dang /,,mi gsod pa dang /,,log g.yem dang /,,'dod log dang /,,rku ba dang /,,rdzun gyi dpang po dang /,,skur 'debs ni snying gi nang nas 'ong ngo /} from out of the heart come evil thoughts, murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander (Mt. 15:19), {dkon mchog gis khyed kyi snying mkhyen pas/} God knows your hearts (Lk. 16:15), {bsam blo gtong gin snying la bzhag go} [Mary] pondered them in her heart (Lk. 2:19). The heart is the center of spiritual activity in the life of man: {gtso bos de'i snying phyes/} the Lord opened her heart (Acts 16:14), {nyid kyi sras kyi thugs nyid khyed tsho'i snying du stsal te/} [God] sent the Spirit of his Son into your hearts (Gal. 4:6), {khyod kyi snying bdud kyis khengs pa de ci yin/} how is it that Satan has so filled your heart (Acts 5:3), {khyod kyi snying dkon mchog gi drung du drang po ma yin/} your heart is not right before God (Acts 8:21), {de tsho'i dad pa'i rkyen gyis snying dag par mdzad de/} he purified their hearts by faith (Acts 15:9), {dad med kyi snying ngan pa/} a sinful, unbelieving heart (Heb. 3:12), {snying nas dad pa byed na/} if you believe in your heart (Rom. 10:9). In Biblical psychology the heart is also the seat of emotions: 1) sincerity: {snying nas bzod par mi byed na/} unless you forgive from your heart (Mt. 18:35), {rang gi snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po/} with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt. 22:37), {snying nas dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs bzhin du g.yog byos shig} doing the will of God from your heart (Eph. 6:6), {nga tsho'i brtse ba'i snying 'byed do/} we opened wide our hearts to you (2 Cor. 6:11); 2) ardor: {nga tsho'i snying ma dros sam/} were not our hearts burning (Lk. 24:32); 3) repentance: {de thos nas de rnams kyi snying la zug ste/} they were cut to the heart (Acts 2:37); 4) sadness: {nga'i snying gas par byed pa de ci yin/} why are you breaking my heart (Acts 21:13); 5) obstinacy: {ya ho was phar o yi snying sra bar mdzad do/} the Lord hardened Pharaoh's heart (Ex. 9:12), {khyed tsho'i snying gyong po yin pas/} because your hearts were hard (Mt. 19:8), {snying mkhregs po/} stubborn hearts (Mk. 3:5); 6) desire: {snying nas 'dod pas/} heart's desire (Rom. 10:1); 7) discouragement: {nga tshos snying chung mi byed par/} we do not lose heart (2 Cor. 4:16); 8) fear: {skrag nas snying rtsa 'dar/} to shake in the heart from fear (KTM). ^Bst. The heart is the seat of moral action in Bsm; hence a "good heart" is one which has beneficial intentions toward others (BTT 4). Moral actions predicated of the heart include: 1) sincerity: {snying nas gsod par 'dod pa/} a heartfelt desire to kill (TRC 243), {snying thag pa nas/} sincerely, from the heart (TRC 331), {snying gtam/} heartfelt advice (KPU 10), {snying gi sgam/} the innermost part of one's heart (KPU 32), {snying gi dkyil la/} in the center of one's heart (KPU 35); 2) affection, friendship, or love: {dgra de la rang gi snying du gces pa'i yid 'ong byams pa/} a love which cherishes one's enemy from the heart (TRC 320), {snying grogs/} a good friend (TRC 228), {byams snying ldan/} compassionate (DLP 3), {snying gi bu tsho snying nas rna ba nyon/} my spiritual sons, listen with your hearts (KPU 17), {a ma'i snying /} a mother's heart (KPU 29), {snying rje/} compassion; 3) courage: {snying stobs/} courage, strength, determination (TCR 1); 4) the heart represents the pith or essence of a topic: {shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa'i snying po/} The Heart of Going to the Far Side of Wisdom (Tibetan title of the Heart Sutra); {snying po'i lha chos/} the essence of the sublime dharma (religion) (HTE 172), {snying po med pa/} without meaning or essence (HTE 202). 2) #{sems/}$ [hon. {thugs/}] ^Bib: mind, heart, soul: {nga'i sems 'khrugs so/} my heart is troubled (Jn. 12:27), {nga sems dga'/} my heart is glad (Acts 2:26), {khyed tsho'i sems gso ba/} to encourage your hearts (Col. 4:8), {sems ma 'pham/} don't lose heart (Heb. 12:5), {sems lhod der sdod cig,,/khyod kyi sdig pa sel ba yin/} take heart; your sins are forgiven (Mt. 9:2), {'gyod pa mi skyed ba'i sems/} an unrepentant heart (Rom. 2:5 SV), {khyed cag la gdung sems chen po skyes so/} their hearts will go out to you (2 Cor. 9:14 SV), {sems drang por byos shig} work at it with all your heart (Col. 3:23 SV). ^Bst. see MIND. Though the primary meaning of {sems/} is mind, or consciousness, some compounds of {sems/} are used to express mental or emotional states which in English are predicated of the heart: 1) {sems sgyur ba/} to change one's heart as in coming to believe in a new religion (AMD); 2) {sems dkrug pa/} a troubled or confused heart; one that is not at peace (AMD); 3) {sems brlags/} changed in heart to a bad person (AMD); 4) {sems bzang /} good or kind heart; 5) {sems ha cang dga' nas/} from a happy heart (KTM). 3) #{blo/}$ ^Bib: mind, heart: {blo dred po/} slow of heart (Lk. 24:25), {da dung khyod tsho'i blo sgrib bam/} are your hearts still hardened (Mk. 8:17), {blo mun pa ru gyur pas/} their hearts were darkened (Rom. 1:21), {blo drang pos kha la nyon cig} obey with sincerity of heart (Eph. 6:5), {blo mi bde ba/} an anguished heart (2 Cor. 2:4), {blo gros gi mig} the eyes of your heart (Eph. 1:18 SV). ^Bst. see MIND. Cognates: 1) {blo pham/} sad (DLP 1); 2) {blo yang bo/} light hearted (KTM); 3) {blo g.yeng /} worry or fear (DLP 3); 4) {gzhan phan gyi blo zhig} a spirit of cooperation (DLP 11); 5) {blo gtad/} to trust (HTE 178); 6) {bsam blo/} thought (KPU 35).% 4) #{yid/}$ ^Bib: mind, heart: {yid la bdeng gnang nas/} encourage your hearts (2 Thes. 2:17), {yid kyi nang du mi 'gro bas/} it doesn't go into his heart (Mk. 7:19), {yid kyi nang nas 'dod log} from out of the heart [come] evil desires (Mk. 7:21), {khong gis bka' bkyon mdzad na yid ma 'pham/} do not lose heart when he rebukes you (Heb. 12:5 SV), {thos pa rnams dang /,,de'i nang la bris pa'i bya ba rnams yid la 'chang ba rnams bde'o/} blessed are those who hear it and take to heart what is written (Rev. 1:3 SV). ^Bst. see MIND. ^Sec. {yid kyi rang sgra/} inner voice (title of a book of poems by Victor Hugo) (SBC-1, p. 62). Cognates: 1) {yid mi bde ba/} unhappiness (KBT 39); 2) {yid ches/} confidence, faith (TRC 74); 3) {yid brtan/} trust, confidence (TRC 258).% Related Terms: 1) {g.yo ba med par/} sincerity of heart (Eph. 6:5 SV); 2) {steng gi dngos po rnams tshol zhig} set your hearts on things above (Col. 3:1); 3) {mi zhig gis do dam pa'i las tshan 'dod na/} if anyone sets his heart on being an overseer (1 Tim. 3:1 SV).% !HEAVEN@ see also WORLD 1) #{nam mkha'/}$ ^Bib: 1) the place where God dwells, heaven: {nam mkhar bzhugs pa'i khyod tsho'i yab/} your Father in heaven (Mt. 5:16), {nam mkha' ni dkon mchog gi bzhugs khri yin/} heaven is God's throne (Mt. 5:34), {thugs nyid phug ron ltar nam mkha' nas babs/} the Spirit come down from heaven as a dove (Jn. 1:32), {khong nam mkhar gdan drangs nas/,,dkon mchog gi phyag g.yas su bzhugs so/} he was taken up into heaven and he sat at the right hand of God (Mk. 16:19), {de rnams kyi pho nyas nam mkha'i nang /} their angels in heaven (Mt. 18:10), {khyed kyi dgongs pa nam mkha' la/,,/sgrub ltar sa la'ang sgrub par shog} your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10); 2) the skies, the heavens, outer space: {dkon mchog gis nam mkha' dang sa bkod do/} God created the heavens and the earth (Gen. 1:1), {dkon mchog gis dbyings kyi ming la nam mkha' btags so/} God called the expanse "sky" (Gen. 1:8), {nam mkhar bltas bltas pa/} looking intently up into the sky (Acts 1:10), {mi brgyud thams cad kyi nang nas/} from every nation under heaven (Acts 2:5), {lha mo chen mo ar ti mi dang nam mkha' las babs pa khong gi sku 'dra/} the great goddess Artemis and of her image, which fell from heaven (Acts 19:35). Common phrases: {nam mkha'i rgyal srid/} the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 3:2), {khyod tsho'i nam mkha'i yab/} your heavenly Father (Mt. 5:48), {nam mkha'i dpung tshogs/} the heavenly host (Lk. 2:13), {nam mkha' ru khyed la rngan pa chen po yod/} great is your reward in heaven (Lk. 6:23), {nam mkha' nas ltas shig} a sign from heaven (Lk. 11:16), {nam mkha' nas bag leb/} bread from heaven (Jn. 6:31), {nam mkha'i zhal gzigs/} the heavenly vision (Acts 26:19), {nam mkha'i zhing khams/} the heavenly realms (Eph. 1:20), {nam mkha' las kyang 'phags pa/} exalted above the heavens (Heb. 7:26), {nam mkha'i ye ru sha lem/} the heavenly Jerusalem (Heb. 12:22), {nam mkha' nas sgra/} a voice from heaven (2 Pet. 1:18). ^Bst. see WORLD. 2) #{gnam/}$ ^Bib: 1) the sky: {gnam nas skar ma lhung 'gyur te/} the stars will fall from the sky (Mt. 24:29), {gnam nas char pa babs/} rain fell from the sky (Jas. 5:18); 2) heaven: {gnam gyi sprin gyi steng na 'byon pa/} coming on the clouds of heaven (Mt. 26:64), {gnam nas me dang mu zi babs nas/} fire and sulfur rained down from heaven (Lk. 17:28,29), {gnam rnams khyed kyi phyag gis mdzad pa yin/} the heavens are the work of your hands (Heb. 1:10). Related Terms: 1) {gnam/} in modern usage means sky and has no religious connotations (AMD); 2) {gnam gru/} airplane; 3) {gnam gru thang /} [sky + boat + field] airport; 3) {gnam gshis/} weather or climate (DLP 12).% 3) #{mkha'/}$ ^Bib: heaven, sky: {mkha' nas 'byon pa khong ni bla med do/} the one who comes from heaven is above all (Jn. 3:31), {khong ni mka' dbyings 'byed de mar 'bab/} he parted the heavens and came down (2 Sa. 22:10 NTV). ^Sec. {mkha' rlung /} air (SLR 13). 4) #{mtho ris/}$ ^Bib: the heavens: {mtho ris na rang gi g.yas su bzhag ste/} seated him at his right hand in the heavenly realms (Eph. 1:20 SV), {mtho ris thams cad kyi gong du/} higher than all the heavens (Eph. 4:10 SV), {nged rnams kyi spyod pa ni mtho ris na yod/} but our citizenship is in heaven (Phil. 3:20 SV). ^Bst.: {mtho ris/} is higher rebirth, defined as better family lineage, attractive physical features, long life, good health, good luck, wealth, and wisdom (TRI 127). Related Terms: 1) {gnam sa/} heaven and earth: {gnam sa gnyis 'da' ba'i bar du/} until heaven and earth disappear (Mt. 5:18), {gnam sa gnyis kyi gtso bo/} Lord of heaven and earth (Mt. 11:25,26); 2) {bde ris/} paradise: {dkon mchog gi bde ris su/} in the paradise of God (Rev. 2:7); 3) compounds of {steng /} (above) are used figuratively for "heaven": {steng gi gzi brjid/} the Majesty in heaven (Heb. 1:3 SV); 4) compounds of {yar/} (above) are used figuratively for "heaven": {yar nas 'od rnams kyi yab/} the Father of the heavenly lights (Jas. 1:17), {yar nas 'byung ba'i shes rab/} the wisdom that comes from heaven (Jas. 3:17 SV); 5) {dga' ldan/} one of six Bst. heavens and the name of a famous monastery outside Lhasa (TRI 42); 6) {bde ba can/} [Skt. sukhavati] the western paradise of Amitabha Buddha.% !HEBREW@ see ISRAEL !HELL@ see also WORLD #{dmyal ba/}$ [Gr. Gehenna, Hades] ^Bib: {lus hril po dmyal bar dbyug pa/} one's whole body to be thrown into hell (Mt. 5:29), {lus sems gnyis po dmyal ba'i nang tshar bcad nus pa khong la 'jigs shig} be afraid of the One who can destroy both soul and body in hell (Mt. 10:28), {dmyal ba'i chad pa las khyod ci ltar thar 'ong /} how will you escape being condemned to hell (Mt. 23:33). ^Bst. There are eight hot hells {tsha ba'i dmyal ba brgyad/} (CNG 100), eight cold hells {grang ba'i dmyal ba brgyad/} (CNG 101), and two additional hells, the {nye 'khor ba/} and the {nyi tshe ba/} making a total of eighteen. Within the hot and cold hells, the misery of each is double that of its predecessor, and the lifespan of the inhabitants of each is exceedingly long. Rebirth in {dmyal ba'i me'i/} the fires of hell (TRC 286) is a feared consequence of non-virtue: {mi dge ba'i las chen po byas pas rnam smin dmyal ba/} through performance of a great non-virtue, maturation is birth among the denizens of hell (TRC 245). Even a moment of anger towards a boddhisattva is a cause for rebirth in hell (MTB 75). Perhaps not surprisingly, there are believed to be more beings in hell than in any of the other possible rebirths (JPG 136). There are many colorful descriptions of the miseries of hell-beings (JPG 181). For the place of the hells in Bst. cosmology, see WORLD. Proverbs: {dge sbyong nyid du spyod nyes pas/,,dmyal ba dag to nye bar 'dren/} the ascetic life, wrongly lived, leads to hell (DMP 156). !HOLY@ see also CLEAN, HOLY SPIRIT, RIGHTEOUSNESS 1) #{dam pa/}$ ^Bib: holy, sacred: 1) used of Jesus and God: {nga ni dam pa yin pa'i phyir du khyod cag kyang dam pa yin par dgos/} be holy, because I am holy (Lev. 11:45), {yis ra el gyi dam pa/} the Holy One of Israel (Ps. 71:22), {khyed dkon mchog gi dam pa de lags zhus so/} you are the Holy One of God (Mk. 1:24), {yab dam pa lags/} holy Father (Jn. 17:11); 2) used of holy people: {skyes bu drang po dang dam pa yin par shes te/} knowing him to be a righteous and holy man (Mk. 6:20), {lung ston pa dam pa rnams/} holy prophets (Acts 3:21), {sku tshab dam pa/} holy apostles (Eph. 3:5), {spun dam pa rnams/} holy brothers (Heb. 3:1). Common phrases: {gnas dam pa dang dam pa'i dam pa/} the holy place and the Most Holy Place (Ex. 26:33), {grong khyer dam pa/} the holy city (Mt. 4:5), {dam pa'i pho nya/} holy angels (Mk. 8:38), {byin brlabs bden pa dam pa/} holy and sure blessings (Acts 13:34), {dam pa'i mdo/} holy Scriptures (Rom. 1:2), {dam pa'i 'o/} a holy kiss (Rom. 16:16). ^Bst. A person who is {dam pa/} is either an enlightened being like the Buddhas or someone famous who has achieved great things. The Chinese could use this of Mao Tse Tung (AMD). 1) ultimate, real, that which goes beyond mere appearances: {don dam pa'i bden pa/} ultimate truth (KBT 44), {don dam pa'i chos dkon mchog} the ultimate dharma jewel (TRC 75), {don dam pa dang kun rdzob pa'i dge 'dun dkon mchog} ultimate and conventional jewels of the monk body or sangha (TRC 75); 2) worthy, noble, supreme: {dam pa'i chos kyi dbu tsam/} the starting point of the noble doctrine (TRC 112), {dam pa khyed/} worthy friend (HTE 170); 3) may be used as a term of respect for one who has died: {tshe stan phun tshogs dam pa dgongs pa rdzogs so/} Mr. Tsetan Phuntsog died (DPD); 4) material objects such as the Bst. scriptures are considered to be holy; misplacing or inadvertently spoiling one is considered a karmic cause of ignorance (JPG 220).% 2) #{gtsang ma/}$ ^Bib: pure, clean, holy: {lag pa gtsang ma yar btegs te smon lam 'debs par/} lifting up holy hands in prayer (1 Tim. 2:8), {gtsang khang /} the Most Holy Place (Heb. 13:11). ^Bst. see CLEAN. Without the error of defilement or moral fault; pure (KTM). Also used of outwardly moral people who do not steal, etc. (AMD). 3) #{dag pa/}$ and #{rnam par dag pa/}$ ^Bib: clean, pure, holy: {khong gi drung du dag cing skyon med pa/} holy and blameless in his sight (Eph. 1:4 SV), {lag pa dag pa bteg ste smon lam 'debs/} to lift up holy hands in prayer (1 Tim. 2:8 SV); {dkon mchog gis nga rnams mi gtsang ba'i phyir du ma bos kyis/,,rnam par dag par 'gyur ba'i phyir bos so/} God did not call us to be impure, but to live a holy life (1 Thes. 4:7 SV). ^Bst. 1) {dag pa/} means purity rather than holiness. Bsm. is a path of progressive purification from wrong actions and ideas, and the Buddhas are those who complete this process and become perfectly pure beings. Hence {dag pa/} implies purity of thought, purpose, and behavior (KTM). {dag pa bzhi/} the four purities of a Buddha: {lus dag pa/} a pure body, {dmigs pa dag pa/} pure objectives, {sems dag pa/} a pure mind, {ye shes dag pa/} pure primordial wisdom (TRI 130); {btang snyoms yongs su dag pa/} pure equanimity (KBT 105), {dran pa yongs su dag pa/} pure mindfulness (KBT 105). {dag pa/} can also imply physical cleanliness or purity: {mar gtsang zhing spus tshad dag pa/} butter that is clean and of pure quality (SLR 11); 2) {rnam par dag pa/} is a specialized sense of {dag pa/} which implies the purity of enlightened beings whose only concern is for the well being and peace of all sentient beings, and never for themselves and their own well being. In one well-known story, the Buddha sacrificed his own body for a tigress so that she could gain strength to feed her kittens. This attitude is {rnam par dag pa/}: completely true, altruistic, and pure (KTM). {drin gzo 'dod kyi bsam pa rnam par dag pa/} the pure thought which wishes to repay kindnesses (TRC 321), {rnam par dag pa'i shes rab/} pure wisdom (GSL 30). 3) {yang dag pa/} may mean either: 1) real or actual (in the sense of perfectly understood): {yang dag kun rdzob/} real conventional truth (TRI 246); 2) correct, right: used of the elements of the Eightfold Path, e.g. {yang dag pa'i lta ba/} right view, {yang dag pa'i rtog pa/} right thought, etc.; 3) perfect (used of the Buddhas and their attributes: {yang dag pa'i ye shes/} perfect wisdom (KBT 45), {yang dag pa'i spong ba bzhi/} the four perfect abandonments (KBT 51), {yang dag par rig pa/} perfect understanding (KBT 70), {ston pa yang dag pa/} the perfect teacher (TRC 73), {bla na med pa yang dag par rdzogs pa'i byang chub/} unsurpassed, perfect, and complete enlightenment (HSU 168). Cognates: 1) {bsam glo dag pa/} pure thought; 2) {yi ge dag pa/} clean, crisp, well formed letters, 3) {smon lam dag pa/} prayers which are pure (KTM).% 4) #{byin rlabs dang ldan pa/}$ [lit. having blessing] ^Bib: holy: {de min khyed cag gi phru gu yang mi gtsang bar 'gyur gyis/,,da ni byin rlabs dang ldan pa yin no/} otherwise your children would be unclean, but as it is, they are holy (1 Cor. 7:14 SV). Related Terms: 1) {lhad med pa/} without adulteration, not an alloy; 2) {skyon gyis ma gos pa/} not clothed in fault; 3) {bzang po/} good, holy: {khyed la spyod lam bzang po dang chos sems ji lta bu zhig yod dgos/} you ought to live holy and godly lives (2 Pet. 3:11,12).% !HOLY SPIRIT@ #{thugs nyid/}$ [honorific of {sems nyid/} spirit] or {dam pa'i thugs nyid/} ^Bib: the Spirit of God, the Holy Spirit: {dkon mchog gi thugs nyid chu rnams kyi steng du lding ba yin/} the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters (Gen. 1:2), {stongs grogs thugs nyid dam pa/} the Counselor, the Holy Spirit (Jn. 14:26), {thams cad la dam pa'i thugs nyid kyis khyabs/} they were all filled with the Holy Spirit (Acts 4:31), {khong gis khyod cag la dam pa'i thugs nyid dang me'i khrus gnang bar 'gyur/} he will baptize you with the Holy Spirit and fire (Mt. 3:11), {dam pa'i thugs nyid dang ldan par gyur to/} they received the Holy Spirit (Acts 8:17), {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi mchod khang /} a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi gnang sbyin/} gifts of the Holy Spirit (Heb. 2:4), {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu/} the fruit of the Holy Spirit (Gal. 5:22). Related Terms: {sangs rgyas rnam dag sems/} the Holy Spirit (ATM; 1762).% !HONOR@ see also GLORY, PRAISE, WORSHIP 1) #{bkur sti/}$ ^Bib: respect, homage: {lung ston pa la rang yul du bkur sti mi 'byung /} a prophet has no honor in his own country (Jn. 4:44), {rtag pa'i dpal dang bkur sti 'tshol mkhan/} the one who persists in seeking glory and honor (Rom. 2:7), {dam pa dang bkur sti dang ldan par/} holy and honorable (1 Thes. 4:4), {khyed tsho la bkur sti dang /,,nga tshor smad pa thob bo/} you receive honor, we are dishonored (1 Cor. 4:10). ^Bst. {bkur sti/} is respect or honor, especially that given to the monk body. Ideally {bkur sti/} is offered through the "three doors" of body {lus/} speech {ngag} and mind {yid/} by prostrations, praise, and faith or trust (KTM). {mchod pa dang bkur sti bzang po mdzad/} [King Khri Ral] offered homage and worship well (TRC 114), {pan chen rin po che mchog la bkur sti rtse gcig tu byed pa/} the esteem and love offered to the Panchen Lama (MHP 9-10). 2/} #{bkur sti byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to show honor to someone: {rang gi pha ma la bkur sti byos shig} honor your father and mother (Mt. 15:4), {nga la zhabs tog byed pa de la/,,yab kyi bkur sti mdzad 'ong /} my Father will honor the one who serves me (Jn. 12:26). 3) #{bkur ba/}$ ^Bib: to show honor or reverence to someone: {sde 'dis kha nas nga bkur/} these people honor me with their lips (Mt. 15:8), {thams cad kyis bkur ba'i pha ru shi pa/} a Pharisee who was honored by all the people (Acts 5:34), {yan lag gcig la bkur na/} if one part is honored (1 Cor. 12:26). 4) #{sti stang /}$ ^Bib: reverence, respect, honor: {mgron po thams cad kyi mdun du sti stang 'byung 'ong /} you will be honored in the presence of all your friends (Lk. 14:10), {sti stang dang bstod pa/} honor and praise (1 Tim. 1:17), {bza' mi byed pa ni kun nang sti stang 'os par rtsi/} marriage should be accounted worthy of honor by all (Heb. 13:4). 5) #{sti stang byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to show honor: {gcig gis gcig la sti stang byos shig} honor one another (Rom. 12:10). 6) #{zhe sa/}$ ^Bib: reverence, respect: {dkon mchog yab kyi phyogs nas khong la zhe sa dang dpal byung dus su/} he received honor and glory from God (2 Pet. 1:17), {zhe sa dang /,,dpal dang /,,bstod pa 'bul bar 'os pa lags so/} worthy to receive honor and glory and praise (Rev. 5:12). ^Bst: 1) {zhe sa/} respect which is given to others in general; reverence, courtesy, or politeness (KTM); 2) honorific speech. 7) #{zhe sa byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to show honor or respect to: {zhe sa byed 'os pa la zhe sa byos shig} if honor is due, show honor (Rom. 13:7), {'di 'dra ba'i skyes bur zhe sa byos shig} honor men like him (Phil. 2:29,30). 8) #{rtsis/}$ [lit. to account] ^Bib: estimation, esteem, value, respect: {lung ston pa la rang yul dang rang khyim na ma gtogs par gar yang rtsis med mi 'byung /} only in his hometown and in his own house is a prophet without honor (Mt. 13:57), {nga tshos snang chung rtsi ba'i yan lag la lhag par rtsi ste/} the parts that we think are less honorable we treat with special honor (1 Cor. 12:23). 9) #{mchod pa/}$ ^Bib: to honor, worship, revere, or respect: {yab la mchod pa ltar thams cad kyis sras la mchod pa'i phyir/} that all may honor the Son just as they honor the Father (Jn. 5:22,23), {glang bu zhig gi sku 'dra bzos nas/,,de la mchod pa phul/} making an idol of a calf, they honored [or worshiped] it (Acts 7:41). ^Bst. see WORSHIP. Related Terms: 1) {mtho ba/} (high) place of honor: {chos khang du khri stan mtho ba/} the most important seats in the synagogues (Mt. 23:6); 2) {gral mgo} the place of honor at a table: {mgron po rnams gral mgo la dga' ba gzigs pas/} when he noticed how the guests picked the places of honor at the table (Lk. 14:7); 3) {dpal/} honor, glory: {lus kyi sgo nas dkon mchog gi dpal ston zhig} honor God with your body (1 Cor. 6:20); 4) {mtshan rgyas par gyur ba/} [lit. name + increase] to gain a reputation: {gtso bo ye shu'i mtshan rgyas par gyur to/} the name of the Lord Jesus was held in high honor (Acts 19:17); 5) {grags pa/} reputation {khyed rnams kyi grags pa che/,,nged rnams la grags pa med do/} you are honored, we are dishonored (1 Cor. 4:10 SV); 6) {snyan grags/} fame, reputation: {rang gi snyan grags 'tshol/} seeks honor for himself (Jn. 7:18), {kho ni mi grangs sum cu'i nang nas snyan grags che shos shig tu 'gyur te/} was he not held in greater honor than the Three (2 Sam. 23:19 NTV); 7) {rgyan/} adornment, blessing: {spun gzhan gnyis po chos tshogs kyi pho nya dang ma shi ka'i rgyan yin/} as for our brothers, they are representatives of the churches and an honor to Christ (2 Cor. 8:23); 8) {spyod bzang /} honorable conduct: {nga tshor shes bzang gtsang ma dang rnam kun spyod bzang yod pa la yid ches pas/} we are sure that we have a clear conscience and desire to live honorably in every way (Heb. 13:18); 9) {gus pa/} to honor, show respect to: {rgyal po la gus shig} honor the king (1 Pet. 2:17), also {gus zhabs byed/} to honor: {bud med tshos nga la gus zhabs byed par 'gyur/} by these slave girls you spoke of, I will be held in honor (2 Sam. 6:22 NTV), {gus zhabs chen pos mgo bo sa la btung de/} fell with her face to the ground to pay him honor (2 Sam. 14:4); 10) {bsnyen bkur/} veneration (see WORSHIP); 11) {bstod pa/} praise: {sangs rgyas la bstod pa sogs mchod brjod kyi dpe cha/} manuals of worship in praise of the Buddha (TRC 2), {'jig rten las 'das bstod pa/} praise to the Buddha (LKT), see PRAISE.% !HOPE@ 1) #{re ba/}$ ^Bib: 1) Christian hope: {gshin po rnams lang ba'i re ba/} hope in the resurrection of the dead (Acts 23:6), {gzi brjid kyi re ba/} the hope of glory (Col. 1:26,27), {dad pa/,,re ba/,,byams pa/} faith, hope, and love (1 Cor. 13:13); 2) worldly hope: {nor thob pa'i re ba/} their hope of making money (Acts 16:19), {nga tsho'i srog thar ba'i re ba yongs su zad do/} we finally gave up all hope of being saved (Acts 27:20), {re ba med pa/} without hope (Eph. 2:12). ^Bst. In Bsm. hope is most often expressed in the power of the three jewels or triple refuge {dkon mchog gsum/} to deliver from suffering and rebirth. Hence {re ba bya yul/} is a refuge (KTM), and {yid ches brtan pos re ba shugs chen po byed pa/} is to hope with strong, firm faith [that the three jewels can deliver from suffering] (REF 114). ^Sec. {nga khyed rang la re ba rgab gyi yin/} I'm putting my hope in you [i.e. trusting that you're going to do this for me]. Putting hope in someone is expressed as {re ba byed/} or {re ba rgyab/} ; the latter in particular gives the sense that one has put trust in someone to do something for them (KTM). {rang nyid 'tsho thabs la nyen ga byung ba de tsam yang sel thub pa'i re ba bya thabs bral ba yin/} [without human understanding] we cannot hope to overcome the dangers to our very existence (DLP 10), {rang res yongs khyab dad mos gsar pa zhig gis da yod chos lugs khag ki tshab bya rgyu'i re ba yang byed don med/} we cannot hope to replace the existing religions by a new universal belief (DLP 21), {lan dang rnam smin mi re ba/} without hope of return [for kindnesses done] (GSL 22). 2) #{re ba byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} [var. {re/}] ^Bib: to hope: {dkon mchog la re ba byed do/} [I] hope in God (Acts 24:15), {skal ba thob pa'i re ba byed/} hope to get a share [of the harvest] (1 Cor. 9:10), {dad pa ni re ba byas pa'i dngos po rnams la blo gdeng dang /,,mig gis mi mthong ba rnams nyams su myong ba de yin no/} faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Heb. 11:1), {ye shu ma shi ka mngon pa'i dus su khyed la gnang bar 'gyur ba'i thugs rje la kun tu re ba byos shig} set your hope fully on the grace to be given you when Jesus Christ is revealed (1 Pet. 1:13), {thams cad la yid ches/,,thams cad re/,,thams cad bzod do/} [love] always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres (1 Cor. 13:7 SV), {khyo shi ba'i bud med yin pa de ni dkon mchog la re/} the widow puts her hope in God (1 Tim. 5:5 SV). Cognates: 1) {re sa/} [lit. hope + place] the object of hope: {re sa'i dkon mchog} the God of hope (Rom. 15:13), {ye shu nged rnams kyi re sa/} Jesus Christ our hope (1 Tim. 1:1 SV); 2) {re 'dod/} hope: {yis ra el gyi re 'dod/} the hope of Israel (Acts 28:20).% Related Terms: {blo gdeng /} trust, confidence: {nor mi rtag pa la blo gdeng ma byed/} not to hope in uncertain riches (1 Tim. 6:17 SV).% !HOUSE OF GOD@ see also SYNAGOGUE, TEMPLE #{dkon mchog gi pho brang /}$ ^Bib: house of God: {dkon mchog gi pho brang nang song nas/} he entered the house of God (Mt. 12:4), {dkon mchog gi pho brang skyong ba'i bla chen yod pas/} since we have a great priest over the house of God (Heb. 10:21). ^Bst. {pho brang /} is a residence for a king or high lama, and could be roughly translated "palace". {yab rgyal po zas gtsang gis rgyal sras don grub pho brang gi phyi rol du phebs ma bcug pa/} [the Buddha's father] King Setsang did not allow Prince Dondrup outside the palace (SGN 6), {bod gzhung dga' ldan pho brang /} Ganden Potrang, seat of the former Tibetan government (DPD), {'dzam gling yongs la snyan grags che ba pho brang po ta la/} the world-famous Potala Palace (DPD), {bskal bzang pho brang dang /,,spyan bsal pho brang /} Kelsang Potrang and Chensel Potrang, two palaces within the Norbulingka (DPD), {gong sa lnga pa chen po'i pho brang 'bras spungs la yod/} the residence of the Great Fifth Dalai Lama was at Drepung (DPD), {brjid chags pa'i pho brang /} magnificent palaces (SLR 7). !HYPOCRITE@ 1) #{kha chos pa/}$ [lit. mouth + religion + person] ^Bib: hypocrite: {kha chos pa khyod/} you hypocrite (Mt. 7:5). 2) #{tshul 'chos byed pa/}$ ^Bib: to be hypocritical, to make a show of religion without inward conviction: {yang kho rang mnyam du ya hu da pa gzhan ma rnams kyang tshul 'chos byed pas/} the other Jews joined him in his hypocrisy (Gal. 2:13 SV). ^Bst. hypocritical or earning a living by cunning, one of the {log 'tsho lnga/} or five wrong ways of making a living (TRI 270). 3) #{sgyu zog can/}$ [lit. deception + fraud + person] ^Bib: a hypocrite or deceiver: {sgyu zog can dang mnyam du ngu 'bod dang so khrig pa yod sar gtong bar 'gyur/} he will assign him a place with the hypocrites, where there will be weeping and gnashing of teeth (Mt. 24:51). Related Terms: 1) {kha gcig khog gnyis/} [lit. one mouth,two hearts] to say one thing but do something else (TQP 35); 2) {kha gcig lce gnyis/} one mouth, two tongues: hypocrisy, double dealing (TQP 36).% !IGNORANCE@ 1) #{gti mug}$ ^Bib: mental darkness, ignorance: {gti mug gis blo gros mun par gyur te/} ignorance has darkened their understanding (Eph. 4:18), {sngar gyi gti mug gi 'dod pa la ma nyan cig} do not conform to the evil desires you had when you lived in ignorance (1 Pet. 1:14), {blun po gti mug can gyi kha 'gegs pa/} silence the ignorant talk of foolish men (1 Pet. 2:15). ^Bst. {gti mug} or ignorance, is defined simply as the belief that things are real (FLD 13) and thus it is a mental state that obstructs the ultimate knowledge of reality (TRI 107). It leads to non-virtuous actions that are the cause of rebirth and suffering: {gti mug gis gsod pa ni/,,sems can bsad nas mchod sbyin byas na dge ba yin par bsams nas gsod pa lta bu red/} to kill on account of ignorance is, say, to kill with the thought that it is a virtue if, having killed a living creature, one makes of it a religious offering (TRC 243). Hence a goal of Bst. training is to remove ignorance {sems pa'i yul na gti mug shul med bzos/} you must eliminate ignorance from your mind (KPU 2), {thos pa de ni gti mug gi mun pa sel ba la sgron me lta bu yin/} learning [lit. hearing] is said to be like a lamp for clearing away the darkness of ignorance (TRC 166). ^Sec. In ordinary life there are said to be three causes of {gti mug} or ignorance: 1) sleepy (as in a sleepy student), 2) due to anger that inhibits learning, and 3) covetousness that inhibits learning Bsm. - the so-called {gti mug gsum/} (AMD). 2) #{shes pa/}$ ^Bib: to know, used in its negative form to indicate ignorance: {khyed kyis kyang ma shes par de ltar byas pa ngas shes so/} I know that you acted in ignorance (Acts 3:17), {kha cig gis dkon mchog mi shes pas/} there are some who are ignorant of God (1 Cor. 15:34), {ngas ma shes ma dad par de ltar byas pa yin/} I acted in ignorance and unbelief (1 Tim. 1:13). ^Bst. {mi shes pa/} is used more of ordinary ignorance rather than the metaphysical ignorance of {gti mug} . It is said to have four causes: 1) {yul bskal pas mi shes pa/} distant location of the object; 2) {dus bskal pas mi shes pa/} distance in time of the object; 3) {ngo bo bskal pas mi shes pa/} subtle nature of the object; 4) {zab cing mtha' yas pas mi shes pa/} profundity and vastness of the object (TRI 206). Its consequences are always negative: {nang gi dgra dus kun tu blang dor gyi gnad gang yang mi shes pa'i rmo ngas pa'i dgra chen po de blang dor gyi gnad thos pa'i thos pa de nyid kyis 'joms par byed kyi red/} the inner enemy, the great enemy of ignorance of the points to cultivate and relinquish, is overcome by the learning which studies what is to be cultivated and avoided (TRC 167), {mi shes pa mthong nas/} once one sees that one is ignorant (TRC 168), {'khor ba'i rtsa ba gcod tshul mi shes pa/} ignorance of the way of cutting the root of rebirth (TRC 289). 3) #{rig pa/}$ ^Bib: to know, understand; used in its negative form like {shes/} to indicate ignorance: {dkon mchog gis ma rig pa'i dus la ma gzigs par/} in the past God overlooked such ignorance (Acts 17:30). ^Bst. {ma rig pa/} ignorance, especially of the basic doctrines of Bsm: {ma rig pa ni/,,las rgyu 'bras la sogs pa mi shes pa'i rmongs pa/} ignorance is the mental darkness that does not recognize the [truth of] karma or other Bst. doctrines (TRC 284), {bdag 'dzin ma rig pa/} the ignorance that believes in a self, said to be the root of all non-virtue (TRC 285). In Bsm. it is one of the six root afflictions and one of the 12 links of internal dependent arising (KBT 34); as well as the source of all suffering: {ston pa chen po rnams kyis rang gi rjes 'brangs slob ma rnams ma rig pas kun nas bslangs pa'i sdig spyod kyi lam las skyabs te dge ba'i lam bzang ston par mdzad pa yin/} the great teachers wanted to lead their followers away from the paths of negative deeds caused by ignorance and to introduce them to the paths of goodness (DLP 18). Ignorance is believed to contaminate even the most intimate relationships: {spyir btang gi brtse sems de rigs ni ma rig pa dang /,,'dod sred/,,chags zhen 'di dag gi lhad zhugs pa zhig yin/} the usual love that one has for friends or family, which is alloyed with ignorance, desire, and attachment (DLP 14). Proverbs: {dri ma'i tha shal ma rig pa/} ignorance is the worst of all faults (DMP 122). Related Terms: 1) {nyon mongs/} delusion {nyon mongs pa de tsho thams cad kyi rtsa ba dang gtso bo lta bu bdag 'dzin ma rig pa de red/} the delusion which apprehends a self is the chief and root [of all the passions] (TRC 285); 2) {ha go ba/} to know: {khyed tshos gsang ba 'di ha ma go bar gnas pa nga mi 'dod/} I do not want you to be ignorant of this mystery (Rom. 11:25 SV); 3) {the tshom/} doubt: {khyed rnams the tshom byed par mi dga'o/} I do not want you to be ignorant [about spiritual gifts] (1 Cor. 12:1 SV); 4) {blo gros med/} [lit. no intelligence] ignorant {mi blo gros med/} ignorant men (1 Pet. 2:15 SV).% !IMMANUEL@ #{im ma nu el/}$ ^Bib: Immanuel, lit. "with us is God": {ming ni im ma nu el du btags/} and will call him Immanuel (Is. 7:14). !IMPERMANENCE@ #{mi rtag pa/}$ ^Bib: that which is mortal, impermanent, or perishable: {mi rtag pa'i mi/} mortal man (Rom. 1:23), {mi rtag pa'i cod pan/} a crown which perishes (1 Cor. 9:25). The Bib. writers, like the Buddha, had a keen sense of the changeable, transient, and impermanent nature of life and of the suffering this imposes upon man: {'chi bar 'dren pa'i lus 'di las nga sus sgrol/} who will rescue me from this body of death (Rom. 7:24), {shag khrag dang ldan pa la dkon mchog gi rgyal srid kyi thob skal med/} flesh and blood cannot inherit the kingdom of God (1 Cor. 15:50). Unlike the Buddha, they looked beyond the impermanence of this life to an eternal, unchanging inheritance from God: {mthong ba rnams mi rtag pa yin cing /,,mi mthong ba rnams rtag pa yin/} what is seen is temporary, but what is unseen is eternal (2 Cor. 4:18); and to the hope of the renewal of all things at the last day: {bkod pa thams cad kyang mi rtag pa de las bsgral/} the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay (Rom. 8:21 SV). ^Bst. {mi rtag pa/} impermanence: change which causes suffering (KBT 94). In the Bst. view, {'dus byas thams cad mi rtag pa/} everything that has a cause is impermanent (TRC 94), and it is this impermanence which causes suffering. {'chi ba mi rtag pa sgom pa/} or meditation on the impermanence [caused by] death (TRC 226) is used to focus novices' perception of {mi rtag pa rags pa/} or gross impermanence. The suffering caused by impermanence is the subject of the first of the {bden pa bzhi/} or Four Truths; the remainder of Bst. doctrine deals with the methods of escape from such suffering. Proverbs: {ji ltar lbu ba mthong ba dang /,,ji ltar smig sgyu mthong gyur pa/,,'jig rten de ltar mthong ba rnams/,,'chi bdag rgyal pos mthong mi 'gyur/} those who view the world as if it were a bubble or a mirage will not be seen by the lord of death (DMP 88). !INNOCENT@ see also GUILT, RIGHTEOUSNESS 1) #{drang po/}$ ^Bib: right, sincere, honest: {skyes bu drang po 'di/} this innocent man (Mt. 27:19), {des nga drang po mi 'gyur/} that does not make me innocent (1 Cor. 4:4), {drang po de khyed tshos khrims btang nas bsad/} you have condemned and murdered innocent men (Jas. 5:6); see FAITHFUL. 2) #{skyon med/}$ [lit. without fault] ^Bib: faultless, innocent: {shab bad mi srung na'ang khong la skyon med do/} [the priest] does not keep the Sabbath and yet is innocent (Mt. 12:5), {skyon med la skyon ma bkal ba yin/} you would not have condemned the innocent (Mt. 12:7); see FAULT. 3) #{nongs med/}$ [lit. without error] var. {mnong /} ^Bib: innocent: {ngas skyes bu nongs med cig btad/} I have betrayed innocent blood [lit. man] (Mt. 27:4), {de'i nang khyed tsho rnam pa kun tu mnongs med pa mngon to/} at every point you have shown yourselves to be innocent in this matter (2 Cor. 7:11). 4) #{gnod med/}$ [lit. without harm] ^Bib: harmless: {phug ron ltar gnod med du gyur cig} be as innocent as doves (Mt. 10:16), {rang gi khang par nyal nas bsdad yod pa'i mi gnod med cig bsad/} killed an innocent man in his own house and on his own bed (2 Sam. 4:11 NTV). Cognates: {gnod skyon med/} [lit. harm + fault + not] without the guilt of harming another: {eb ner bsad pa'i skor la nga'i 'bangs dang nga la gnod skyon sogs gang yang med pa de gtso bo dkon mchog gis mkhyen gyi red/} I and my kingdom are forever innocent before the Lord concerning the blood of Abner son of Ner (2 Sam. 3:28 NTV); see FAULT.% 5) #{sdig med/}$ [lit. without sin] ^Bib: innocent: {nga la skyes bu drang po 'di'i srog sdig med/} I am innocent of this man's blood [life] (Mt. 27:24); see SIN. 6) {nyams chung /} ^Bib: [lit. mind + small] inexperienced: {ngan pa'i phyogs su nyams chung yin par 'dod do/} I want you to be innocent about what is evil (Rom. 16:19 SV) 7) {dag pa/} [lit. pure] ^Bib: innocent: {rnam pa thams cad du khyod cag ni las de la dag pa yin pa'i rtags bstan pa yin no/} at every point you have proved yourselves to be innocent in this matter (2 Cor. 7:11 SV); see HOLY, RIGHTEOUS. Cognates: {sems pa rnam dag} [lit. mind + pure] innocent: {sems pa rnam dag gis kho'i rjes su phyin pa red/} they went quite innocently (2 Sam. 15:11 NTV).% !INTERCEDE@ 1) #{zhu sna mdzad pa/}$ [lit. request + various + do] ^Bib: to make a request on behalf of, advocate, or plead: {nga tsho'i phyir zhu sna mdzad do/} [the Spirit] intercedes for us (Rom. 8:26), {dam pa tsho'i phyir zhu sna mdzad pas/} [the Spirit] intercedes for the saints (Rom. 8:27), {nga tsho'i phyir zhu sna mdzad pas/} [Christ Jesus] is interceding for us (Rom. 8:34), {khong rgyud nas dkon mchog dang nye bar phyin pa rnams kyi phyir du zhu sna mdzad cing rgyun du bzhugs pas/,,de rnams yongs su skyob nus so/} he is able to save completely those who come to God through him, because he always lives to intercede for them (Heb. 7:25). ^Sec. {zhu sna/} the leader of a group presenting a request or petition (TDC 2394). 2) #{bar mi mdzad pa/}$ [lit. middleman, mediator + do] ^Bib: 1) to intercede: {nga tsho'i don du bar mi yang mdzad do/} [Christ] is also interceding for us (Rom. 8:34 SV); 2) {bar mi byed pa/} to mediate: {spun gcig la gcig gis rtsod na bar mi byed par shes mkhan gcig kyang med/} no one to judge a dispute between believers (1 Cor. 6:5 SV). ^Sec. {bar mi/} one who arranges for settlement of a dispute or makes peace (TDC 1822). 3) #{ngo chen mdzad pa/}$ [lit. face + large + do] ^Bib: advocate, intercede: {khong gis de dag gi don du ngo chen mdzad pa'i phyir rtag tu gson por bzhugs pas/} he always lives to intercede for them (Heb. 7:25 SV). ^Sec. {ngo chen/} is an influential patron, protector or helper [also known as a {mgo 'dren/} or {'go dren/}] (TDC 661). Related Terms: {smon lam 'debs/} pray for: {mi dam pa rnams kyi don du smon lam 'debs so/} [the Spirit] intercedes for the saints (Rom. 8:27 SV).% !ISAAC@ #{i sag}$ ^Bib: Isaac, the son of Abraham: {ab ra ham las i sag chad/} Abraham was the father of Isaac (Mt. 1:2). !ISRAEL@ see also JEW 1) #{yis ra el/}$ [var. {i si ra el/} (NTV), Ch. {yi se le/} (JFS), {dbyi si le/} (DLS 112)] ^Bib: 1) the people of Israel in either a physical or spiritual sense: {g.yo sgyu med pa'i yis ra el pa/} a true Israelite (Jn. 1:47), {yis ra el gyi sde khag bcu gnyis/} the twelve tribes of Israel (Mt. 19:28), {yis ra el gyi bu brgyud yin tshad yis ra el min/} not all who are descended from Israel are Israel (Rom. 9:6), {yis ra el pa thams cad thar bar 'gyur/} all Israel will be saved (Rom. 11:26), {mi brgyud ni yis ra el pa/,,sde ni ben ya min pa/,,ib ri pa nas chad pa'i ib ri pa/} of the people of Israel, of the tribe of Benjamin, a Hebrew of Hebrews (Phil. 3:5); 2) the land of Israel: {yis ra el yul du song ngo /} went to the land of Israel (Mt. 2:21). common phrases: {yis ra el gyi grong khyer/} the cities of Israel (Mt. 10:23), {yis ra el gyi ston pa/} Israel's teacher (Jn. 3:10), {yis ra el gyi rgyal po/} Israel's king (Jn. 12:13), {yis ra el gyi khyim/} house of Israel (Acts 7:42), {yis ra el gyi khyim gyi lug stor ba rnams/} the lost sheep of the house of Israel (Mt. 10:6), {yis ra el gyi dkon mchog} the God of Israel (Mt. 15:31). Related Terms: 1) {ib ri pa/} Hebrew: {de rnams ib ri pa yin nam/} are they Hebrews (2 Cor. 11:22); 2) {pa le si than/} Palestine (DLS 112); 3) {su'u li ya/} Ch. Syria (DLS 113); 4) {yo tan/} Ch. Jordan (DLS 113); 5) {yo tan chu bo/} Jordan River (DLS 113); 6) {li pa nun/} Ch. Lebanon (DLS 113); 7) {a la po mi/} Ch. Arabs (DLS 114); 8) {yug thi'i mi/} Jews (DLS 114); 9) {yug thi'i chos lugs/} Ch. Judaism (DLS 114); 10) {ye lu sa ling /} Ch. Jerusalem (DLS 114); 11) {gar tshwa rgya mtsho/} Ch. the Dead Sea (DLS 114).% !JACOB@ #{ya kob/}$ ^Bib: Jacob, patriarch of Israel: {i sag las ya kob chad/} Isaac was the father of Jacob (Mt. 1:2). !JEALOUS@ 1) #{phrag dog}$ ^Bib: 1) jealousy, usually in a sinful sense: {ra hel gyis a che la phrag dog byas/} Rachel became jealous of her sister (Gn. 30:1), {phrag dog dang rtsod pa yod ring /} while there is jealousy and quarreling (1 Cor. 3:3), {rtsod pa dang /,,phrag dog dang /,,khro ba/} quarreling and jealousy and anger (Gal. 5:20); 2) used also of "godly" jealousy, although not directly of God's jealousy: {khyed tsho'i phyir du nga la dkon mchog gi lugs su phrag dog skye'o/} I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy (2 Cor. 11:2). ^Bst. {phrag dog} to be upset at the good fortune of another, is one of the 20 secondary afflictions (KBT 22). It is repeatedly condemned in the Bst. scriptures: {nang chos la gus bkur rgya che zhus pas phrag dog gis mi bzod pa/} through envy could not endure the wide respect and service being paid to the Buddhist doctrine (TRC 114), {mi 'ga' zhig gis sangs rgyas la phrag dog langs te/} some men became jealous of the Buddha (SGN 16), {phrag dog byed mkhan gtso bo rang gi phu bo lhas byin yin/} the one most jealous of him was his cousin Devadatta (SGN 19), {lha'i nang nas phrag dog che ba/} among the gods, their jealousy is greater (TRC 272). Proverbs: 1) {phrag dog pa'i mi ni zhe sdang me ltar sbar ro/} the hate of a jealous man burns like fire (CTL 277); 2) {phrag dog yul rjes ma 'brang /} don't follow after the object of jealousy (HTE 196). 2) #{'gran sems/}$ [lit. contend, strive + mind] ^Bib: contention, jealousy, strife due to envy; the root meaning appears to be an intolerance of rivals: {ya ho wa khyod kyi dkon mchog ni za ba'i me lta bu dang /,,dkon mchog 'gran sems can zhig lags/} the Lord your God is a consuming fire, a jealous God (Dt. 4:24), {dkon mchog ni 'gran sems can zhig yin te/} I, the Lord your God, am a jealous God (Dt. 5:9). ^Bst. competitiveness, the thought of competing with a rival (TDC 510), {dgra gshed dang 'gran sems/} aggression and competitiveness (DLP 13). 3) #{'khren pa/}$ ^Bib: to look on with envy or jealousy: {nga ya ho wa khyod kyi dkon mchog ni 'khren can zhig yin/} I the Lord your God, am a jealous God (Ex. 20:5), {ya ho wa'i mtshan ni thugs 'khren can yin te/} the Lord, whose name is Jealous (Ex. 34:14), {dkon mchog dam pa 'khren can lags pas/} he is a holy God, he is a jealous God (Jos. 24:19). ^Bst: {'khren pa/} an archaic term meaning to long for, be attached to, or desire emotionally (TDC 332). Related Terms: 1) {thugs sad/} to tempt {yang na nged rnams ni gtso bo'i thugs sad par bya'am/} are we trying to arouse the Lord's jealousy? (1 Cor. 10:22 SV); 2) {don du gnyer/} to be concerned for, to mind: {dkon mchog gi don gnyer gyi shugs kyis nga khyed cag la don du gnyer ro/} I am jealous for you with a godly jealousy (2 Cor. 11:2 SV); 3) {chags/} passion for, attachment to: {ye ru sha lem dang tsi yon gyi phyir chags dang chen pos chags so/} I am very jealous for Jerusalem and Zion (Zec. 1:14).% !JERUSALEM@ #{ye ru sha lem/}$ [var. Ch. {ye lu sha ling /}] ^Bib: Jerusalem. !JESUS CHRIST@ see also CHRIST #{ye shu ma shi ka/}$ [var. {ye shu kri sto/} term used in ATM; 1762] ^Bib: Jesus Christ: {da bid kyi sras ye shu ma shi ka'i gdung rabs/} the genealogy of Jesus Christ the son of David (Mt. 1:1). ^Bst. The Buddhas are believed to manifest as great teachers of non-Bst. religions. Doctrinal differences in major religions are felt to be differences in methods of teaching beings with different needs (JPG 224). !JEW@ see also ISRAEL, CIRCUMCISION #{ya hu da pa/}$ [var. Ch. {yug thi'i mi/}] ^Bib: a Jewish person: {ya hu da pa'i rgyal po/} the king of the Jews (Mt. 2:2), {ya hu da pa'i rgan po/} elders of the Jews (Lk. 7:3). !JONAH@ #{yo na/}$ ^Bib: 8th century B.C. prophet of Israel: {yo na ni ya ho ba'i spyan drung nas 'bros/} Jonah fled from the presence of the Lord (Jon. 1:3). ^Bst. The story of Jonah has a parallel in the story of {gu ru mi na pa/} a layman who was swallowed by a fish, miraculously heard the dharma at the bottom of the sea, remained 12 years in meditation inside the fish, and was finally released onto the land to proclaim the Bst. dharma. His story is told in the {grub thob brgyad cu rtsa bzhi'i lo rgyus/} (BLI 47). !JOSEPH@ #{yo seb/}$ ^Bib: 1) Joseph the patriarch of Israel: {bu'i ming yo seb btags/} [she] named him Joseph (Gen. 30:24), {mes po de tshos phrag dog gis yo seb mi ser yul du btsongs/} the patriarchs were jealous of Joseph and they sold him in Egypt (Acts 7:9); 2) Joseph the husband of Mary mother of Jesus: {khong gi yum mir yam ni yo seb dang khyim thab byed pa thag chod nas/} His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph (Mt. 1:18). !JOY@ 1) #{dga' ba/}$ ^Bib: joy 1) a characteristic of the Gospel: {dga' ba chen po'i phrin bzang po ngas khyed la 'chad do/} I bring you good news of great joy (Lk. 2:10); 2) a gift of God: {dga' ba dang zhi bdes 'khengs par mdzod cig} may [God] fill you with joy and peace (Rom. 15:13), {khyod dga' zhing yi rang bar 'gyur/} he will be a joy and a delight to you (Lk. 1:14); 3) human joy: {dga' ba ni yi mug tu sgyur zhig} change your joy into gloom (Jas. 4:9). ^Bst. joy in the spiritual accomplishments of oneself and others is an important Bst. practice (JPG 78); hence {dga' ba/} joy is an element of the four concentrations of advanced Bst. practice (KBT 104), {dga' ba yang dag byang chub/} the joy of perfect enlightenment (KBT 58), {rab tu dga' ba/} perfect joy - one of the ten boddhisattva grounds (KBT 66), {dga' ba bzhi/} the four joys of tantric practice: a) {dga' ba/} joy, b) {mchog dga'/} great joy, c) {khyad dga'/} exalted joy, d) {lhan skyes kyi dga' ba/} innate joy (TRI 43), {dga' ba tshad med/} immeasurable joy, a Bst. meditational exercise (TRI 43). 2) #{dga' ba/}$ ^Bib: to be glad, happy, joyful: {dga' zhing mchongs shig} rejoice and leap for joy (Lk. 6:23), {mag pa'i skad thos nas shin tu dga'o/} rejoices when he hears the bridegroom's voice (Jn. 3:29), {rtag tu dga' bar gyur cig} be joyful always (1 Thes. 5:16), {nged dga' zhing yi rang bar 'gyur ba/} let us rejoice and be glad (Rev. 19:7 SV). ^Bst. 1) to please or be pleased: {le lo la dga' ba'i glen chos/} a foolish doctrine which pleases laziness (TRC 166), {rang gi sku mched gzhon pas rgyal sa 'dzin pa la mi dga' ba/} displeased at his younger brother's having the kingdom (TRC 114), {gzhan gyi srog gcod pa la dga' ba/} to take pleasure in killing another (TRC 245); 2) to be happy: {dga' skyo dga' gnyis ldan gnang thugs rje che zhu rgyu/} thank you with both happiness and sadness (RRT 282 n. 17), {ha cang dga' ba yang med/} neither too happy nor too unhappy (TRC 321), {sems ha cang dga' nas gad mo chen po dgod pa/} to laugh much from a very happy heart (KTM); 3) to appreciate, or feel close to: {byams brtse dang snying rje byung bar dga' tshor mi byed mkhan su yang med/} there is no one who does not appreciate love and compassion (DLP 15), {'gro ba mi tshang mar dga' nye'i 'du shes/} a feeling of closeness for all human beings (DLP 15); 4) to be better to take a certain course of action: {da ni brjod med ngang la gnas na dga'/} now you'd better just keep silent (HTE 202), {so so'i bsam blo so sos btang ba dga'/} it is better to make one's own plans (KPU 7); 5) to be glad: {dga' ba dang dad pa shugs drag po skyes te/} he was glad and great faith arose (SGN 15), {de nas nga sems dga' po byung ngo /} then I was very glad (DPD); 6) to love: {bu mo de nga la sems dga' bas na/,,nga yang mo la dga' po byung /} she loved me and I also loved her (DPD). Proverbs: {dpon po phal cher ngo bstod la dga'/,,bla ma phal cher 'bul ba la dga'/,,byis pa phal cher rtsed mo la dga'/} masters usually like open flattery, lamas usually like gifts, and children usually like games (KTM). Cognates: 1) {dga' ldan/} Ganden, one of the heavens of the worldly gods (KBT 117), also a famous monastery near Lhasa (DPD), not to be confused with {dga' ldan chos 'khor/} another famous monastery in Namling, near Shigatse (DPD), {dga' ldan khri pa/} the throne-holder, or abbot, of Ganden Monastery near Lhasa, {se 'bras dga' gsum/} Sera, Drepung, and Ganden Monasteries, near Lhasa (TRC 24), {dga' ldan pho brang /} seat of the former Tibetan government in Lhasa (DPD); 2) {dga' rab dbang phyug} the god of desire, lord of the {gzhan 'phrul/} heaven (SGC 106); 3) {dga' su zhu/} to welcome: {phran gyis dga' bsu zhu bzhin yod/} I welcome it (DLP 21), {dga' su legs par gnang /} gave a warm welcome (DPD); 4) {dga' bde/} peaceful (SGN 13); 5) {kun dga' bo/} Ananda [lit. Happy] one of the Buddha's disciples (SGN 22); 6) {bya dga'/} a prize or reward (DPD); 7) {nyams dga' ba/} comfortable {shin tu mdzes shing nyams dga' ba/} very beautiful and comfortable (SLR 14); 8) {thugs dgyes pa/} to be pleased (KTM), 9) {sems dga'/} to be happy, to have a joyful heart: {bka' thos ma thag tu sems dga' zhing blang yang /} the man who hears the word and at once receives it with joy (Mt. 13:20).% 3) #{dga' spro/}$ [lit. happy + joy] ^Bib: 1) joy, happiness: {nga'i dga' spro 'di tshang ngo /} my joy is now complete (Jn. 3:29), {mi zhig skyes pa'i dga' spro/} her joy that a child is born (Jn. 16:21), {nye gnas rnams la dga' spro dang thugs nyid kyis khyab par gyur to/} the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit (Acts 13:52), {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,byams pa dang /,,dga' spro dang /} the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy . . (Gal. 5:22); 2) gladness: {de yis rmo mkhan dang rnga mkhan gnyis kar dga' spro byung /} so that the sower and the reaper may be glad together (Jn. 4:36). 5) #{spro ba/}$ p. {spros/} ^Bib: 1) to be joyful: {re ba la spro/} joyful in hope (Rom. 12:12); 2) to be cheerful: {snying rje can yin na sems spro bas/} if [one's gift is] showing mercy, [let him do it] cheerfully (Rom. 12:8). ^Bst. joy, gladness: {dge slong gi cha byad can zhig gzigs pas thugs la spro ba tshad med skyes nas/} seeing a man in monk's robes, he [the Buddha] felt limitless joy (SGN 7). Cognates: {yul skor spro 'cham/} tourism (SLR 10), {lha sa ni yul skor spro 'cham gtong sa'i grong khyer zhig yin/} Lhasa is a tourist city (SLR 10-11), {spro gseng gtong bar phebs mkhan/} tourists (SLR 11), {spro gseng gtong mkhan mang ba'i skabs/} the tourist season (SLR 11), {yul skor spro 'cham khang /} travel agency.% 6) #{yi rangs/}$ or {yi rang /} ^Bib: joy, gladness: {gtso bos kho la thugs rje chen po mdzad pa thos nas yi rangs so/} after hearing that the Lord had shown her great mercy, they shared her joy (Lk. 1:58), {gtso bo'i phyir yi rang zhing khor bsu ba gyis shig} welcome him in the Lord with great joy (Phil. 2:29,30), {nged dga' zhing yi rang bar 'gyur ba/} let us rejoice and be glad (Rev. 19:7 SV). ^Bst. to be pleased: {gzhan gyi bde ba la yi rang ba/} to be pleased with the well being of another (KTM), {gzhan gyi gsung pa la yi rang ba/} to trust/be pleased with what another says (KTM). 7) #{skyid/}$ ^Bib: happiness, joy: {khyed tsho'i skyid rogs byed pa'i phyir/} [we work] with you for your joy (2 Cor. 1:24). ^Bst. 1) comfort, especially when considered as an obstacle to the practice of religion: {tshe 'di rkyang gi bde ba dang skyid po/} the happiness and comfort of this life (TRC 216); 2) happiness: {skyid dus mi 'dug} there's no time to be happy (HTE 178), {skyid skyid zer bas phyogs kun khyab par shog} may happiness spread to all directions (KPU 35); 3) gladness: {zla ba kha shas sdad nas skyid po byung /} I was glad to stay for a few months (DPD). Cognates: 1) {lus sems skyid po/} bodily comfort (TRC 288); 2) {bde skyid/} happiness or comfort {zhi bde dang /,,bde skyid/,,srung skyob/} peace, comfort, and security (DLP 8); 3) {lha sa'i skyid chu/} Lhasa's Kyi Chu River (SLR 8); 4) {skyid tshal/} a park or garden (SLR 12).% Proverbs: {skyid sdug ci 'ong sdon las btsan pos shes/} whatever happiness or suffering comes, recognize it as the power of your past actions (HTE 178). 8) #{dga' mgu rang /}$ ^Bib: a classical term for rejoicing: {dkon mchog la yang dga' mgu rang ngo /} we also rejoice in God (Rom. 5:11 SV). Related Terms: 1) {yid tshim pa/} to be satisfied or content (KTM); 2) {'dod pa gang ba/} [lit. desire + filled] to be content (KTM); 3) {yi rang ba/} pleased and trusting (KTM); 4) {mgu ba/} to be filled to the point of contentedness with happiness (KTM). !JUDGE@ (JUDGEMENT) see also CONDEMNATION, LAW 1) #{khrims/}$ [lit. law] ^Bib: {khrims/} and compounds are used to describe many aspects of the legal process: 1) {khrims dpon/} 1) used of God as Judge: {sa gzhi'i khrims dpon khyed nyid yar bzhengs mdzod/} Rise up, O Judge of the earth (Ps. 94:2), {bka' khrims gnang mkhan dang khrims dpon ni gcig lags/} there is only one Lawgiver and Judge (Jas. 4:12), {thams cad kyi khrims dpon lags pa'i dkon mchog} God, the judge of all men (Heb. 12:23); 2) also used of human judges: {chos med pa'i khrims dpon/} the unjust judge (Lk. 18:6), {kho khrims dpon gyi khri la bsdad yod dus su/} while Pilate was sitting on the judge's seat (Mt. 27:19). ^Bst. Legal terms are not part of the central doctrines of Bsm., since there is no god or other being to serve as judge. All sins and moral faults are believed to be punished through the action of karma. ^Sec. {khrims dpon/} is the modern term for judge (AMD), {khrims khang /} court (DPD), {khrims ra/} a literary term for court (KPU 27). 2) #{khrims gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} to make a legal judgement: {yis ra el la khrims bcad de/,,dmag la yang thon pa/} he judged Israel and went to war (Jud. 3:10), {phyi pa la ngas khrims ci'i phyir gcod/} what business is it of mine to judge those outside the church (1 Cor. 5:12), {ma shi ka pas 'jig rten la khrims gcod 'ong /} the saints will judge the world (1 Cor. 6:2). Cognates: 1) {khrims zhu ba/} judgement: {drang po mi byed pa'i mi rnams kyi drung du khrims zhu bar/} to take the case before the ungodly for judgement (1 Cor. 6:1 SV); 2) {khrims su lhung /} to fall under judgement: {nga rgyal bskyed nas thoms te bdud kyi khrims su lhung gis dogs/} become conceited and fall under the same judgment as the devil (1 Tim. 3:6 SV); 3) {khrims log par gcod/} to judge unjustly: {khyed rang gi nang na dbyen 'byed cing khrims log par mi gcod dam/} have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts? (Jas. 2:4 SV); 4) {khrims 'phog pa/} [lit. law + hit] judgement: {snying rje ma byas pa la snying rje med pa'i khrims kyang 'phog par 'gyur/} judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful (Jas. 2:13 SV).% 3) #{zhal chad/}$ ^Bib: 1) legal decision or judgement: {zhal che gcad 'os/} subject to judgment (Mt. 5:22), {zhal che'i zhag la/} on the Day of Judgment (Mt. 10:15), {khong gi zhal che rtogs pa las 'das/} how unsearchable his judgments (Rom. 11:33); 2) {zhal che pa/} [hon.] used of God as Judge: {'jig rten thams cad kyi zhal che pas 'os 'tsham mi mdzad dam/} will not the judge of all the earth do right (Gen. 18:25), {khong ni zhal che pa'o/} he is the judge (Jn. 8:50). 4) #{zhal chad gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} var. {zhal lce/} [hon.] to make a legal decision or judgement: {khyod kyis smras pa kho na bzhin zhal che gcod do/} I will judge you by your own words (Lk. 19:22), {yab kyis su la'ang zhal che mi mdzad/} the Father judges no one (Jn. 5:22,23), {dkon mchog gis 'jig rten gyi zhal che ci ltar gcod par 'gyur/} how could God judge the world (Rom. 3:6). ^Bst. {zhal che pa/} is a term for a judge in the classical literature, while {khrims dpon/} is the modern term for a courtroom judge (AMD). 5) #{chad pa 'phog pa/}$ p. {phog} ^Bib: to be judged: {rgol ba rnams la chad pa 'phog par 'gyur ro/} those who rebel will bring judgement on themselves (Rom. 13:2 SV), {rang la chad pa 'phog pa zhig za zhing 'thung ngo /} eats and drinks judgment on himself (1 Cor. 11:29 SV) 6) #{gshags 'byed/}$ [lit. justice, righteousness + do] ^Bib: to judge, make a legal decision: {khyed kyis mi'i lugs su gshags byed/} you judge by human standards (Jn. 8:15), {khyed tsho'am mi'i khrims ras nga la gshags byed na/} if I am judged by you or by any human court (1 Cor. 4:3), {nga'i gshags byed mkhan ni gtso bo lags so/} it is the Lord who judges me (1 Cor. 4:4). 7) #{mtshang 'bru ba/}$ p. {brus/} [lit. fault + irritate] ^Bib: to pick out the flaws of others in an irritating fashion, to pass judgement on other people: {rang mtshang mi 'bru ba'i phyir gzhan mtshang ma 'bru/} do not judge, or you too will be judged (Mt. 7:1 & Lk. 6:37), {ji ltar khyod kyis gzhan mtshang 'bru ba/,,de ltar khyod kyi mtshang yang 'bru bar 'gyur/} in the same way you judge others, you will be judged (Mt. 7:2). 8) #{dbye ba byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to make a distinction, to distinguish, to discriminate: {khyed tsho rang gi nang la dbye ba byed mkhan dang bsam pa ngan pa'i gshags byed mkhan la ma gyur tam/} have you not discriminated among yourselves and become judges with evil thoughts (Jas. 2:4), {de rnams kyis bden rdzun dbye bar 'gyur ro/} they will judge between lies and truth (Mt. 12:27). Related Terms: 1) {rtog pa/} to judge by forming an opinion, to evaluate: {sems nyid kyi mis dngos po thams cad rtog par nus/} the spiritual man makes judgements about all things (1 Cor. 2:15 SV), {snying gi bsam pa dang 'dod pa rnams rtogs pa lags so/} [the Spirit] judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb. 4:12 SV); 2) {bar mi byed pa/} to mediate: {spun gcig la gcig gis rtsod na bar mi byed par shes mkhan gcig kyang med/} no one to judge a dispute between believers (1 Cor. 6:5 SV); 3) {mthong lugs/} judgement, estimation, viewpoint: {nga'i mthong lugs la/} in my judgement (1 Cor. 7:40 SV); 4) {zhib dpyod/} [var. {zhib dpyad/}] to investigate, examine, test: {rang gi rang dbang ba de gzhan gyi 'gal mthun shes pa'i sgo nas ci'i phyir zhib dpyod/} why should my freedom be judged by another's conscience? (1 Cor. 10:29 SV); 5) {rtsi/} p. {brtsis/} f. {brtsi/} to form an opinion, to account something as true: {sems bzang gting nas dkar kyang skyon du rtsi/} if your mind is truly good and pure, they will judge it a defect (HTE 176); 6) {rang re'i legs nyes blang dor 'byed pa'i rnam dpyod de nyams brlag tu 'gro ba ma zad/} not only do we lose our sense of judgement (DLP 17).% !JUST@ see RIGHTEOUS !JUSTICE@ 1) #{drang ba/}$ ^Bib: 1) just, fair: {khyed kyi gshegs lam rnams drang zhing bden pa lags so/} just and true are your ways (Rev. 15:3 SV); 2) {drang ba nyid/} truthfulness, justice: {de dag gis dad pa'i sgo nas rgyal khams rnams 'bangs su bcug,,/drang ba nyid kyi las rnams bsgrubs/} who through faith conquered kingdoms, administered justice (Heb. 11:33 SV); 3) {thugs drang ba/} [hon.] God's justice: {de ltar dus 'di la khong rang gi thugs drang ba mngon par mdzad/} he did it to demonstrate his justice at the present time (Rom. 3:26 SV), {khong ni rang gi bka' las mi 'gal zhing thugs drang po lags pas/} he is faithful and just (1 Jn. 1:9 SV). ^Bst. 1) straight: {'gro lam drang po/} a straight road, {ka ba drang po/} a straight pillar (KTM); 2) truthful: {skad cha drang po smra ba/} to speak truthfully, {las ka drang po/} honest work (KTM), {sems drang ba/} one whose heart is pure and true (AMD); 3) just or fair: {byams snying ldan zhing /,,drang bden dang /,,'dra mnyam/} compassionate, just, and equitable (DLP 3); 4) honest: {gtam la drang ba'i mi de sems nas drang /} the one who speaks honestly is honest from the heart (KPU 19), {drang bden/} honesty (DLP 2). 2) #{gshags/}$ ^Bib: righteousness, justice: {gshags myur du mdzad do/} [he will] give them justice quickly (Lk. 18:8), {khong la gshags ma byung /} he was deprived of justice (Acts 8:33), {gshags drang po dang /,,dkon mchog la byams pa ni spong ngo /} you neglect justice and the love of God (Lk. 11:42). ^Bst. {gshags ngan mi rgod/} do not reply to verbal abuse (UCO 150). Cognates: {kha gshags byed mkhan/} one who disputes, an adversary (Lk. 18:3).% 3) #{khrims gcod drang po/}$ ^Bib: honest judgement: {ngas kho la khrims gcod drang po bcad pa yod/} I would see that he gets justice (2 Sam. 15:4 NTV), {rang gi mi 'bangs la dus kun tu khrims gcod drang po thob pa'i 'bad brtson nges gtan byas pa red/} doing what was just and right for all his people (2 Sam. 8:15 NTV). Related Terms: 1) {zhal che/} judgement: {khong gis mi brgyud rnams la zhal che bsgrag} he will proclaim justice to the nations (Mt. 12:18); 2) {las 'bras/} [lit. deed + result; karma] retributive justice or karma: {las 'bras kyis gson por mi 'jog go} justice has not allowed him to live (Acts 28:4); 3) {chos dang mthun pa/} just, in accordance with religion: {chos dang mthun par zhal che gcod mkhan la btad do/} he entrusted himself to him who judges justly (1 Pet. 2:23 SV); 4) {kyog kyog min pa/} not crooked (KTM); 5) {bden pa/} truth; 6) {gzu bo/} straightforward, honest.% !JUSTIFICATION@ (JUSTIFY) see also SAVE 1) #{rnam dag 'gyur ba/}$ p. {gyur/} [lit. very pure, clean] ^Bib: 1) to become very pure or morally clean; used by extension in the NT to mean becoming right with God, or being justified: {ab ra ham las kyi sgo nas rnam dag tu gyur pa yin na/} if Abraham was justified by works (Rom. 4:2), {bka' khrims kyi thabs kyis rnam dag 'gyur bar 'dod pa khyed tsho/} you who are trying to be justified by law (Gal. 5:4), {dad pa'i sgo nas mi ni rnam par dag par 'gyur ba/} a man is justified by faith (Rom. 3:28 SV); 2) {rnam dag mdzad/} to make pure, to make right with God, to justify: {khong gi sku khrag gis rnam dag mdzad pas/} we have now been justified by his blood (Rom. 5:9), {dkon mchog ni rnam par dag par mdzad mkhan/} those whom God has justified (Rom. 8:33 SV) ^Bst. see RIGHTEOUS/RIGHTEOUSNESS. Cognates: {mchod rten rnam dag} Namdag Stupa, where the Buddha cut off his hair before becoming an ascetic (SGN 8).% 2) #{thar ba/}$ [lit. to save] ^Bib: release from worldly existence; used by extension in the NT to mean saved, absolved from sin, or justified: {nga tsho dad pa'i sgo nas thar zhing /} we have been justified through faith (Rom. 5:1), {bka' khrims kyi thabs kyis su'ang mi thar ba/} through the law no one is justified (Gal. 3:11), {dad pa de kho'i thar pa'i rgyur rtsi'o/} his faith is credited as righteousness (Rom. 4:5), {nga tsho thar 'jug pa'i phyir khong sku gson por bslangs pa yin no/} for our justification, he was raised to life (Rom. 4:25), {gnang sbyin gyi sgo nas sdig pa mang por thar pa byung /} through the gift, many received justification (Rom. 5:16), {thar bar mdzad mkhan dkon mchog lags pas/} it is God who justifies (Rom. 8:33). ^Bst. see SAVE. 3) #{drang po 'gyur/}$ p. {gyur/} [lit. honest, true + become] ^Bib: made true, right, or honest; used by the NT to mean justified: {khyed tsho gtsang bar yang gyur/,,dam par yang gyur/,,drang por yang gyur to/} you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified (1 Cor. 6:11), {bka' khrims kyi las kyis drang por ma 'gyur/} a man is not justified by observing the law (Gal. 2:16). ^Bst. see JUSTICE. Related Terms: 1) {sgrol/} save, deliver: {dad pa'i sgo nas dkon mchog gis phyi pa'ang sgrol bar 'gyur/} God would also justify the Gentiles by faith (Gal. 3:8); 2) {thugs rje zhal che/} [lit. merciful judgement] used to mean justification: {snying nas dad pa byed pa la thugs rje'i zhal che thob/} it is with your heart that you believe and are justified (Rom. 10:10); 3) {khul/} [lit. pretend] to attempt to justify oneself when there are not grounds for doing so; to behave as though other circumstances were true: {'on kyang khos shes khul gyis/} [lit. however, pretending as though he knew] "but he wanted to justify himself" (Lk. 10:29), {khong gis de tshor/,,khyed mi'i mdun du yin khul ston kyang /} you are the ones who justify yourselves in the eyes of men (Lk. 16:15).% !KARMA@ see FRUIT !KEEP@ (OBSERVE, OBEY) 1) #{srung ba/}$ ^Bib: to keep or observe a law, ceremony, or custom: 1) observing the Jewish law: {sus kyang bka' khrims mi srung ngo /} not one of you keeps the law (Jn. 7:19), {mi 'dis shab bad mi srung /} this man does not keep the Sabbath (Jn. 9:16), {dkon mchog gi bka' srung ba/} keeping God's command (1 Cor. 7:19); 2) obeying instructions: {nga'i bka' bsrung ba/} the one who keeps my word (Jn. 8:51), {khrims 'di srung zhig} keep these instructions (1 Tim. 5:21), {rgan po'i gtam rgyud srung /} holding to the tradition of the elders (Mk. 7:2,3,4); 3) to guard: {ye shu srung mkhan/} those who were guarding Jesus (Mt. 27:54). ^Bst. 1) to keep or observe monastic vows or rules: {tshul khrims bsrung ba rgyal sras lag len yin/} to keep the law is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 22), {mi dge bcu spod gi tshul khrims ma srung pa/} avoiding [lit. not observing] the ten non-virtues (TRC 165), {gsang sngags kyi sdom pa'i bsrung bya rnams/} tantric vows (TRC 52); 2) to observe a festival, retreat, or custom: {dbyar gnas srung gnang gi red/} the summer retreat is observed [on certain dates] (TRC 50); 3) to maintain a principle: {'gro ba mi'i rigs kyi thun mong ma yin pa'i khyad chos de phyi dngos po dang nang lta ba las khyad du 'phags par brtsi srung byed dgos/} the supremacy of humanity over matter and ideology must always be maintained (DLP 6), {ma bu bde srung gi las/} [lit. mother + child + health + maintain] maternal child health care (BFT 19); 4) to secure by posting guards: {nyin mtshan med par rgyal sras bsrungs kyang /} though the prince was guarded day and night (SGN 8), {srung mkhan/} guards (SGN 8); 5) to catch or seize: {lu gu ma 'khyer gong la spyang ki srungs/} before the lamb is taken away, you must catch the wolf (KPU 11). Cognates: 1) {srung ma/} deities who defend their worshippers from evil spirits, help them practice religion, and generally protect Bsm. (KTM); 2) {srung bya/} a term used in written Tibetan for laws, vows, rules, or commandments (AMD); 3) {srung skyob/} protection, security (TRC 330); 4) {srung thabs/} ways of guarding one's moral discipline (TRI 289); 5) {srung mdud/} strings blessed by lamas and given to their followers as a means of protection (TRI 289).% 2) #{sgrub/}$ p. {bsgrubs/} f. {bsgrub/} imp. {sgrub/} [lit. to accomplish, perform, achieve] ^Bib: 1) to keep a vow or an oath: {mna' skyel ba de sgrubs shig} keep the oaths you have made (Mt. 5:33); 2) to observe the Jewish law: {bka' de yang dag par bsgrub na/} if you keep the law perfectly (Jas. 2:8), {mdo nang yod pa thams cad sgrub/} keeps all that is in the Scriptures (Gal. 3:10). ^Bst. 1) to achieve or accomplish: {rang gzhan gyi don phun sum tshogs pa sgrub ba/} to accomplish the noble aims of oneself and others (TRC 74), {sems can gyi don rgya chen po sgrub pa'i byang chub sems dpa'/} the boddhisattva who accomplishes the vast aim of living creatures (TRC 166), {bde skyid kyi bya ba sgrub pa la/} in order to do work for happiness (TRC 168), {'de ba sgrub pa'i thabs/} ways to gain merit or accomplish virtuous deeds (TRC 218), {'phrul bzo rig gnas kyis phyogs gang sar ngo mtshar che ba'i bya ba mang po bsgrubs/} technology has worked wonders in many fields (DLP 1), {'gro ba mis rang gi bde skyid sgrub phyir/} in order to achieve human happiness (DLP 9); 2) to perform or practice: {chos kyi bya ba rgya chen po sgrub pa/} to perform the great action of the doctrine (TRC 167), {'di sgrub pa'i tshul/} the way of practicing this (TRC 332), {sgrub lugs/} a method or system of religious practice (TRC 333), {chos yang dag pa zhig sgrub pa/} the right practice of religion (SGN 7), {bshad sgrub gnyis/} teaching and practice (TRC 138); 3) to fulfill: {gzhan don sgrub pa/} to fulfill the wishes of others (GSL 22), {rang 'gan sgrub/} to fulfill one's responsibilities (KTM), {dmangs gtso'i las 'gan gang yang sgrub mi dgos pa/} not having to fulfill any democratic responsibilities (RRT 282-3 n. 24). Related Terms: 1) {'dzugs/} or {dzug} to establish, set up: {rang gi gtam rgyud 'dzug pa'i phyir/} in order to observe your own traditions (Mk. 7:9); 2) {'bangs byed pa/} to be subject to: {khyod kyis bka' khrims la skyon 'dogs na/,,bka' khrims kyi 'bangs mi byed kyis de'i zhal che pa byed do/} when you judge the law, you are not keeping it [lit. subject to it], but sitting in judgment on it (Jas. 4:11 SV).% !KILL@ see also DEAD, DEATH, DIE 1) #{gsod pa/}$ p. {bsad pa/} f. {gsad pa/} imp. {sod/} ^Bib: to kill, 1) literally: {khong bzung nas gsod pa'i thabs/} a way to arrest and kill him (Mk. 14:1); 2) figuratively: {bka' khrims kyi yi ges ni gsod/} the letter of the law kills (2 Cor. 3:6). ^Bst. 1) Killing other living beings, from insects to humans, is regarded as a serious moral offence, and a cause of rebirth in the hell realms (KTM). {ra de bsad na srog bcad pa'i nyes pa yod/} if I kill the goat, that's the sin of killing (DPD), {dge 'dun pa mang po bsad pa/} many monks were killed (TRC 114), {zhe sdang gis gsod pa/} to kill on account of hatred (TRC 243), {nya bsad nas za gi yod pa red/} killing and eating fish (TRC 258); 2) to remove or to blot out: {dka' ngal khyad bsad/} removing particularly difficult problems (KTM); 3) as a figure of speech: {mda' gcig gis shwa ba gnyis bsad/} [lit. kill two deer with one arrow] same as English "kill two birds with one stone"; accomplish two things at once (TQP 121). 2) #{'grongs pa/}$ or {'grong /} or {bkrongs/} p. {'grong /} [hon.] ^Bib: to die: {khong 'grong bar 'gyur/} they will kill him [lit. make him dead] (Mt. 17:23), {he ro des khyed 'grong bar 'dod/} Herod wants to kill you. (Lk. 13:31). 3) #{srog gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} [lit. life + cut] ^Bib: to kill or murder: {srog skyob chog gam gcod chog} to save life or to kill (Mk. 3:4), {rang srog rang gis gcod dam/} will he kill himself (Jn. 8:22). ^Bst. {srog gcod pa/} is to take life. It is one of the ten non-virtues and implies the moral offense of murder. Its punishment is rebirth in the lower realms (TRC 245). Cognates: {srog gtong /} to sacrifice (KTM).% 4) #{med par byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: destroy, do away with: {khong med par byed pa'i thabs btsal to/} they looked for a way to kill him (Mk. 11:18), {kho'ang med par byas pa'i rjes su/} after he too was killed (Acts 5:37). 5) #{tshar gcod/}$ p. {bcad/} f. {gcad/} ^Bib: destroy, annihilate: {rgun tshal mkhan de rnams tshar bcad/} he will destroy those vineyard workers (Lk. 20:16). !KINDNESS@ see also COMPASSION, MERCY 1) #{snying rje/}$ [hon. {thugs rje/}] ^Bib: 1) God's kindness, mercy, or compassion: {khong gi thugs rje dang /,,thugs bzod dang /} [God's] kindness and patience (Rom. 2:4), consider therefore the kindness and sternness of God (Rom. 11:22), {dkon mchog gi thugs rje dang byams thugs/} the kindness and love of God (Tit. 3:4); 2) human kindness: {yu li 'us pa'u lu la thugs rjes bskyangs nas/} Julius, in kindness to Paul (Acts 27:3), {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,snying rje dang /,,bzang po/} the fruit of the Spirit is . . kindness and goodness . . (Gal. 5:22). ^Bst. One who {thugs rje/} thinks of the benefit and well being of infinite sentient beings (KTM). see COMPASSION. 2) #{drin/}$ [hon. {bka' drin/}] ^Bib: kindness: {khong gis bka' drin mdzad/} he has shown kindness (Acts 14:17), {ma shi ka ye shu'i sgo nas nga tsho la bka' drin mdzad pa/} his kindness to us in Christ (Eph. 2:7), {snying rje dang /,,bka' drin dang /,,dman sems dang /} compassion, kindness, humility (Col. 3:12), {drin dang /,,dman sa bzung ba'i sems/} kindness and humility (Col. 3:12 SV). ^Bst. Kindness is a major theme in Bst. doctrine, and a common subject for meditation. In one such meditation {mar shes dang /,,drin dran/,,drin gzo gsum/} one meditates on another being's having been one's mother in previous births, remembers her kindnesses, and wishes to repay those kindnesses in order to generate boddhicitta, the mind of enlightenment (TRC 321). The Buddhas show {bka' drin che/} when they give refuge to beings caught in the cycle of rebirth (KTM). {drin dran/} mindfulness of kindnesses (TRC 319), {drin gzo/} repayment of kindnesses (TRC 321), {gzhan gyi bka' drin la brten dgos pa/} to be dependent on the kindnesses of others (DLP 15), {kun la bka' drin che bar bsgom/} to meditate on the great kindnesses of others (UCO 148). Related Terms: 1) {thugs brtse/} loving kindness (2 Sam. 2:6 NTV); 2) {brtse sems/} love (2 Sam. 9:1 NTV); 3) {byams sems/} loving kindness (DLP 14); 4) {byams skyong /} care and kindness (DLP 15); 5) {blo nye ba/} agreement, friendship, affection; hence kindness: {ngang ring ba dang /,,blo nye ba/} patience and kindness (2 Cor. 6:6 SV), {sems nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,ngang ring ba dang /,,blo nye ba/} the fruit of the Spirit is . . patience and kindness (Gal. 5:22 SV).% !KINGDOM@ 1) #{rgyal srid/}$ ^Bib: kingdom: 1) the kingdom of God: {dkon mchog gi rgyal srid khyed kyi rtsar bslebs zin to/} the kingdom of God has come upon you (Mt. 12:28), {sras kyi rgyal srid/} the kingdom of the Son (Col. 1:13,14); 2) the kingdom of heaven: {nam mkha'i rgyal srid nye bar bslebs/} the kingdom of heaven is near (Mt. 3:2); 3) other kingdoms: {ta zig gi rgyal srid/} the kingdom of Persia [lit. of the Tajiks] (2 Chron. 36:20), {nga tsho'i yab da bid kyi rgyal srid/} the kingdom of our father David (Mk. 11:10). ^Bst. 1) kingdom: {spyi lo 836 lor glang dar gyis rgyal srid bzung /} in the year 836, Glang Dar Ma held the kingdom (TRC 114); 2) national, state: {rgyal srid 'dzin skyong gi 'gan khur ldan pa/} one responsible for running national affairs (DLP 17), {rgyal srid spyi khyab khang /} the State Council [of China] (MHP 7), {rgyal srid gzhung /} the national government (BFT 21). 2) #{rgyal khams/}$ ^Bib: country, realm, dominion: {og gi rgyal khams/} Og's kingdom (Deut. 3:10), {ye shu ma shi ka'i mtha' med pa'i rgyal khams/} Christ's eternal kingdom (2 Pet. 1:11). Related Terms: 1) {srid/} kingdom: {drang ba nyid kyi mtshan rtags khyed kyi srid kyi mtshan rtags yin/} righteousness will be the scepter of your kingdom (Heb. 1:8 SV); 2) {chos srid/} the administration of a monastery (AMD), also a theocracy; 3) {srid skyong byed/} to rule over: {ha dad e zer gyis srid skyong byed pa'i grong khyer/} cities that Hadad Ezer ruled (2 Sam. 8:8 NTV).% !KNOW@ 1) #{shes pa/}$ [hon. {mkhyen/}] ^Bib: know, understand: 1) to be acquainted with someone (see also {ngo shes/}): {khyed su yin ngas shes/} I know who you are (Mk. 1:24), {khyed kyis nga shes na nga'i yab kyang shes/} if you knew me, you would know my Father as well (Jn. 14:7), {skyes bu drang po dang dam pa yin par shes te/} knowing him to be a righteous and holy man (Mk. 6:20), {dkon mchog la gces par 'dzin mkhan de/,,dkon mchog gis kho mkhyen no/} the man who loves God is known by God (1 Cor. 8:3); 2) to know facts: {bka' de rnams khyod kyis shes so/} you know the commandments (Mk. 10:19), {ngas mi shes mi go'o/} I don't know or understand (Mk. 14:68), {ngas mi shes te/,,dkon mchog gis mkhyen no/} I don't know, God knows (2 Cor. 12:2), {khong gis thams cad mkhyen no/} [God] knows everything (1 Jn. 3:20), {ye shus de tsho'i bsam pa mkhyen/} Jesus knew their thoughts (Lk. 9:47), {dkon mchog gis khyed kyi snying mkhyen pas/} God knows your hearts (Lk. 16:15); 3) to inform, let someone know: {lag pa g.yas pas ci byed pa lag pa g.yon pa la'ang shes ma chug} do not let your left hand know what your right hand is doing (Mt. 6:3,4), {/ye shus 'di sus kyang mi shes pa'i phyir nan gyis bskul/} he gave strict orders not to let anyone know (Mk. 5:43); 4) to have a skill or ability, to know a trade: {song la shes pa bzhin srung zhig zhes bsgo bas/} go, make the tomb as secure as you know how (Mt. 27:65). ^Bst. The root meaning of {shes pa/} is to know or understand 1) to know or be acquainted with a person: {ha lam ngo mi shes mdog mdog byed/} to pretend to be almost unacquainted (TRC 167); 2) to know facts: {dbyar gnas grol ba'i dus tshod mi shes na/} if one does not know the time of release from the summer retreat (TRC 50); 3) to recognize: {sdug bsngal shes par bya/} recognize suffering (TRC 165), {ma rig pa ni/,,las rgyu 'bras la sogs pa mi shes pa'i rmongs pa/} nescience is the ignorance that does not recognize the [truth of] karma (TRC 284); 4) to understand: {bden pa bzhi'i gnas tshul shes pa'i sgo nas/} by means of understanding the realities of the Four Truths (TRC 165), {dmangs gtso'i ngo bo gsal po shes/} one must clearly understand the essence of democracy (RRT 282-3 n. 24); 5) to know how to: {ngo la 'khor ba'i sbrang ma dkrog mi shes/} they don't even know how to chase a fly from their face (KPU 31); 6) to be aware of; awareness, consciousness: {shes pa'i mtshan nyid yod/} there is a definition of consciousness (TBT 498). Cognates: 1) {ngo shes/} [hon. {ngo mkhyen/}] to recognize or be acquainted with someone or something: {ji ltar yab kyis nga ngo mkhyen/,,/yab kyi zhal ngo ngas shes ltar/,,/nga yi yin pa ngas ngo shes/,,/de tshos nga la ngo shes pas/} I know my sheep and my sheep know me--just as the Father knows me and I know the Father (Jn. 10:14,15), {nye gnas de bla chen gyi ngo shes yin/} that disciple was known to the high priest (Jn. 18:15); 2) {shes bzhin/} introspection: {shes bzhin gyis de shes par byas/} to recognize by introspective awareness (TRC 201); 3) {nges shes/} confidence, certain knowledge: {rig pa dwangs pas chos la nges shes skye/} as wisdom shines, our confidence in the dharma grows (GSL 6).% 2) #{rtog}$ p. {brtags/} f. {brtag} imp. {rtogs/} ^Bib: to know, understand: {khong drang po lags par rtogs na/} if you know that he is righteous (1 Jn. 2:29), {khong nyid dang gshin po las sku gson por bzhengs pa'i mthu nus rtogs pa/} I want to know Christ and the power of his resurrection (Phil. 3:10), {gang gsungs pa'i don de rnams kyis ma rtogs so/} they did not understand the meaning of what was said (Lk. 18:34). ^Bst. to perceive: {bdag med pa'i don mngon sum du rtogs pa'i lam gyi bden ba/} the truth of the path which directly perceives the absence of a self (TRC 96). see THOUGHT. Related Terms: 1) {go ba/} understand: {rang gis zer ba'i gtam yang mi go,,/dngos po'i don yang mi go'o/} they do not know what they are talking about or what they so confidently affirm (1 Tim. 1:7 SV); 2) {ston/} p. {bstan/} to show, make known: {khyed kyis nga la gson lam ston par mdzad/} you have made known to me the paths of life (Acts 2:28); 3) {'chad/} p. {bshad/} f. {shod/} to explain, proclaim, or make known: {khyed la 'chad par 'gyur ro/} the Spirit will make it known to you (Jn. 16:15), {khyed la sdig sel gyi chos 'chad pa ma zad/} not only is forgiveness of sins proclaimed to you (Acts 13:38), {ngas phrin bzang gi gsang ba spobs pas 'chad phyir/} that I may boldly proclaim the mystery of the gospel (Eph. 6:19); 4) {mngon du byung /} apparent or made known: {rjes la ci yin par 'gyur ba da rung mngon du ma byung /} what we will be has not yet been made known (1 Jn. 3:2 SV); 5) {ngo 'phrod/} [lit. face + receive] to know a person: {khyed kyis mngags pa'i ye shu ma shi ka ngo 'phrod pa ni/} to know Jesus Christ, whom you have sent (Jn. 17:3), {khong gi bka' rgya srung ba 'ba' zhig gi sgo nas/,,nga tshos khong ngo 'phrod pa gsal lo/} we know that we have come to know him if we obey his commands (1 Jn. 2:3), {khong ngo 'phrod zer/} the man who says, "I know him," (1 Jn. 2:4); 6) {ngo sprod byed/} [lit. face + give] p. {sprad/} to introduce, make known: {sdig bshags gnang ba'i thar pa'i ngo sprod phyir/} to make known the salvation that forgives sins (Lk. 1:77), {de tshor khyed kyi mtshan ngo sprad de/,,da dung 'ang ngo sprod par bya'o/} I have made you known to them, and will continue to make you known (Jn. 17:26); 7) {grags pa/} fame, reputation; {i ta li par grags pa'i dmag tshogs/} known as the Italian Regiment (Acts 10:1), {a kha ya ru grags pa/} became known in Achaia (1 Thes. 1:8); 8) {snyan grags/} [hon.] fame, reputation: {ye shu'i snyan grags rgyas pas/} Jesus' name had become well known (Mk. 6:14); 9) {cha/} news, information: {cha med par/} without news, not knowing what happened (Acts 5:7), {khyed la cha yod/} you already know (1 Thes. 2:2); 10) {zhes/} [hon. {zhus/}] known as: {mthu chen po zhes bya ba de/} known as "the great power" (Acts 8:10), {pe tro zhu ba'i shi mon/} Simon known as Peter (Acts 10:18); 11) {zer/} to call, be known as: {ya hu da skad du gab ba tha zer/} known in Aramaic as Gabbatha (Jn. 19:13); 12) {rgyu med/} don't know: {nga la rgyus med/} I don't know (Jn. 9:12), {rgyus med pa'i dkon mchog} an unknown god (Acts 17:23); 13) {ngo rtogs/} to know certainly: {khyed ni dkon mchog gi dam pa de yin par nga tshos dad cing ngo rtogs pa yin/} we believe and know that you are the Holy One of God (Jn. 6:69). see KNOWLEDGE.% !KNOWLEDGE@ see also MIND, THOUGHT, WISDOM 1) #{shes bya/}$ ^Bib: a general term for knowledge: {skul zhing shes bya thams cad la slob cing /} admonishing and teaching everyone with all wisdom [lit. knowledge] (Col. 1:28). ^Sec. the ordinary term for knowledge: {ma bu bde srung gi shes bya/} knowledge of maternal-child health care (BFT 20), {rig gnas shes bya/} cultural knowledge (TCR 1). Cognates: {shes rig slob sbyong /} education (DLP 1).% 2) #{shes rab/}$ ^Bib: higher knowledge, especially of spiritual things: {shes rab kyi lde mig} the key to knowledge (Lk. 11:52), {gsang ba dang shes rab thams cad shes nas/} if I know all mysteries and all knowledge (1 Cor. 13:2), {shes rab bam/,,lung bstan/} knowledge or prophecy (1 Cor. 14:6), {khyed rnams ye shes dang shes rab/} wisdom and understanding (Col. 1:9), {gang la shes rab ces 'khrul nas 'bod pa/} what is falsely called knowledge (1 Tim. 6:20), {khyed tsho'i dad pa la dge ba dang /,,dge ba la shes rab/} add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge (2 Pet. 1:5). ^Bst. {shes rab/} is knowledge which is higher than others; sublime knowledge, or wisdom (KTM). The Buddhas are believed to have such knowledge of all knowable things, including the thoughts of all human beings. See WISDOM. 3) #{rig pa/}$ ^Bib: knowledge: {shes rab dang rig pa'i gter/} treasures of wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:2,3), {nga tsho thams cad la rig pa yod par shes so/} we know that we all possess knowledge (1 Cor. 8:1), {rig pa nub par 'gyur/} knowledge will pass away (1 Cor. 13:8). ^Bst. 1) intelligence: {mkhas pa yongs kyi rig pa/} the intelligence of the learned (KPU 4); 2) area of knowledge or field of study: {tshan rig pa/} scientist (DLP 7), {nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i sems khams rig pa/} Tibetan Buddhist psychology (DLP 13), {rig pa'i gnas lnga/} five classical studies {nang rig pa/} secret knowledge; esp. of the {bon/} Bon, {gtan tshigs rig pa/} logic, {sgra rig pa/} linguistics, {gso ba rig pa/} medicine, {bzo rig pa/} technology (CNG 63). Cognates: {yang dag par rig pa/} perfect knowledge, an attribute of the Buddhas (KBT 70).% 4) #{rtogs pa/}$ ^Bib: 1) sure, certain religious knowledge: {khyed ni dkon mchog gi dam pa de yin par nga tshos dad cing ngo rtogs pa yin/} we believe and know that you are the Holy One of God (Jn. 6:69), {nam mkha'i rgyal srid kyi gsang ba rtogs pa/} the knowledge of the secrets of the kingdom of heaven (Mt. 13:11), {gtso bo lags pa'i ye shu ma shi ka rtogs pa/} knowing Jesus Christ as Lord (Phil. 3:8), {dkon mchog gi rtogs pa 'phel ba/} growing in the knowledge of God (Col. 1:10); 2) understanding or insight: {ma shi ka'i gsang ba'i gting rtogs pa/} [my] insight into the mystery of Christ (Eph. 3:4); 3) conscience: {rtogs pa zhan pa zhig} someone with a weak conscience (1 Cor. 8:10). ^Bst. religious knowledge or realizations gained from meditation: {chos thams cad mngon sum du rtogs pa mthar phyin pa'i ye shes/} the wisdom which perceives directly all phenomena (TRC 74), {nyid kyi rtogs pa gzhan la 'pho min te/} they do not transfer their realizations to others (TRC 77), {bdag med pa'i don mngon sum du rtogs pa/} direct perception of the absence of a self (TRC 96), {rtogs pa'i nyams myong bdag la med/} I have no experience of realizations (HTE 208). 5) #{yon tan/}$ ^Bib: good qualities; knowledge: {bka' khrims kyi nang na yon tan dang bden pa nyid kyi dbyibs yod pas/} you have in the law the embodiment of knowledge and truth (Rom. 2:20 SV). ^Bst. 1) a body of knowledge acquired through study or education: {yon tan kun gyi rtsa ba yi ge dang /,,yon tan yongs kyi rgyal po yi ge red/} reading is the foundation of all education; it is the king of all learning (KPU 27), {yon tan mthar phyin pa slob dgos/} one must study to be perfect in knowledge (KTM); 2) good qualities: {yon tan brjod pa/} to praise the good qualities of one's teacher (GSL 14). 6) #{blo gros/}$ ^Bib: wisdom, understanding, knowledge: {khyed rnams kun nas brtson 'grus rtsoms la dad pa la snying stobs dang /,,snying stobs la blo gros dang /} make every effort to add to your faith goodness; and to goodness, knowledge (2 Pet. 1:5 SV). ^Sec. if a student has wide and deep knowledge his {blo gros/} is good (AMD), {blo gros dang 'jon thang /} knowledge and expertise (MHP 9). 7) #{mngon shes/}$ ^Bib: see {sngar mkhyen/} below. ^Bst. extra-sensory perception involving knowledge of others' thoughts {sems kyi rnam grangs shes pa/}, remembering past lives {sngon gyi gnas rjes su dran pa/} etc. (TRI 71). It is grouped with other supernormal mental powers: {bsam gtan dang /,,mngon shes/,,rdzu 'phrul/} trances, clairvoyances, and psychic powers (TRC 202). Related Terms: 1) {dkon mchog ngo shes pa/} the knowledge of God: {de dag gis dkon mchog ngo shes pa rang gi nang na yod par mi dga' bas/} since they did not think it worthwhile to retain the knowledge of God (Rom. 1:28 SV); 2) {sngar mkhyen/} foreknowledge: {dkon mchog yab kyis sngar mkhyen pa ltar/} according to the foreknowledge of God (1 Pet. 1:2 SV).% !LAW@ see also TEACHER (OF THE LAW) 1) #{khrims/}$ ^Bib: the religious law [{chos khrims/}] of the OT: {khyo shi na khrims las thar bas/} if he dies, she is released from the law (Rom. 7:3), {tshul khrims ni pha ru shi pa/} in regard to the law, a Pharisee (Phil. 3:5). ^Bst. Several compounds of {khrims/} describe religious or moral law: 1) {bslab khrims/} precepts (see below); 2) {chos khrims/} monastic rules or laws (see below); 3) {tshul khrims/} a) the Bst. ethical law, which is believed to be one of the seven noble treasures: {'phags pa'i nor bdun ni/,,1,,dad pa/,,2,,tshul khrims,,3,,thos pa/} the seven noble treasures are: faith, the law, hearing . . (SGN 16). Keeping the ethical law has an important place in Bst. conduct: {tshul khrims bsrung ba rgyal sras lag len yin/} to keep the moral law is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 22); although advanced Bst. practitioners and boddhisattvas are considered exempt from any moral law (MTB 159); b) {tshul khrims/} is also right conduct, which may be of three major types: i) {nyes spyod sdom pa'i tshul khrims/} conduct which avoids evil actions, non-virtues, and breaking of vows, ii) {dge ba chos sdud kyi tshul krims/} conduct which trains the mind in virtuous qualities, and iii) {sems can don byed kyi tshul khrims/} lawful conduct which benefits living creatures, e.g. teaching Bsm. to others. Such behavior leads to a higher rebirth: {mngon mtho'i rgyu ni tshul khrims las gzhan med/} the cause of a high condition is no other than right conduct (TRC 165); 4) {'dul khrims/} the vinaya {'dul ba/} rule of the Sangha; the code of conduct for monastic life (TRC 3). ^Sec. 1) {khrims lugs/} legal customs {gdug rtsub can gyi khrims lugs/} cruel legal customs (SBC-1, p. 62); 2) {khrims khang /} court of law: {mi dmangs khrims khang /} People's Court; 3) {rtsa khrims/} [root + law] constitution (RRT 282 n. 23). Cognates: 1) {khrims 'chal/} lawlessness: {khrims 'chal gyi gsang ba/} the secret power of lawlessness (2 Thes. 2:7); 2) {khrims la mkhas pa/} lawyer: {khrims la mkhas pa'i zi na/} Zenas the lawyer (Tit. 3:13).% 2) #{bka' khrims/}$ [lit. spoken + law = precepts] ^Bib: the religious and ceremonial law of the Jews: {nga tshor bka' khrims yod/} we have a law (Jn. 19:7), {bka' khrims dang lung ston pa rnams/} the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 5:17), {mo she'i bka' khrims/} the Law of Moses (Lk. 2:22), {gtso bo'i bka' khrims/} the Law of the Lord (Lk. 2:23). Common phrases: {bka' khrims dang mi mthun pa/} against the law (Acts 18:13), {bka' khrims bzhin du/} according to the law (Acts 23:3), {bka' khrims sgrub pa tsho/} those who obey the law (Rom. 2:13), {bka' khrims 'chal/} break the law (Rom. 2:23), {bka' khrims stongs par byed/} to nullify the law (Rom. 3:31), {bka' khrims brtan par byed/} to uphold the law (Rom. 3:31), {bka' khrims las so sor/} apart from the law (Rom. 3:21), {bka' khrims kyi 'og} under the Law (Rom. 6:15), {khyed kyang bka' khrims la brten nas shi ba/} you also died to the law (Rom. 7:4), {bka' khrims kyi thabs kyis rnam dag 'gyur bar 'dod pa khyed tsho/} you who want to be justified by the law (Gal. 5:4), {sdig pa ni bka' khrims las 'gal ba yin/} sin is lawlessness (1 Jn. 3:4). ^Bst. {bslab khrims/} [hon. {bka' khrims/}] is a precept, either ethical: {tshul lugs bzang ba/,,bslab khrims ldan pa/,,shes rab che ba/} disciplined, ethical, and wise (DLP 19), or moral: {spyod bzang bslab khrims/} moral precepts (DLP 18). Cognates: 1) {bka' khrims shes pa/} an expert in the law (Mt. 22:35); 2) {bka' khrims kyi ston pa/} a teacher of the law (Acts 5:34); 3) {bka' khrims med pa rnams/} lawless men (2 Pet. 3:17); 4) {bka' khrims gnang mkhan/} Lawgiver (Jas. 4:12).% 3) #{chos khrims/}$ ^Bib: religious law: {chos khrims shes pa rnams/} experts in the law (Lk. 7:30), {nga tsho'i pha mes kyi chos khrims/} the law of our fathers (Acts 22:3). ^Bst. religious rules, rules of conduct in a monastery: {lo gsar gyi skabs su dgon par chos 'khrims gu yangs yin pas/} because the rules of the monastery were more liberal at New Year (DPD). Proverbs: {rgyal khrims gser gyi gnya' shing /,,chos khrims dar gyi mdud pa lta bu yin/} the state law is like a golden yoke; the religious law like a silken knot. 4) #{bka'/}$ ^Bib: law: {rgyal ba'i bka'/} the royal law (Jas. 2:8). ^Bst. the teachings of the Buddha recorded in the Bst. scriptures. see SCRIPTURE. !LEVITE@ 1) #{le wi pa/}$ ^Bib: a member of the tribe of Levi: {le wi pa yo seb/} the Levite Joseph (Acts 4:36), {le wi'i bla brgyud/} the Levitical priesthood (Heb. 7:11), {le wi pa'i bla ma'i brgyud/} the Levitical priesthood (Heb. 7:11 SV). 2) #{mchod g.yog pa/}$ [lit. offering + servant] ^Bib: one who serves in the temple; a Levite: {bla ma dang mchod g.yog pa/} priests and Levites (John 1:19), {mchod g.yog cig sa cha der bslebs pas/} when a Levite arrived (Luke 10:32). !LIBERATE@ see also JUSTIFICATION, SAVE 1) #{thar ba/}$ ^Bib: to be justified, absolved from sin, liberated, released, or set free: {snod bcud kyang mi rtag pa'i dbang las thar te/} liberated from its bondage to decay (Rom. 8:21), {khyo shi na khrims las thar bas/} if her husband dies, [she] is released from the law (Rom. 7:3). ^Bst. see JUSTIFY, SAVE. 2) #{sgrol/}$ p. {bsgral/} [save, deliver from] deliverance, rescue, freedom (from) ^Bib: {bkod pa thams cad kyang mi rtag pa de las bsgral nas/} the creation itself will be liberated from its bondage to decay (Rom. 8:21 SV). ^Bst. see SAVE. !LIFE@ 1) #{tshe/}$ ^Bib: 1) ordinary, outwardly visible life; lifespan or length of life: {tshe 'di'i sems khral/} the worries of this life (Lk. 8:14), {tshe ring ba/} long life (Eph. 6:3), {'tsho ba'i tshe/} the life [you once] lived (Col. 3:7); 2) the life to come: {tshe phyi ma/} the next life [in heaven] (Lk. 18:30); 3) used figuratively in the RV for spiritual life: {tshe mtha' med pa thob pa'i phyir sems 'gyur ba/} repentance unto life (Acts 11:18), {tshe'i zhal chad/} the promise of life (2 Tim. 1:1), {tshe mtha' med pa'i cod pan/} the crown of life (Jas. 1:12), {tshe'i ljon shing /} the tree of life (Rev. 2:7), {tshe mtha' med pa'i mdo/} the book of life (Phil. 4:3), {tshe'i chu/} the water of life (Rev. 22:17), {tshe'i bag leb/} the bread of life (Jn. 6:35), {tshe'i 'od/} the light of life (Jn. 8:12). The Revised NT uses only compounds of {tshe/} for "eternal life": {tshe mtha' med pa/} (Mt. 19:16) or {mtha' med pa'i tshe/} (Ti. 1:2); while the SV uses {srog mtha' med pa/} (Rom. 2:7) and {mtha' med pa'i srog} (1 Jn. 3:15). The term {tshe mtha' med pa/} implies eternal length of life with God, while {srog} emphasizes the life that is lived with God. In this context the two terms have similar meanings, but {srog} also implies the Hindu and Bst. concept of an impersonal "life-force" (see {srog} below). ^Bst. life, lifetime, the duration of life [compare {srog/} below]. Length of life is considered an important blessing in Bst. culture: {tshe ring /} long life (a common name), {tshe ring drug skor/} the six symbols of longevity (TRI 218), {tshe lha rnam gsum/} three longevity deities (TRI 219). Certain tantric rituals are believed to have the power to prolong life (JPG 164). 1) natural human life, one's present life: {tshe 'di'i bde skyid/} the happiness of this life (TRC 167), {tshe la dbang ba/} the ability to control the length of one's own life (KBT 79), {nyin re'i mi tshe/} everyday life (DLP 19), {tshe 'dir mi dge bcu spod gi tshul khrims ma srung pa/} to avoid the ten non-virtues during this lifetime (TRC 165); 2) future lives or rebirths: {tshe phyi ma/} a future life, a future rebirth (TRC 277), {tshe 'dir dge ba byas pa las tshe phyi ma bde ba dang /,,tshe 'dir mi dge ba byas pa las sdug bsngal byung ba mi bden zer ba la sogs pa'i lta ngan de zer gyi red/} wrong view is . . a bad viewpoint stating that the happiness of future lives does not arise from good deeds done in this life, and that the bad deeds done in this life will not cause suffering in the future (TRC 245), {mi lta bu la skye na'ang tshe thung ba yong gi yod pa red/} even though one is born as a human, one will have a short life (TRC 245), {tshe gcig lus gcig} one body for each life time (KTM); 3) earlier or later lives or births: {tshe snga ma/} earlier lives (TRC 287), {tshe gzhan/} other (former) lives (TRC 258), {tshe stod la bsags pa'i las kyi 'bras bu tshe smad la smin pa lta bu la zer/} like the fruition in later life of the results of works accumulated in earlier life (TRC 287); 4) lifespan, length of life: {tshe ha cang ring po red/} the lifespan [of the worldly gods] is extremely long (TRC 230). Cognates: 1) {tshe rabs/} a past or future series of lives (HTE 170); 2) life expectancy: {bod mi rnams kyi sku tshe/} the lifespan of the Tibetan people (BFT 19).% 2) #{srog}$ ^Bib: 1) physical or biological life: {nga tsho'i phyir nyid kyi sku srog gnang bas/} [Jesus Christ] laid down his life for us (1 Jn. 3:16), {srog la brngams pa rnams/} those who sought the child's life (Mt. 2:20), {srog skyob chog gam gcod/} to save life or to kill (Mk. 3:4); 2) one's conduct, daily affairs: {srog gi phyir ma tsher zhig} do not worry about your life (Lk. 12:22), {rang srog skyob mkhan des brlag par 'gyur/} the one who saves his life will lose it (Mt. 10:39), {rang srog gtong ba/} to lay down one's own life (Jn. 15:13); 3) life in an abstract sense: {srog gi bdag po/} the Lord of life (Acts 3:15), {srog gi bka'/} the Word of life (1 Jn. 1:1,2). ^Bst. 1) According to the Bst. scriptures, {srog} is the impersonal life-force [Skt. prana] that enables a person to live, do things, and think. The {srog} maintains the connection between the mind and the body (JPG 342), and is compared to the wick of a butter-lamp, the {tshe/} to the butter in the bowl, and the {bla/} to the flame. Just as the lamp will burn only as long as the butter in the bowl lasts, so there is life only during the {tshe/} or lifespan. Just as the wick supports the flame, so the life force makes it possible for the {bla/} to exist. If the {srog} is cut off (to kill = {srog gcod/}) then there is no {tshe/} (TRI 289). {lus srog} = life force: {tshe 'di'i lus srog bral bar byed thub pa/} able to separate the life-force from the body (TRC 286), {tshe 'di'i lus srog bral bar byed thub pa/} being able to deprive the vital force of this life (TRC 286), {srog 'dzin gyi rlung /} a "life-supporting energy wind" that makes memory and intelligence possible (TRI 290); 2) life as opposed to death; one's existence: {rang gi srog las kyang gces par byas/} holding [it] dearer than one's own life (TRC 330), {rang rang gi rtsa che'i srog la'ang srung skyob med pa/} one's precious life is not safe (DLP 1), {srog la gnod pa'i 'jigs nyen/} dangers that threaten life (DLP 8), {srog la bab kyang /} even if one's life is at stake (GSL 10); 3) the astrological life-pattern of a person (TRI 289). Related Terms: 1) {srog chags/} [lit. "having life"] animals, living creatures: {srog chags kyi rigs ha cad mang po yod/} there are very many kinds of living creatures (TRC 50); 2) {lus srog} life force (TRC 286); 3) {lus srog gtong ba/} to ransom: {nga lus srog blos gtong gi yin/} I will ransom you (TRC 153).% 3) #{gson pa/}$ [lit. to live] ^Bib: 1) life, existence, living: {khong gi nang na gson pa ste/,,/gson pa mi yi 'od de yin/} in him was life, and that life was the light of men (Jn. 1:4), {lang ba dang gson pa nyid ni nga yin/} I am the resurrection and the life (Jn. 11:25), {thugs nyid kyis ni gson par mdzad do/} the Spirit gives life [lit. makes alive] (2 Cor. 3:6), {gson pa nyid gnang ba'i thugs nyid/} a life-giving spirit (1 Cor. 15:45), {'chi ba nas gson pa la phyin to/} gone from death to life (Jn. 5:24), {gson pa nyid kyi shing /} the tree of life (Gen. 2:9), {gson pa nyid kyi bka'i gtam/} the Word of Life (1 Jn. 1:1); 2) lifetime, lifespan: {rang nyid gson por yod dus/} during his lifetime (2 Sam. 18:18 NTV). ^Bst. Having life ({srog}); one who is alive or who has physical life (AMD); living: {gson pa'i tshe/} during this life (TRC 270), {su yang gson por 'tsho sdod thub thabs med/} no way for anyone to remain alive (DLP 7), {shi yang gson yang /} whether one lives or dies (HTE 180). Related Terms: 1) {'tsho mdzad pa/} give life to {dngos po thams cad kyi 'tsho mdzad lags pa'i dkon mchog} God who gives life to everything (1 Tim. 6:13); 2) {spyod lam/} way of life {sngon gyi spyod lam/} your former way of life (Eph. 4:22), {snying po med pa'i spyod lam/} empty way of life (1 Pet. 1:18).% !LIGHT@ #{'od/}$ ^Bib: light: 1) physical light: {'od de'i gzi brjid/} the light's brilliance (Acts 22:11), {mar me'i 'od/} the light of a lamp (Rev. 18:23); 2) light in figurative senses: {dkon mchog ni 'od lags/} God is light (1 Jn. 1:5), {'od de mun pa'i nang du shar/} the light shines in the darkness (Jn. 1:5), {khyod tsho 'jig rten gyi 'od yin/} you are the light of the world (Mt. 5:14), {nam mkha' nas 'od cig} a light from heaven (Acts 9:3), {phrin bzang gi 'od/} the light of the gospel (2 Cor. 4:4), {'od kyi pho nya/} angel of light (2 Cor. 11:14); 3) {'od gsal/} [lit. clear light] is used as a metaphor for spiritual understanding: {bden pa'i 'od gsal/} the true light (Jn. 1:9), {'od gsal du gyur pa'i rjes su/} after [you] received the light (Heb. 10:32). ^Bst: 1) Light is also a frequent metaphor for knowledge and understanding in Bsm. It is often associated with gods and boddhisattvas, e.g. in the third, fourth, and tenth of the ten boddhisattva grounds: {'od byed pa/} "illuminating", {'od 'phro ba/} "radiant", {kun tu 'od/} "omnipresent light" (KBT 66), {snying rje'i mtsho mo 'od kyis khengs/} the sea of compassion, full of light (KPU 2); 2) {'od gsal/} or "clear light" is a type of consciousness employed in advanced tantric meditation (TRI 244) and a common name. Related Terms: 1) {nyi 'od/} sunshine (SLR 9); 2) {nyin mo'i dus su/} [lit. daytime] in broad daylight (2 Pet. 2:13 SV).% !LORD@ 1) #{gtso bo/}$ ^Bib: 1) lord, an honorific title applied to God and Jesus: {gtso bo ye shu/} the Lord Jesus (Mk. 16:19), {rang gi dkon mchog gtso bo/} the Lord your God (Mt. 4:10), {nga la gtso bo lags/,,gtso bo lags/,,zer mkhan/} those who say to me "Lord, Lord" (Mt. 7:21), {gtso bo'i g.yog mo/} the Lord's servant (Lk. 1:38); 2) chief, leader, or prince: {'gong po'i gtso bo/} the prince of demons (Mt.9:34). Common phrases: {gnam sa gnyis kyi gtso bo/} Lord of heaven and earth (Mt. 11:25,26), {shab bad kyi gtso bo/} Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12:8), {thams cad kyi gtso bo/} Lord of all (Acts 10:36), {gzi brjid kyi gtso bo/} the Lord of glory (1 Cor. 2:8), {zhi bde'i gtso bo/} the Lord of peace (2 Thes. 3:16), {gtso bo rnams kyi gtso bo/} Lord of lords (1 Tim. 6:15), {sa gzhi'i gtso bo/} Lord of the earth (Rev. 11:4), {gtso bo'i thugs nyid/} the Spirit of the Lord (Lk. 4:18), {gtso bo'i bka'/} the word of the Lord (Acts 8:25), {gtso bo la 'jigs/} the fear of the Lord (Acts 9:31), {gtso bo ye shu'i mtshan/} the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 19:17), {gtso bo dkon mchog gi pho nya/} an angel of the Lord God (Mt. 1:20), {gtso bo'i nyin mo/} the day of the Lord (Acts 2:20), {gtso bo'i thugs dgongs/} the mind [or will] of the Lord (1 Cor. 2:16), {gtso bo'i sku lus dang sku khrag} the body and blood of the Lord (1 Cor. 11:27), {gtso bo'i las/} the work of the Lord (1 Cor. 16:10), {gtso bo ye shu'i thugs rje/} the grace of the Lord Jesus (1 Cor. 16:23). ^Bst. 1) an honorific applied to accomplished Bst. masters: {gtso bo rje btsun mi la ras pa/} the venerable lord Milarepa (TRC 137); 2) chief, main, best, principal: {nyon mongs pa de tsho thams cad kyi rtsa ba dang gtso bo/} the root and chief of all the passions (TRC 285), {nor kun gyi gtso bo/} the best of all wealth (SGN 16), {pan chen rin po che mchog gi gdan sa gtso bo/} the main residence of the Panchen Lama (MHP 8), {lam gyi gtso bo rnam pa gsum/} the three principal aspects of the path (CNG 22). Related Terms: 1) {gtso 'dzin mi sna/} a leading figure (SBC 61); 2) {nged rnams kyi dpon po rin po che/} Jesus Christ our Lord (ATM; 1762).% 2) #{jo bo/}$ ^Bib: 1) lord, an honorific title applied to God or Jesus: {des jo bo/,,yid ches lags zhus/} "Yes, Lord, we believe" (Mt. 9:28), {jo bo lags/,,de ma srid cig} "Never, Lord" (Mt. 16:22), {kye jo bo/} "O Lord" (Lk. 2:29), {rin gyis blus pa'i jo bo/} the Lord who ransomed them (2 Pet. 2:1); 2) other spiritual powers or authorities: {lha dang jo bo mang po yod/} there are many "gods" and many "lords" (1 Cor. 8:5). ^Bst. lord; an honorific used of Bst. teachers and of the Buddha himself, or occasionally of their images: {jo bo rje dpal ldan a ti sha/} the lord Atisha (TRC 152), {jo bo sha kya mu ni/} the lord Shakyamuni [Buddha] (DPD) or his image (TRI 85). 3) #{bdag po/}$ ^Bib: master, owner, lord: {ston thog gi bdag po/} the Lord of the harvest (Mt. 9:38), {bdag po'i lcog tse/} the masters' table (Mt. 15:27). ^Bst. master, owner: {dge lugs pa'i bstan pa'i bdag po/} the master of the Gelugpa teachings (TRC 53), {tshig gi bdag po/} master of words (LKT 4), {ngang pa'i bdag po/} the owner of the goose (SGN 4), {sman khang de'i bdag po/} the owner of the hospital (DPD), {khyi ngan smyo yang bdag po ngos kyis 'dzin/} even if a dog becomes mad, it still knows its master (KPU 33). 4) #{mgon/}$ [or {mgon po/}] ^Bib: lord {nged mgon ye shu/} our Lord Jesus (Eph. 1:3). ^Bst. 1) {mgon/} is a patron or savior (AMD); 2) a member of a class of fierce tantric or Bon gods or spirits who are considered guardians of Bsm. (SGC 121); 3) a title applied to major figures in Bsm: {rje btsun byams mgon/} the venerable savior Maitreya Buddha (TRC 24), {rtsa ba'i bla ma mgon po spyan ras gzigs/} the root teacher, lord Chenresi (HTE 180), {'jam mgon bla ma tsong kha pa chen po/} the venerable Tshong Khapa (DPD), {sems nyid mgon/} the lord of mind nature (HTE 186). Related Terms: 1) {kun dbang /} [lit. all power] {kye kun dbang /,,dam pa dang drang po/} Sovereign Lord, holy and true (Rev. 6:10), (see ALMIGHTY); 2) {srid byed pa/} to "lord it over", or control: {phyi pa'i dpon pos mi sde la srid byed/} the rulers of the Gentiles lord it over them (Mt. 20:25); 3) {dbang byed pa/} "lord it over", exercise authority over: {dbang mi byed par/} without lording it over [them] (1 Pet. 5:3); 4) {mnga' mdzad/} to rule: {gson po dang gshin po gnyis la mnga' mdzad pa'i phyir ro/} so that he might be the Lord of [lit. rule] both the dead and the living (Rom. 14:9 SV); 5) {mnga' bdag} Sovereign Lord {kye mnga' bdag dam pa dang drang po/} O holy and true Lord (Rev. 6:10 SV).% !LOVE@ see also COMPASSION, JOY, MERCY 1) #{byams pa/}$ ^Bib: Christian love and a term for love in general: 1) God's love for man: {dkon mchog gi nyid kyi byams pa nga tshor bstan par mdzad do/} God demonstrates his own love for us (Rom. 5:8); 2) brotherly love; Christians' love for each other: {khyed thams cad la ma shi ka ye shu'i nang nga'i byams pa gnas so/} my love to all of you in Christ Jesus (1 Cor. 16:24), {byams pas gzhan la ngan mi byed/} love does no harm to its neighbor (Rom. 13:10); 3) abstract or ideal love: {byams pas yar skyed skyed do/} love builds up (1 Cor. 8:1), {dkon mchog ni byams pa'o/} God is love (1 Jn. 4:16), {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,byams pa/} the fruit of the Spirit is love (Gal. 5:22). ^Bst. 1) {byams pa/} is the wish for all sentient beings to be happy regardless of their past actions toward us, i.e. it is an unconditional wish for the happiness of others. It is an essential element in boddhicitta ({byang chub sems/} see ENLIGHTENMENT) and for progress in Bst. spiritual life: {sems can thams cad la byams pa/} to have love for all sentient beings (TRC 218), {yid 'ong byams pa 'di ni sems can sdug bsngal las 'bral 'dod kyi snying rje chen po dang /,,bde ba dang ldan 'dod kyi byams pa chen po gnyis ka/} affectionate love is both the great compassion which wishes living beings to be free of misery and the great love which wishes them to have happiness (TRC 332), {rang la gnod 'tshe byed mkhan gyi dgra bo la'ang byams pa dang brtse ba'i sems skyed pa de 'dra zhig dgos/} we need the love and care which you can have even for someone who has done harm to you: your enemy (DLP 14). Meditation on love for just one moment is said to create more merit than feeding all living beings three times a day (JPG 416); 2) love, care, or affection: {yid 'ong byams pa/} affectionate love (TRC 319), {pu gu de pang du 'khyer nas gang min tshad kyis byams po byas te bsdad yod pa red/} they fondled the child affectionately on their lap endlessly (TRC 259), {nga rang tshos byams po dang gces po byas te nyar ba'i khyi phrug} a puppy which we treat with love and affection (TRC 288), {byams dang brtse ba can gyi drin chen ma/} a loving, affectionate kindly mother (KPU 29); 3) the Buddha Maitreya ({rje btsun byams mgon/}) (TRI 185). Proverbs: {zhes sdang dgra bo byams pa'i mtshon gyis thul/} overcome your enemy, hatred, with the weapons of love (HTE 186). Cognates: 1) {byams snying /} compassion {rang re'i spyi tshogs 'di sngar las lhag pa'i byams snying ldan/} [to make] our societies more compassionate (DLP 3); 2) {byams brtse/} love for humans or animals: {khyod ni nga'i don ji ltar byams brtse che/} your love for me was wonderful (2 Sam. 1:26 NTV), {gzhan la byams brtse'i bya ba/} to act kindly towards others (DLP 15), {byams brtse'i bsam tshul/} ideals of love (DLP 18), {sems can tshang mar byams brtse chen pas skyong bar mdzad pa/} [the Buddha] treated all animals with love and compassion (SGN 3).% 2) #{byams pa/}$ ^Bib: to love: 1) Christian love in general: {byams pa ni nga tshos dkon mchog la byams pa de min/,,dkon mchog gis nga tshor byams/} not that we loved God, but that he loved us (1 Jn. 4:10), {dkon mchog gis nga tshor de tsam byams na/,,nga tshos kyang phan tshun byams par rigs so/} since God so loved us, we also ought to love one another (1 Jn. 4:11); 2) the love of God for man: {'jig rten la byams par mdzad do/} [God] loved the world (Jn. 3:16), {yab kyis nga la byams pa ltar/,,ngas khyed la byams so/} as the Father has loved me, so have I loved you (Jn. 15:9), {yab nyid kyis khyed la byams pa mdzad to/} the Father himself loves you (Jn. 16:27); 3) love of the Father for Jesus: {yab kyis sras la byams pa mdzad pas/} the Father loves the Son (Jn. 3:35); 4) love of others: {rang la byams pa la byams na/} if you love those who love you (Mt. 5:46), {dgra la byams pa byos/} love your enemies (Mt. 5:44), {chung ma la byams pa byos shig} love your wives (Eph. 5:25); 5) love of Jesus for particular people: {ye shus mar tha dang de'i nu mo dang la zar la byams par mdzad do/} Jesus loved Martha and her sister and Lazarus (Jn. 11:5); 6) to adhere to, to be consistent: {khyed ni drang por byams kyang ngan par sdang /} you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Heb. 1:9). Proverbs: {byams po byas na dgra yang gnyen la 'gro/} if you show love, even your enemy will become a friend (KPU 21). 3) #{byams sems/}$ [lit. love + mind] [hon. {byams thugs/}] ^Bib: 1) God's love for man: love {dkon mchog gi thugs rje dang byams thugs/} God's kindness and love (Tit. 3:4); 2) Christian love in a general sense: {byams sems med na/} if I have not love (1 Cor. 13:1), {byams sems la bzod pa dang snying rje yod/} love is patient, love is kind (1 Cor. 13:4), {byams sems kyis bden pa smra/} speaking the truth in love (Eph. 4:15), {thugs nyid las byung ba'i khyed kyi byams sems/} your love in the Spirit (Col. 1:8), {byams sems gcig pa/} having the same love (Phil. 2:2), {snying rje dang zhi bde dang byams thugs/} mercy, peace, and love (Jude 2). 4) #{gces pa/}$ ^Bib: to love: 1) man's love for others: {khyim mtshes la rang dang 'dra bar gces pa/} to love your neighbor as yourself (Mk. 12:33), {gtso bo'i nang na nga'i gces pa/} the one I love in the Lord (Rom. 16:8), {chung ma la gces shig} love your wives (Col. 3:19), {rang la gces 'dzin byed mkhan rnams la sdangs sems byed pa/} you love those who hate you (2 Sam. 19:6 NTV); 2) the love of man for God: {rang gi gtso bo dkon mchog ni/,,snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po dang /,,shed hril po gces par zungs shig} love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength (Mk. 12:30), {khyod kyis nga la gces na/,,nga'i bka' srung bar 'gyur/} if you love me, you will obey what I command (Jn. 14:15), {dkon mchog la gces par 'dzin mkhan/} the man who loves God [lit. holds God dear] (1 Cor. 8:3); 3) the love between God and Jesus: {ngas yab la gces pa/} that I [Jesus] love the Father (Jn. 14:31), {khong rang gi gces pa'i sras/} His own beloved Son (Eph. 1:6); 4) the love of God for man: {ngas ya kob la gces par 'dzin te/} Jacob I loved (Rom. 9:13), {dkon mchog yab kyi gces pa/} those who are loved by God (Jude 1), {rgyal sa gces pa/} the city [he] loves (Rev. 20:9), {gtso bo dkon mchog gis phru gu de la thugs brtse gnang gi yod/} the Lord loved him (2 Sam. 12:24 NTV). ^Bst. 1) to consider highly, or to value: {mi dmangs kyi rgyal khab la mi dmangs rang gis gces pa/} the people themselves love their country (KTM), {a mas pu gur rang gi srog las kyang gces par skyong /} a mother values her children more highly even than their own life (TRC 330); 2) to take care of, as a parent takes care of a child and looks after its well being, or a teacher gives special attention and care to a student, fostering his abilities, attending to his needs, and watching over him (KTM). {gzugs po'i bde thang la gces pa/} to take care of the well being of the body (KTM); 3) to hold dear, to cherish, to show affection: {gces pa'i grogs po/} dear friends (TRC 167), {nga rang tshos byams po dang gces po byas te nyar ba'i khyi phrug} a puppy which we treat with love and affection (TRC 288), {snying du gces pa'i yid 'ong byams pa/} love which cherishes [even an enemy] from the heart (TRC 320), {phrug gces par byas te/} to cherish children (TRC 218). Cognates: 1) {gces pa/} beloved, dear: {gces pa'i am pa li a/} beloved Ampliatus (Rom. 16:8), {nyid kyi gces pa'i sras/} his beloved Son (Col. 1:13,14), {dkon mchog gi gces pa'i spun rnams/} brothers beloved by God (1 Thes. 1:4); 2) {rang gces 'dzin/} [lit. holding oneself dear] selfishness (DLP 17).% 5) #{dga' ba/}$ [hon. {thugs mnyes/}] ^Bib: 1) to have strong attachment to: {su zhig 'tsho bar rab dga'/} whoever would love life (1 Pet. 3:10), {rdzun la dga'/} those who love falsehood (Rev. 22:15); 2) to be pleased or delighted with: {nga'i sems dga' ba'i gces pa/} the one I love, in whom I delight (Mt. 12:18), {sems dga' bzhin sbyin pa la dkon mchog thugs mnyes so/} God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7), {'di ni nga dga' ba'i nga'i sras gces pa yin/} his is my Son, whom I love; with him I am well pleased (Mt. 3:17), {ma shi ka pa rnams dga' ba'i phyir/} [that it] may please the saints (Rom. 15:30,31); 3) as hyperbole for "to like": {smon lam 'debs pa la dga' ba'i kha chos pa/} the hypocrites who love to pray (Mt. 6:5), {khrom du phyag la dga' bas/} [Pharisees] love greetings in the marketplaces (Lk. 11:43). ^Bst. 1) to be happy or joyful (see JOY): {sems ha cang dga' nas gad mo chen po dgod pa/} to laugh much from a very happy heart (KTM); 2) love which is conditional or from which one gets benefits: {dpon po phal cher ngo bstod la dga'/,,bla ma phal cher 'bul ba la dga'/,,byis pa phal cher rtsed mo la dga'/} masters usually like praise, lamas usually like offerings, and common people usually like games (KTM); 3) to like; to be pleased with or take pleasure in: {le lo la dga' ba'i glen chos/} a foolish doctrine which pleases laziness (TRC 166), {gzhan gyi srog gcod pa la dga' ba/} pleasure in killing another (TRC 245), {rang gi sku mched gzhon pas rgyal sa 'dzin pa la mi dga' ba/} displeased at his younger brother having the kingdom (TRC 114); 4) to favor, be partial to: {bon gyi chos lugs la dga' ba'i blon po/} ministers who favored the Bon religion (TRC 114). 6) #{chags pa/}$ ^Bib: to love or be attached to, usually in a negative sense: 1) to lust for, to have strong attachment to: {dngul la chags pa/} love of money (Lk. 16:14), {'od las mun par lhag par 'chags/} men loved darkness more than light (Jn. 3:19), {mi rnams rang la chags mkhan/} lovers of themselves (2 Tim. 3:2), {de ma 'jig rten la chags te/} Demas, who loved this world (2 Tim. 4:9,10), {mi rigs pa'i 'bras bu la chags pas/} loved the wages of wickedness (2 Pet. 2:15), {'jig rten nang yod pa'i dngos po la ma chags shig} do not love the things in the world (1 Jn. 2:15), {de tsho dkon mchog gi bkur sti las/,,mi'i bkur sti la lhag par chags/} they loved praise from men more than praise from God (Jn. 12:43); 2) used in SV for man's love of God: {dkon mchog la chags pa rnams/} those who love God (1 Cor. 2:9 SV), {de dag gis bden pa nyid la chags pa/} they did not love the truth (2 Thes. 2:10 SV), {dkon mchog la chags pa ni khong gi bka' rgya srung ba de yin no/} this is love for God: to obey his commands (1 Jn. 5:3 SV). ^Bst. In a religious context {chags pa/} is an undue love for someone or something, the desire to have an excess, or to have an undue attachment. It is one of the chief causes of rebirth (KTM). {bdag tu chags pa/} attachment to the idea of a self (KBT 31), {sngar nya la chags pa'i dbang gis/} on account of his former attachment to [eating] fish (TRC 258), {mi 'bral bar 'dod pa'i chags pa gcig} a desire not to be separated [from its object] (TRC 284), {chags pa spong ba rgyal sras lag len yin/} to abandon attachment is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 26). Cognates: 1) {sems chags/} to be in love with: {mo la sems chags yod/} [Amnon] loved her (2 Sam. 13:1 NTV), {ta mar la sems chags yod/} I'm in love with Tamar (2 Sam 13:4 NTV); 2) {'dod chags/} strong attachment, lust.% 7) #{brtse ba/}$ ^Bib: affectionate or relational love: {dkon mchog gis rang gi thugs brtse ba nga tsho la mngon par mdzad do/} God demonstrates his own love for us (Rom. 5:8 SV). ^Bst. {brtse ba/} may be of two types: 1) love of parents for children: {phru gu la brtse ba/} love for children (KTM), {byams dang brtse ba can gyi drin chen ma/} a most affectionate and loving mother (KPU 29); 2) altruistic love: In Bsm. one cultivates the desire for the welfare of all beings ({byams pa/}). From this attitude one then generates a feeling of compassion ({snying rje/}), affection, or fondness for those beings which is {brtse ba/} (KTM), e.g. the love of a lama for people (AMD), {brtse sems ngo ma ni chags zhen gyi gzhi las byung ba ma yin/} real love is not based on attachment (DLP 14), {rang res brtse sems ji lta bu zhig skyed dgos zer na/,,rang la gnod 'tshe byed mkhan gyi dgra bo la'ang byams pa dang brtse ba'i sems skyed pa de 'dra zhig dgos/} the kind of love we should advocate is this wider love that you can have even for someone who had done harm to you: your enemy (DLP 14), {bod kyi nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos lugs kyi thog nas sems can thams cad rang gi snying nas brtse ba'i ma lta bur blta dgos pa dang /,,de dag tshang mar brtse sems ldan pa'i sgo nas drin gzo bya dgos pa'i slob ston byed srol yod/} the Tibetan Buddhist tradition teaches us to view all sentient beings as our dear mothers and to show our gratitude by loving them all (DLP 15), {gzhan la brtse zhing phan pa sgrub pa'i bya ba/} loving and serving others (DLP 16), {gzhan la brtse sems dang /,,brtsi bkur byed pa/} love and respect for others (DLP 22), {nad par rjes su brtse ba/} compassion and love for the sick (KTM). 8) #{brtse/}$ p. {brtses/} [hon. {thugs brtse/}] ^Bib: 1) to love others: {nga tshor brtse ba/} those [Christians] who love us (Tit. 3:15); 2) to love one's parents: {nga las pha'am ma la lhag par brtse ba/} the one who loves father or mother more than me (Mt. 10:37); 3) God's love for man: {ye shus de la gzigs shing thugs brtser dgongs nas/} Jesus looked at him and loved him (Mk. 10:21). Cognates: 1) {brtse gdung /} affectionate love for others {spun gyi brtse gdung /} brotherly love (Rom. 12:10); 2) {brtse sems/} love {brtse sems med pa/} without love (2 Tim. 3:3).% 9) #{thugs su byon pa/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: used of God's love for various individuals: {ye shu'i thugs su byon pa'i nye gnas/} the disciple Jesus loved (Jn. 21:7), {gtso bo'i thugs su byon pa'i spun/} brothers loved by the Lord (2 Thes. 2:13). ^Bst. {thugs su byon pa/} to think highly of, to approve (KTM). Related Terms: 1) {gdung /} to enjoy or be attached to an activity {u ko rtsom rig la shin tu dungs/} Hugo loved poetry (SBC-1 61); 2) {brnab sems/} covetous love {nor brnab/} love of money (Heb. 13:5); 3) {dgyes pa/} [hon. {thugs dgyes pa/} to be pleased with; used of: a) God's pleasure in man's right actions: {blo bde'i sbyin bdag la dkon mchog thugs dgyes pa/} God loves a cheerful giver (2 Cor. 9:7 SV); b) man's love of principle: {khyed ni drang ba nyid la dgyes shing khrims min gyi las la sdang /} you have loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Heb. 1:9 SV); 4) {sha tsha rnam dag} pure love, as of adults for children or teachers for students (TQP 232).% !MARY@ 1) #{mir yam/}$ [Heb. Miriam, Gr. Maria or Mariam] ^Bib: 1) Miriam the sister of Aaron: {a ron gyi sring mo lung ston ma mir yam/} Aaron's sister, Miriam the prophetess; 2) Mary the mother of Jesus: {khong gi yum mir yam ni yo seb dang khyim thab byed pa thag chod nas/} His mother Mary was pledged to be married to Joseph (Mt. 1:18). 2) #{ma li ya/}$ Ch. Mary (JFS). !MEDIATOR@ #{bar mi/}$ [lit. between + person] ^Bib: a mediator, an intermediary or go-between: {dkon mchog dang mi'i bar la bar mi'ang gcig yod/} there is one mediator between God and men (1 Tim. 2:5,6/}, {khong ni zhal chad gsar pa zhig gi bar mi lags so/} [Christ] is the mediator of a new covenant (Heb. 9:15). Cognates: {bar mi byed pa/} to mediate: {spun gcig la gcig gis rtsod na bar mi byed par shes mkhan gcig kyang med/} no one to judge a dispute between believers (1 Cor. 6:5 SV).% !MEDITATE@ #{sgom pa/}$ p. {bsgoms/} f. {bsgom/} imp. {sgoms/} ^Bib: to contemplate, consider, think about: {nyin mtshan med par sgom zhig} meditate on [the Law] day and night (Jos. 1:8), {khyed nyid kyi byams thugs nged cags gis sgom par byed/} we meditate on your unfailing love (Ps. 48:9), {khyed kyi phyags las kun la sgom bya zhing /,,khyed kyi mdzad pa rnams ngas bsam blo gtong /} I will meditate on all your works and consider your mighty deeds (Ps. 77:12). ^Bst. Several types of mental activity are important in Bst. practice: {chos mthar phyin pa byed pa la thos bsam sgom gsum ga gal chen po red/} for perfecting the [practice of] religion, learning, reflection, and meditation are important (TRC 164). Meditation is of two basic types: {zhi gnas kyi phyogs sgom pa/} placement or "calm abiding" meditation, intended to pacify or settle the mind on one point; and {lhag mthong gi phyogs sgom pa/} or insight meditation (TRC 185). Within these types are analytic meditation or {dpyad sgom/} and fixative meditation or {'jog sgom/} . Analytic meditation investigates its object, while fixative meditation concentrates the mind on a single object without conceptual thought (TRC 187) and is thus farthest from the Biblical concept of meditation. Cognates: 1) {sgom pa/} meditation: {nga'i kha'i zhu gleng dang ni snying gis sgom pa de/,,khyed kyi spyan gi drung du thugs su 'bab par shog} may the words of my mouth and the meditation of my heart be pleasing in your sight (Ps. 19:14); 2) {sgom spang /} delusion (TRI 58).% !MERCY@ see also COMPASSION, KINDNESS, LOVE 1) #{snying rje/}$ [hon. {thugs rje/}] ^Bib: compassion, mercy, or love: {thugs rje dang snying rje dang zhi bde/} grace, mercy, and peace (1 Tim. 1:2), {snying rje med par/} without mercy (Heb. 10:28), {snying rje can rnams bde'o/} blessed are the merciful (Mt. 5:7), {nga ni snying rjer dga'/} I desire mercy (Mt. 9:13), {thugs rje'i sgo nas/} through God's mercy (2 Cor. 4:1). ^Bst. see COMPASSION. Cognates: 1) {snying rje mdzad/} [lit. mercy + do] have mercy on {nged la snying rje mdzod cig} have mercy on us (Mt. 9:27), {snying rje mdzad pa'i dkon mchog} God, who has mercy (Rom. 9:16), {des snying rje byed mkhan/} the one who had mercy on him (Lk. 10:37); 2) {snying rje gzigs/} [lit. mercy + hon. see] have mercy on: {kye dkon mchog,,/nga sdig can la snying rje gzigs shig} God, have mercy on me, a sinner (Lk. 18:13), {kho'i khyim la gtso bos thugs rje gzigs shig} may the Lord show mercy to [his] household (2 Tim. 1:16).% 2) #{brtse/}$ p. {brtses/} [hon. {thugs brtse/}] ^Bib: to have mercy on, show love to: {ngas thugs brtse dgongs pa de la thugs brtse bya/} I will have mercy on whom I have mercy (Rom. 9:15), {nged la thugs brtse bar dgongs/} have mercy on us (Mt. 20:30), {brtse bar gzigs pa shod/} tell how [God] has had mercy on you (Mk. 5:19), {khong ni ha cang thugs brtse chen po yin no/} [the Lord's] mercy is very great (2 Sam. 24:14 NTV). ^Bst. see COMPASSION. !MERIT@ see also WORKS #{bsod nams/}$ ^Bst. merit, good deeds, or virtuous works which must be accumulated {bsod nams kyi tshogs/} (TRC 345) to reach a better rebirth. Actions may be classified as either meritorious or non-meritorious: 1) {bsod nams kyi las/} meritorious actions which lead to rebirth as a human, demigod, or god, i.e. {bde 'gror skye ba'i las/} (TRC 287); 2) {bsod nams ma yin pa'i las/} non-meritorious actions that lead to rebirth as an animal, hungry ghost, or hell being: {ngan song du skye ba'i las/} (TRI 297). Merit may be gained by practical acts of charity, but giving to Buddhas and the monk body is held to be more meritorious (JPG 456). Even whispering mantras into the ears of animals creates merit (JPG 460). While the laity must expend effort to make merit, the lamas and their students may do so effortlessly: {byang chub kyi sems skyes pa de nas bzung ste gang zag de gnyid log pa dang /,,lto chas za ba dang /,,'gro ba dang /,sdod pa la sogs pa'i spyod lam thams cad kyi skabs su'ang bsod nams rgyun mi chad par 'phel ba/} beginning with the development of the mind to enlightenment, that person during sleeping, eating food, walking, sitting etc. increases merits without interruption (TRC 318-9). Reliance on one's spiritual teacher is said to generate the same merit in one moment as a thousand aeons of virtuous works (JPG 99). Merit can even be made unconsciously, as in the case of a fly who unknowingly flew around a stupa and in a later life became one of the Buddha's disciples (JPG 237). Related Terms: {dge ba'i las/} works of virtue, good works.% !MIND@ see also HEART, SPIRIT, SOUL 1) #{sems/}$ [hon. {thugs/} Skt. chitta] ^Bib: 1) the human mind or heart: {snying sems gcig tu gyur/} one in heart and mind (Acts 4:32), {mi re res rang gi sems nang /} each in his own mind (Rom. 14:5), {nga'i sems ma bde ba/} I had no peace of mind (2 Cor. 2:13), {'jig rten 'di'i lhas sems ldongs su bcug pa yin/} the god of this age has blinded their minds (2 Cor. 4:4); 2) the divine mind: {gtso bo'i thugs sus brtags/} who has known the mind of the Lord (Rom. 11:34), {nga tshor ma shi ka'i thugs yod/} we have the mind of Christ (1 Cor. 2:16); 3) mind, soul, or spirit: {sems sgyur ma btub pas ma thob pa/} he could bring about no change of mind (Heb.12:17), {lus srog sems gsum/} body, spirit, and soul (1 Thes. 5:23), {nga'i sems khyed tsho'i rtsar yod/} I am with you in spirit (1 Cor. 5:3), {rang gi snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po nas/} with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt. 22:37). ^Bst. The terms {blo/,,yid/,,sems/} are said to be indistinguishable in common speech (KTM, AMD) and to denote the mind or the (non-physical) heart (AMD). Mind is the agent of awareness and consciousness. In Bst. psychology the mind is not localized to any particular bodily organ (BTT 42) and may include what in English are called the senses (TRI 283). 1) the mind, thought life: {sems pa'i las/} [lit. mind + work] mental actions; {sems la skyon yod med kyi brtag dpyad/} a test of whether one's mind has any defects (TRC 5), {sems rang gi dmigs pa la gnas/} the mind remains on its object of concentration (TRC 186), {sems la mun pa babs pa lta bu'i rmugs pa/} to have torpor fall like darkness on the mind (TRC 186); 2) the attitudes or intentions which arise in the mind; which may be: a) wholesome: {byang chub sems/} the mind of enlightenment or the wish that all living creatures may be freed from misery (CNG 149), {brtse sems/} love; b) unwholesome: {gnod sems/} the wish to harm others, {'gran sems/} jealousy or competitiveness (DLP 13); c) neutral: {sems pa/} intention (KBT 13), anxiety: {sems kyi sdug bsngal/} mental anguish (TRC 272); 3) the agent which operates in rational thoughts, e.g.: concentration: {sems rtse gcig pa nyid/} single-pointed mind; one of the four concentrations (KBT 104); will: {sems pa/} intention, one of the 51 psychic factors (KBT 13); discipline: {sems 'dul thabs/} mental training (DLP 8); concern: {sems khur chen po/} a great concern (DLP 8), {'dzam gling zhi bde'i don la sems khur ldan pa'i chos pa tsho/} religious practitioners who are concerned with world peace (DLP 21); worry: {pha ma gnyis dang spun tshang mas sems khral mang po byas so/} my family was very worried about me (DPD); forming opinions: {kho tsho'i sems la/} in their opinion, thinking that something is true (SLR 10); 4) the seat of emotions: a) fear: {sems la 'jigs dngangs skye ba/} frightening (DLP 7); b) tenderness, love (DLP 14), {gzhan phan sems/} altruism (DLP 14), {byams pa'i sems/} kindness (GSL 14); c) comfort: {sems gso ba/} to comfort, encourage (SGN 23); d) gladness: {sems dga' ba/} to be glad (DPD); e) happiness {sems skyid/} happiness (KPU 5); f) peace: {nang sems kyi bde ba/} inner peace (DLP 8); g) sensitivity: {skye bo sems bag srab pa/} a sensitive person (DLP 1), h) greed: {brnab sems/} covetousness; i) sympathy: {gdung sems/} sympathy (DLP 11); j) devotion: {chos sems/} devout (DPD); k) sincerity: {g.yo sgyu med pa'i sems/} (HTE 170). Proverbs: 1) {sems ni g.yo zhing 'khyug pa dang /,,bsrung bar dka' zhing zhi dka'/} the mind is unstable and cunning, hard to tame or pacify; 2) {chu yi khyim du skyes pa'i nya/,,thang la 'phang ba ji bzhin du/,,bdud kyi yul sa bskyur ba la/,,sems 'di yongs su 'dar bar 'gyur/} as the sea-born fish [trembles when] thrown onto the land, so the mind, cast into the devil's realm, thrashes about (DMP 18). Related Terms: 1) {sems nyid/} [lit. mind only, mind nature] spirit: {pho nya dang /,,sems nyid med/} neither angels nor spirits (Acts 23:8), {dkon mchog thug snyid lags/} God is spirit (Jn. 4:24), {sems nyid/} mind nature (HTE 186); 2) {sems can/} [lit. having a mind] a living being with a mind, a sentient being, an animal (TRI 284); 3) {sems pa/} thought, intention (TRI 286); 4) {sems rgyud/} mental continuum (TRI 284); 5) {sems rten/} an object of meditation (TRI 285); 6) {sems sgyur/} change one's mind: {sems sgyur ma btub pas ma thob pa/} he could bring about no change of mind (Heb. 12:17), {'phru gu brgyad sems 'gyur nas ma shi ka pa 'byung ngo /} eight children became Christians (DPD); 7) {sems dkrug pa/} to trouble another's mind, agitate someone: {khyed kyi sems dkrug pa'i gtam thos pas/} we have heard [they] troubled your minds [by what they said] (Acts 15:24); 8) {sems brlags/} [lit. mind + lost] depraved mind: {sems brlags shing dad pa zog po'i mi/} men of depraved minds and false faith (2 Tim. 3:8); 9) {sems khams rig pa/} psychology: {nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i sems khams rig pa/} Buddhist psychology (DLP 13); 10) {rnam shes sems/} consciousness (HTE 198).% 2) #{blo/}$ ^Bib: mind, understanding: {blo las 'das pa'i dkon mchog gi zhi bde/} the peace of God, which passes understanding (Phil. 4:7), {blo snying gcig tu/} united in mind and thought (1 Cor. 1:10), {rang gi blo gsar du bsgyur bas gshis kyang sgyur zhig} be transformed by the renewing of your mind (Rom. 12:2). ^Bst. 1) mental faculty, mind: {blo sbyong /} mental training, study (TRI 188); {blo rgya che chung dang /,,bsam pa'i khur che chung gi sgo nas gzhag gi red/} he is categorized according to the stature of his mind or the small or great burden of his thought (TRC 216), {blo'i zur cig nas/} from a corner of the mind (TRC 200), {blo shugs chen po/} [lit. strong mind] great determination (TRC 256); 2) perception or awareness: {blo rig bdun/} the seven awarenesses (CNG 90), {blo rig bzhi/} the four types of awareness (TRI 189); 3) wisdom [Skt. buddhi]: {blo gros/} intelligence or wisdom, {legs pa'i blo gros/} excellent wisdom, one of the 10 boddhisattva grounds (KBT 66). Cognates: 1) {blo la 'dzin/} to memorize (TRC 2); 2) {blo khengs/} to be satisfied (TRC 154); 3) {blo yul/} imagination (DLP 7); 4) {'dod blo/} ideal, wish, aim (DLP 22); 5) {blo rig} intelligence (DLP 23); 6) {blo gros/} understanding, mind, intelligence, wisdom: {nga'i blo gros la 'bras bu med do/} my mind is unfruitful (1 Cor. 14:14), {'jig rten gyi blo gros/} worldly, unspiritual mind (Col. 2:18), {log pa'i blo gros/} depraved mind (Rom. 1:28), {sems dang blo gros gnyis pos/} with both mind and spirit (1 Cor. 14:15), {de tsho'i blo gros dang /,,bshes bzang /} both their minds and their consciences (Tit. 1:15), {blo gros kyi ska rags bcings nas/} gird up your minds (KJV) (1 Pet. 1:13).% 3) #{yid/}$ mind, heart: {yid gsar par gyur cig} made new in the attitude of your minds (Eph. 4:23), {de tsho'i yid nang nga'i bka' khrims/} I will [put] my laws in their minds (Heb. 8:10) or hearts (Heb. 10:16), {rang gi snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po nas/} with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt. 22:37). ^Bst. the seat of consciousness and perception, which in Bst. metaphysics extends to the whole world; hence: {chos rnams yid kyi rang bzhin te/} all things have the nature of mind (DMP 2). Specifically, {yid/} is: 1) the seat of emotions: {yid 'ong byams pa/} affectionate love (TRC 321), {yid du 'ong ba/} attractive, pleasant (TRC 260), {yid la 'bab pa/} pleasing (SLR 15); 2) the rational mind: {yid kyi skyabs 'gro/} taking refuge mentally (TRC 73), {lus ngag yid gsum/} body, speech, and mind (TRC 244), {yid byed/} attention, {yid ches/} faith; 3) consciousness: {yul shes pa'i cha nas bzhag pa'i rnam shes te/,,sems rnams so/} the consciousness on the basis of which objects are known; thoughts (TDC 2570). 4) #{bsam pa/}$ [hon. {thugs bsam/}] ^Bib: 1) mind: {khyed tsho'i snying dang bsam pa rnams/} your hearts and minds (Phil. 4:7); 2) an attitude of mind: {thugs nyid kyi bsam pas tshe mtha' med pa dang zhi bde/} the mind controlled by the Spirit is life and peace (Rom. 8:6), {'jig rten pa'i bsam pas dkon mchog gi bka' khrims la mi nyan/} the worldly mind does not obey God's law (Rom. 8:7); 3) change one's mind: {bsam pa bsgyur te khong ni lha zhig go zer ro/} they changed their minds and said he was a god (Acts 28:6); 4) thought: {ye shus de rnams gyi bsam pa mkhyen nas/} Jesus knew their thoughts (Mt. 9:4); 5) will: {lung bstan gang yang mi'i bsam pa las ma byung /} prophecy never had its origin in the will of man (2 Pet. 1:20,21). ^Bst. 1) attitude: {snying thag pa nas re ltos 'cha' ba'i bsam pa/} the attitude which relies on them from the heart (TRC 73), {bsam pa de 'dras shig dang ldan pa/} with this kind of attitude (TRC 73), {grogs po'i bsam pa/} a friendly attitude (TRC 167); 2) reflection, consideration: {bsam pa zer ba de sangs rgyas kyi bka' la sogs pa thos nas de'i don la tshul bzhin du brtag dpyad legs par byas pa'i sgo nas nges shes rnyed par byed pa'i bsam pa zhig la zer gyi yod pa red/} reflection is the faculty which examines well the teaching of the scriptures and their commentaries and finds valid knowledge (TRC 184), {bsam pas brtag dpyad yag po byas/} having done a good examination by way of reflection (TRC 185), {bsam pa dang /,,sgom pa/} reflection and meditation (TRC 242); 3) rational thought, thinking: {bsam pa'i sgo nas skyes bu chung ngu'i mchog de las kyang lhag pa red/} the so-called middle individual is superior also to the best small individual from the point of view of his thinking (TRC 217), {snying rje'i bsam pa/} the thought of compassion (TRC 218), {phyi ma phan chad la bde ba'i bsam pa/} a thought of happiness for the future (TRC 227), {ngos kyi bsam par/} in my opinion (DLP 8); 4) moral action: {sems pa'i las dang /,,bsam pa'i las/} mental actions and deliberative actions (TRC 287); {bsam pa'i las zer ba ni/,,sems pa des kun nas bslangs pa'i lus ngag gi bya ba dge mi dge lung ma bstan gsum po de la zer gyi yod pa red/} deliberative action signifies the three, virtuous, non-virtuous, and indeterminate acts of body and speech (TRC 287), {mi rnams kyis 'dod rngams dang /,,phrag dog gis kun nas bslangs pa'i bsam pa shugs cher 'khyer ba yin na/} when people are motivated mainly by thoughts of greed and jealousy (DLP 11), {snying rje'i bsam pa/} a sense of compassion (DLP 16), {bsam pa la yang nang gses kyis nyon mongs pa dang /,,kun slong /,,'du shes bcas gsum yod pa red/} within the thought there are the three: the passion, the motivation, and the singling out (TRC 243). Cognates: {bsam pa zhan/} [lit. the quality of the heart is poor] not having religious knowledge, or not living up to the knowledge one has (AMD).% Related Terms: 1) {sems/} p. {bsams/} f. {bsam/} imp. {soms/} to think or have one's mind set on: {'jig rten pas 'jig rten gyi bya ba sems/,,thugs nyid pas thugs nyid kyi bya ba sems so/} those who live according to the sinful nature have their minds set on what that nature desires; but those who live in accordance with the Spirit have their minds set on what the Spirit desires (Rom. 8:5); 2) {shes pa/} understanding: {de tsho'i shes pa gsal bar mdzad de/} he opened their minds (Lk. 24:45), {'on kyang de rnams kyi shes pa 'thug por gyur to/} but their minds were made dull [lit. "thick"] (2 Cor. 3:14); 3) {rang gi las la don gnyer/} "mind your own business": {rang gi las la don gnyer/} mind your own business (1 Thes. 4:11,12); 4) {dgongs pa/} [hon. {thugs dgongs/}] desire, intention, or will, especially the will of God: {gtso bo'i thugs dgongs su yis shes/} who has known the mind of the Lord (1 Cor. 2:16), {nyid kyi thugs dgongs mi 'gyur/} [the Lord] will not change his mind (Heb. 7:21), {thugs nyid kyi dgongs pa mkhyen no/} knows the mind of the Spirit (Rom. 8:27); 5) {thag bcad/} to make up one's mind; decide, resolve: {slar khyed tsho skyo ba'i mjal phrad ngas mi byed par thag bcad pa yin/} I made up my mind that I would not make another painful visit to you (2 Cor. 2:1); 6) {smyo/} to be "out of one's mind", insane: {khyod smyo'o/} you're out of your mind (Acts 12:15), {khong smyo'o zer/} they said, "He is out of his mind" (Mk. 3:21).% !MINISTRY@ (ADMINISTRATION, MINISTER, SERVICE) 1) #{zhabs tog}$ [hon.] ^Bib: ministry, service: {bka' sgrog pa'i zhabs tog} the ministry of [preaching] the word (Acts 6:4), {nyid kyi zhabs tog gi sgo nas/} through his ministry (Acts 21:19), {thugs nyid kyi zhabs tog} the ministry of the Spirit (2 Cor. 3:8), {sdum pa 'di'i zhabs tog} the ministry of reconciliation (2 Cor. 5:18). ^Bst. {zhabs tog} is service offered to the monk body or one's spiritual teacher in order to show honor or respect. Such service may include material offerings, actual physical service, or offering one's religious practice - the so-called {zhabs tog rnam gsum/} or threefold service (TRI 229). {zhabs byi shu/} offering service [to the monks] (KTM), {bram ze dang slob dpon mang pos gzhon nu don grub la gus bsu dang /,,sne len/,,zhabs tog rgya chen po zhus/} many Brahmins and teachers greeted [the Buddha] and offered him generous hospitality and service (SGN 9). Cognates: 1) {zhabs tog byed/} to serve, minister: {mar ku ni zhabs tog byed du nga la phan pas/} Mark is helpful in ministering (2 Tim. 4:11), {zhal chad gsar pa zhig gi zhabs tog byed nus par mdzad/} he made us competent as ministers of a new covenant (2 Cor. 3:6); 2) {zhabs phyi/} servant, minister: {ma shi ka ye shu'i zhabs phyi yin pas/} being a minister of Christ Jesus (Rom. 15:15,16); 3) {zhabs tog pa/} a minister: {ma shi ka'i zhabs tog pa drang po yin/} a faithful minister of Christ (Col. 1:7), {gur mchog gi zhabs tog pa rnams/} ministers at the tabernacle (Heb. 13:10).% 2) #{las tshan/}$ ^Bib: ministry: {rang gi las tshan 'di stod/} I make much of my ministry (Rom. 11:13 SV), {sdum pa de sgrog pa'i las tshan/} the ministry of reconciliation (1 Cor. 5:18 SV). ^Sec. {las tshan/} work department or section; specialized field of work (TDC 2776). Related Terms: 1) {g.yog po/} servant: {nged kyi gces pa'i g.yog grogs/} our dear fellow servant (Col. 1:7 SV); 2) {grogs byed du mngags pa'i sems nyid/} ministering spirits (Heb. 1:14 SV); 3) {gnyer pa byed/} administer: {dkon mchog gi gnang sbyin sna tshogs kyi gnyer pa legs par byos shig} faithfully administer God's various gifts (1 Pet. 4:10 SV); 4) {kha lo sgyur ba/} gifts of administration (1 Cor. 12:28 SV); 5) {bya ba/} service: {dkon mchog gi bya ba la brten nas ye shu ma shi ka'i ngang na nga'i snyan grags yod/} I glory in Christ Jesus in my service to God (Rom. 15:17 SV).% !MIRACLE@ 1) #{ltas/}$ ^Bib: miracle, miraculous sign: {ltas shig mthong bar 'dod/} we want to see a miraculous sign (Mt. 12:38), {lung ston pa yo na'i ltas/} the sign of the prophet Jonah (Mt. 12:39), {ngo mtshar che ba'i ltas/} wondrous signs [done by false prophets] (Mt. 24:24), {ltas dang ngo mtshar rnams/} great signs and wonders [miracles] (Acts 8:13). ^Bst. 1) an omen, e.g. a cup accidentally broken before a journey as a sign of ill luck ahead (AMD), {mtshan ltas byung ba red/} a dream-omen appeared (TRC 112); 2) a sign, mark, or characteristic: {'chi ltas lnga/} the five signs of death (TRC 272). Proverbs: {ngan pa'i rjes la ltas ngan gtam ngan yod/} bad omens and bad news follow a bad man (KPU 21). 2) #{ltas ston/}$ p. {bstan/} [hon. {ltas mdzad/}] ^Bib: to do a miracle, perform a miraculous sign: {ltas mang po ma bstan tam/} did we not perform many miracles (Mt. 7:22), {ngo mtshar che ba'i las dang ltas bstan/} [Stephen] did great wonders and miraculous signs (Acts 6:8), {ltas bstan pa'i lung ston pa rdzus ma/} the false prophet who had performed miraculous signs (Rev. 19:20), {khyed tsho'i dkyil du ltas mdzad pa/} [God] works miracles among you (Gal. 3:5). Cognates: {ltas ston pa/} workers of miracles (1 Cor. 12:28).% 3) #{ngo mtshar/}$ [lit. wonder] ^Bib: a wonder; a miraculous sign: {mthu che ba dang /,,ngo mtshar dang /,,ltas/} miracles, wonders, and signs (Acts 2:22), {ltas dang ngo mtshar mang po/} many miraculous signs and wonders (Acts 5:12), {ltas dang ngo mtshar dang mthu yis bzod pa chen pos sku tshab dngos ma'i rtags/} the things that mark an apostle--signs, wonders and miracles (2 Cor. 12:12). ^Bst. a miracle (AMD) or wonder: {'phrul bzo rig gnas kyis phyogs gang sar ngo mtshar che ba'i bya ba mang po bsgrubs yod/} technology has worked wonders in many fields (DLP 1), {ngo mtshar rin chen rnam gsum/} wondrous three jewels (HTE 170). Miracles and wonders are quite common in the Bst. scriptures; some of them parallel to stories found in the Bible; e.g. Shantideva's feeding of a multitude from a single bowl of rice (MTB 3) or Minapa's sojourn in the stomach of a large fish (see JONAH). 4) #{mthu stobs/}$ ^Bib: strength, might, miraculous power: {mi 'di la shes rab dang mthu stobs 'di 'dra gang nas brnyed/} where did this man get this wisdom and these miraculous powers (Mt. 13:54), {nga las mthu stobs che/} one who is more powerful than I (Mt. 3:11). ^Bst: 1) natural power or strength; normally used of kings, heroes, etc. (AMD); 2) supernatural powers, e.g. of the gods to change into other forms (AMD) or magical or occult powers: {thogs pa med pa'i mthu/} the power of the Buddha to act without obstruction (TRC 74), {sangs rgyas dang /,,chos/,,dge 'dun gsum nus mthu che'ang /} although the Buddha, the dharma, and the sangha are powerful (TRC 77), {rdzu 'phrul ston pa'i mthu rtsal med/} lacked the capacity to do miracles (TRC 16). Cognates: 1) {mthu che ba/} [lit. great power] miracle: {mthu che ba dang /,,ngo mtshar dang /,,ltas kyi sgo nas/} by miracles, wonders, and signs (Acts 2:22); 2) {nus pa mthu can/} potential (TRC 288).% 5) #{rdzu 'phrul/}$ ^Bib: miracle, sign, wonder; also illusion, counterfeit miracle: {rdzu 'phrul dang /,,las ngo mtshar che ba/} counterfeit miracles, signs, and wonders (2 Thes. 2:9,10). ^Bst. {rdzu 'phrul/} miracle, sign, wonder. The capacity to do miracles is believed to be acquired through meditation, karmic forces, or tantric practices (TRI 226) and is one of the marks of a Buddha or boddhisattva: {rdzu 'phrul la dbang ba/} the capacity to do miracles (KBT 79), {bsam gtan dang /,,mngon shes/,,rdzu 'phrul/} trances, clairvoyances, and psychic powers (TRC 202), {rdzu 'phrul gyi rkang ba bzhi/} the four causes [lit. legs] of miracles (qualities gained by boddhisattvas) (CNG 42), {mthu dang rdzu 'phrul sogs la thogs pa med pa/} [the great tantric master Padmasambhava], who was without impediment in his capacity and power to work wonders (TRC 136); {rdzu 'phrul ston pa'i mthu rtsal med/} lacked the capacity to do miracles (TRC 16), {rdzu 'phrul mang po bstan pas/} because [the Buddha] did many miracles (SGN 16). Related Terms: 1) {las/} [lit. work] wonders, miracles: {ngo mtshar che ba'i las dang ltas bstan to/} did wonders and miraculous signs (Acts 7:36), {ngas las gcig byas pas/} I did one miracle (Jn. 7:21), {las bzang mang po bstan pa yin/} many great miracles from the Father (Jn. 10:32), {phrin las khyad par can rnams/} extraordinary miracles (Acts 19:11), {ya mtshan che ba'i las/} [lit. amazing works] miracles (Gal. 3:5 SV); 2) {bya ba/} [lit. works, the meaning "miracle" comes from the context] miracle: {bya ba la yid ches shig} believe the miracles (Jn. 10:38); 3) {rtags/} sign, token: {ya hu da pas rtags 'dod/} Jews demand miraculous signs (1 Cor. 1:22).% !MOSES@ #{mo she/}$ ^Bib: Moses, lawgiver of ancient Israel: {mo shes bka' gnang ba'i mchod pa/} the gift that Moses commanded (Mt. 8:4). !MOTHER@ 1) #{ma/}$ ^Bib: 1) biological mother: {pha ma la bkur sti byos/} honor your father and your mother (Mt. 15:4), {mi zhig gis rang gi pha dang ma gnyis bor nas/} a man will leave his father and mother (Eph. 5:31 SV); 2) figurative mother: {nga'i ma su yin/,,nga'i spun su yin/} who is my mother, and who are my brothers (Mt. 12:48). ^Bst. {bod kyi nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos lugs kyi thog nas sems can thams cad rang gi snying nas brtse ba'i ma lta bur blta dgos pa dang /,,de dag tshang mar brtse sems ldan pa'i sgo nas drin gzo bya dgos pa'i slob ston byed srol yod/} "the Tibetan Buddhist tradition teaches us to view all sentient beings as our dear mothers and to show our gratitude by loving them all" (DLP 15). This is carried out in a meditation called {mar shes/} or "understanding as mother"; a set meditation in which all living beings are recognized as having been one's mother in previous births (TRC 319). {rje btsun sgrol ma'i sprul pa brag srin mo mi rnams kyi ma yin/} the rock-demoness, an emanation of the goddess Dolma, is the mother of the Tibetans (DPD), {ma rgan/} an old mother (TRC 331). Cognates: {ma mo/} a class of ugly and terrifying goddesses believed to be protectors of Bsm. (TRI 201).% 2) #{a ma/}$ ^Bib: 1) biological mother: {khyed kyi rmo lo is dang /,,a ma e'u ni ke/} your grandmother Lois and in your mother Eunice (2 Tim. 1:5 SV); 2) figurative mother: {sa gzhi'i zhen log rnams kyi a ma/} mother of the abominations of the earth (Rev. 17:5). ^Bst. {gnyen gyi rtsa ba lta bu ni a ma yin/} one's mother is one's best friend (TRC 321), {nga'i a ma byed myong yod pa ma red/} she was never my mother (TRC 329). 3) #{yum/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: mother: {khong gi yum mir yam/} his [Jesus'] mother Mary (Mt. 1:18), {khong gi yum dang sku mched rnams/} [Jesus'] mother and brothers (Mk. 3:31), {nga yi gtso bo'i yum/} the mother of my Lord (Lk. 1:43). ^Bst. 1) a tantric consort or female aspect of a male deity (TRI 249); 2) an honorific title for mothers of respected persons: {yum sgyu ma lha mdzes/} the mother of the historical Buddha (SGN 2); 3) {yum rgyas 'bring bsdus gsum/} a title for the Perfection of Wisdom [Skt. prajnaparamita] Sutras (DCC). related concept: {sgyug mo/} mother in law: {de'i sgyug mo tsha ba'i nad kyis nyal yod pa gzigs te/} saw Peter's mother-in-law lying in bed with a fever (Mt. 8:14); 2) {rmo} grandmother (2 Tim. 1:5 SV).% !NAME@ 1) #{ming /}$ ^Bib: the ordinary term for name: {khyod kyi ming la ci zer/} what is your name (Mk. 5:9), {khyod kyis de'i ming yo ha nan zhes thogs/} you are to give him the name John (Lk. 1:13), {rang gi lug ming nas 'bod/} he calls his own sheep by name (Jn. 10:3), {pa'u lu'i ming nang khrus thob bam/} were you baptized into the name of Paul (1 Cor. 1:13), {de'i ming la sel rgyab par mi bya bar/} will not blot out his name (Rev. 3:5). ^Bst. 1) In Tibetan culture, a person often receives a name at birth from a lama, and a new name on entering a monastery: {ming gnyis/} two types of name: {dngos ming /} real name, and {btags ming /} given name (TRI 206), {mkhan pos nga la ming gnang nas nga'i ming nyi ma chos thar yin/} then the abbot gave me my new name - Nyima Chothar (DPD); 2) conferring the geshe title is also referred to as naming: {dge bshes kyi ming btags go rim de so so 'i dgon pa rang nas sprod kyi red/} they are given their Geshe status from their own monasteries (TRC 26); 3) the names of the different Bst. schools often originated from local place-names: {ming 'dogs stangs kyi sgo nas chos lugs mang tsam byung yod pa red/} often, denominational systems arose by being designated by names (TRC 135), {sa skya dgon pa zer ba'i ming thogs/} received the name Sakya monastery (TRC 137); 4) {ming dang gzugs/} name and form, one of the twelve links of internal dependent-arising (KBT 36). 2) #{mtshan/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: name: {mtshan rnams yongs las mtho ba'i mtshan/} the name that is above every name (Phil. 2:9), {khyed mtshan 'chad par bya/} I will declare your name (Heb. 2:12), {ma shi ka'i mtshan gyi rkyen gyis/} because of the name of Christ (1 Pet. 4:14), {khong gi mtshan la dad pa byas pas/} by faith in the name of Jesus (Acts 3:16), {ye shu ma shi ka'i mtshan gyi mthus/} in the power of the name of Jesus Christ (Acts 3:6), {gtso bo ye shu'i mtshan gyi sgo nas khrus gsol thob/} been baptized into the name of the Lord Jesus (Acts 8:15,16). ^Bst. 1) name: {mtshan bdud rtsi/} the nectar of your name (HTE 170), {mtshan snyan/} a good reputation (TRC 153); 2) conferring the geshe title is referred to as naming (see also {ming /} above): {mtshan btags bzhes gnang grub nas/} having done one's geshe degree (TRC 48); 3) mark or sign: {mtshan bzang po sum cu rtsa gnyis/} the thirty two signs or auspicious marks on the body of a Buddha (TRC 74). Cognates: 1) {mtshan brjod/} [lit. name + say] is used in the sense of calling on the name of, or invoking the power of: {khyed kyi mtshan brjod pas srung bar mdzod cig} protect them by the power of your name (Jn. 17:11), {gtso bo'i mtshan nas brjod tshad thar bar 'gyur/} everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Acts 2:21), {yab dang sras dang dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi mtshan rjod cing khrus gsol zhig} baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit (Mt. 28:19), {nga'i mtshan brjod cing 'gong po skrod pa/} in my name they will drive out demons (Mk. 16:17); 2) {mtshan gsol ba/} to give a name to: {khong gi mtshan ye shu gsol zhig} you are to give him the name Jesus (Mt. 1:21); 3) {mtshan nyid/} the study of Buddhist logic or philosophy: {mtshan nyid kyi 'dzin grwa/} philosophy classes (TRC 5); also the study of definitions (TRI 221); 4) {mtshan ltas/} an omen or sign (see MIRACLE); 5) {rgyu mtshan/} cause or reason: {de la khro mi rigs pa'i rgyu mtshan/} the reason why anger towards him is improper (TRC 348); 6) {ya mtshan/} ironic, surprising (DLP 1); 7) {mtshan/} night: {nyin mtshan/} day and night (HTE 204); 8) {phyag mtshan/} the implements of a deity (MHP 10); 9) {rgyu mtshan brjod pa/} to make an argument [lit. reason + say]: {chos lugs gzhan dag gi ched du'ang nga tshos gong dang 'dra ba'i rgyu mtshan brjod thub/} we can make similar arguments for other religions as well (DLP 20).% Related Terms: 1) {bya ba/} to be called, known as, named: {yo seb bya ba zhig} a man named Joseph (Lk. 1:27), {le wi bya ba'i sho gam pa/} a tax collector by the name of Levi (Lk. 5:27); 2) {gtso bo'i phyogs nas/} [lit. from the side of the Lord] in the name of the Lord: {gtso bo'i phyogs nas 'byon pa bkra shis/} blessed is he who comes in the name of the Lord (Mk. 11:9), {gtso bo'i phyogs nas 'byon pa'i rgyal po bkra shis/} blessed is the king who comes in the name of the Lord (Lk. 19:38); 3) {snyan grags/} name in the sense of honor, reputation: {'jig rten yongs su nga'i snyan grags dar 'jug pa'i don du/} that my name might be proclaimed in all the earth (Rom. 9:17).% !NATION@ see also GENTILE 1) #{mi brgyud/}$ [var. {mi rgyud/}] ^Bib: 1) ethnic group or people group: {mi brgyud rnams la zhal che bsgrag} proclaim justice to the nations (Mt. 12:18), {mi brgyud hril po/} the whole nation (Jn. 11:50), {mi brgyud dang /,,sde dang /,,mi rigs dang /,,skad rigs thams cad/} every nation, tribe, people and language (Rev. 7:9); 2) a national group of people: {mi sde dang /,,skad rigs dang /,,mi brgyud dang mi rigs thams cad/} every tribe and language and people and nation (Rev. 5:9), {mi sde dang mi brgyud dang skad rigs dang mi rigs thams cad kyi thog tu dbang bskur nas/} tribe, people, language and nation (Rev. 13:7); 3) the elect, the chosen people: {khyed tsho 'dams pa'i mi brgyud/,,rgyal rigs kyi dge 'dun/,,mi rabs dam pa/,,dkon mchog nyid kyi mi sde yin/} a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Pet. 2:9). 2) #{mi sde/}$ ^Bib: 1) tribe: {nga tsho'i mi sde rnams/} our nation [lit. (12) tribes] (Lk. 23:2); 2) people group, ethnic group: {mi sdes bsam pa don med ci la skor/} why do the peoples plot in vain (Acts 4:25), {mi sde la bka' chos bshad pa yin/} was preached among the nations (1 Tim. 3:16), {khyed tsho 'dams pa'i mi brgyud/,,rgyal rigs kyi dge 'dun/,,mi rabs dam pa/,,dkon mchog nyid kyi mi sde yin/} a chosen people, a royal priesthood, a holy nation, a people belonging to God (1 Pet. 2:9), {mi sde dang /,,skad rigs dang /,,mi brgyud dang mi rigs thams cad/} every tribe and language and people and nation (Rev. 5:9). Cognates: 1) {sde khag} tribe: {yis ra el gyi sde khag bcu gnyis/} the twelve tribes of Israel (Mt. 19:28); 2) {sde/} tribe, section: {yis ra el gyi sde bcu gnyis/} the twelve tribes of Israel (Gen. 49:28), {mi brgyud dang /,,sde dang /,,mi rigs dang /,,skad rigs thams cad/} every nation, tribe, people and language (Rev. 7:9).% 3) #{mi rigs/}$ ^Bib: race, nationality, ethnic group: {ka na an zer ba'i yul nang mi rigs bdun med par mdzad nas/} he overthrew seven nations in Canaan (Acts 13:19), {mi brgyud dang /,,sde dang /,,mi rigs dang /,,skad rigs thams cad/} every nation, tribe, people and language (Rev. 7:9). ^Sec. ethnic, indigenous: {mi rigs rang nyid kyis rang thag rang gcod/} [Tibetan] national self-determination (RRT 282 n. 19), {mi rigs kyi rang bzhin ldan pa'i rig gzhung /} national (indigenous) cultures (DLP 1). Related Terms: 1) {rgyal khab/} nation in the sense of a modern national state: {'dzam gling na rgyal khab dang sa khul,200,yas mas yod/} there are about 200 nations and territories in the world (DLS 31), {rgyal khab gcig gi dka' rnyog} national problems (DLP 10); 2) {grangs nyung mi rigs/} minority nationalities (TDC 394); 3) {mi rabs/} nation: {mi rabs ma yin pa zhig gi sgo nas ngas khyed la 'gran sems skyed/} I will make you envious by those who are not a nation (Rev. 10:19 SV), {mi rabs dam pa/} a holy nation (1 Pet. 2:9); 4) {rigs brgyud/} nations: {des rigs brgyud thams cad la lcags kyi dbyug pas dbang sgyur bar bya'o/} he will rule the nations with an iron sceptre (Rev. 12:5 SV); 5) {'dzam gling mnyam sbrel rgyal tshogs/} the United Nations (RRT 282, n. 17); 6) {rgyal gnyer/} state-owned, nationalized; 7) {skad rigs/} language: {mi sde dang /,,skad rigs dang /,,mi brgyud dang mi rigs thams cad/} every tribe and language and people and nation (Rev. 5:9).% !NATURE@ 1) #{rang bzhin/}$ ^Bib: nature, natural disposition: {phyi pa tshos rang bzhin gyis bka' khrims kyi las byed tshe/} when the Gentiles do by nature the works of the law (Rom. 2:14), {rang bzhin mi mthun pa/} contrary to nature (Rom. 11:24), {chad pa rang bzhin gyis phog 'os pa yin/} by nature objects of wrath (Eph. 2:3). ^Bst. {rang bzhin/} is said to be the same as {rang gshis/} (see below). 1) happening according to natural laws; natural as opposed to artificial: {rang bzhin kyi rkyen ngan/} natural disasters (DLP 8), {nga tsho nang pa'i chos kyi bshad pa ltar na/,,'dzam gling tshang ma rang bzhin gyi 'byung pa yin pa bshad do/} according to Buddhism, the whole world arose by itself naturally (DPD); 2) essence, inherent characteristic: {'gyur ldog byed pa'i rang bzhin yin pa la skad cig ma'am mi rtag pa zer gyi yod pa red/} this nature of change is called subtle impermanence (TRC 94), {sdug bsngal gyi rang bzhin/} the nature of suffering (TRC 218); {rang bzhin gyi kha na ma tho ba/} deeds which are naturally wrong even though not specifically prohibited by religious law (TRI 256); 3) character, disposition: {rang bzhin bzang po/} a pure nature (KTM), {snying rje'i rang bzhin ldan pa rnams/} compassionate people (DLP 1), {mi rigs kyi rang bzhin ldan pa'i rig gzhung /} peoples' natural or indigenous cultures (DLP 2), {rang bzhin gyis grub pa/} inherent existence; the real existence of objects (TRI 256) [the belief that objects actually exist independently of our perception of them is vigorously rejected by Bsm.]% 2) #{gshis/}$ or {rang gshis/} ^Bib: nature, natural characteristic: {'jig rten pa'i gshis lugs sod/} earthly nature (Col. 3:5), {dkon mchog gi lugs kyi gshis/} the divine nature (2 Pet. 1:4), {de tsho'i bud med tshos rang gshis kyi spyod pa spangs te gshis min gyi spyod pa spyad do/} their women exchanged natural relations for unnatural ones (Rom. 1:26). ^Bst. 1) naturally occurring: {rtog bral gshis la bzhag na/} if you leave the mind in its natural state (HTE 200); 2) character, nature, or disposition (AMD): {gshis bzang /} a pure disposition (KTM). Cognates: 1) {gnam gshis/} climate, weather (DLP 12); 2) {sgom gshis/} custom: {lha sa'i yul mi rnams kyi dmigs bsal gyi goms gshis/} the special custom of Lhasa people (SLR 13).% 3) #{bdag 'dzin/}$ [lit. self + grasping] ^Bib: used in the RV for "sinful nature": {bdag 'dzin gyi 'dod pa/} the desires of the sinful nature (Gal. 5:16), {bdag 'dzin la skabs ma btang /} do not indulge [lit: give occasion to] the sinful nature (Gal. 5:13). ^Bst. 1) selfishness (AMD): {bdag 'dzin zhen pa bcad na dga'/} it's better if you end possessive grasping (HTE 204); 2) belief in the existence of a self or soul: {'khor ba'i sdug bsngal kyi rgyu nyon mongs pa rnams kyi rtsab mthar thug pa ni bdag 'dzin yin/} the ultimate root of the passions, which are the cause of the misery of the round of existence, is the apprehension of a self (TRC 96), {nyon mongs kyi rtsa ba bdag 'dzin de med par bzo dgos pa/} it is necessary to destroy the sense of self which is the root of the passions [attachment, hatred, greed, etc.] (TRC 185). The Bst. belief is {bdag med/} no self. 4) #{'byung bzhi/}$ [lit. four elements] ^Bib: natural in the sense of physically natural: {'byung bzhi'i lus/} a natural body (1 Cor. 15:44), {'byung bzhi dang ldan pa'i lus/} the natural body (1 Cor. 15:46). ^Bst. The four elements are {sa/} earth, {chu/} water, {me/} fire, {rlung /} wind. Sometimes {nam mkha'/} space, and {rnam shes/} consciousness, are added (TRI 194). {me la sogs pa'i 'byung bzhis/} fire and the other elements (TRC 167). Related Terms: 1) {sha/} [lit. "flesh" as metaphor for "sinful nature"]: {nga'i sha'i nang na bzang ba ci'ang mi gnas pa/} nothing good lives in me, that is, in my sinful nature (Rom. 7:18 SV); 2) {ngo bo/} actual, real, in essence, by nature: {rang gi ngo bos dkon mchog ma yin pa rnams/} those who by nature are not gods (Gal. 4:8 SV).% !NOAH@ #{no a/}$ ^Bib: Noah, builder of the Ark: {'di ni no a'i lo rgyus yin/} this is the story of Noah (Gen. 6:9). !OBSERVE@ see KEEP !OFFERING@ see also GIFT, SACRIFICE #{mchod pa/}$ ^Bib: offering: {sbyin sreg gi mchod pa/} burnt offering (Gen. 22:2), {g.yo ba'i mchod pa/} wave offering (Ex. 29:24), {nongs pa'i phyir phul ba'i mchod pa/} an offering for an offense; a guilt offering (Lev. 7:5), {sdig pa'i phyir phul ba'i mchod pa/} an offering given for sin, sin offering (Lev. 16:9), {bde ba'i mchod pa/} peace offering (Lev. 17:5), {gtang rag 'bul ba'i mchod pa/} thank offering (Lev. 22:9), {mchod 'bul byed pa/} to make an offering (2 Sam. 15:12 NTV). ^Bst. 1) Offerings {mchod pa/} are of two kinds: a) ordinary or material offerings; b) immaterial or imaginary offerings (JPG 73). Common material offerings include "display offerings" such as bowls of water, flowers, incense, and butter lamps (TRI 83); when offered these are called {mchod pa'i yo byad/} . Immaterial offerings include: {zhabs byi shu/} personal service, {brtsi bkur byed/} honor or esteem, {gus zhabs shu/} respect, {bstod pa phul/} praise, {gtang rag 'bul/} thanksgiving, or {sgrub pa'i mchod pa/} religious practice; and in addition, mental or imaginary offerings can be made of flowers, gardens, mountains, and other owned or unowned objects. Offerings may be made to the three jewels, to lamas, or to images of gods or boddhisattvas: {rgyal po zas gtsang gis yar dkon mchog mchod pa phul/} King Setsang made offerings to god (SGN 1), {de la mchod pa phul ba don med yin/} making offerings to them is pointless (DPD), {'o 'bras kyi mchod pa/} an offering of milk and rice (SGN 10), {me'i mchod pa/} a fire-offering (SGN 13); 2) worship, worship service: {mchod pa'i gnas/} an object of worship (TRC 112), {bod mi rnams kyis phyag mchod kyi gnas/} an object of veneration of the Tibetan people (TRC 113), {mchod pa dang bkur sti bzang po mdzad/} [the king] offered worship and homage (TRC 114), {dkon mchog la skyabs su 'gro ba dang /,,phyag mchod/,,sbyin gtong /} going to the three jewels for refuge, worship, and donation (TRC 217). The offering of animal sacrifice as depicted in the Bible {sems can bsad pa'i sha khrag gis mchod sbyin byed pa/} (TRC 96) are offensive in Bsm. (see SACRIFICE). Cognates: 1) {gsol ba mchod pa/} to offer requests (KTM); 2) {mchod shoms pa/} to place offerings before a living buddha (AMD); 3) {mchod brjod/} to worship: {sangs rgyas la bstod pa sogs mchod brjod/} worship in praise of the Buddha (TRC 2); 4) {mchod rten/} chorten, stupa (TRC 4); 5) {tshogs mchod dus chen/} a festival in the second Tibetan month during which the geshe debates are held (TRC 26); 6) {'das mchod/} funeral rites (SGN 24); 7) {mchod khang /} temple, memorial hall, church (DPD, MHP 7).% Related Terms: {gser skyem/} [lit. golden drink] drink offering (Ex. 29:40), {gser skyems su blug} poured out as a drink offering (Phil. 2:17).% !PAGAN@ see also GENTILE, NATION #{phyi pa/}$ [lit. outsider] ^Bib: used of those outside the Christian or Jewish faith: {de thams cad phyi pas 'tshol/} the pagans seek these things (Mt. 6:32), {khyed tsho phyi pa yin pa'i dus su/} when you were pagans (1 Cor. 12:2). ^Bst. {phyi pa/} or {phyi rol pa/} one who is not a Bst. (AMD, TRI 174). !PARABLE@ 1) #{dpe/}$ ^Bib: 1) a parable or example: {zhing pa'i dpe/} or {sa bon btab mkhan gyi dpe/} the parable of the sower (Mt. 13:18), {dpe'i sgo nas ci'i phyir gsungs/} why do you speak to the people in parables (Mt. 13:10), {dpe med par ci'ang ma gsungs/} he did not say anything to them without using a parable (Mk. 4:34); 2) a figure of speech: {ngas khyed la de rnams dpe'i sgo nas bshad/} I have been speaking figuratively (Jn. 16:25), {dpe'i sgo nas ma gsung bar/} without using figures of speech (Jn. 16:29), {de ni dpe zhig yin te/} these things may be taken figuratively (Gal. 4:24). ^Bst. 1) an example: {sgyu ma'i dpe bcu gnyis/} the twelve examples of illusion [used in showing the illusory nature of reality] (CNG 156), {de ni dang por sa bon 'debs pa dang dpe mtshungs pa zhig red/} it is like the example of first planting the seed (TRC 288); 2) a proverb or wise saying: {bod pa'i dpe gcig} a Tibetan proverb (DPD); 3) a parable, such as that of Gotami and the sesame seed (SGN 20). Cognates: 1) {dpe cha/} Tibetan-style book (TRC 2); 2) {dpe deb/} Western-style book: {snyan tshom dpe deb/} books of poetry (SBC-1, 64); 3) {phyag dpe/} booklet, pamphlet, tract (DPD); 4) {dpe byed pa/} to model, to take as an example: {lan tsha'i yi ge la dpe byas nas/} modeled on the lantsa alphabet (TRC 112); 5) {dper na/} for example (TRC 164); 6) {dpe ra na/} to take as an example: {srog gcod pa la dper na/} to take killing as an example (TRC 243).% 2) #{gab tshig}$ [lit. hide + word; riddle] ^Bib: a parable, a saying with a hidden meaning: {gab tshig de'i skor bka' 'dri zhus pa/} asked him about this parable (Mk. 7:17), {gab tshig tu lus nas/} [the meaning] remained hidden (Lk. 18:34). ^Sec. Tibetans have a long tradition of riddles; e.g. {ka ba med pa'i mtho po/} a high place without pillars = {gnam/} the sky (BGT 4). Related Terms: 1) {ldem gtam/} a parable or allegory; 2) {dgod gtam/} joke.% !PASSOVER@ #{pe sag gi dus chen/}$ [Gr. pascha] ^Bib: the Jewish Passover festival: {zhag gnyis nas pe sag gi dus chen yin pa/} the Passover is two days away (Mt. 26:2). !PATH@ 1) #{lam/}$ ^Bib: path, road, often used metaphorically: {gson pa nyid lam/} the path of life (Ps. 16:11), {kha gcig lam khar 'gril te/} some fell by the path [lit. road side] (Mt. 13:4), {zhi bde'i lam/} the path of peace (Lk. 1:78). ^Bst. Bst. doctrine and practice: 1) as a whole: {yang dag pa'i lam/} the perfect path to enlightenment which the Buddha found (KTM), {khong rnams la sangs rgyas kyi go 'phang rin po che thob pa'i ched yang dag pa'i lam bzang bstan par mdzad/} [the Buddha] taught them the perfect way so that they could reach the exalted state of Buddhahood (KTM); 2) particular doctrines or practices: {'phags pa'i lam yan lag brgyad/} the eightfold path (KBT 60); {lam gyi bden pa/} truths which are paths, the fourth of the four truths as formulated in Tibetan Bsm. (KBT 96). Cognates: 1) {shul lam/} path, track: {shul lam ngan pa/} evil path (Ps. 119:101), {bdag gi shul lam gyir du 'od yin/} a light to my path (Ps. 119:105); 2) {lam rim/} title of Stages on the Path to Enlightenment, a Bst. text.% Related Terms: {mdzad thabs/} [lit. way of acting] {mdzad thabs kyang zhib dpyod par mi nus so/} his paths are beyond tracing out (Rom. 11:33 SV).% !PATIENCE@ see also PERSEVERANCE 1) #{bzod pa/}$ [hon. {thugs bzod/}] ^Bib: ordinary term for patience or forbearance in suffering: {dad pa dang bzod pa/} faith and patience (Heb. 6:12), {byams sems la bzod pa dang snying rje yod/} love is patient and kind (1 Cor. 13:4), {bzod pa'i go cha gyon/} clothe yourselves with patience (Col. 3:12), {thugs bzod tshad med/} [Christ's] unlimited patience (1 Tim. 1:16). ^Bst. Patience is said to be of three types: 1) {gnod pa la ji mi snyam pa'i bzod pa/} not retaliating when harmed; 2) {sdug bsngal dang len gyi bzod pa/} enduring sufferings; longsuffering; 3) {chos la nges shes kyi bzod pa/} patience of enduring injury because of one's religious training (TRI 243), {bzod pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of patience, one of the ten perfections (KBT 65), {sdug bsngal la chos shes pa'i bzod pa/} forbearance with the origin of the reality of suffering (KBT 98), {sdug bsngal bzod glags med pa/} unbearable misery (TRC 270). Proverbs: {dma' sa bzung nas gang cir bzod pa sgoms/,,don gyi rdo kha rang gi snying du zhog} be humble and patient in all things, but keep your purpose in mind (KPU 22). Cognates: 1) {bzod pa/} to endure, to bear, to resist, to be patient: {phrag dog gis mi bzod pa/} because of envy he could not endure it (TRC 114), {bsngal bzod mi thub pa mang po yod pa red/} many unbearable miseries (TRC 270), {grogs kyis bskul ba ma bzod/} unable to resist the pleas of a friend (HTE 210); 2) {bzod pa sgom/} to have an attitude of patience; to meditate on patience or forbearance: {thams cad la bzod pa sgom zhig} have patience with everyone (1 Thes. 5:14), {bzod pa sgom dgos pa red/} one must meditate on patience (TRC 347); {bzod pa bsgom pa rgyal sras lag len yin/} to meditate on patience is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 22); 3) {bzod pa byed/} to exercise patience despite provocation; longsuffering (AMD): {byams pas gcig gis gcig la bzod pa byed/} being patient with one another in love (Eph. 4:2), {gnyis po gang byung bzod par bya/} endure both, whatever arises (UCO 150); 4) {bzod par gsol/} to request pardon or forbearance with what one has done wrong (KTM); 5) {bzod bsran/} tolerance or forbearance in the face of provocation (EBN); 6) {bzod sems/} perseverance: {sdug bsngal las bzod sems/} suffering produces perseverance (Rom. 5:3,4), {dad pa la tshod lta ba'i ngang nas bzod pa'i sems skye ba/} the testing of your faith develops perseverance (Jas. 1:2,3); 7) {bzod pa'i sems/} perseverance: {sdug bsngal nas bzod pa'i sems 'byung /} suffering produces perseverance (Rom. 5:3 SV).% 2) #{ngang ring ba/}$ ^Bib: long suffering, patience: {gtsang ma dang /,,shes rab dang /,,ngang ring ba/} purity, understanding, and patience (2 Cor. 6:6), {ngang ring ba dang bslab bya'i sgo nas/} with great patience and careful instruction (2 Tim. 4:2). ^Bst. a disposition which is tranquil or tolerant (KTM), {kho la nor 'khrul byung dus ngas ngang ring gis rogs ram byas pa yin/} when he had erred much, I helped him patiently (KTM). 3) #{thugs sna ring ba/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: patience in the face of provocation: {khong gi thugs rje dang /,,thugs bzod dang /,,thugs sna ring ba/} [God's] kindness, tolerance and patience (Rom. 2:4). ^Bst. {sna ring ba/} is the same as {ngang rgyud ring po/} or patient (TDC 1586). Cognates: {sna ring mo mdzad/} to be patient: {dkon mchog gi thugs sna ring mo mdzad/} God waited patiently (1 Pet. 3:20), {khyed tsho'i don du thugs sna ring bar mdzad do/} [God] is patient with you (2 Pet. 3:9).% Related Terms: 1) {theg pa/} to endure, carry, or bear: {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,byams pa dang /,,dga' spro dang /,,zhi bde dang /,,theg pa dang /} the fruit of the Spirit is love, joy, peace, patience (Gal. 5:22); also to hold up, endure: {ljid tshad chen po de 'dra theg mi thub pa/} not able to hold up something which is very heavy (KTM); 2) {sran pa/} p. {bsran/} imp. {sron/} to endure, to be hardened: {rkyen ngan dang 'phrad kyang bsran thub pa/} able to endure even though encountering the causes of evil (KTM); 3) {sdug rus byed pa/} to persist (KTM); 4) {phod pa/} to cope with; 5) {zhi zhing dul ba/} tranquil (KTM).% !PAUL@ #{pa'u lu/}$ ^Bib: the Apostle Paul: {ma shi ka ye shu'i sku tshab yin pa'i pa'u lu/} Paul, an apostle of Christ Jesus (Col. 1:1). !PEACE@ 1) #{zhi bde/}$ ^Bib: religious peace, inner peace, peace with God: {zhi bde'i phrin bzang /} the good news of peace (Acts 10:36), {thugs nyid kyi 'bras bu ni/,,zhi bde/} the fruit of the Spirit is . . . peace (Gal. 5:22), {zhi bde bar song /} go in peace (Mk. 5:34), {thugs rje dang zhi bde 'bab par shog cig} grace and peace to you (Rom. 1:7). ^Bst. 1) personal well being, contentedness (KTM): {zhi bde dang /,,bde skyid/,,srung skyob/} peace, comfort, and security (DLP 8), {nga gzugs la nad med pa dang /,,sems la zhi bde thob bo/} I was healed in my body and had mental peace (DPD), {rang nyid gcig pu zhi bde'i bsam blo spangs nas rang las gzhan shin tu gces par byas/} forsakes the peace and happiness of himself alone and makes others much dearer than himself (TRC 218); 2) peace among nations, world peace: {snying rje ni 'dzam gling zhi bde'i ka ba yin/} compassion is the pillar of world peace (DLP 4); 3) {gzhis rtse'i zhi bde 'bab thang /} Shigatse's Peace Airport (MHP 9). 2) #{mthun pa/}$ ^Bib: peace with others, unity, harmony, agreement: {phan tshun mthun nas sdod/} be at peace with each other (Mk. 9:50), {mthun pa'i lam/} the way of peace (Rom. 3:17), {thugs nyid las byung ba'i mthun pa/} the unity of the Spirit (Eph. 4:3), {mthun sems can/} peace-loving (Jas. 3:17). ^Bst. in agreement, friendly, agreeable: {mthun pa'i grogs bzang po/} a good and agreeable companion (TRC 198), {mthun phyogs yul khag rnams/} friendly countries (RRT 282 n. 17), {mi mthun pa/} unfriendly persons (TRC 244), {tshan rig dang mthun pa'i bdag gnyer/} scientific management [lit. science + agree] (TMB 25). Related Terms: 1) {bde ba/} safety, contentment, peace: {bde zhing yar bskyed byung /} [the church] experienced peace and growth (Acts 9:31), {nga'i sems ma bde ba'i rkyen gyis/} because I had no peace of mind (2 Cor. 2:13), {nang sems kyi bde ba/} inner peace (DLP 8), {chog shes byas na lus sems bde la 'jog} with contentment rest your mind and body in peace (KPU 17); 2) {zhi ba/} peace "as in a person calming down after they are angry" (AMD): {zhi ba 'tshol/} seek peace (1 Pet. 3:11); {zhi zhing dul bar gyur/} [it] became peaceful and tame (SGN 19), {bod zhi bas bcings 'grol btang rjes/} after Tibet's peaceful liberation (TMB 23); 3) {zhi gnas/} calm abiding meditation; a type of meditation in which the mind rests peacefully on its object (TRI 229): {zhi gnas sgom sa yag shos/} the best place for meditation (TRC 198); 4) {sdum pa/} peace, reconciliation, mediation: {sdum pa la snyegs shig} pursue peace (2 Tim. 2:22); 5) {sdum/} p. {bsdums/} f. {bsdum/} to make peace, reconcile, or mediate: {nga tsho dkon mchog dang bsdums pa yin/} we have peace with [lit. are reconciled with] God (Rom. 5:1), {khong nga tsho'i sdum mdzad mkhan/} he is our peacemaker (Eph. 2:14); 6) {'dum/} p. {'dums/} to be reconciled, though used as an active verb in the NT: {'dum byed mkhan rnams bde'o/} blessed are the peacemakers (Mt. 5:9); 7) {dul/} peaceable, tamed: {mi thams cad la dul zhing yongs su blo nye bar byed pa/} be peaceable and considerate toward all (Tit. 3:2 SV); 8) {sems la ngal gso/} [lit. mind + rest] peace of mind: {sems la ngal gso ma byung bas/} I had no peace of mind (2 Cor. 2:13 SV); 9) {bzang sgrig} peace treaty, peace agreement: {bzang sgrig byed pa'i zhu ba phul/} they asked for a peace agreement (Acts 12:20); 10) {zhi ba'i 'ching sgrig} peace agreement: {de tshos kho tsho dang mnyam du zhi ba'i 'ching sgrig bzhag} they made a peace agreement with them (2 Sam. 10:19 NTV).% !PEOPLE@ see NATION !PERFECT@ (PERFECTION) 1) #{phun sum tshogs pa/}$ ^Bib: 1) morally perfect, faultless: {yab phun sum tshogs pa lags pa ltar/} as the Father is perfect (Mt. 5:48), {bsnyen bkur byed pa de'i shes bzang phun sum tshogs pa byed mi thub/} unable to clear the conscience of the worshipper (Heb. 9:9); 2) whole, complete: {phun sum tshogs par 'dod na/} if you want to be perfect (Mt. 19:21), {khong gi phun sum tshogs pa las/} from [God's] fullness or completeness (Jn. 1:16), {phun sum tshogs pa 'grub pa'i tshe/} when perfection comes (1 Cor. 13:10), {sdug bsngal gyis phun sum tshogs par mdzad pa/} made perfect through suffering (Heb. 2:10). ^Bst. 1) absolute perfection, a characteristic of an enlightened being who has perfection in strength, wealth, knowledge, or other fields (KTM). Lists of perfections include the {phun sum tshogs pa gsum/} the three perfect accomplishments (TRI 172) and the {phun sum tshogs lnga/} the five perfections: the Buddha's perfect dharma, perfect time, perfect teaching, perfect location or dwelling, and perfect cycle of existence (KTM); 2) whole or complete: {'gro ba mi'i rigs la bde skyid phun sum tshogs pa zhig 'byung ba/} to achieve the goal of [complete] human happiness (DLP 6), {khrims gzhung ldan na bde skyid phun sum tshogs/} if there is the rule of law, happiness is complete (KPU 10), {yon tan phun sum tshogs/} a well-rounded education (KPU 28), {gna' bo'i bzo skrun gyi nyams myong phun sum tshogs po/} rich experience in [studying] ancient structures (MHP 10); 3) noble or excellent: {phun sum tshogs pa lnga/} the five excellences (CNG 63), {rang gzhan gyi don phun sum tshogs pa/} the noble aims of oneself and others (TRC 74); 4) in colloquial usage, good or desirable: {lha dang mi'i lus rten phun sum tshogs pa zhig} the desirable body of a god or a man (TRC 165), {lha dang mi'i bde skyid phun sum tshogs pa/} the desirable happiness of humans and gods (TRC 226). 2) #{rdzogs pa/}$ ^Bib: finished, completed, or perfect: {rtag tu rdzogs pa'i sras/} the Son, who has been made perfect forever (Heb. 7:28 SV), {rdzogs par mdzad pa'i chos drang po rnams kyi sems nyid rnams/} the spirits of righteous men made perfect (Heb. 12:23 SV), {byams pa rdzogs par gyur pas 'jigs pa phyi rol tu 'don no/} perfect love drives out fear (1 Jn. 4:18 SV). ^Bst. 1) perfection: {rdzogs pa chen po/} great perfection (TRI 226), {bskyed rim pa zer ba dang rdzogs rim pa zer ba khag gnyis yod pa red/} there are both developing stage practitioners and perfection stage practitioners [in the tantra college] (TRC 51), {mkhyen brtse nus gsum la sogs pa'i yon tan yongs su rdzogs pa'i sgo nas/} by means of his own perfection of the qualities of wisdom, compassion, and power (TRC 73), {dran pa dang /,,shes bzhin gyi stobs yongs rdzogs ldan yang /} even though one has perfected the powers of attentiveness and introspective awareness (TRC 201); 2) complete, whole, entire: {rdul phran mtshon cha yongs su rdzogs pa rtsa med bzo rgyu'i las/} the work of completely destroying all nuclear weapons (DLP 7), {'gro ba mi'i khyim tshang yongs su rdzogs pa/} the whole family of man (DLP 12), {rdzogs pa'i sangs rgyas/} complete Buddhahood (GSL 12); 3) fulfilled, accomplished: {dngos gzhi yongs su rdzogs pa/} when the four are fulfilled (TRC 242), {'dod pa ma rdzogs par/} [his] desire not being fulfilled (TRC 260), {dbang bzhi rdzogs/} the four empowerments are complete (HTE 184); 4) finished, run out, exhausted: {las bzang po'i 'bras bu rdzogs/} the result of his former good karma was finished (TRC 260), {dus tshod rdzogs pa yin/} time has run out (SGN 22), {za ya tshang ma rdzogs nas/} when the food ran out (DPD). Cognates: {yongs rdzogs/} [lit. all + whole] all, entire: {de dag yongs rdzogs dgos pa yin/} the world needs them all (DLP 21), {chos lugs yongs rdzogs/} all religions (DLP 21), {gzugs po yongs rdzogs rma yis khyab pa'i mi/} a man whose whole body was covered with sores (SGN 6), {rang gi sku lus yongs rdzogs keng rus lta bur gyur kyang /} though his whole body became like a skeleton (SGN 9).% 3) #{yang dag pa/}$ ^Bib: actual, real; perfect in the sense of fully realized: {yang dag par mthun pa/} perfect unity (Col. 3:14), {yang dag pa'i byams pas 'jigs pa phyir skrod/} perfect love drives out fear (1 Jn. 4:18). ^Bst. 1) [lit. completely pure] perfect as applied to religious persons and qualities; completely and totally perfect: {ston pa yang dag pa/} the perfect teacher [i.e. the Buddha] (TRC 73), {zla grogs yang dag pa/} the perfect religious companion (TRC 73), {yang dag pa'i ye shes/} perfect wisdom (KBT 45), {yang dag par spong ba/} four perfect abandonments (KBT 51), {yang dag byang chub/} perfect enlightenment (KBT 58); 2) completely true, right or perfectly correct: {yang dag pa'i lta ba/} right view, {yang dag pa'i rtog pa/} right thought, {yang dag pa'i ngag} right speech (KBT 43), {yang dag pa'i kun rdzob/} correct conventional truth (KBT 43); 3) pure: {rgyu mtshan yang dag pa/} pure reasons (KTM), {bsam tshul yang dag pa/} a way of thinking which is pure (KTM). 4) #{mthar phyin/}$ ^Bib: thorough, complete, perfect: {de ni thob zin pa dang nga mthar phyin pa'i don la ma yin/} not that I have already obtained all this, or have already been made perfect (Phil. 3:12), {mthar phyin par mdzad pa'i drang po rnams kyi sems nyid/} the spirits of righteous men made perfect (Heb. 12:23). ^Bst. 1) perfection: {mthar phyin pa'i lam/} the path of perfection (KBT 64), used especially of the perfection of the Buddhas and their perfect qualities: {chos thams cad mngon sum du rtogs pa mthar phyin pa'i ye shes/} the perfect knowledge that directly perceives all objects (TRC 74), {nus pa mthar phyin pa/} unlimited powers (TRC 318), {rang gzhan gyi don gnyis mthar phyin pa'i sangs rgyas/} a Buddha who attains the goals of himself and others (TRC 318), {sbyin pa mthar phyin pa'i don/} the meaning of the perfection of giving (TRC 346), {tshul khrims mthar phyin/} the perfection of lawful conduct (TRC 347), {mya ngan las 'das pa'i mthar phyin to/} they attain nirvana (HSU 168); 2) to graduate from school, complete one's education: {slob grwa nas mthar phyin ba/} graduating from school (KTM), {yon tan mthar phyin pa slob dgos/} one must study to be perfect in knowledge (KTM), {khong tsho gsum gyis rgya gar la slob sbyong mthar phyin gnang /} those three completed their studies in India (TRC 116), {lam sgom pa mthar phyin dgos/} one must complete meditation on the path (TRC 164); 3) to pass beyond, with strong implications of passing into perfection, attaining Buddhahood or nirvana: {mi tshe mthar phyin pa/} passing beyond human life (KTM). Cognates: {mthar phyin pa byed pa/} to perfect: {chos kyi nyams len mthar phyin pa byed pa la/} in order to perfect one's practice of the doctrine (TRC 164).% 5) #{phul tu phyin pa/}$ ^Bib: to have achieved perfection, wholeness, or completion: {dkon mchog la 'jigs shing dam pa phul du byung bar shog} perfecting holiness out of reverence for God (2 Cor. 7:1), {mi re re ma shi ka pa phul tu 'byung ba 'gyur ba'i phyir/} so that we may present everyone perfect in Christ (Col. 1:28), {gur mchog che zhing phul du byung ba'i gur mchog} the greater and more perfect tabernacle (Heb. 9:11), {phul du phyin pa yin te/} [he] is a perfect man (Jas. 3:2). ^Bst. to achieve perfection in a given field or area, as opposed to {phun sum tshog pa/} which is to achieve perfection in all areas of life (KTM). The Tibetan translation of Atisha's personal name is {phul byung /} achieved excellence (KTM). Related Terms: 1) {sgrub pa/} to accomplish, to complete an action: {nged kyi dad pa'i 'go 'dzug pa po dang sgrub par mdzad mkhan/} the author and perfecter of our faith (Heb. 12:2 SV); 2) {bla na med pa/} invaluable, priceless, incomparable: {bla na med pa'i dkon mchog} Almighty God, {gzi brjid bla na med pa/} incomparable glory (KTM); 3) {gong na med pa/} priceless (KTM); 4) {pha rol tu phyin pa/} [lit. gone to the other side] to be perfected (KTM), {sbyin pa'i pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of generosity (KBT 65); 5) {mchog} perfect, supreme (KTM); 6) {rab/} exceeding, best {gsung rab/} [lit. say + best] scriptures, Bible.% !PERSEVERANCE@ (PERSEVERE) see also PATIENCE 1) #{bzod pa/}$ ^Bib: patience, perseverance: {bzod pa la chos sems/} [add] to perseverance, godliness (2 Pet. 1:6), {ngas khyod kyi las rnams dang 'bad rtsol dang bzod pa mkhyen/} I know your deeds, your hard work and your perseverance (Rev. 2:2). ^Bst. see PATIENCE. 2) #{brtan por gnas/}$ [lit. remain firm] ^Bib: persevere: {khyed tshos sdug bsngal dang 'tshe ba mtha' dag myong yang /,,bzod cing dad pa la brtan por gnas pas/} your perseverance and faith in all the persecutions and trials you are enduring (2 Thes. 1:4). 3) #{sgug pa/}$ ^Bib: [lit. to wait] perseverance: {dkon mchog la chags pa dang ma shi ka'i phyir sgug pa/} God's love and Christ's perseverance (2 Thes. 3:5). Related Terms: 1) {theg pa/} [lit. tolerate, bear] persevere, endure: {nyams sad pa theg pa'i mi/} the man who perseveres under trial (Jas. 1:12); 2) {sran pa/} p. {bsran/} to tolerate, bear: {sdug sran byed pa rnams/} those who have persevered (Jas. 5:11); 3) {'gyur med/} unchanging (KTM); 4) {g.yo ba med pa/} unwavering (KTM); 5) {brtson 'grus/} [lit. effort] perseverance: {brtson 'grul kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of perseverance (KBT 65), {dam tshig sems dang brtson 'grus snying nas dgos/} you must have commitment and perseverance from the heart (KPU 9); 6) {sdug rus byed pa/} to bear afflictions, suffer (KTM).% !PETER@ 1) #{pe tro/}$ ^Bib: the Apostle Peter: {pe tro bzhengs te 'di skad du/} Peter got up and addressed them (Acts 15:7). 2) #{pi te/}$ Ch. Peter (JFS). !PHARISEE@ 1) #{pha ru shi pa/}$ ^Bib: Pharisee: {pha ru shi pa dang mkhan po/} Pharisees and teachers of the law (Mt. 15:1), {pha ru shi pa dang sad du ki pa/} Pharisees and Sadducees (Mt. 16:11), {bla chen dang pha ru shi pa rnams/} chief priests and the Pharisees (Mt. 21:45), {pha ru shi pa'i skyur rtsi/} yeast of the Pharisees (Mk. 8:15). 2) #{pha li seb pa/}$ Ch. Pharisee (JFS). !PHILOSOPHY@ 1) #{rig pa/}$ [lit. knowledge, learning] philosophy: {don med pa'i gtam dang rig pa'i sgo nas/} by means of hollow philosophy (1 Cor. 1:20 SV). 2) #{mtshan nyid/}$ Bst. logic, philosophy: {mtshan nyid kyi gzhung che mo/} the great books on philosophy (TRC 2), {mtshan nyid grwa tshang /} the college of philosophy in a monastery (TRC 3), {mtshan nyid kyi dpe cha/} philosophy books (DPD). Related Terms: 1) {dgag bzhag spong gsum/} the method of discussion of Buddhist philosophy (TRC 24); 2) {yig cha/} books explaining the finer points of Bst. philosophy (TRC 24); 3) {nang pa'i grub mtha' smra ba/} a school of Bst. philosophy: {rgya gar gyi nang pa'i grub mtha' smra ba bzhi/} the four schools of Indian Buddhist philosophy (TRC 135); 4) {rtsod pa po/} [lit. debater] philosopher (1 Cor. 1:20 SV); 5) {rtsod gleng pa/} [lit. debater] philosopher (1 Cor. 1:20 SV).% !POWER@ see also ALMIGHTY, BLESSING 1) #{dbang /}$ [hon. {mnga'/}] ^Bib: 1) spiritual power or authority: {dbang dang mthu yis 'gong po la bka' gnang /} with authority and power he gives orders to evil spirits (Lk. 4:36), {dmyal bar dbyug pa'i dbang /} power to throw you into hell (Lk. 12:5), {bdud kyi dbang /} the power of Satan (Acts 26:18), {khyod kyi nang na nga'i dbang ston pa/} that I might display my power in you (Rom. 9:17), {ltas ston pa'i dbang /} miraculous powers (1 Cor. 12:10), {sdig pa'i dbang ni bka' khrims yin/} the power of sin is the law (1 Cor. 15:56), {dbang dang srid/} powers and authorities (Col. 2:15); 2) legal power or authority: {spyi khyab kyi khrims dang dbang /} the power and authority of the governor (Lk. 20:20), {sgrol ba'i dbang dang rgyang shing la rkyong ba'i dbang /} power to free you or to crucify you (Jn. 19:10). ^Bst. In an ultimate sense, power refers to the ability of the Buddhas to free all beings from suffering (JPG 200). Specific instances include: 1) tantric initiation or empowerment (TRI 189): {rang sems gla mar shes na dbang bzhi rdzogs/} if you recognize your own mind as the teacher, all four empowerments are complete (HTE 184); 2) miraculous or supernatural power: {dbang bcu/} the ten miraculous powers of a Buddha, including control of length of life, miracles, circumstances of rebirth, etc. (TRI 189); 3) faculty, sense, cognitive power: {dbang shes dang yid shes/} sense consciousness and mental consciousness (TRC 166), {dbang po lnga/} the five physical senses: sight, hearing, etc. (TRI 190); 4) ability: {dbang po lnga/} the ability given by faith, effort, mindfulness, concentration, and wisdom (the so-called {dbang po lnga/}) to propel one towards enlightenment (KBT 55), {snying rje'i dbang gis/} by the power of great compassion (TRC 341), {gtam brjod 'dod dbang /} freedom of speech (RRT 282 n. 23). Cognates: 1) {srid dbang /} political power (SBC-1, p. 62); 2) {kun dbang /} all powerful {dkon dbang ldan pa'i dkon mchog} the Lord God Almighty (2 Sam. 5:10 NTV); 3) {rang dbang /} independent (TRC 95); 4) {dbang thang /} political power {rgyal po la sogs pa'i dbang thang /} the power of a king (TRC 227); 5) {dbang du byas nas/} from the point of view of (TRC 242); 6) {dbang med/} powerless, beyond one's control (TRC 245); 7) {dbang du song ba/} to fall under the power of: {rang gces 'dzin gyi dbang du ma song ba/} [lit. not to go under the power of self cherishing] unselfishness (DLP 18); 8) {dbang cha/} rights, powers {bod gzhung dga' ldan pho brang gyi chab srid dbang cha tshang ma/} all the powers of the former Tibetan government (DPD 24).% 2) #{mnga' thang /}$ ^Bib: might, dominion, power, authority; especially in a political sense: {rgyal po'i khri'am srid yin rung /,,/dbang dang mnga' thang yod do cog} whether thrones or powers or rulers or authorities (Col. 1:16), {mnga' thang dang dbang dang stobs/} dominion, authority, and power (1 Cor. 15:24), {dbang dang /,,srid dang mnga' thang dang /,,rgyal srid/} rule, authority, power, and dominion (Eph. 1:21), {pho nya dang /,,dbang dang /,,mnga' thang rnams la mnga' mdzad do/} angels, authorities and powers in submission to him (1 Pet. 3:22), {mnga' thang dang mthu stobs/} power and strength (Rev. 7:12). Proverbs: {rgyal po chen po yul gyi rgyan cha red/,,khrims dang mthun na rgyal gzhis mnga' thang ldan/} a great king is the country's ornament; if he [rules] in accord with the law, his realm will be glorious and powerful (KPU 10). 3) #{mthu stobs/}$ [lit. power + strength] ^Bib: supernatural power or ability: {nga las mthu stobs che/} one who is more powerful than I (Mt. 3:11), {shes rab dang mthu stobs/} wisdom and miraculous powers (Mt. 13:54), {dkon mchog gi mthu stobs/} the power of God (Mt. 22:29), {nyid kyi nang nas mthu stobs shig thon pa mkhyen nas/} realized that power had gone out from him (Mk. 5:30), {khong gi mthu stobs thog med dang ngo bo mi snang ba/} [God's eternal power and divine nature (Rom. 1:20), {ma shi ka'i mthu stobs/} Christ's power (2 Cor. 12:9). ^Bst. 1) used of the power of the gods to change into other forms (AMD); 2) used of the secular might or power of kings, heroes, etc. (AMD). 4) #{nus pa/}$ ^Bib: power, ability: {sdig pa rwa can la yod pa'i nus pa lta bu/} power like that of scorpions (Rev. 9:3). ^Bst. ability, capacity: {'jigs pa las skyob pa'i nus pa/} the capacity to save from fear (TRC 73), {za mi nus pa/} unable to eat (TRC 229), {sdig pa shin tu stobs chen mang po 'joms nus pa/} the ability to overcome powerful evils (TRC 319), {legs nyes 'byed pa'i blo yi nus pa/} the ability to decide between good and evil (DLP 23). 5) #{shugs/}$ ^Bib: physical strength, power, ability: {zla ba lnga'i bar du zug gzer byung ba'i shugs/} power to torment people for five months (Rev. 9:10). Cognates: 1) {shugs chen po/} intense, strong: {slob gnyer shugs chen po byed ma thub pa/} unable to do intense studying (TRC 4), {dran pa shugs chen po/} a strong power of attentiveness (TRC 200), {chags zhen shugs che/} passionate attachment (DLP 13); 2) {shugs snon/} to strengthen, reinforce, or give emphasis to: {'phrul bzo rig gnas kyi thog tu shugs snon che drags pa yin na/} if we give too much emphasis to science and technology (DLP 2); 3) {shugs rkyen/} influence (SBC-1, 61); 4) {rdul phran gyi stobs shugs/} nuclear power {rdul phran gyi stobs shugs ldan pa'i dbu khrid tsho/} the leaders of the nuclear powers (DLP 7); 5) {glog shugs/} electric power: {bzo las glog shugs thing /} industrial electric power department.% Related Terms: 1) {mthu/} power a) divine power: {bla med mthu/} the power of the Most High (Lk. 1:35), {thugs nyid kyi mthu dang ldan te/} in the power of the Spirit (Lk. 4:14), {khong las mthu byung zhing thams cad sos pas/} power was coming from him and healing them all (Lk. 6:19), {dkon mchog gis dam pa'i thugs nyid dang mthu yis byugs te/} God anointed [Jesus] with the Holy Spirit and power (Acts 10:38), b) occult or demonic power; magic: {mthu ldan/} demons (Rom. 8:38), {mthu dang khri dang mnga' dbang /} [the dragon's] power and throne and great authority (Rev. 13:2), {mthu chen/} magician, an epithet of Milarepa (CTL 379); 2) {stobs/} strength or power, either divine or human: {e li ya'i shugs dang stobs kyis/} in the spirit and power of Elijah (Lk. 1:17), {ngag dang las gnyis stobs can/} [Moses was] powerful in speech and action (Acts 7:22), {sha ul gyi snying stobs rgyas/} Saul grew more and more powerful (Acts 9:22), {stobs med cig 'debs nas stobs ldan zhig lang /} sown in weakness, raised in power (1 Cor. 15:43), {gtso bo'i nus mthu'i stobs kyis ma shi ka pa stobs can du gyur cig} be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power (Eph. 6:10); 3) {stobs shugs/} power: {dgra bo stobs shugs can rnams/} powerful enemies (2 Sam. 22:18 NTV), {lus kyi stobs shugs/} the strength of the body (SGN 7); 4) {nus shugs/} ability and strength (KTM), {chos kyi nus shugs/} spiritual energy and power (DLP 23).% !PRAISE@ see also GLORIFY 1) #{stod/}$ [var. {bstod/}] p. {bstod/} ^Bib: to praise or glorify: 1) used of praising God: {ngas khyed la bstod do/} I praise you (Mt. 11:25,26), {yis ra el gyi dkon mchog la bstod do/} they praised the God of Israel (Mt. 15:31), {nga yi sems kyis gtso bor bstod/} my soul glorifies the Lord (Lk. 1:46); 2) also used of praise of men: {ngas khyed tshor mi bstod do/} I have no praise for you (1 Cor. 11:17), {chos tshogs thams cad kyis bstod pa'i spun/} the brother who is praised by all the churches (2 Cor. 8:18). Cognates: 1) {bstod 'os pa/} praiseworthy (Phil. 4:8); 2) {bstod bsngags/} praise: {dkon mchog la bstod bsngags so/} they praised God (Mt. 9:8), {nga yi skyabs gnas dam par bstod bsngags shig} praised be God my holy refuge (2 Sam. 22:47 NTV), {phyi pa thams cad gtso bor bstod sngogs shig} praise the Lord, all you Gentiles (Rom. 15:11); 3) {bstod gtong /} to praise: {ngas rang bstod gtong na/} if I glorify myself (Jn. 8:54); 4) {bstod pa 'bul/} to offer praise (KTM).% 2) #{bstod pa/}$ [var. {stod pa/}] ^Bib: praise, honor: {khyed kyis bstod pa drangs so/} you have ordained praise (Mt. 21:16), {rgyal pos bstod pa de dkon mchog la ma phul pas/} because [Herod] did not give praise to God (Acts 12:23), {de 'dra la bstod pa mi nas mi 'byung /} such a man's praise is not from men (Rom. 2:29), {re re'i bstod pa dkon mchog nas 'ong /} each will receive his praise from God (1 Cor. 4:5), {bstod pa dang dpal dang bkur sti/} praise, glory, and honor (1 Pet. 1:7). ^Bst. 1) praise: {sangs rgyas la bstod pa mchod brjod kyi dpe cha/} manuals of worship in praise of the Buddha (TRC 2), {'jig rten las 'das bstod pa/} praise to the [Buddha] transcending the world (LKT 2); 2) {bstod chen bzhi/} scriptures which praise four specific Buddhas (TRI 117). Cognates: {bstod dbyangs/} [var. {stod dbyangs/} {bstod glu/}] a song of praise: {khyed la bstod dbyangs bya/} I will sing your praises (Heb. 2:12), {blo bde na bstod dbyangs phul zhig} the happy should sing songs of praise (Jas. 5:13).% 3) #{bkur sti/}$ ^Bib: honor, respect, praise: {ngas mi'i bkur sti mi 'tshol/} I do not accept [lit. seek] praise from men (Jn. 5:41), {phan tshun bkur sti 'tshol ba/} seek praise from one another (Jn. 5:44), {de tsho dkon mchog gi bkur sti las/,,mi'i bkur sti la lhag par chags pas so/} they loved praise from men more than praise from God (Jn. 12:43). ^Bst. see HONOR. Related Terms: 1) {sti stang /} respect, honor: {sti stang ma btsal bar/} not looking for praise (1 Thes. 2:6); 2) {smon pa/} benediction or blessing: {kha gcig gi nang nas smon pa dang dmod pa gnyis ka 'thon no/} from the same mouth come praise and cursing (Jas. 3:10); 3) {snyan grags/} [lit. fame, reputation] praise: {de'i snyan grags ni mi las mi 'byung gis/} such a man's praise is not from men (Rom. 2:29 SV); 4) {bkra shis/} blessing, prosperity: {lug gu la bkra shis dang /,,bkur sti dang /,,gzi brjid dang /,,mnga' thang /} to the Lamb be praise and honor and glory and power (Rev. 5:13 SV); 5) {yon tan sgrog pa/} [lit. good qualities + declare] praise: {de'i yon tan sgrog pa'i phyir/} that you may declare his praises (1 Pet. 2:9 SV).% !PRAYER@ (PRAY) 1) #{smon lam/}$ [lit. blessing + way] ^Bib: prayer: {'gong rigs 'di smon lam gyis ma gtogs 'thon mi thub/} this kind can come out only by prayer (Mk. 9:29), {dkon mchog gis khyod kyi smon lam gsan pas/} God has heard your prayer (Lk. 1:13), {snyung gnas dang smon lam/} fasting and prayer (Lk. 2:37), {smon lam dang sbyin pa rnams/} prayers and gifts to the poor (Acts 10:4), {smon lam nang 'di ltar dran/} remembering [you] in my prayers (Eph. 1:15,16), {dam pa rnams kyi smon lam/} prayers of the saints (Rev. 8:4). ^Bst. 1) {smon lam/} is the wish or desire of the mind (TDC 2175), which may be a request for some blessing or for the destruction of one's enemies {smon lam log pa/} . It is generally believed to be of five types; e.g. for the mind of enlightenment, a good rebirth, good conditions for meditation, moral perfection, etc. (TRI 209); 2) another type of prayer accompanies an offering of the first portion of one's daily food and drink, and asks for the blessing of understanding the teachings of Bsm. (JPG 222). Cognates: 1) {smon lam khang /} a house of prayer (Mt. 21:13); 2) {smon lam chen mo/} or {smon lam dus chen/} the 21 day prayer festival held at Lhasa during the first Tibetan month (TRC 27).% 2) #{smon lam 'debs pa/}$ p. {btab/} f. {'debs/} imp. {thob/} [hon. {smon lam zhus pa/}] ^Bib: to pray: {khyed la gshe ba rnams kyi don du smon lam thob/} pray for those who mistreat you (Lk. 6:28), {mchod khang la smon lam 'debs su song /} [they] went to the temple to pray (Lk. 18:10), {khong tshos smon lam btab nas/,,phyag dbang gnang ngo /} [the apostles] prayed and laid their hands on them (Acts 6:6), {pus mo sa la btsugs te/,,de thams cad dang mnyam du smon lam btab/} he knelt down with all of them and prayed (Acts 20:36), {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi mthus smon lam thob cig} pray in the power of the Holy Spirit (Jude 20), {thengs gsum par sngon bzhin smon lam zhus/} [Jesus] prayed the third time, saying the same thing (Mt. 26:44), {yab la smon lam zhus/} pray to your Father (Mt. 6:6), {spun rnams/,,nga tsho'i phyir smon lam zhus shig} brothers, pray for us (1 Thes. 5:25), {skad gzhan rnams nang smon lam zhu/} to pray in other languages [or tongues] (1 Cor. 14:14). ^Bst. {shing gi lha la smon lam brgyabs/} [she] prayed to the tree-spirit (SGN 10), {lus ngag yid gsum phyag 'tshal smon lam thobs/} pray with your body, speech, and mind (KPU 16), {smon lam 'debs pa'i gnas/} the place of prayer (Acts 16:16). 3) #{gsol ba/}$ ^Bib: prayer as a request or petition for something: {gsol ba dang /,,smon lam dang /,,zhu ba dang /,,gtang rag phul/} requests, prayers, intercession and thanksgiving (1 Tim. 2:1), {smon lam dang gsol ba btab pas/} [he] offered up prayers and petitions (Heb. 5:7). 4) #{gsol ba 'debs pa/}$ p. {btab/} f. {'debs/} imp. {thob/} ^Bib: to request in prayer: {khyod kyi 'tshe ba po'i don du gsol ba thob/} pray for those who persecute you (Mt. 5:44), {khyod kyi dad pa mi yal phyir ngas gsol ba btab pa yin/} I prayed that your faith may not fail (Lk. 22:32), {gsol ba 'debs so/} I pray for them (Jn. 17:9), {rgyun chad med par thugs nyid kyi sgo nas/,,gsol ba smon lam thob cig} pray in the Spirit on all occasions with all kinds of prayers and requests (Eph. 6:18), {gsol ba 'debs pa la brtson/} wrestling in prayer (Col. 4:12), {nyin mtshan med par smon lam dang gsol ba 'debs shing gnas kyang /} continues night and day to pray and to ask God for help (1 Tim. 5:5). ^Bst. {slob ma rnams kyis gsol ba btab pa bzhin/} according to the request of [the Buddha's] disciples (SGN 16). Cognates: 1) {gsol ba mchod pa/} to offer requests (KTM); 2) {gsol ba zhu ba/} to ask for (KTM).% 5) #{thugs dam/}$ ^Bib: 1) solitary prayer, meditation: {thugs dam phyir gcig pur ri la phebs so/} he went up on a mountainside by himself to pray (Mt. 14:23), {khong ni dben par thugs dam la bzhugs so/} Jesus often withdrew to lonely places and prayed (Lk. 5:16); 2) occasionally used of prayer generally: {thugs dam dang bka' sgrog pa'i zhabs tog} prayer and the ministry of the word (Acts 6:4). Related Terms: 1) {kha ton/} [var. {kha 'don/} hon. {zhal 'don/}] recitation of memorized prayers or texts; 2) {ming 'bod/} to call on the name of: {ba al gyi ming 'bod/} they called on the name of Baal (1 Ki. 18:26); 3) {smon log 'debs pa/} to curse: {khyed rang la 'tshe ba rnams la smon log ma 'debs par byin brlabs thongs shig} bless those who persecute you: bless and do not curse (Rom. 12:14).% !PREACH@ see also TEACH, TEACHING 1) #{'chad pa/}$ p. {bshad/} imp. {shod/} ^Bib: to preach or explain: {chos ston zhing phrin bzang 'chad pa'i tshe/} when he was teaching and preaching the gospel (Lk. 20:1), {ngas phyi par 'chad pa'i phrin bzang /} the gospel I preach to the Gentiles (Gal. 2:2), {'jig rten nang gang du'ang phrin bzang 'di 'chad/} wherever the gospel is preached throughout the world (Mk. 14:9), {phrin bzang 'chad du mngags so/} sent me to preach the gospel (1 Cor. 1:17), {ngas sngon bshad pa'i phrin bzang /} the gospel I preached (1 Cor. 15:1), {ngas bshad pa yid la bzung na/} if you believe what I preached to you (1 Cor. 15:2). ^Bst. Bsm. is normally transmitted from teacher to student through the study of scriptural texts. There are said to be five methods of accomplishing this, the so-called {bshad thabs yan lag lnga/} or "five methods of teaching": discussing its purpose, summarizing it, giving its literal meaning; studying its links with other texts; and debate and discussion of the meaning (CNG 66/TRI 276). 1) to explain: {bshad tshul mang po yod/} there are many ways to explain it (TRC 96), {nga tsho nang pa'i chos kyi bshad pa ltar na/} as our Bst. religion explains (DPD); 2) to teach: {ngas bshad pa'i chos nyams su len pa na/} when you practice the doctrine I have taught (TRC 184); 3) to say: {lo bdun yin pa bshad dgos/} you must say that you are seven years old (DPD). Cognates: 1) {'grel bshad/} a textual commentary (TRC 24); 2) {bshad lung gnang /} transmission of a text from teacher to student by teaching and recitation (TRC 49); 3) {bsdus tsam bshad/} to summarize (TRC 226); 4) {rdzun bshad pa/} to tell a lie (TRC 244); 5) {chos bshad/} to preach, explain religion: {nga la chos bshad byung ngo /} he explained the Gospel to me (DPD), {bza' nyi ma la chos bshad do/} I preached on Sunday (DPD); 6) {gtam bshad/} advice: {kha che pha lu'i snying gtam bshad yod/} this is Khache Phalu's heartfelt advice (KPU 10).% 2) #{sgrog}$ p. {bsgrags/} imp. {sgrogs/} ^Bib: to proclaim, declare, preach: {dkon mchog gis nga tsho ma ke don du phrin bzang sgrog tu bos pa/} God called us to preach the gospel in Macedonia (Acts 16:10), {phrin bzang sgrog pa/} one who preaches the gospel (1 Cor. 9:14). Cognates: 1) {bsgrags gtam/} declaration: {byis pa 'tsho gnas dang 'tshar longs yong bar srung skyong byed pa'i bsgrags gtam/} World Declaration on the Survival, Protection and Development of Children (BFT 21); 2) {dril bsgrags/} propaganda (SLR 11).% Related Terms: 1) {ston/} p. {bstan/} to teach: {ngas dkon mchog gi phrin bzang rin med par khyed cag la bstan/} I preached the gospel to you free of charge (2 Cor. 11:7 SV), {mdo sngags kyi bstan pa/} the teaching of the sutras and tantras (TRC 113); 2) {bslab bya byed pa/} to teach: {chos klog pa dang /,,bslab bya byed pa dang /,,bstan pa/} reading of Scripture, preaching and teaching (1 Tim. 4:13 SV); 3) {skul/} to urge, exhort: {khyod kyis mi la rkun ma ma byed skul gyis/} you who are preaching against stealing (Rom. 2:21 SV); 4) {chos dar ba/} to spread or propagate Bsm.; 5) {gdams gnang /} to advise (KTM); 6) {chos gnang /} to teach religion (TRC 53).% !PRIDE@ 1) #{nga rgyal/}$ [lit. I + king] ^Bib: arrogance, conceit, pride: {nga rgyal dang /,,blun sems/} arrogance and folly (Mk. 7:22), {khengs dregs can dang /,,nga rgyal can dang /,,tshig rtsub smra mkhan/} boastful, proud, and abusive (2 Tim. 3:2), {dkon mchog gis nga rgyal can la rgol bar mdzad/} God opposes the proud (Jas. 4:6), {khyed tshos nga rgyal gyis ngom par byed/} you boast and brag (Jas. 4:16), {nga rgyal gyi blun gtam/} boastful words (2 Pet. 2:18). ^Bst. Pride is one of the sinful attitudes often mentioned with desire, hatred, ignorance, wrong view, and envy as one of the "six root delusions" or {rtsa nyon drug} that cause rebirth and suffering (KTM). Seven types of pride are mentioned in Bst. texts: {nga rgyal/} a feeling of arrogance or superiority, {che ba'i nga rgyal/} a sense of superiority over equals, {nga rgyal las kyang nga rgyal/} extreme conceit or arrogance, {mngon pa'i nga rgyal/} false pride in which one claims to know or be something one is not, {nga'o snyam pa'i nga rgyal/} a feeling that only you can do something well, {cung zad snyam pa'i nga rgyal/} a feeling of being a little better than one's peers, {log pa'i nga rgyal/} perverse pride in sins or wrongdoing (CNG 90/DMP 238/TRI 65/KBT 18). {nga rgyal khengs dregs/} proud and arrogant (TQP 76). Proverbs: 1) {don rtsa 'jam po'i sgo nas lon zer na/,,nga rgyal khong khro don med stong pa red/} if you want to achieve your goals peacefully, pride and anger are useless (KPU 14); 2) {nga rgyal gyi gong bur/,,yon tan gyi rtswa mi skyes/} the grass of virtue cannot grow under the heap of pride (BTP 86); 3) {mjing pa g.yag las sbom pa/} thicker than a yak's neck [used of very proud people] (TQP 97). Cognates: {nga rgyal skyed/} to be proud: {rig pas nga rgyal skyed/,,byams pas yar skyed skyed do/} knowledge puffs up, but love builds up (1 Cor. 8:1), {nga rgyal mi skyed phyir/} to keep me from becoming conceited (2 Cor. 12:7), {nga rgyal mi skyed/} not to be arrogant (1 Tim. 6:17).% 2) #{rlom pa/}$ ^Bib: to take pride in, to be conceited: {phyogs ris kyis mi rlom phyir/} so you will not take pride in one man over against another (1 Cor. 4:6), {re res rang gi khur 'khur dgos pas rang rlom na ma gtogs gzhan gyi mdun du rlom pa'i rgyu mi 'dug} he can take pride in himself, without comparing himself to somebody else (Gal 6:4,5). ^Bst. {rlom sems/} is arrogance or conceit (TRI 263), and as such {rlom pa/} normally has a negative connotation (AMD). {bde thang du rlom pa'i 'du shes 'khrul pa/} a false sense of security (DLP 16). 3) #{ngom/}$ p. {ngoms/} ^Bib: to take satisfaction in, to be proud of an accomplishment of oneself or others: {nga tsho khyed tsho'i phyir ngom pa'i rgyu zhig yin no/} we are giving you an opportunity to take pride in us (2 Cor. 5:12), {spun dma' ba de mthon por btegs par 'gyur bas dma' ba'i gnas su ngoms shig} the brother in humble circumstances ought to take pride in his high position (Jas. 1:9), {phyug po de dma' bar 'gyur ba la ngoms shig} the one who is rich should take pride in his low position (Jas. 1:10), {ma shi ka ye shu ngom pa nga tsho/} we who glory in Christ Jesus (Phil.3:3). Related Terms: 1) {rang stod pa/} commend oneself, boast (2 Cor. 5:12 SV); 2) {khengs pa/} [var. {khengs dregs/}] arrogance, conceit (KTM); 3) {dregs pa/} pride, insolence (KTM) which may be subdivided into 15 types (see TRI 137).% !PRIEST@ 1) #{bla chen/}$ [lit. priest + great] [var. {bla ma chen po/}] ^Bib: chief priest or high priest: 1) chief priest: {bla chen dang mkhan po/} chief priests and teachers of the law (Mt. 2:4), {rgan mi dang bla chen dang mkhan po rnams/} elders, chief priests, and teachers of the law (Mt. 16:21), {bla chen dang pha ru shi pa rnams/} chief priests and Pharisees (Mt. 21:45); 2) high priest: {bla chen ab ya thar/} Abiathar the high priest (Mk. 2:26), {ye shu bla chen gyi rtsar gdan drangs nas/} they took Jesus to the high priest (Mk. 14:53); 3) used also of Jesus' high priesthood: {sku tshab dang bla chen ye shu la som zhig} fix your thoughts on Jesus, the apostle and high priest (Heb. 3:1), {mal ki tshe deg gi rim par bla chen/} high priest in the order of Melchizedek (Heb. 5:10), {dkon mchog gis khong la mel ki tshe deg gi lugs su bla ma chen po zhes pa'i mtshan gnang ngo /} (Heb. 5:10 SV). ^Bst. a head lama or religious leader: {bla chen/} a great living Buddha (e.g. the Dalai Lama) (AMD), {a mdo bla ma chen po/} a great lama from Amdo (DPD), {bla chen dgongs pa rab gsal/} the great lama Gongpa Rabsel (TRC 115), {bla chen gyi sku drung nas sdom pa blangs/} received their vows from the great lama (TRC 115). 2) #{bla ma/}$ ^Bib: priest: {za kar ya bya ba'i bla ma zhig} a priest named Zechariah (Lk. 1:5), {bla ma la ston zhig} go show [yourselves] to the priests (Lk. 17:14), {bla ma dang mchod g.yog pa/} priests and Levites (Jn. 1:19), {khyed ni gtan gyi bla ma yin/} you are a priest forever (Heb. 7:21). ^Bst. 1) {bla ma/} a Tibetan Bst. priest who is the intermediary between the believer and the spiritual powers of the Buddhas. The lama is thought to be the source of all spiritual progress. Complete reliance on one's lama for one moment is said to create the same amount of merit as a thousand aeons of practicing the six perfections; and making offerings to even one hair of the lama is said to make more merit than offerings to all the Buddhas. Devotion to lamas {bla ma'i rnal 'byor/} is said to help progress towards enlightenment, to delight all the Buddhas, to give protection from demons, and to fulfill all wishes (JPG 99). Hence tantric disciples are expected to {ci mdzad legs mthong /} see whatever one's teacher does as good (TQP 85). On the other hand, breaking the bond of commitment {bla slob kyi dam tshig} (TQP 151) with one's lama is said to destroy all good karma, cause sickness, possession by evil spirits, and rebirth in hell (JPG 105); 2) the founder of a guru-to-disciple teaching lineage: {rtsa ba'i bla ma mgon po/} the root lama of a teaching lineage (HTE 180); 3) a tantric religious teacher: {rgya gar dang bal po'i bla ma brgya dang lnga bcu/} 150 Indian and Nepalese gurus (TRC 137). Cognates: {bla ma dbu mdzad/} a lead lama, one who has passed an examination in sutra and tantra (TRC 53).% 3) #{dge 'dun/}$ ^Bib: priesthood: {dge 'dun dam pa/} a holy priesthood (1 Pet. 2:5,6), {rgyal srid dang dge 'dun du mdzad pa/} made us to be a kingdom and priests [lit. a priesthood] (Rev. 1:6). ^Bst. see CHURCH. 4) #{mchod shoms pa/}$ ^Bib: priest: {rang gi lus mchod shoms pa la bstan/} show yourself to the priest (Mt. 8:4). ^Bst. a {mchod shoms pa/} is a person who arranges a religious service and places offerings before the lama or deity to be worshipped (AMD). 5) #{mchod dpon/}$ [lit. offering + master] ^Bib: priest: {mchod dpon za dog} Zadok the priest (2 Sam. 15:35 NTV). Related Terms: {bla rgyud/} priesthood or priestly lineage: {le wi'i bla brgyud/} the Levitical priesthood (Heb. 7:11); {bla brgyud spos pas bka' khrims kyang spo dgos byung /} when there is a change of the priesthood, there must also be a change of the law (Heb. 7:12).% !PROMISE@ see also COVENANT, JUDGE 1) #{kha chad/}$ [hon. {zhal chad/}] ^Bib: a promise or agreement: {dkon mchog gi zhal chad la the tshom ma byas/} did not doubt the promise of God (Rom. 4:20), {zhal chad dang bstun te brgyud 'dzin yin/} heirs according to the promise (Gal. 3:29), {tshe'i zhal chad/} the promise of life (2 Tim. 1:1), {khong gi bde ba'i nang 'jug pa'i zhal chad/} the promise of entering his rest (Heb. 4:1), {zhal chad la bshol mi 'debs/} not slow in keeping his promise (2 Pet. 3:9). 2) #{kha chad byed pa/}$ [hon. {zhal chad mdzad/}] ^Bib: to promise: {gzhan la thar ba'i kha chad byed/} they promise them freedom (2 Pet. 2:19), {kho la dngul ster ba'i kha chad byas/} promised to give him money (Mk. 14:11), {kha chad byas pa'i 'bul/} the gift you had promised (2 Cor. 9:5), {nga'i yab kyis zhal chad mdzad pa/} what my Father has promised (Lk. 24:49), {dkon mchog gis ab ra ham la zhal chad mdzad pa'i skabs su/} when God made his promise to Abraham (Heb. 6:13), {zhal chad mdzad pa'i yul/} the promised land (Heb. 11:9,10). 3) #{khas len/}$ [hon. {zhal bzhes/}] ^Bib: a promise: {bsnyen bkur dang /,,zhal bzhes/} the worship and the promises (Rom. 9:4), {zhal bzhes la mnyam du spyod mkhan/} sharers together in the promise (Eph. 3:6). ^Bst. 1) ordinary term for a promise or commitment: {a ga ra la phyir log rgyu'i khas len/} [their] commitment to return to Agra (TRC 154), {khas len dam bca' de lag len nan tan byas/} promise seriously to put into practice (BFT 21); 2) to accept a principle or set of beliefs: {dge 'dun pa rnams dbyar snga ma khas len dgos pa red/} the monks ought to accept the precepts of the earlier summer retreat (TRC 50), {nang pa'i lta ba khas len pa/} one who accepts a Bst. viewpoint (TRC 94). Cognates: {khas len/} p. {blangs/} f. {blang /} imp. {longs/} to promise: {khas blangs pa'i yon/} the promised gift (2 Cor. 9:5 SV).% 4) #{zhal gyis bzhes pa/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: to promise: {zhal gyis bzhes pa'i dam pa'i thugs nyid/} the promised Holy Spirit (Acts 2:33), {dkon mchog gis ab ra ham la zhal gyis bzhes pa'i dus/} the time for God to fulfill his promise to Abraham (Acts 7:17), {zhal bzhes brnyed pa'i phyir/} so that [you] will receive what he has promised (Heb. 10:36). ^Bst. to promise: {sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das kyis de ltar zhal gyis bzhes so/} the Buddha promised to do so (SGN 22). Related Terms: 1) {mna' skyel/} p. {bskyal/} [hon. {bzhes/}] to take an oath: {mos ci zhu ba ster ba'i mna' bskyal to/} he promised with an oath to give her whatever she asked (Mt. 14:7), {zhal bzhes kyi brgyud 'dzin rnams/} the heirs of what was promised (Heb. 6:17); 2) {dam bca'/} oath, promise: {dam bca' dang ldan pa'i bka' rgya dang po yin/} the first commandment with a promise (Eph. 6:2 SV), {khyed kyis nga la ngo mtshar che ba'i dam bca' zhig gnang yod/} you have promised wonderful things to me (2 Sam. 7:28 NTV).% !PROPHECY@ 1) #{lung bstan/}$ ^Bib: 1) prophecy: {gsang ba 'am/,,shes rab bam/,,lung bstan nam/} revelation or knowledge or prophecy (1 Cor. 14:6), {lung bstan gang yang mi'i bsam pa las ma byung bar/} no prophecy of Scripture came about by the prophet's own interpretation (2 Pet. 1:20,21); 2) prophetic writings of the OT: {bka' khrims dang lung bstan/} the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 7:12), {bka' khrims dang /,,lung bstan dang /,,gsung mgur rnams/} the Law, the Prophets, and the Psalms (Lk. 24:44), {lung bstan gyi mdo/} the book of the prophets (Acts 7:42). ^Bst. {lung bstan/} implies mere foreknowledge of events, without revelation or proclamation as in the Biblical model. See PROPHESY. 2) #{chos 'chad/}$ p. {bshad/}$ [lit. religion + explain] ^Bib: prophecy: {chos bshad ni mi dad med kyi phyir min par dad pa can gyi phyir yin no/} prophecy, however, is for believers, not for unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:22). ^Bst. to spread or explain religion (AMD). 3) #{mngon shes/}$ [lit. manifest knowledge] ^Bib: the gift of foreknowledge: {kho la mngon shes dang ldan pa'i bu mo na chung ma/} unmarried daughters who had the gift of foreknowledge (Acts 21:9). ^Bst. {mngon shes/} is a type of supernatural perception or clairvoyant knowledge. It is divided into six types: seeing the sufferings of all beings; understanding all languages; knowledge of another's thoughts; knowledge of past and future rebirths; remembering past lives; and knowledge of how to become enlightened (CNG 81). !PROPHESY@ see also REVELATION 1) #{lung ston/}$ p.,f. {bstan/} imp. {ston/} [lit. precept + show] ^Bib: to prophesy: {khyed kyi mtshan gyi ngang nas lung ma bstan tam/} did we not prophesy in your name (Mt. 7:22), {khyed kyi bu dang bu mos lung bstan 'gyur/} your sons and daughters will prophesy (Acts 2:17), {skad so so smra zhing lung bstan to/} they spoke in tongues and prophesied (Acts 19:6). ^Bst. {lung ston/} implies simple foreknowledge of future events: {rje btsun sgrol mas khyed rang bod du phyin na dge bsnyon zhig la brten nas bstan pa la phan thogs rgya chen po yong ba 'dug ces lung bstan byung /} the Lady Dolma prophesied: "if you go to Tibet, after meeting with an upasaka, wide benefit will come to the teaching" (TRC 154), {rab tu byung na sangs rgyas su 'gyur zhes lung bstan/} it was prophesied that if he entered the priesthood, he would become a Buddha (SGN 2). Cognates: {lung bstan brgyab/} to prophesy: {bla ma des dmag yong gi red zer lung bstan brgyab pa red/} the lama prophesied a war (GTE).% 2) #{chos 'chad pa/}$ p. {bshad/} ^Bib: to prophesy: {khyed thams cad kyis re re bzhin chos 'chad par rigs so/} you can all prophesy in turn (1 Cor. 14:31), {chos 'chad pa la brtson zhig} be eager to prophesy (1 Cor. 14:39). !PROPHET@ see also CHURCH 1) #{lung ston pa/}$ [lit. precept + show + person] ^Bib: 1) a prophet; one who receives revelations from God: {lung ston pa ye sha ya/} the prophet Isaiah (Mt. 3:3), {de rnams mo she dang lung ston pa la mi nyan na/} if they don't listen to Moses and the Prophets (Lk. 16:31), {lung ston pa rdzus ma/} false prophets (Mt. 7:15); 2) prophetic writings of the OT [see also {lung bstan/}]: {bka' khrims dang lung ston pa rnams/} the Law and the Prophets (Mt. 5:17). Individual prophets include: {lung ston pa ye rem ya/} the prophet Jeremiah (Mt. 2:17), {lung ston pa yo na/} the prophet Jonah (Mt. 12:39), {na tsa red pa lung ston pa ye shu/} Jesus, the prophet from Nazareth (Mt. 21:11), {lung ston pa da ni el/} the prophet Daniel (Mt. 24:15), {lung ston pa e li sha/} Elisha the prophet (Lk. 4:27), {lung ston pa a ga bu bya ba zhig} a prophet named Agabus (Acts 21:10), {yu da dang si la ni chos 'chad mkhan/} the prophets Judas and Silas (Acts 15:32). 2) #{chos 'chad pa/}$ [lit. religion + explain + person] ^Bib: a prophet: {chos 'chad pa des mi'i rgyud la yar skyed dang skul ma dang sems gso'i gtam byed do/} everyone who prophesies speaks to men for their strengthening, encouragement and comfort (1 Cor. 14:3), {chos 'chad pa des chos tshogs la yar skyed byed do/} he who prophesies edifies the church (1 Cor. 14:4), {chos 'chad pa gnyis sam gsum gyis shod cig} two or three prophets should speak (1 Cor. 14:29). 3) #{chos ston pa/}$ [lit. religion + show + person] ^Bib: a prophet: {sku tshab dam pa dang chos ston pa rnams/} holy apostles and prophets (Eph. 3:5), {chos ston pa des dad pa'i tshad bzhin bka' ston pa/} If a man's gift is prophesying, let him use it in proportion to his faith (Rom. 12:6). !PROPHETESS@ #{lung ston ma/}$ ^Bib: a female prophet: {an na bya ba'i lung ston ma zhig} a prophetess called Anna (Lk. 2:36), {lung ston mo yin zer ba'i bud med ye zi bel/} that woman Jezebel, who calls herself a prophetess (Rev. 2:20). !RABBI@ 1) #{ston pa/}$ [lit. teacher] ^Bib: Rabbi: {mi rnams kyis ston pa zer ba la de tsho dga'o/} love to have men call them "Rabbi" (Mt. 23:7), {khos ye shu mjal ma thag tu/,,ston pa/,,phyag 'tshal/,,zhus nas 'o phul to/} going at once to Jesus, Judas said, "Greetings, Rabbi" and kissed him (Mt. 26:49). 2) #{rab bi/}$ ^Bib: Rabbi: {de dag gis/,,rab bi/,,bod skad du ston pa/} they said, "Rabbi" (which means Teacher in Tibetan) (Jn. 1:38). !RANSOM@ see also SALVATION 1) #{blu ba/}$ p. {blus/} ^Bib: to ransom or redeem; usually as {rin gyis blu ba/} to redeem with a price: {khyed rnams mi rtag pa'i gser ram dngul gyi rin gyis blus pa ma yin/} it was not with perishable things such as silver or gold that you were redeemed (1 Pet. 1:18), {bka' khrims kyi dmod pa las nga tsho rin gyis blus pa yin no/} [Christ] redeemed us from the curse of the law (Gal. 3:13). Mt. makes the idea of redemption explicit: {mang po'i srog tshab la rang srog gtong ba/} gave his life for [in place of] the lives of many (Mt. 20:28). ^Bst. {blu ba/} in a religious sense is to ransom a living thing that is about to be killed (TDC 1916) in order to gain merit: {ngas gser lus po'i tshad tsam zhig btsal zin nas khyed rang blu bar phyin pa yin/} I have already found almost your body's weight in gold and went to ransom you (TRC 153). 2) #{blu rin/}$ [lit. ransom + price] ^Bib: a ransom; the price paid to redeem something: {khyed blu rin gyis nyos pas/} you were bought at a price (1 Cor. 6:20), {de ni thams cad kyi don du rang nyid blu rin du stsal ba'i skyes bu ma shi ka ye shu yin/} the man Christ Jesus, who gave himself as a ransom for all men (1 Tim. 2:5,6). ^Bst. {blu rin/} is the price paid for {blu ba/} above. Cognates: 1) {srog blu/} to ransom the life of an animal in order to gain merit; 2) {blu nyo/} to take goods in exchange for money; to pawn (TDC 1916).% Related Terms: 1) {glud/} an effigy (TDC 426); a clay or dough model of a person used as a scapegoat to appease evil spirits (TRI 41); the model is called a {glud gtor/} (TRI 426); 2) {glud tshab/} a ransom offered to an evil spirit; 3) {thar ba/} redemption: {ye ru sha lem gyi thar pa/} the redemption of Jerusalem (Lk. 2:38), {gtan gyi thar pa/} eternal redemption (Heb. 9:12); 4) {sgrol ba/} salvation, redemption: {nga tsho'i lus 'di sgrol ba/} the redemption of our bodies (Rom. 8:23), {sgrol ba'i nyin mo/} the day of redemption (Eph. 4:30); 5) {chang rin/} [lit. beer + price] a bribe (TQP 90).% !RECONCILE@ see also PEACE 1) #{sdum pa/}$ p. {bsdums/} f. {bsdum/} imp. {sdums/} ^Bib: to reconcile, make agree, make peace: 1) between God and man: {de dag spangs pa 'jig rten sdum pa'i rgyur gyur na/} if their rejection is the reconciliation of the world (Rom. 11:15), {ma shi ka rgyud nas khong gis nga tsho khong rang dang bsdums/} reconciled us to himself through Christ (2 Cor. 5:18), {'jig rten pa rang nyid dang bsdums/} reconciling the world to himself (2 Cor. 5:19); 2) between people: {khyo dang sdum/} reconciled to [her] husband (1 Cor. 7:11). The distinction between active reconciliation and the state of being reconciled is not always strictly observed, e.g.: {dkon mchog dang bsdums pa yin/} we were reconciled to God (Rom. 5:10), {dkon mchog dang sdums shig} be reconciled to God (2 Cor. 5:20). ^Bst. {rtsod gzhi bsdums nas sngar bzhin 'cham por gyur/} reconciling the cause of disagreement, and becoming compatible as before (KTM). 2) #{'dum byed pa/}$ ^Bib: to reconcile: {'dum byed mkhan rnams bde'o/} blessed are the peacemakers (Mt. 5:9), {'dum byed mkhan rnams kyis drang ba nyid kyi 'bras bu'i sa bon 'dum pa'i sgo nas 'debs so/} peacemakers who sow in peace raise a harvest of righteousness (Jas. 3:18). Related Terms: 1) {mthun/} to agree {sngon du rang gi spun dang mthun zhig} first be reconciled to your brother (Mt. 5:24); 2) {sgrig} make agree, reconcile: {sgrig byed par 'dod/} he wanted to reconcile them (Acts 7:26); 3) {'dum pa/} p. {'dums pa/} to be reconciled: {rtsod gzhi legs par 'dums song /} the cause of the disagreement was well resolved (KTM).% !REJOICE@ see also JOY 1) #{dga'/}$ ^Bib: be glad, rejoice: {nyin mo de la dga'/} rejoice in that day (Lk. 6:23), {'jig rten dga' bar 'gyur/} the world will rejoice (Jn. 16:20), {dga' mkhan mnyam du dga' zhig} rejoice with those who rejoice (Rom. 12:15). ^Bst. see JOY. 2) #{dga' mgu rang ba/}$ [lit. rejoice (intensive form in classical texts)] ^Bib: rejoice: {khyed tsho'i don du sdug bsngal myong ba la nga dga' mgu rang ngo /} I rejoice in what was suffered for you (Col. 1:24), {de la dga' mgu rang /} in this you greatly rejoice (1 Pet. 1:6). 3) #{yi rang /}$ ^Bib: rejoice: {dga' zhing yi rang bar gyur cig} rejoice and be glad (Mt. 5:12), {nga'i lug stor ba de thob pas/,,nga mnyam du yi rangs shig zer ro/} rejoice with me, I have found my lost sheep (Lk. 10:20). 4) #{skyid/}$ [lit. happy] ^Bib: rejoice: {sdug bsngal bar rtsi yang rtag tu skyid/} sorrowful, yet always rejoicing (2 Cor. 6:10). !RELIGION@ 1) #{chos/}$ ^Bib: religion: {chos kyi rtsod/} religious disputes (Acts 25:19), {nga tsho'i chos lugs kun nas khrims dam po/} according to the strictest sect of our religion (Acts 26:5), {chos bzhin spyod pa/} to behave according to religion, put religion into practice (1 Tim. 5:4), {'dre'i chos/} the teaching of demons (1 Tim. 4:1-2). Bst. {chos/} [Skt. dharma] 1) doctrines or teachings of the Buddha: {nang pa'i chos/} Buddhism, Bst. doctrine, {yang dag pa'i chos/} correct doctrine (KTM), {rgyud pa'i chos lugs/} tantra (TRC 48); {bon gyi chos lugs/} Bon (TRC 114); {nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i theg pa chen pa'i chos/} Mahayana Buddhism; 2) phenomenon [a Bst. technical term]: {chos kyi bdag med/} the selflessness of phenomena, a key Bst. doctrine (TRI 80); 3) one of the three jewels: {chos dkon mchog} the dharma jewel (see entry for GOD). Cognates: 1) {chos lugs/} school, doctrine, sect, religion: {'dzam gling chos lugs/} world religions (DLP 3); {ye shu chos lugs/} or {ye shu'i chos/} Christianity (DLP 18); {khung tsi chos lugs/} Confucianism (DLP 18); {hin du chos lugs/} Hinduism (DLP 18); {kha che chos lugs/} or {dbyi si lam/} Islam (DLP 18); {gcer bu ba'i chos lugs/} Jainism (DLP 18); {ya hu da pa'i chos lugs/} Judaism (DLP 18); {sig gi chos lugs/} Sikhism (DLP 18); {ta'o/} Taoism (DLP 18); {dzo ra si'i chos lugs/} Zoroastrianism (DLP 18); 2) {chos sems can/} [lit. religion + mind + have] religious, devout: {mi zhig gis rang chos sems can zhig yin sems/} if anyone thinks himself religious (Jas. 1:26); 3) {nang pa'i chos la khas len pa/} to practice the Bst. religion (KTM); 4) {chos kyi 'khor lo bskor ba/} [lit. turning the wheel of doctrine] to teach Bst. doctrine (KTM), 5) {chos 'chad pa/} to preach or teach religion (KTM); 6) {chos mngon pa/} [Skt. abhidharma] see SCRIPTURE - Bst. scriptures on the theory of knowledge and cosmology (TRI 81); 7) {chos lugs 'du tshogs/} religious affiliation (RRT 282 n. 23); 8) {chos srid gnyis ldan/} spiritual and temporal (TRQ 95).% !RELY@ see also BELIEVE, TRUST 1) #{rten pa/}$ [lit. {rten/} = the object on which something relies] ^Bib: keep, hold, adhere to; used figuratively to mean rely on: {bka' khrims la brten te/} relying on the law (Rom. 2:17). 2) #{blo gtod/}$ p. {blo btad/} [var. {blo gtad/}] [lit. mind + entrust] ^Bib: rely on: {rang la blo mi gtod par/} not relying on ourselves (2 Cor. 1:9). ^Sec. 1) complete trust: {grogs po de la blo gtad par 'os/} it is suitable to trust a friend (KTM); 2) to be completely given over to something {rang gi las 'gan la blo gtad pa/} to be given over completely to one's responsibilities (KTM). !REPENT@ (REPENTANCE) see also CONFESS 1) #{'gyod tshangs byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} [lit. regret + pure] ^Bib: to acknowledge wrongdoing and turn from it; to confess and repent: {'gyod tshangs byas nas thog mar gang byas pa ltar byos shig} repent and do the things you did at first (Rev. 2:5), {rku ba las kyang 'gyod tshangs ma byas so/} [they] did not repent of their thefts (Rev. 9:21), {khyod cag 'gyod tshangs byed phyir ngas chu'i khrus gtong gis/} I baptize you with water for repentance (Mt. 3:11). ^Bst. see {'gyod tshangs/} below. 2) #{'gyod tshangs/}$ [lit. regret + pure] ^Bib: repentance: {'gyod tshangs dang mtshungs pa'i 'bras bu skyed cig} produce fruit in keeping with repentance (Mt. 3:8), {'gyod tshangs kyi khrus/} a baptism of repentance (Mk. 1:4), {sdig can rnams 'gyod tshangs phyir 'bod du 'ongs pa yin/} I came to call sinners to repentance (Lk. 5:32). ^Bst. {'gyod tshangs/} is: {sngar byas kyi nyes par gnong zhing /,,bshags pas sems rgyud dag gtsang du gyur ba/} to have a clean heart through remorse for and confession of past evil actions (TDC 509). In this sense it comes close to the Biblical ideal of repentance. 3) #{'gyod pa byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to regret or be sorry for an action: {khos 'gyod na bshags pa blong /} if he repents, forgive him (Lk. 17:3), {nga 'gyod do/} I repent (Lk. 17:4). ^Bst. see {'gyod pa/} below. 4) #{'gyod pa/}$ ^Bib: regret, contrition, or repentance: {'gyod pas phyis mi 'tshar ba'i thar lam la bkod/} brings repentance that leads to salvation and leaves no regret (2 Cor. 7:10). ^Bst. {'gyod pa/} is one of the four so-called changeable factors {gzhan 'gyur bzhi/} which may be either positive or negative; e.g. one may regret ({'gyod pa/}) a virtuous action if it does not turn out well, and decide to do evil in the future (KBT 26). 1) {'gyod pa/} is simple regret, without any moral component: {de ring shi yang mi 'gyod/} even if you die today, don't be sorry (HTE 180), {shi yang mi 'gyod do/} if I die, I have no regrets (UCO 151); 2) {'gyod pa/} may also express sorrow for sin: {sems la 'gyod pa chen po skyed do/} I felt very sorry [for my sin] (DPD), {so ma pu ri'i mi kun 'gyod pa skyed nas/} all who were in Somapuri deeply repented (BLI 314). Proverbs: 1) {rang nor rang la bdag dus bsam blo thongs/,,lde mig mi la shor dus 'gyod pa'i rgyu/} think while the matter is in your hands; when you have lost the key, it is a matter of regret (KPU 7); 2) {pha ma yod dus bka' drin ma bsams par/,,med dus 'gyod pa skyes pa tha ma'i tha/} be grateful while your parents are alive; regrets after their passing are worthless (KPU 32). 5) #{sems sgyur ba/}$ [lit. mind + change, transform] p. {bsgyur/} imp. {sgyur/} ^Bib: 1) to repent: {sems ma bsgyur pa'i grong khyer dag} cities that did not repent (Mt. 11:20), {yo nas chos bshad pa las sems bsgyur/} repented at the preaching of Jonah (Mt. 12:41), {sems sgyur la phrin bzang la dad pa byos/} repent and believe the good news (Mk. 1:15), {rang gi lag pa'i las las sems ma bsgyur/} did not repent of the work of their hands (Rev. 9:20); 2) repentance: {tshe mtha' med pa thob pa'i phyir sems 'gyur ba/} repentance unto life (Acts 11:18), {snying po med pa'i bya ba las sems sgyur ba/} repentance from acts that lead to death (Heb. 6:1,2); 3) change of mind: {sems sgyur ma btub/} he could bring about no change of mind (Heb. 12:17). ^Bst. {sems sgyur ba/} to change one's heart, as in believing in a new religion (AMD). Related Terms: {sems 'gyur ba/} p. {bsgyur} to become repentant: {sems 'gyur ba'i phyogs su blo bde bar gyur bas dga'o/} I am happy because your sorrow led you to repentance (2 Cor. 7:9 SV).% !RESURRECTION@ 1) #{lang ba/}$ p. {langs/} f. {lang /} imp. {longs/} [hon. {bzhengs/}] ^Bib: 1) to rise, be raised; in a Biblical context, to be raised to life from among the dead: {dam pa grongs pa mang po langs nas/} the bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life (Mt. 27:52), {zhag gsum pa la gson por lang dgos/} must be raised to life on the third day (Mt. 16:21), {yo ha nan gshin po'i khrod nas langs/} John had been raised from the dead (Lk. 9:7); 2) resurrection: {gshin po mi lang na/,,ma shi ka'ang ma bzhengs/} if there is no resurrection of the dead, then not even Christ has been raised (1 Cor. 15:13), {lang ba dang gson pa nyid ni nga yin/} I am the resurrection and the life (Jn. 11:25), {gshin po rnams lang ba'i re ba/} hope in the resurrection of the dead (Acts 23:6), {mi'i bu gshin po'i khrod las ma bzheng ba'i bar du/} until the Son of Man has been raised from the dead (Mt. 17:9). ^Sec. 1) to arise: {lha ma yin sogs thams cad rang gi dgrar langs kyang /} though supernatural creatures arise as one's enemy (TRC 286), {mi 'ga' zhig gis sangs rgyas la phrag dog langs/} some men arose who were jealous of the Buddha (SGN 16); 2) to get up: {nga tshos zhogs pa langs nas/} when we get up in the morning (DLP 1); 3) to return to life after being dead; a phenomenon recorded in Tibetan folklore (EBN). Cognates: 1) {gson por bzhengs pa/} [lit. alive + raise] resurrection: {gshin po rnams las gson por bzhengs ba/} the resurrection from the dead (Acts 4:2); 2) {ro lang /} [var. {ro langs/}] the spirit of a dead person returned to earth, a ghost; also a spirit which occupies a dead body (TRI 263); {ro langs rgyag pa/} to restore {ro langs rgyag pa'i rgyal rabs/} the restored monarchy (SBC-1, 61).% 2) #{slong /}$ p. {bslangs/} f. {bslang /} imp. {slongs/} ^Bib: to raise, cause to rise: {nad pa gsos/,,gshin po slong /} heal the sick, raise the dead (Mt. 10:8), {ngas de mtha' ma'i nyin mor gson por slong ba/} I will raise him up at the last day (Jn. 6:40), {ye shu gshin po'i dkyil nas sku gson por bslangs pa khong gis nga tsho'ang ye shu dang mnyam du bslangs/} the one who raised Jesus from the dead will also raise us with Jesus (2 Cor. 4:14). Sec. 1) to arouse: {sangs rgyas kyis mnyam gzhag de las yar bslangs/} the Buddha arouses them from their absorption in meditation (TRC 166); 2) {kun nas bslangs pa'i sdig spyod/} thoroughly evil practices (DLP 18), {kun nas bslangs pa'i sbyin pa/} charity (TRC 344). Related Terms: 1) {'das log} a ghost or apparition; one who has returned from the dead (TDC): {bud med rnams la rang gi gshin po 'das log tu thob/} women received back their dead, raised to life again (Heb. 11:35); 2) {sri/} see EVIL SPIRIT; 3) {gso bar mdzad/} to make well, to raise up from sickness: {gtso bos de gso bar mdzad/} the Lord will raise [the sick person] up (Jas. 5:15 SV); 4) {gson por mdzad pa/} to make alive: {gshin po rnams gson por mdzad pa'i dkon mchog} God, who raises the dead (2 Cor. 1:9 SV).% !REVELATION@ see also APPEAR, PROPHECY, PROPHESY, SCRIPTURE #{mngon pa/}$ [lit. manifestation, appearance] ^Bib: 1) the process by which God makes His truth known to men; revelation: {ye shu ma shi kas mngon par zhal gzigs pa'i sgo nas thob bo/} I received it by revelation from Jesus Christ (Gal. 1:12), {gtso bo'i zhal gzigs dang mngon du byung ba rnams/} visions and revelations from the Lord (2 Cor. 12:1), {mngon pa'i 'od/} a light for revelation (Lk. 2:32); 2) abbreviation for the Book of Revelation in the Revised NT. ^Bst. The Buddha is thought to have discovered the basic principles of Bsm. by his own effort; not by revelation from any higher power; i.e. the Buddha was not a prophet. Some Bst. texts are believed to have been revealed by supernatural powers, but this does not give them an authority superior to those texts considered to be of purely human authorship (BAL 92). 1) {mngon pa'i dpe cha/} texts of the Abhidharma (Bst. works on philosophy and psychology compiled ca. 400 AD; comprising {mngon pa kun btus/} Compendium of Knowledge, and {mngon pa mdzod/} Treasury of Knowledge (TRI 70); 2) open, complete, total: {mngon par rdzogs par sangs rgyas/} complete, perfect buddhahood (SGN 12); 3) {mngon pa/} to reveal or disclose: {slob mas rang gi slob sbyong gi gnas tshul mngon pa'i thabs lam zhig} a way that students can reveal the level of their own study (TCR 1). See also PROPHESY. Cognates: 1) {mngon par 'gyur ba/} to appear; to be revealed: {lung ston pa rnams kyi mdo rnams kyis kyang da lta mngon par gyur pa/} now revealed and made known through the prophetic writings (Rom. 16:26 SV); 2) {mngon du 'byin pa/} to reveal, disclose: {rang gi sras nga'i nang na mngon du 'byin pa/} to reveal his Son in me (Gal. 1:16 SV); 3) {gsal por mngon/} clear, obvious: {rang gi rtsa che'i srog la'ang srung skyob med pa gsal por mngon/} it is clear that our our precious life is not safe (DLP 1); 4) {mngon par 'byon/} advent, arrival {dus kyi tha ma la khyed rnams kyi don du mngon par byon no/} in these last times, he came for your sake (1 Pet. 1:20 SV); 5) {mngon par mdzad/} to reveal: {khyed kyis de tsho tshang ma nga la mngon par mdzad gnang /} you have revealed these things to me (2 Sam. 7:27 NTV).% !RIGHTEOUS@ (RIGHTEOUSNESS) 1) #{drang ba/}$ ^Bib: righteousness is conformity to the law of God: 1) as a human characteristic, justice and fairness in dealing with men: {kho drang po dang nongs med pa zhig yod pa yin/} [Noah] was a righteous and blameless man (Gen. 6:9), {skyes bu drang po dang dam pa/} a righteous and holy man (Mk. 6:20); 2) as a divine attribute, God's perfect righteousness and moral faultlessness, of which man falls short: {drang po gcig kyang yod ma yin/} there is no one righteous, not even one (Rom. 3:10), {kye yis ra el gyi dkon mchog ya ho wa/,,khyed thugs gzhi drang po lags/} O Lord, God of Israel, you are righteous (Ezra 9:15), {skyes bu dam pa drang po la brgyab log byas/} disowned the Holy and Righteous One (Acts 3:14), {ye shu ma shi ka thugs drang po lags pa/} Jesus Christ, the Righteous One (1 Jn. 2:1); 3) Christ's righteousness, imputed to men: {drang po rnams gson por lang /} the resurrection of the righteous (Lk. 14:14), {drang po dad pas 'tsho bar 'gyur/} the just (or righteous) will live by faith (Gal. 3:11), {ma shi ka drang po des sdig can log pa rnams kyi don du/} the righteous for the unrighteous (1 Pet. 3:18); 4) righteousness as an abstraction: {drang ba dang /,,chos sems dang /,,dad sems dang /,,byams sems dang /,,yid brtan dang /,,dul ba/} righteousness, godliness, faith, love, endurance and gentleness (1 Tim. 6:11), {drang por byams kyang ngan par sdang /} loved righteousness and hated wickedness (Heb. 1:9). ^Bst. see JUSTICE. Cognates: 1) {drang ba nyid/} righteousness; especially as an abstract characteristic: {drang ba nyid tshang ma sgrub pa/} to fulfill all righteousness (Mt. 3:15), {drang ba nyid kyi phyir ltogs pa dang skom pa/} to hunger and thirst for righteousness (Mt. 5:6), {drang po'i go khrab/} the breastplate of righteousness (Eph. 6:14); 2) {zhal che drang po/} just or fair judgement: {zhal che drang por gcod par/} judges justly (Acts 17:31).% 2) #{rnam par dag pa/}$ or {rnam dag} ^Bib: very clean, thoroughly pure; righteous: {rnam par dag pa'i g.yog por gyur/} become slaves of righteousness (Rom. 6:18), {bka' khrims nas byung ba'i rnam dag} righteousness that is by the law (Rom. 10:5), {bka' khrims kyi rnam par dag pa/} legalistic righteousness (Phil. 3:6), {nga tsho'i rnam par dag pa'i las la rag ma lus par/} not depending on righteous things we had done (Tit. 3:5). ^Bst. {rnam dag} [lit. very pure, thoroughly cleansed] implies purity to the point of perfection. Applied to enlightened beings, it implies complete truth, altruism, and purity (KTM). Otherwise implies a lack of faults: {bstan bcos rnam dag gsum/} the three types of perfect commentary (CNG 20), {skyabs 'gro rnam dag cig} a pure taking of refuge (TRC 74), {chos rnam dag byed pa/} pure religious practice (TRC 227). Cognates: {yang dag pa/} [lit: completely pure] see PERFECT.% Related Terms: 1) {bzang po/} righteous, good: {yo seb bzang po yin pas/} because Joseph was a righteous man (Mt. 1:19), {nga ni bzang po rnams 'bod du ma 'ongs/} I have not come to call the righteous (Lk. 5:32); 2) {dge ba/} virtuous, righteous: {dam pa rnams kyi dge ba'i mdzad pa/} righteous acts of the saints (Rev. 19:8), {dge ba mi la ngom pa/} not to show off one's acts of righteousness (Mt. 6:1), {bka' khrims la rag las pa'i dge rtsa nga la med/} not having a righteousness of my own that comes from the law (Phil. 3:9); 3) {thar pa/} salvation, liberation: {de ni kho'i phyir thar ba'i rgyur brtsis so/} it was credited to him as righteousness (Rom. 4:3); 4) {thugs rje'i zhal che/} [lit. merciful judgement] {dkon mchog gi thugs rje'i zhal che/} a righteousness from God (Rom. 3:21), {dad pa byed pa la thugs rje'i zhal che/} the righteousness that is by faith (Rom. 10:6), {ma shi ka'i thugs rje'i zhal che/} Christ's righteousness (2 Pet. 1:1); 5) {chos la dga' ba/} [lit. religion + like]: {chos la dga' ba'i lod/} Lot, a righteous man (2 Pet. 2:7 SV); 6) {khrims med pa/} lawless, unrighteous: {ma shi ka yang sdig med lags te khrims med pa'i mi'i tshab tu lan gcig sdig pa'i phyir sdug bsngal myangs/} Christ died for sins once for all, the righteous for the unrighteous (1 Pet. 3:18 SV); 7) {khrims dang sbyar ba'i spyod lam/} lawful behavior: {nged kyis khrims dang sbyar ba'i spyod lam byas pa'i phyir ma mdzad/} not because of righteous things we had done (Tit. 3:5 SV).% !ROOT@ #{rtsa ba/}$ [var. {rtsad/}] ^Bib: root: 1) literal sense: {da shing sdod rnams kyi rtsa ba/} the root of the trees (Mt. 3:10), {rtsa ba nas dgog pa/} pulled up by the roots (Mt. 15:13), {rtsa ba nas bskams pa/} withered from the roots (Mk. 11:20), 2) origin or source: {dngul la chags pa ngan pa kun gyi rtsa ba yin/} the love of money is a root of all kinds of evil (1 Tim. 6:10), {da bid kyi rtsa ba dang gdung brgyud/} the Root and the Offspring of David (Rev. 22:16). ^Bst. 1) cause, origin or source: {nyon mongs pa de tsho thams cad kyi rtsa ba dang gtso bo lta bu bdag 'dzin ma rig pa de red/} the ignorance which apprehends a self is the chief and root of all the passions (TRC 285), {'khor ba'i rtsa ba bdag 'dzin/} self-grasping, the root of rebirth (TRC 96), {chang de nyes pa kun kyi rtsa ba yin/} [drinking] chang is the cause of all kinds of sin (DPD); 2) foundation or basis: {yon tan kun gyi rtsa ba yi ge/} the basis of all accomplishment is [reading and writing] (KPU 27), {theg chen lam gyi rtsa ba byang chub sems} the basis of the Mahayana path is the thought of enlightenment (HTE 182); 3) origin or source of a lineage: {rtsa ba'i gzhung /} root text, a scriptural portion on which commentaries {'grel pa/} and subcommentaries {'grel bshad/} are written (TRC 24), {rtsa ba'i bla ma/} root lama (HTE 180); 4) "from the root" as a metaphor for wholly or completely: {rtsa ba nas 'joms pa/} to destroy from the root (TRC 76), {rang nyid sgrib gnyis la sogs pa'i skyon mtha' dag rtsa ba nas spangs/} has abandoned the two obscurations from the root, i.e. extirpated them (TRC 73), {bdag 'dzin rtsa ba nas gcod byed/} to cut off self-grasping at the root (TRC 256), {rtsad nas bcad/} uprooted (Jude 12). !SABBATH@ #{shab bad/}$ [Heb. shabbat] ^Bib: 1) a day of rest, the Sabbath: {shab bad kyi zhag bka' khrims bzhin dal bar bsdad do/} they rested on the Sabbath in obedience to the commandment (Lk. 23:56), {shab bad kyi zhag la/} on the Sabbath day (Lk. 4:16), {mi 'dis shab bad mi srung bas/} since this man does not keep the Sabbath (Jn. 9:16), {shab bad spangs pa/} breaking the Sabbath (Jn. 5:18), {shab bad kyi nyin lam/} a Sabbath day's journey (Acts 1:12); 2) sabbath year, a time when the land was not to be cultivated: {yul gyi sa ya ho wa'i phyir shab bad srung bar dgos/} the land itself must observe a sabbath to the Lord (Lev. 25:2). Related Terms: {ngal gso ba'i nyin mo/} day of rest (Col. 2:16 SV).% !SACRIFICE@ see also ATONEMENT, GIFT, OFFERING #{mchod pa/}$ ^Bib: an offering or sacrifice: {nga ni mchod par mi dga' snying rjer dga'/} I desire mercy, not sacrifice (Mt. 9:13), {khyed kyi lus ni gson po dang /,,dam pa dang /,,dkon mchog thugs mnyes pa'i mchod par phul zhig} offer your bodies as living sacrifices, holy and pleasing to God (Rom. 12:1), {ma shi ka'ang mang po'i sdig pa bzhes pa'i phyir lan gcig mchod par gyur te/} Christ was sacrificed once to take away the sins of many people (Heb. 9:28). ^Bst. 1) sacrifice of oneself. Tales of the sacrifice of various body parts are common in the Bst. scriptures; those making such sacrifices are thought to have great merit (thus the rationale for "sky burial"). The story of Aryadeva is typical: {khyed kyi spyan la chags nas 'brengs pa yin pas spyan dgos zer ba la/,,slob dpon gyis rang gi spyan g.yas pa bton nas de la byin pas/} "I am bound by attachment to your eye, give it to me" the [woman] said, and the master took out his right eye and gave it to her (BLI 337); the Buddha is also depicted as a king who sacrificed his life for his people in a previous rebirth (JPG 436); 2) animal sacrifice, which is condemned in Bsm: {gti mug gis gsod pa ni/,,sems can bsad nas mchod sbyin byas na dge ba yin par bsams nas gsod pa lta bu red/} to kill on account of ignorance is, say, to kill with the thought that it is a virtue if, having killed a living creature, one makes of it a religious offering (TRC 243). See OFFERING. Cognates: 1) {mchod par phul/} [lit. to give as an offering] to sacrifice, to make an offering of human or animal life: {i sag mchod par 'bul/} offered Isaac as a sacrifice (Heb. 11:17), {de la mchod pa phul/} they sacrificed to [the golden calf] (Acts 7:41); 2) {dmar mchod/} [lit. red + offering] blood sacrifice, sacrifice which takes the life of that which is offered: {spyin sreg dang /,,dmar mchod/} burnt offerings and sacrifices (Mk. 12:33), {lu gu dmar mchod du phul ba'i pe sag gi nyin mo/} the day on which the Passover lamb had to be sacrificed (Lk. 22:7), {rang gi sdig pa'i ched du'ang dmar mchod 'bul/} to offer sacrifices for his own sins (Heb. 5:3).% !SADUCEE@ see also PHARISEE #{sad du ki pa/}$ ^Bib: Saducees, religious party of ancient Israel: {pha ru shi pa dang sad du ki pa/} Pharisees and Sadducees (Mt. 3:7), {sad du ki pas gshin po lang ba dang /,,pho nya dang /,,sems nyid med zer/} the Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, and that there are neither angels nor spirits (Acts 23:8). !SALVATION@ (SAVE) see also FREEDOM, JUSTIFICATION, SAVIOR 1) #{thar pa/}$ ^Bib: freedom, liberty, salvation: {khyed kyi thar pa nga yi mig gis mjal/} my eyes have seen your salvation (Lk. 2:30,31), {thar pa'i rmog} helmet of salvation (Eph. 6:17), {'jigs shing 'dar zhing rang gi thar pa sgrubs shig} work out your salvation with fear and trembling (Phil. 2:12), {sems kyi thar pa/} the salvation of [your] souls (1 Pet. 1:9). ^Bst. 1) {thar pa/} is freedom or liberation from cyclic rebirth; hence nirvana: {'khor ba mtha' dag las thar ba'i thar pa/} the deliverance which frees from the entire round of existence (TRC 217), {ngan song las thar/} saving from the evil destinies (TRC 270), {sdug bsngal rgyu dang bcas pa las grol ba'i thar pa/} the deliverance which frees from misery and its causes (TRC 301), {so thar/} individual liberation (CNG 111); 2) freedom or deliverance from unpleasant mental states: {'chi ba'i 'jigs pa las thar thabs med pa/} no way to be delivered from the fear of death (SGN 20), {sdug bsngal thams cad las thar/} saving from all suffering (TRC 164); 3) getting better from an illness: {nad 'di las thar mi thub pa/} unable to get better from this disease (DPD), {de las thar ba'i thabs sman bcos/} a treatment method which can save from disease (TRC 76). Proverbs: {las bzang byas nas thar pa'i lam bu la/,,gtam bzang khyer nas song zhig pha yi bu/} do good deeds and follow the path of deliverance; go away with a good reputation, my son (KPU 21). Cognates: 1) {thar sa med pa/} no way of escape: {'chi bdag gshin rje'i zhags pa'i 'ching ba las thar sa med pa'i gnas/} [we] are bound up by the lord of death in the place of no escape (SGN 7); 2) {rnam thar/} a) emancipation, liberation (CNG 117), b) biography: {sangs rgyas kyi rnam thar/} the biography of the Buddha (SGN); 3) {tshe thar/} [lit. life + save] to save the life of an animal about to be killed in order to gain merit: {mi rnams tshe thar btang nas dgon pa'i nang gsos pa'i khyi/} dogs which have been saved from death and restored to the monasteries (SLR 15); 4) {thar gyi mdo/} the Pratimoksha sutra, which lists the rules that monks must obey (TRC 51); 5) {srog thar ba/} to save life from physical danger: {srog thar ba'i re ba/} hope of being saved [from shipwreck] (Acts 27:20).% 2) #{thar ba/}$ ^Bib: to save, deliver, set free: {khong gis nyid kyi mi sde sdig pa las thar bar mdzad par 'gyur/} he will save his people from their sins (Mt. 1:21), {khyod kyi dad pas khyod thar bas/} your faith has saved you (Lk. 7:50), {thugs rje'i sgo nas thar bar 'gyur ba/} saved through grace (Acts 15:11), {nga thar ba'i phyir ci bya dgos/} what must I do to be saved (Acts 16:30), {gtso bo'i mtshan brjod pa de thar bar 'gyur ro/} everyone who calls on the name of the Lord will be saved (Rom. 10:13), {thugs rje'i thabs kyis khyed tsho thar ro/} it is by grace you have been saved (Eph. 2:5,6), {rang gi khyim tshang thar ba'i phyir gru gzings shig bzos/} built an ark to save his family (Heb. 11:7). ^Bst. See {thar pa/}. 3) #{skyob pa/}$ p. {bskyabs/} f. {bskyab/} imp. {skyobs/} ^Bib: to help, save, or deliver: 1) from physical danger or life circumstances: {gtso bo lags/,,nga skyobs shig} Lord, save me (Mt. 14:30), {rang skyob cig} [come down from the cross and] save yourself (Mk. 15:30), {rang srog skyob mkhan/} the one who wants to save his life (Mk. 8:35); 2) to save spiritually: {bstor ba 'tshol ba dang skyob pa'i phyir/} to seek and to save what was lost (Lk. 19:10), {lugs gang rung gi mi 'ga' shas skyob pa/} by all means to save some (1 Cor. 9:22), {ma shi ka ye shu ni sdig can rnams skyob pa'i don du 'jig rten du byon/} Christ Jesus came into the world to save sinners (1 Tim. 1:15). ^Bst. 1) to save in a spiritual sense: {'jig rten lha yis su zhig bskyab par nus/} whom can the gods of this world save? (GSL 10); 2) to deliver from mental suffering: {'jigs pa las skyob pa'i nus pa/} power to save from fear (TRC 73); 3) to save from physical danger: {sems can mer bsregs pa dang /,,chur lhungs ba sogs las skyob pa/} to save a living creature from fire or drowning (TRC 345). Cognates: {srung skyob/} refuge: {dkon mchog nga yi srung skyob yin/} God is my refuge (2 Sam. 22:3 NTV).% 4) #{sgrol ba/}$ ^Bib: to save, rescue, deliver: {tsi yon nas sgrol mdzad 'thon par 'gyur/} the deliverer will come from Zion (Rom. 11:26). ^Bst. {sgrol ba/} to save, liberate, set free: {dgra la sogs pa'i sems can gsod pa la sgrol ba zer ba/} they called killing their enemies "liberation" (TRC 152), {sdug bsngal las sgrol ba/} deliverance from suffering (DLP 2), {'khor ba las grol ba'i 'bras bu/} the result of deliverance from the round of existence (TRC 257), {srog gi 'jigs pa las sgrol bar byed/} to save from the fear of losing one's life (KTM), {btson khang las sgrol ba/} to set free from prison (KTM). Cognates: 1) {sgrol ma/} or {rje btsun sgrol ma/} the goddess Dolma [Skt. Tara] believed to have 21 emanations of which the green {sgrol ljang /} and white {sgrol dkar/} are most common; one of the most popular godesses in Tibet (TRC 154); 2) {bar do thos sgrol/} the Bardo Thodol rites for the dead (DPD).% 5) #{gso ba/}$ [lit. restore, repair] ^Bib: used in SV as "save": {kho rang me las bros mkhan ltar gso bar 'gyur ro/} he himself will be saved, but only as one escaping through the flames (1 Cor. 3:15 SV); {de dag gso bar byed pa'i phyir/} so that they may be saved (1 Cor. 10:33 SV). Related Terms: {skyabs/} protection, refuge: {skyabs gsum/} the three refuges (TRI 16), {dkon mchog gsum la skyabs su 'gro ba/} to go for refuge to the three jewels (TRC 73).% !SAMUEL@ #{sha mu el/}$ ^Bib: the prophet Samuel: {lung ston pa sha mu el/} the prophet Samuel (Acts 13:20). !SANCTIFY@ see also HOLY 1) #{dam par 'gyur/}$ [lit. holy + become] ^Bib: sanctified, holy: {ma shi ka ye shu'i nang du dag pa dang dam par 'gyur phyir bos pa rnams/} those sanctified in Christ and called to become holy (1 Cor. 1:2), {khyed tsho gtsang bar yang gyur/,,dam par yang gyur/} you were washed, you were sanctified (1 Cor. 6:11), {khyo phyi pa de chung ma'i rkyen gyis dam par 'gyur/} the unbelieving husband has been sanctified through his wife (1 Cor. 7:14), {dam par 'gyur ba dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs yin/} it is God's will that you should be sanctified (1 Thes. 4:3). ^Bst. see HOLY. Cognates: 1) {dam par mdzad/} [lit. holy + make] to sanctify: {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyis dam par mdzad/} sanctified by the Holy Spirit (Rom. 15:15,16), {yongs su dam pa mdzad/} sanctified thoroughly (1 Thes. 5:23); 2) {dam par 'dzin/} [lit. holy + hold] to be sanctified: {rang dam par 'dzin pa'i zhal chad/} the covenant that sanctified him (Heb. 10:29); 3) {dam par sngo /} p. {bsngos/} [holy + dedicate] sanctify oneself: {de rnams bden pa'i sgo nas dam par bsngo ba'i phyir/} that they may be truly sanctified (Jn. 17:19).% 2) #{gtsang bar byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} [lit. make clean] ^Bib: sanctify: {lus gtsang bar byed phyir/} to make the body [ceremonially] clean; sanctify outwardly (Heb. 9:13). ^Bst. see CLEAN. Related Terms: 1) {dag po/} pure, clean: {khyed bkrus shing dag ste drang po mdzad pa yin no/} you were washed, you were sanctified, you were justified (1 Cor. 6:11 SV); 2) {byin rlabs dang ldan pa/} [lit. with blessing] sanctified, blessed: {chung ma'i ngang la byin rlabs dang ldan par gyur/} sanctified through his wife (1 Cor. 7:14 SV); 3) {rnam par dag par 'gyur/} to become pure or holy: {dkon mchog gi thugs la/,,khyed tsho rnam par dag par 'gyur dgos dgongs/} it is God's will that you should be sanctified (1 Thes. 4:3 SV).% !SATAN@ see also EVIL SPIRIT 1) #{bdud/}$ [lit. chief devil] ^Bib: Satan: {bdud kyis bdud skrod na/} if Satan drives out Satan (Mt. 12:26), {bdud kyis khong gi thugs sad/} the devil tempted him [Jesus] (Mk. 1:13), {bdud kyi dbang /} the power of Satan (Acts 26:18), {bdud kyi bang chen/} a messenger of Satan (2 Cor. 12:7), {bdud la btad pa yin/} I have handed over to Satan (1 Tim. 1:20), {bdud kyi tshogs/} a synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9). ^Bst. see EVIL SPIRIT. 2) #{sa tan/}$ [Heb. satan; Gk. satanas] ^Bib: Satan: {bdud sa tan yin pa 'brug gam sbrul rgan de bzung /} that ancient serpent, who is the devil, or Satan (Rev. 20:2). !SAVIOR@ #{skyabs mgon/}$ [lit. refuge + lord] ^Bib: savior: {dkon mchog skyabs la yi rang ngo /} I rejoice in God my Savior (Lk. 1:47), {'jig rten gyi skyabs mgon/} the Savior of the world (Jn. 4:42), {nga tsho'i bla na med pa'i dkon mchog skyabs mgon ye shu ma shi ka/} our great God and Savior, Jesus Christ (Tit. 2:13). ^Bst. {skyabs mgon/} protector, savior; a popular title for the Dalai and Panchen Lamas: {skyabs mgon bla ma rin po che/} precious protector lama (NPP). Related Terms: 1) {skyob pa/} savior: {nga tsho'i skyob pa dkon mchog} God our Savior (1 Tim. 1:1); 2) {skyabs grogs/} savior: {de tsho skyabs grogs zhus kyang skyabs mkhan med/} they cried for a helper, but there was no one to save them (2 Sam. 22:42 NTV).% !SCRIPTURE@ see also COMMANDMENT, LAW, REVELATION 1) #{gsung rab/}$ ^Bib: Scripture: {gsung rab bshig mi thub/} Scripture cannot be broken (Jn. 10:35), {gsung rab kyi tshig mtshams/} passage of Scripture (Acts 8:32), {gsung rab kyi don go ba'i phyir/} so that they could understand the Scriptures (Lk. 24:45), {gsung rab dang ye shu'i bka' la dad par gyur to/} they believed the Scripture and the words that Jesus had spoken (Jn. 2:22), {gsung rab na gsungs pa bzhin/} according to the Scriptures (1 Cor. 15:3). ^Bst. 1) {gsung rab/} [lit. word + highest] The Bst. scriptures are understood to be guides to spiritual insight rather than the self-revelation of a supernatural power. Once spiritual insight or realizations are obtained, the doctrines of the Buddhist scriptures may be discarded, just as a raft is left behind after crossing a river. The scriptures are thought to be true and inerrant {mi slu ba/} only in the sense that they teach all that is needed for spiritual progress [rather than being true in the sense of free from logical contradictions or historical errors] (BAL 44). The Buddha's teachings {gsung rab/} are believed to have four qualities: i) they describe the methods for attaining liberation; ii) they are without grammatical errors; iii) they are given for the sake of eliminating suffering; and iv) they teach the benefits of overcoming obstacles to enlightenment (BAL 44). The scriptural books themselves are considered materially holy, and are placed in high places, wrapped in special cloth, and worshipped with incense, lamps, etc. (KTM): {glegs bam gsung rab rnams chos dkon mchog dngos/} the volumes of the scriptures are really the dharma jewel (REF 115); 2) figuratively, the most important literary work in a class: {'char yan ring lugs rig rtsal gzhung lugs kyi gsung rab/} the "Bible" of romantic literary theory (SBC-1, 62). 2) #{mdo/}$ ^Bib: 1) sacred writing, Scripture: {dam pa'i mdo/} the Holy Scriptures (Rom 1:2), {mdo na gsungs pa 'grub pa'i phyir/} that what the Scripture said would be fulfilled (Jn. 19:28), {dkon mchog gis lung du bstan pa'i mdo thams cad/} [lit.] all God-inspired Scripture (2 Tim. 3:16,17); 2) used of the names of various Biblical books: {ston pa'i mdo/} Ecclesiates; {ye sha ya'i mdo/} the Book of Isaiah (DPD). ^Bst. 1) {mdo/} [Skt. sutra/}] religious discourses ascribed to the historical Buddha, though in popular usage there may be no distinction between {gsung rab/} and {mdo/} (AMD). {mdo'i sde/} the discourses, one of the 12 divisions of the scriptures or {gsung rab yan lag} (KBT 88), {mdo sngags gnyis/} sutra and tantra (TRC 52), {thar gyi mdo/} the Pratimoksha sutra (TRC 51); 2) {mdo sde pa/} the Sautrantika, a Hinayana school of the second century AD who accept only the sutras as scripture (TRC 95). 3) #{bka'/}$ ^Bib: 1) commandment: {dkon mchog gi bka' dang tshul khrims/} God's commandments and regulations (Lk. 1:6); 2) Word: a) a pronouncement or communication from God: {dkon mchog gi bka' ni rtag tu gnas/} the word of the Lord stands forever (Is. 40:8); b) Jesus Christ: {thog mar bka' yod lags pa dang /,,bka' de dkon mchog mnyam du bzhugs/} in the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God (Jn. 1:1). In these senses, God's {bka'/} is authoritative (Ps. 103:20), true (Jn. 17:17), and eternal (Is. 40:8). Compare {gsung rab/} above. ^Bst. {sangs rgyas kyi bka'/} teachings or words of the Buddha recorded in the Bst. scriptures: {ma log par ston pa'i sangs rgyas kyi bka'/} the inerrant scriptures of the Buddha (TRC 75). The Scriptures are traditionally divided into three parts by content: {sangs rgyas kyi bka' sde snod gsum/} the "three baskets" of the Bst. scriptures: {'dul ba/} [Skt. vinaya] moral discipline and ethics, {mdo sde/} [Skt. sutra] religious discourses, {mngon chos kyi mdzod/} [Skt. abhidhamma] teaching on knowledge (TRC 113). They may also be divided into three parts by source: {zhal nas gsungs pa'i bka'/} teachings supposedly spoken by the Buddha himself; {byin gyis brlabs pa'i bka'/} teachings given later by others through the blessing of his word; {rjes su gnang ba'i bka'/} approved or authorized teachings (CNG 20). Related Terms: 1) {bka' 'gyur/} the Kangyur, or collection of the Buddha's teachings in 108 volumes translated from Sanskrit into Tibetan; 2) {bstan 'gyur/} the commentaries on those teachings in approximately 225 volumes (see TRI 116); 3) {bka' bstan/} or {bka' dang bstan bcos/} the scriptures and their commentaries (TRC 23); 4) {'dul ba'i bka' rnams/} the vinaya or scriptures on monastic discipline (TRC 25); 5) {tshul khrims/} see LAW.% !SEED@ 1) #{sa bon/}$ [var. {son/}] ^Bib: 1) the seed of plants: {sa bon 'debs/} to sow or scatter seed (Mt. 13:4), {sa bon rdol zhing cher skye'o/} the seed sprouts and grows (Mk. 4:27); 2) seed in various figurative senses: {sa bon ni dkon mchog gi bka' yin/} the seed is the word of God (Lk. 8:11), {thugs nyid kyi sa bon/} spiritual seed (1 Cor. 9:11), {rtag pa'i sa bon/} imperishable seed (1 Pet. 1:22,23), {lam khar son btab pa ni de yin/} the one who received the seed sown along the path (Mt. 13:19). ^Bst. 1) figurative seed: {sa bon/} the first of the eight links of external dependent-arising (KBT 35); 2) literal seed: {sa bon myu gu dang /,myu gu 'bras bur 'gyur ba sogs/} from the seed comes the sprout, and from the sprout the grain, etc. (NPP). 2) #{'bru/}$ ^Bib: seed, grain: 1) seed: {yungs 'bru/} mustard seed (Mt. 13:31), {gro'i 'bru rdog} a kernel or grain of wheat (Jn. 12:24), 2) grain generally: {'bru ma chags so/} they did not bear grain (Mk. 4:7), {'bru chags/} produced grain (Mk. 4:8). ^Bst. {nyin rer 'bru rdog re dang /,,chu thig pa re bzhes/} [the Buddha] took only one grain of corn and one drop of water each day (SGN 9). Cognates: {yig 'bru/} a point of discussion: {yig 'bru gcig kyang ma gsungs/} did not make even one point (DCC).% Related Terms: 1) {sras/} [hon.] son: {ab ra ham dang khong gi sras/} Abraham and his seed (Gal. 3:16), {zhal chad mdzad pa'i sras de pheb pa'i bar du/} until the promised Seed had come (Gal. 3:19); 2) {bu brgyud/} descendant: {ab ra ham gyi bu brgyud/} Abraham's seed (Gal. 3:29).% !SELF@ see also NATURE, SELF-CONTROL, SIN, SOUL 1) #{gang zag}$ [lit. person] ^Bib: person, self: {nga tsho'i gang zag rnying pa/} our old self (Rom. 6:6,7), {gang zag gsar pa 'god pa po'i dbyibs su gsar du mdzad pa de gyon zhig} put on the new self, which is being renewed in knowledge in the image of its Creator (Col. 3:10 SV). ^Bst. 1) According to Bst. psychology, man does not have an enduring self or soul, but is literally "self-less", a doctrine called {gang zag gi bdag med/} the selflessness of persons (CNG 5). {ma rig pa ni/,,las rgyu 'bras la sogs pa mi shes pa'i rmongs pa dang /,,gang zag gi bdag tu 'dzin pa/} ignorance is the darkness of not knowing about karma, or holding to a self of persons [i.e. believing that persons have a permanent self or soul] (TRC 284); 2) person, individual: {gang zag de la skyes bu chen po zer gyi yod pa red/} that person is called the great individual (TRC 218), {thar pa don du gnyer ba'i gang zag} a person striving for deliverance (TRC 286). 2) #{bdag nyid/}$ ^Bib: self: {bdag nyid kyi mtshan gsar pa 'bri bar bya'o/} I will write on him my own new name (Rev. 3:12). ^Bst. essence: {dbang bzhi'i bdag nyid bla ma spyan ras gzigs/} the essence of the four empowerments [is] Chenresi (HTE 184). Proverbs: {bdag nyid dul na gzhan rnams 'dul/,,bdag nyid kho na gdul bar dka'/} when you have disciplined yourself, then tame others; the one hard to subdue is yourself (DMP 82). Related Terms: 1) {bdag 'dzin/} [lit. self-grasping] selfishness: see SIN; 2) {rang don 'tshol/} self-seeking: {byams sems kyis mi 'os par mi spyod/,,rang don mi 'tshol/} love is not rude, not self-seeking (1 Cor. 13:5); 3) {'gran sems/} [lit. contentiousness, jealousy] selfish ambition: {phrag dog drag po dang 'gran sems/} bitter envy and selfish ambition (Jas. 3:14); 4) {rang gces 'dzin/} [lit. self-cherishing] selfishness: {zhe 'khon sdang 'dzin dang /,,rang gces 'dzin/,,phrag dog} hatred, selfishness, and jealousy (DLP 17).% !SELF-CONTROL@ 1) #{btsun pa/}$ [lit. honorable, faithful, respectable] ^Bib: self-disciplined, not impulsive or brash; restrained in behavior: {dul po dang /,,btsun pa/} gentleness and self-control (Gal. 5:23), {gzhon pa rnams btsun par 'gyur bar skul zhig} encourage the young men to be self-controlled (Tit. 2:6), {btsun pa dang /,,drang po dang /,,chos bzhin du gnas pa/} self-controlled, upright and godly [lives] (Tit. 2:12). ^Bst. 1) a temperate, self-controlled, and peaceful demeanor that is expressed in body, speech, and mind (TDC 2200); 2) an honorific term for a monk or nun: {btsun pa btsun ma/} monks and nuns (TRI 211).% 2) #{bag dang ldan pa/}$ [lit. discreet, temperate] [var. {bag yod pa/}] ^Bib: temperate, self-controlled: {bag dang ldan pa/,,mkhas pa/,,rngam brjid dang ldan pa/,,mgron por byams pa/,,slob dpon byed nus pa/} temperate, self-controlled, respectable, hospitable, able to teach (1 Tim. 3:2), {bag dang ldan pa/} disciplined (Tit. 1:8), {bag dang ldan pa dang /,,ya rabs dang /,,btsun pa/} temperate, worthy of respect, self-controlled (Tit. 2:2), {bag dang ldan zhing gcang grung byos shig} be self-controlled and alert (1 Pet. 5:8). ^Bst. {bag ldan/} ethical or moral behavior (TDC 1807). Related Terms: 1) {bag chags/} instincts, tendencies (TRI 179); 2) {bag med pa/} recklessness, lack of self-control (TRI 179).% 3) #{'chun pa/}$ [lit. tame, controlled] ^Bib: tamed, subdued, under control: {drang ba nyid dang /,,rang nyid 'chun pa/} righteousness and self-control (Acts 24:25), {sems ma chun pa/} without self-control (2 Tim. 3:3). ^Sec. {'chun pa/} to subdue or tame an animal: {rta rgod po bcun nas 'chun pa/} a wild horse that is brought under control (TDC 866). Proverbs: {'dod pa'i rta rgod tshod kyi srab kha 'then/,,gang sa ci thad rang tshod rang gis zungs/} just as a wild horse is controlled by a bridle, so you must have self-control (KPU 22). Related Terms: 1) {ran pa/} [lit. moderate, fitting, appropriate] self-control: {ran par gnas shig} be self controlled (1 Thes. 5:6), {dran pa brtan po dang ran par smon lam gyi ngang na gnas par gyur cig} be clear minded and self-controlled so that you can pray (1 Pet. 4:7); 2) {tshod shes pa/} temperate, prudent: {tshod mi shes pa/} without self control (2 Tim. 3:3 SV), {rang gi tshod 'dzin pa/} self controlled (Tit. 1:8 SV); 3) {rang gtso bzung /} self control; 4) {rang khrims rang srung /} self-discipline.% !SEND@ 1) #{gtong ba/}$ p. {btang /} f. {gtang /} imp. {thong /} ^Bib: to send: {khyed kyi sngon du nga yi pho nya gtong /} I will send my messenger ahead of you (Mt. 11:10), {ti mo the'u khyed tsho'i rtsar btang ba yin/} I sent Timothy to you (1 Cor. 4:17), {myur du log gtang 'ong /} [he will] send it back shortly (Mk. 11:3), {ngas lung ston pa dang sku tshab de rnams kyi rtsar gtang /} I will send them prophets and apostles (Lk. 11:49). 2) #{mngag}$ p. {mngags/} f. {mngag} imp. {mngogs/} ^Bib: to send for a purpose; to commission, delegate: {khong gis nyid kyi pho nya mngags/} he will send his angels [to gather the elect] (Mt. 24:31), {dkon mchog gis nyid kyi sras 'jig rten gyi zhal che gcad du ma mngags kyis/,,'jig rten gyi skyabs mdzad du mngags so/} God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world (Jn. 3:17), {yab kyis nga mngags pa ltar/,,ngas kyang khyed mngag go} as the Father has sent me, I am sending you (Jn. 20:21), {ma shi kas nga khrus gsol du ma mngags/} Christ did not send me to baptize (1 Cor. 1:17). ^Bst. {gang la mkhas pa'i mi de las la mngags/} whoever is an expert, entrust the work to him (KPU 11), {rgyal srid spyi khyab khang gis rigs gcig mkhas pa'i tsho chung mngags/} an expert group sent by the State Council (MHP 8). Cognates: 1) {ched mngag} especially, purposely: {na ning zhang kang nas ched mngag tu khyi nyo mkhan yong /} last year, dog-buyers came especially from Hong Kong (SLR 14); 2) {sngon mngags/} subscriptions.% 3) #{rdzong ba/}$ p. {brdzangs/} f. {brdzang /} imp. {rdzongs/} ^Bib: to send off, dispatch on an errand: {ngas khyod ring por phyi pa rnams kyi rtsar rdzong bar bya/} I will send you far away to the Gentiles (Acts 22:21), {ngas khyod mi ser yul du rdzong bar bya'o/} I will send you back to Egypt (Acts 7:34), {btson pa zhig la bkal pa'i nyes skyon rnams ma bshad par rdzong ba ni mi rigs par sems/} I think it is unreasonable to send on a prisoner without specifying the charges against him (Acts 25:27). ^Sec. {rdzong ba/} to take or send someone somewhere (e.g. to take or give a daughter to another family in marriage or to send someone off at the train station, etc. (AMD). 4) #{skur ba/}$ p. and f. {bskur/} imp. {skur/} Bib. bestow, give, send: {rgan mi rnams la bskur to/} sending [their gift] to the elders (Acts 11:30), {chos tshogs bdun po la skur zhig} send it to the seven churches (Rev. 1:11), {phan tshun lag rtags skur bar 'gyur ro/} will send each other gifts (Rev. 11:10). ^Sec. {gser mang po bskur nas/} [he] sent much gold (TRC 153), {rgyal spyi'i sbrag thog skur bya/} international mail. 5) #{'don pa/}$ p. {bton/} f. {gdon/} imp. {thon/} ^Bib: send; send out: {nga ltar lung ston pa zhig 'don par 'gyur/} God will send you a prophet like me (Acts 7:37), {khyed rnams ba bel mtha' ru 'don par bya'o/} I will send you into exile beyond Babylon (Acts 7:43). 6) #{skyel ba/}$ p. {bskyel/} ^Bib: to send or dispatch: {zhi bde bar lam skyel byos shig} send [him] on his way in peace (1 Cor. 16:11 SV); {yang khyed kyis ji ltar dkon mchog gi spyan sngar rung ba de ltar skyel thung byed de legs par bya'o/} you will do well to send them on their way in a manner worthy of God (3 Jn. 6 SV). Related Terms: 1) {phyag 'bul/} to send greetings: {khyed la phyag 'bul lo/} [the church] sends you his greetings (Rom. 16:23), {a si a'i chos tshogs rnams kyis khyed tshor phyag 'bul lo/} the churches in the province of Asia send you greetings (1 Cor. 16:19); 2) {phyag byed pa/} to send greetings: {ma shi ka pa thams cad kyis phyag byed do/} all the saints send you greetings (Phil. 4:22).% !SERVANT@ 1) #{g.yog}$ ^Bib: 1) menservants: {g.yog po/} male servant (Mt. 8:9), {slob dpon las slob ma mi che/,,dpon po las g.yog po mi che/} a student is not above his teacher, nor a servant above his master (Mt. 10:24), {ma shi ka ya hu da pa rnams kyi g.yog por gyur/} Christ has become a servant of the Jews (Rom. 15:8); 2) maidservants: {g.yog mo zhig} a servant girl (Mt. 26:69), {nga ni gtso bo'i g.yog mo yin/} I am the Lord's servant (Lk. 1:38); 3) fellow servant: {g.yog grogs shig yin/} I am a fellow servant (Rev. 22:9). ^Bst. {g.yog po/} is a helper, paid servant, or even employee (AMD) as distinct from a {bran/} or {g.yog bran/} a slave: {mtshams g.yog} a "recluse-helper" or servant attending to the needs of a monk in solitary meditation (TRC 51), {nad g.yog} a nurse (TRC 76), {'khor g.yog} attendants (TRC 259), {dpon g.yog} master and servants (DPD), {g.yog po'i tha mar 'gyur ba/} become the least of servants (TRC 259). The Bst. scriptures encourage offering of oneself to the Buddhas as a servant (MTB 48). Proverbs: {kha bde po mi yi dpon po yin/,,lag pa bde po mi yi g.yog po yi/} the eloquent speaker is peoples' master and the skilled craftsman is peoples' servant (TQP 41). 2) #{zhabs phyi/}$ [hon. of {g.yog po/}] ^Bib: servant: {nga'i zhabs phyi drang po/} my righteous servant (Is. 53:11), {khyed tsho'i dbus su che shos de khyed kyi zhabs phyir 'gyur dgos/} the greatest among you will be your servant (Mt. 23:11), {nyid kyi zhabs phyi ye shu/} his servant Jesus (Acts 3:13), {bla na med pa'i dkon mchog gi zhabs phyi/} servants of the Most High God (Acts 16:17), {ye shu ma shi ka'i zhabs phyi pa'u lu/} Paul, a servant of Christ Jesus (Rom. 1:1). 3) #{'bangs/}$ ^Bib: servant: {dkon mchog gi 'bangs byos shig} live as servants of God (1 Pet. 2:16), {khong gi 'bangs rnams kyis bsnyen bkur byed pa/} his servants will serve him (Rev. 22:3). ^Bst. 1) servant, serf: {lha 'bangs/} a temple servant; 2) a subject; one under the authority of a king: {rje 'bangs/} king and subjects (TRC 136), {dpon 'bangs/} nobility and subjects (KPU 10), {mnga' 'bangs/} or {chab 'bangs/} citizens. Related Terms: 1) {las grogs/} fellow servants (Rev. 6:11); 2) {bran/} slave: {bran gyi sa ni yongs bzhes nas/} taking the very nature of a servant (Phil. 2:7); 3) {zhabs tog pa/} servant: {de dag ma shi ka'i zhabs tog pa yin nam/} are they servants of Christ? (2 Cor. 11:23 SV).% !SERVICE@ see MINISTRY !SHAME@ see also CONSCIENCE 1) #{ngo tsha/}$ ^Bib: 1) to be ashamed or embarrassed: {slong bar ngo tsha bas/} [I'm] ashamed to beg (Lk. 16:3), {da lta de la ngo tsha'o/} the things [you] are now ashamed of (Rom. 6:21), {nga ni phrin bzang sgrogs par ngo mi tsha/} I am not ashamed of the gospel (Rom. 1:16); 2) to put to shame: {khyed tsho ngo tsha phyir 'di ltar zer ro/} I say this to shame you (1 Cor. 6:5-6), {de ni ngas khyed tsho ngo tsha ba'i phyir mi 'bri/} I am not writing this to shame you (1 Cor. 4:14); 3) {ngo tsha mdzad/} [hon.] to be ashamed: {de rnams la spun zhes gsung ba la ngo tsha mi mdzad/} [Jesus] is not ashamed to call them brothers (Heb. 2:11). 2) #{ngo tsha/}$ ^Bib: a state or feeling of shame: {rang gi ngo tsha ba'i dpal ngom par byed do/} their glory is their shame (Phil. 3:19), {kho ngo tsha bar 'gyur ba'i phyir kho dang ma 'grogs shig} do not associate with him, in order that he may feel ashamed (2 Thes. 3:14). ^Bst. 1) a sense of shame {ngo tsha shes pa/} or propriety is counted as a virtue that keeps one from inappropriate actions for fear of being exposed and losing face (KBT 16), {ngo tsha ba'i 'dod chags/} shameful lusts (Rom. 1:26). By contrast, shamelessness {ngo tsha med pa/} and non-embarrassment {khrel med pa/} are counted as secondary afflictions {nye ba'i nyon mongs pa/} to be overcome; 2) in modern usage, {ngo tsha/} may be simply a sense of embarrassment or a loss of face: {grong khyer gyi gzhon nu la las rkang 'khor 'khor gsum can gtong ba ni gzhan las dman pa dang ngo tsha dgos pa zhig red/} some young people felt work as a pedicab driver was demeaning and a loss of face (SLR 11). Proverbs: {rang 'dod can gyi mi la ngo tsha med/} selfish people have no sense of shame (KPU 8). 3) #{skyeng ba/}$ [var. {skyengs/} {kha skyengs/}] p. {skyengs/} ^Bib: to be ashamed: {mkhas pa skyeng du 'jig rten gyi blun po 'dams/} chose the foolish things of the world to shame the wise (1 Cor. 1:27-9), {khong la dad rnams skyengs par mi 'gyur ro/} the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame (Rom. 9:33), {rgol mkhan la nga tshor gtam ngan smra rgyu med pas skyengs par 'gyur ro/} those who oppose you may be ashamed because they have nothing bad to say about us (Tit. 2:8). 4) #{khrel/}$ [hon. {thugs khrel/}] ^Bib: shame, aversion: {ma shi ka pa yin pa'i don du sdug bsngal 'byung na/,,mi khrel bar ming de'i phyir dkon mchog la bstod pa phul zhig} if you suffer as a Christian, do not be ashamed, but praise God that you bear that name (1 Pet. 4:16), {de tsho'i dkon mchog ces zhu yang thugs mi khrel lo/} God is not ashamed to be called their God (Heb. 11:16). ^Bst. {khrel yod pa/} embarrassment, is similar to {ngo tsha shes pa/} a sense of shame that prevents inappropriate action for fear of social disapproval (KBT 16-17); propriety, modesty; one of the so-called {'phags pa'i nor bdun/} or seven noble treasures (SGN 16). One who lacks this quality is called a {khrel med pa ma rabs che ba zhig} a shameless scoundrel (TRC 331). 5) #{'dzem pa/}$ ^Bib: bashfulness, modesty, or shame: {khong de dag gi dkon mchog ces zer ba la thugs ma 'dzem mo/} God is not ashamed to be called their God (Heb. 11:16 SV). ^Sec. {'dzem dogs med pa/} immodest, shameless (SBC-1, 64). 6) #{dma' 'bebs/}$ [lit. down + throw] p. {phab/} f. {dbab/} imp. {phob/} ^Bib: to put to shame, humiliate, abuse: {de rnams kyis kho'i mgo la rdung zhing dma' 'bebs byas so/} they struck this man on the head and treated him shamefully (Mar. 12:4). Related Terms: 1) {mi 'os pa/} improper, shameful: {'dod chags mi 'os pa rnams/} shameful lusts (Rom. 1:26 SV); 2) {mi tshangs/} [lit. not pure] unholy, impure, shameful: {mi tshangs par spyod pa/} shameful ways (2 Pet. 2:2 SV); 3) {mi tshang ba/} unclean: {mi gtsang bar byed pa/} one who does what is shameful (Rev. 21:27 SV).% !SIGN@ see also CIRCUMCISE, MIRACLE 1) #{ltas/}$ [lit. omen] ^Bib: miraculous sign, authenticating miracle: {khyed las ltas shig mthong bar 'dod do/} we want to see a miraculous sign from you (Mt. 12:38), {nam mkha' nas ltas shig ston/} show a sign from heaven (Mt. 16:1), {ltas dang ngo mtshar che ba mang po bstan to/} many wonders and miraculous signs were done (Acts 2:43), {mthu che ba dang /,,ngo mtshar dang /,,ltas/} miracles, wonders, and signs (Acts 2:22). ^Bst. see MIRACLE. 2) #{rtags/}$ [lit. sign, token, mark] ^Bib: sign, symbol, portent: {dus kyi mtha' ma'i rtags/} the sign of the end of the age (Mt. 24:3), {mi'i bu'i mngon rtags/} the sign of the Son of Man (Mt. 24:30), {nyi ma dang zla ba dang skar ma'i nang la rtags 'byung 'ong /} there will be signs in the sun, moon and stars (Lk. 21:25), {skad gzhan rnams dad pa can gyi phyir min par dad med rnams kyi phyir rtags su yin/} tongues, then, are a sign, not for believers but for unbelievers (1 Cor. 14:22). ^Bst. 1) {rtags/} sign or mark, e.g the characteristics that distinguish a people group; e.g. the {rtags/} of Europeans is considered to be a big nose (AMD), {mkhas pa'i rtags/} a sign of skill (KPU 14), {'byongs rtags/} the sign of having studied (UCO 149); 2) male or female reproductive organs are also called {rtags/} (AMD); 3) in Bst. logic, {rtags/} is reason: {rtags yag dag gsum/} three correct reasons (TRI 108); 4) {chu rtags/} [lit. urine signs] a test in traditional Tibetan medicine (TMB 23); 5) {ming rtag} signature (TDC 1065); 6) {rgyal rtag} national emblem (TDC 1065); 7) {glen rtag} [idiot + sign] stupidity (TDC 1065); 8) {rang rtag} [own + sign] intrinsic characteristics (TDC 1065). Related Terms: 1) {brda/} signal or gesture: {kho lag brda byed/} he made signs to them (Lk. 1:22), {pha la lag brda byas pa/} they made signs to his father (Lk. 1:62), {grogs po rnams la rogs byed pa'i brda btang /} they signaled their partners to help them (Lk. 5:7); 2) {byang bu/} inscription written on a board; sign: {byang bu der ya hu da/,,ro ma/,,he len skad/} a sign [written in] Aramaic, Latin, and Greek (Jn. 19:20); 3) {mtshon byed/} a representative, indicator, sign, mark (TDC 1065).% !SIN@ see also ATONEMENT, CONFESS, DEATH, FAULT, GUILT 1) #{sdig pa/}$ ^Bib: sin {sdig pa/} is an offense against God and his perfect moral law: {ngan pa yin pa ngas byas te/,,khyed gcig por ngas sdig pa byas/} against you, you only, have I sinned and done what is evil (Ps. 51:4). From a Biblical standpoint, all sin is ultimately directed at God and is an offense to his holiness. It is thus more than just selfishness {bdag 'dzin pa/} or a negative act {las ngan/} committed in a moral vacuum. Sin is an act that brings God's wrath {dkon mchog gi thugs khro/} upon sinners, and leads to spiritual death: {sdig pa'i 'bras bu ni 'chi ba yin/} the wages [lit. fruit, result] of sin is death (Rom. 6:23). It can be forgiven {sdig sel ba/} through faith in Christ. ^Bst. {sdig pa/} is what is non-virtuous or evil (TDC 1462); in the Tibetan popular mind the term is strongly associated with the killing of animals. The classic list of sins is the so-called ten non-virtues or {sdig pa mi dge ba bcu/} one list of which includes: {srog gcod pa/} killing; {ma byin par len pa/} theft; {log g.yem/} sexual misconduct; {brdzun/} lying; {khra ma/} slander; {tshig rtsub/} harsh speech; {ngag 'khyal/} gossip; {brnab sems/} covetousness; {gnod sems/} intent to harm others; and {log lta/} wrong [i.e. non-Bst.] views. In Bsm. sin is a negative or unskillful action which is punished by karma {las/} (see FRUIT) and is thus a totally individual concern: {sdig rang bsags rang khur/} each one must carry the burden of his own sin (TQP 123), hence the Bst. claim is that it is not necessary to feel guilty for sin, as no supernatural authority or being has been offended by it, and there is no judge to punish it (MTB 63). Eventual punishment for sin through the action of karma {las rgyu 'bras/} is, however, inevitable and inescapable: {gang du sdig pa'i las kyis mi tshugs pa'i/,,sa phyogs de ni yod pa ma yin te/,,bar snang la med rgya mtsho'i dbus su med/,,ri bo'i sul dang brag gi khongs su med/} where can we go where our sins will not harm us? No place on earth - not in the heavens, not in the middle of the sea, not in the rocky clefts of mountains (DMP 66; cf. Ps. 103:12). In most Bst. schools the possibility of grace is precluded: {thub rnams sdig pa chu yis mi 'khru zhing /,,'gro ba'i sdug bsngul phyag gis mi sel la/,,nyid kyi rtogs pa gzhan la 'pho min te/,,chos nyid bden pa bstan pas grol bar 'gyur/,,zhes gsungs yod pa red/} the Buddhas do not wash away sin with water, and they do not remove by hand the miseries of living creatures. They do not transfer their own understanding to others. They deliver by teaching this very Dharma (TRC 77); i.e. {sdig pa spong ba'i lam ni/,,skyabs dngos chos dkon mchog yin/} the Buddha's teachings are the actual way of abandoning sin (REF 115). Sin accounts for rebirth in the lower realms, hence the saying: {las ngan pa'i sdig pa ma bsags na/,,skrag dgos pa'i gshin rje chos rgyal med/} if one does not accumulate sins, one need not fear the lord of death (TDC 1462). The many vivid tales of the sufferings of the hell realms (JPG 181-4) account for the proverbial advice: {sdig pa rnams ni yongs su spongs/} completely abandon sins (DMP 64) and {sdig pa spong ba dang /,,dge ba sgrub pa/} abandon vice and accomplish virtue or good works (TRC 227). Proverbs: 1) {zhe sdang lta bu'i sdig pa med/} there is no evil [deed] like hatred (TRC 347); 2) {shin tu bzod dka'i ngan song sdug bsngal rnams/,,sdig pa'i las kyi 'bras bur thub pas gsungs/} the Buddhas teach that terrible sufferings are the fruit of sinful deeds (GSL 10). Cognates: 1) {mtshams med ma yin pa'i sdig pa/} [lit. sin without limits] sin that leads to death; deadly, capital sin: {su zhig gis spun zhig mtshams med ma yin pa'i sdig pa byed par mthong na/} if anyone sees his brother commit a sin that does not lead to death (1 Jn. 5:16). Examples of such sins in Bsm. are the {mtshams med lnga/} or five limitless actions: killing one's father, mother, a Bst. saint, a Buddha, or causing divisions in the monk body (TRI 222); committing any of these sins is believed to lead to rebirth in the {mnar med/} hottest hell; 2) {sdig pa/} a scorpion (Rev. 9:3); 3) {sdig pa 'dag pa/} to get rid of sin by doing good things (AMD).% 2) #{sdig pa byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to commit sin: {sdig pa byas pa tsho/} those who sin (Rom. 2:12), {khyed tshos ma shi ka'i drung du sdig pa byed do/} you sin against Christ (1 Cor. 8:12). 3) #{nyes pa/}$ ^Bib: 1) sin: {gal te nged rnams kyis byas pa'i nyes pa mthol bshags 'bul na/} if we confess our sins (1 Jn. 1:9), {nyes pa gzhan ma mis byed pa thams cad rang gi lus dang bral ba yin/} all other sins a man commits are outside his body (1 Cor. 6:18 SV); 2) guilt: {nyes pa ma brtag pa/} without being found guilty (Acts 22:25), {ye ru sha lem pa gzhan las nyes can/} more guilty than the others living in Jerusalem (Lk. 13:4). ^Bst. 1) fault or defect: {sman pas ma nyes sman gyis ma nyes te/,,nad pa de nyid kyis ni nyes pa yin/} it is not the fault of the doctor or the medicine, but that of the patient himself (TRC 77), {nyes pa lnga/} five faults in the technique of meditation (TRC 201), {nyes pa mi smra rgyal sras lag len yin/} not to speak of faults is the practice of the sons of the Buddha (GSL 26); 2) moral faults in Bsm: {srog bcad pa'i nyes pa/} the sin of killing [a goat] (DPD), {nyes pa gsum/} are the three cardinal sins of Bsm. {'dod chags dang /,,zhe sdang dang /,,gti mug} desire, hatred, and ignorance (SGC 280); 3) breaking of rules or vows: {nyes byas bzhi bcu'i zhe drug} the forty six faults (breaking of one's vows) (TRI 95). See also FAULT. Proverbs: {chang de nyes pa kun kyi rtsa ba yin/} [drinking] alcohol is the root of all kinds of evil (DPD). Cognates: 1) {nyes can/} a criminal (AMD); 2) {nyes pa btang /} to punish (DPD).% 4) #{nyes pa byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} [lit. fault + do] ^Bib: to sin: {mi thams cad kyis nyes pa byas pas dkon mchog gi snyan grags dang 'bral ba'o/} all have sinned and fall short of the glory of God (Rom. 3:23 SV). Related Terms: 1) {bdag 'dzin/} [lit. self + grasp] selfishness, sinful nature: {bdag 'dzin spong /} deny himself (Mt. 16:24), {bdag 'dzin la skabs ma btang bar/} [lit. not giving opportunity to self-grasping] not indulging the sinful nature (Gal. 5:13), {bdag 'dzin gyi las rnams/} [lit. works of selfishness] acts of the sinful nature (Gal. 5:19). In Bsm. this term includes not only selfishness but also the conception of a stable, permanent self or soul; 2) {sha/} [lit. flesh] human nature, sinful nature: {shas ni sems nyid la rgol ba'i 'dod pa skyed/} the sinful nature desires what is contrary to the Spirit (Gal. 5:17 SV); 3) {pham pa/} [lit. downfall] a moral defeat or transgression of monastic rules; e.g. killing, theft, sexual misconduct, lying (TRI 171); 4) {skyon/} fault: {gzhan mi'i skyon dang ldan par ma 'gyur cig} do not share in the sins of others (1 Tim. 5:22 SV); 5) {nyes skyon dag las bral ba/} [lit. separated from faults] blameless: {nga ni nyes skyon dag las bral ba dang /,,sdig pa'i las rnams spangs pa khong gis mkhyen/} I have been blameless before him and have kept myself from sin (2 Sam. 22:24 NTV).% !SINAI@ #{si na/}$ ^Bib: desert region between Egypt and Israel: {si na bya ba'i 'brog stong /} the wilderness of Sinai (Ex. 16:1). !SLANDER@ see also ACCUSE, BLASPHEME, CURSE, FAULT 1) #{skur pa 'debs/}$ p. {btab/} f. {gdab/} imp. {thob/} ^Bib: to blaspheme, slander: {rdzun gyi dpang po dang /,,skur 'debs/} false testimony and slander (Mt. 15:19), {skur pa 'debs pa dang /,,nga rgyal dang /,,blun sems/} slander, pride, and folly (Mk. 7:22), {skur ba 'debs mkhan/} slanderers (1 Cor. 6:10), {mtshan dam pa de la skur pa 'debs mkhan/} the ones who are slandering the holy name (Jas. 2:7). ^Bst. see CURSE. 2) #{smod/}$ p. {smad/} f. {smad/} imp. {smod/} ^Bib: to criticize, dishonor, mock, or curse: {gcig gis gcig la ma smad cig} do not slander one another (Jas. 4:11), {ma shi ka pa'i spyod lam bzang por smad mkhan rnams/} those who slander Christians' good behavior (1 Pet. 3:16), {dpal dang ldan pa rnams la smad par mi 'jigs so/} not afraid to slander celestial beings [lit. glorious ones] (2 Pet. 2:9,10). ^Bst. {smod pa/} 1) to use harsh speech {tshig rtsub/}, to ridicule {'phya tshig}, or to verbally abuse {dma' 'bebs byed pa/} (TDC 2174); 2) to deprecate, speak against: {'dul ba'i bstan pa smad/} [some] spoke against the Vinaya scriptures (TRC 152). Cognates: {smad sgra gtong mkhan/} a slanderer (1 Cor. 6:10 SV).% 3) #{phra ma/}$ ^Bib: slander: {phra ma dang /,,dkon mchog la sdang ba/} slanderers and God haters (Rom. 1:30), {sems ngan dang /,,g.yo sgyu dang /,,zol zog dang /,,phrag dog dang /,,phra ma thams cad spongs shig} rid yourselves of all malice and all deceit, hypocrisy, envy, and slander of every kind (1 Pet. 2:1). ^Bst. {phra ma/} or slander, is one of the ten non-virtues, defined as: {phra ma zer ba ni/,,gzhi sems can mthun pa dang /,,mi mthun pa de tsho la bsam pa dug gsum gang rung gi dbang gis sems can mthun pa de tsho mi mthun par bzo 'dod pa dang /,,mi mthun pa de tsho rgyang ring du gtong bar 'dod pa'i bsam pa lta bu dang /,,sbyor ba sems can mthun pa dang mi mthun pa de tsho'i bar du dkrugs shing gi skad cha dper na/,,khyed rang la khos skad cha sdug chags 'di 'dras 'di 'dras shod kyi 'dug zer ba/} slander is the wish, under the power of one of the three poisons, to sow discord among friendly or unfriendly persons. It seeks to make friends unfriendly and drive those who are already unfriendly even farther apart. The action is inflammatory speech; e.g. "he said such and such vile things about you" (TRC 244). 4) #{dmad/}$ p. {dmod/} [lit. curse, insult] ^Bib: to verbally abuse or slander: {pho nya rnams dbang dang stobs che'ang gtso bo'i drung du de rnams la mi dmod do/} even angels, although they are stronger and more powerful, do not bring slanderous accusations against such beings in the presence of the Lord (2 Pet. 2:11). ^Bst. see CURSE. 5) #{gtam ngan/}$ [lit. evil speech] ^Bib: slander: {'khon dang /,,gtum pa dang /,,khro ba dang /,,ku sgra dang /,,gtam ngan/} bitterness, rage and anger, brawling and slander (Eph. 4:31). Proverbs: {ngan pa'i rjes la ltas ngan gtam ngan yod/} bad omens and bad news follow a bad man (KPU 21). Related Terms: 1) {ngan/} [lit. evil] ^Bib: The NT uses compounds of {ngan/} with other verbs to express "spoken evil" (slander) in the sense of the English phrase "to speak evil of": {kha ngan lab na gtam snyan smra'o/} when we are slandered, we answer kindly (1 Cor. 4:13), {su'i skor la'ang ngan pa mi zer ba/} slander no one (Tit. 3:2); 2) {tshig ngan/} [lit. word + evil] insults, abuse, rude words: {tshig ngan smra mkhan/} a slanderer (1 Cor. 5:11), {khro ba dang /,,gtum pa dang /,,gnod sems dang /,,skyon mtshang 'dru ba dang /,,kha nas tshig ngan smra ba spongs shig} anger, rage, malice, slander, and filthy language (Col. 3:8); 3) {'phya ba/} derision, jeering, mocking: {dgra bor nga tshor 'phya ba'i skabs mi gtong ba/} to give the enemy no opportunity for slander (1 Tim. 5:14); 4) {rdzun gtam zhus pa/} to make a false accusation: {khos mi dbang chen por nga'i skor la rdzun gtam zhus pa yin/} he has slandered your servant to my lord the king (2 Sam. 19:27); 5) {skyon 'grus ba/} gossip, slander (KTM); 6) {skyon gtags pa/} name calling (KTM); 7) {tshig rtsub/} harsh speech: {gzhan la rkun ma dang /,,lkugs pa zer ba sogs kyis gzhan gyi lus ngag yid gsum dang /,,spyod lam sogs kyi sgo nas skyon brjod kyi tshig ngan lab pa lta bu red/} to criticize another's body, speech, mind, behavior, and so on by calling another a thief or stupid (TRC 244); 7) {ngo tsha dma' 'bebs/} to defame and humiliate (TQP 80).% !SOLOMON@ #{sha lo mo/}$ [Heb. selomoh, Gr. Solomon] [var. {so lo mon/} (Mt. 1:7 SV and 2 Sam. 5:14 NTV)] ^Bib: Solomon the king of ancient Israel: {da bid kyi sras sha lo mo ni u ri ya yi chung ma las chad/} David had Solomon by Uriah's wife (Mt. 1:6). !SON OF MAN@ #{mi'i bu/}$ ^Bib: Son of Man, a title used by Jesus: {mi'i bu ni shab bad kyi gtso bo yin pas so/} the Son of Man is Lord of the Sabbath (Mt. 12:8), {mi'i bu ni sdig can gyi lag tu gtong ngo /} the Son of Man is betrayed into the hands of sinners (Mk. 14:41), {mi'i bu 'byon dus/} when the Son of Man comes (Lk. 18:8). !SOUL@ see also HEART, MIND, SPIRIT 1) #{sems/}$ ^Bib: In the OT the fundamental meaning of the term translated "soul" is "life"; in the Gk. the terms psyche (mind) and pneuma (spirit) are used for those aspects of man's being which survive death; hence, a Bib. definition for {sems} could be {snying gi gang zag sbas pa/} the hidden inner person (1 Pet. 3:4 SV); {sems gsod mi thub/} cannot kill the soul (Mt. 10:28), {sems la ngal gso thob 'ong /} find rest for your souls (Mt. 11:29), {rang gi snying hril po dang /,,sems hril po dang /,,yid hril po/} [with] all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind (Mt. 22:37), {nga yi sems kyis gtso bor bstod/} my soul glorifies the Lord (Lk. 1:46), {lus srog sems gsum/} body, spirit, and soul (1 Thes. 5:23), {sems kyi thar pa/} salvation of the soul (1 Pet. 1:9). ^Bst. see HEART, MIND. 2) #{srog}$ [lit. life] ^Bib: soul, life: {'jig rten hril po thob kyang /,,rang srog brlag} gains the whole world, loses his own soul (Mt. 16:26). ^Bst. see LIFE. 3) #{snying /}$ [lit. heart] ^Bib: soul: {khyed kyi snying la'ang ral gri snun par 'gyur/} and a sword will pierce your own soul too (Lk. 2:35). ^Bst. see HEART. Related Terms: 1) {snying /} heart; 2) {blo/} mind; 3) {yid/} mind; 4) {bsam pa/} thought; 5) {srog} life; 6) {sems nyid/} spirit; 7) {dbugs/} breath; 8) {gang zag} person; 9) {bdag} self; 10) {bla/} life, soul.% !SPIRIT@ (OF MAN) see also DEMON (EVIL SPIRIT), HOLY SPIRIT, MIND, SOUL 1) #{sems nyid/}$ ^Bib: spirit, soul, or mind: 1) man's spirit: {sems nyid stobs dang ldan nas/} became strong in spirit (Lk. 1:80), {gtso bo ye shu/,,nga'i sems nyid bzhes/} Lord Jesus, receive my spirit (Acts 7:59), {sems nyid kyi lugs su thar ba'i phyir/} that his spirit be saved (1 Cor. 5:5), {sems nyid kyi pha/} the Father of our spirits (Heb. 12:9), {lung ston pa rnams kyi sems nyid kyi dkon mchog} the God of the spirits of the prophets (Rev. 22:6); 2) spirits, spirit beings: {sems nyid dam pho nyas gsung srid/} if a spirit or an angel spoke (Acts 23:9), {gcig la sems nyid 'byed pa/} distinguishing between spirits (1 Cor. 12:10), {btson la yod pa'i sems nyid rnams/} spirits in prison (1 Pet. 3:19), {g.yog byed pa'i sems nyid/} [angels are] ministering spirits (Heb. 1:14), {sems nyid yin tshad la yid ma ches/} do not believe every spirit (1 Jn. 4:1), {de tshos kho'i sems nyid yin smras so/} they said, "It must be his angel" (Ac. 12:15); 3) spiritual: {sems nyid kyi gnang sbyin/} spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 12:1), {sems nyid kyi lus/} a spiritual body (1 Cor. 15:44), {sems nyid kyi 'o ma/} spiritual milk (1 Pet. 2:2,3), {sems nyid kyi mchod pa/} a spiritual offering (1 Pet. 2:5,6), {sems nyid kyi khang pa/} a spiritual house (1 Pet. 2:5,6); 4) attitude, agreement: {khyed tsho dang nga'i sems nyid 'dzoms pa'i dus/} when I am with you in spirit (1 Cor. 5:4). Bst. {sems nyid mgon/} the lord of mind-nature (HTE 186); see MIND. 2) #{thugs nyid/}$ [hon. of {sems nyid/}] ^Bib: spirit: 1) man's spirit: {des thugs nyid kyi dbang gis gsang ba gleng /} he utters mysteries with his spirit (1 Cor. 14:2); 2) a spirit, spiritual being: {dkon mchog thugs nyid lags/} God is spirit (Jn. 4:24), {gson pa nyid gnang ba'i thugs nyid/} a life-giving spirit (1 Cor. 15:45), {dkon mchog gi thugs nyid bdun po/} the seven spirits of God (Rev. 3:1), {thugs nyid dang bden pa'i sgo nas/} in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23); 3) spiritual: {bka' khrims thugs nyid las byung /} the law is spiritual (Rom. 7:14), {thugs nyid kyi ngar/} spiritual fervor (Rom. 12:11), {thugs nyid kyi sa bon/} spiritual seed (1 Cor. 9:11), {thugs nyid kyi kha zas/} spiritual food (1 Cor. 10:3), {thugs nyid kyi gnang sbyin rnams/} spiritual gifts (1 Cor. 14:1), {thugs nyid dang ldan pa khyed/} you who are spiritual (Gal 6:1); 4) attitude, agreement: {nga gnyis thugs nyid gcig gis ma bkol tam/} did we not act in the same spirit (2 Cor. 12:18). 3) #{sems/}$ ^Bib: 1) the spirit or soul of man: {lus sems gnyis/} in both body and spirit (1 Cor. 7:34), {nga'i sems kyis zhu/} my spirit prays (1 Cor. 14:14), {sems dang blo gros gnyis pos/} with spirit and mind (1 Cor. 14:15), {khyed tsho'i sems gsos/} they refreshed your spirit (1 Cor. 16:18), {gtso bo ye shu ma shi ka'i thugs rje khyed tsho'i sems dang mnyam du bzhugs par shog} the grace of the Lord Jesus Christ be with your spirit (Phil. 4:23), {sems dang bral ba'i lus/} the body without the spirit (Jas. 2:26), {sems dul zhing zhi ba/} a gentle and peaceful spirit (1 Pet. 3:4); 2) attitude, agreement: {sems gcig tu/} a spirit of unity (Rom. 15:5,6), {nga'i sems khyed tsho'i rtsar yod/} I am with you in spirit (1 Cor. 5:3). ^Bst. see HEART, MIND. 4) #{snying /}$ [lit. heart] ^Bib: spirit: {snying rus yod kyang lus stobs chung ngo /} the spirit is willing, but the body is weak (Mt. 26:41), {snying chung ngu/} a spirit of timidity (2 Tim. 1:6,7), {lung bstan pa'i snying po/} the spirit of prophecy (Rev. 19:10). ^Bst. see HEART. 5) #{sku srog}$ [hon. of {srog}] ^Bib: spirit: {sku srog gnang ngo /} [Jesus] gave up his spirit (Mt. 27:50). 6) #{dbugs/}$ [lit. breath] ^Bib: spirit: {de'i dbugs phyir log nas langs so/} her spirit returned (Lk. 8:55). ^Bst. 1) breath: {dbugs hal ba/} to pant (SGN 3); 2) also may mean the mystical "winds" which are believed to follow various channels in the body in tantric anatomy: {srog dbugs/} the life wind. Related Terms: 1) {tshe srog bla gsum/} "life-span, life-force, and spirit. The first is likened to the butter-oil of a butter lamp; the wick to the life-force, and flame to the spirit. The three conditions that are basic faculties for the maintenance of our life" (TRI 219); 2) {blo/} mind; 3) {yid/} mind; 4) {bsam pa/} thought; 5) {srog} life; 6) {gang zag} person; 7) {bdag} self; 8) {bla/} life, soul.% !STEAL@ #{rku ba/}$ p. {brkus/} f. {brku/} imp. {rkus/} ^Bib: to steal: {ma rku/} do not steal (Mt. 19:18). ^Bst. Theft ({ma byin par len pa/}) may be defined as: {gzhan gyis bdag tu bzung ba'i ca lag la sogs pa dug gsum gang yang rung ba'i dbang gis brku bar 'dod de gzhan gyi dngos po rin thang tshang ba zhig brkus nas mthar gzhan gyi ca lag de rang la thob song snyam pa'i blo skyes nam byin len gyi las ngo ma de byung ba red/} stealing is the wish, because of one of the three poisons, to take away the property, etc. which another holds as his own, and, having stolen another's article of sufficient value, one finally produces the idea that one has obtained another's property as one's own: this is the actual act of stealing (TRC 243). Proverbs: {sgo nga brkus na bya de brku/} [a child] who steals an egg will [in later life become a thief and ] steal the hen as well (TQP 74). Related Terms: 1) {rkun ma/} thief {rkun mas kyang rku bas/} thieves steal (Mt. 6:19); 2) {ma byin par len pa/} theft (Tit. 2:10 SV); 3) {rkun ma shor ba/} to be stolen.% !SUFFERING@ 1) #{sdug bsngal/}$ ^Bib: suffering: {sdug bsngal chen po byung ste/} bringing great suffering (Acts 7:11), {ma shi ka'i sdug bsngal/} the sufferings of Christ (2 Cor. 1:5). In the Bib. view, suffering, though evil in itself, has redeeming features: {sdug bsngal las bzod sems/} suffering [produces] endurance (Rom. 5:3,4), {sdug bsngal gyis phun sum tshogs par mdzad pa/} made perfect through suffering (Heb. 2:10). Suffering will be abolished in the new creation (Rev. 21:4). ^Bst. In Bsm. suffering is an unmitigated evil produced by the three root afflictions of desire {'dod chags/} hatred {zhe sdang /} and ignorance {gti mug} . Suffering includes virtually all of human experience; even worldly pleasure is considered to be suffering because it soon passes away. The eight archetypal sufferings of man or {sdug bsngal brgyad/} are listed as: {skye ba/} birth, {rga ba/} old age, {na ba/} sickness, {'chi ba/} death, {sdug pa dang bral ba/} separation from loved ones, {mi sdug pa dang phrad pa/} meeting what one does not want, {'dod pa thug tu ma bab pa/} not getting what one wants, {nye bar len pa/} taking up the 5 skandhas, i.e. rebirth (DMP 241). Deliverance from suffering {sdug bsngal thams cas las thar/} comes from taking refuge {skyabs su 'gro ba/} in the three jewels {dkon mchog gsum/}. 2) #{sdug bsngal myong ba/}$ p. {myangs/} f. {myang /} imp. {myongs/} ^Bib: to suffer, to experience suffering: {mkhan po rnams las sdug bsngal mang po myong ba/} suffer many things at the hands of the teachers of the law (Mt. 16:21), {am chi mang po bstan kyang sdug bsngal mang po myang /} suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors (Mk. 5:26), {khong gi phyir du sdug bsngal myang ba/} to suffer for him (Phil. 1:29). ^Bst. to suffer: {rang gcig pu gnas gcig tu sdug bsngal myong dgos pa/} he must experience the misery alone in a solitary place (TRC 272), {na ba dang /,,rga ba'i sdug bsngal myong skabs/} when [we] experience the sufferings of sickness and old age (DLP 15), {rgya mi'i bstan gnon 'og du sdug bsngal myong /} suffering under Chinese oppression (RRT 282, n. 17). 3) #{mnar ba/}$ ^Bib: to suffer torment, be tortured: {mi'i bu'ang de rnams kyi lag nas mnar 'ong /} the Son of Man is going to suffer at their hands (Mt. 17:12), {mi 'chi ba'i me'i chad pas mnar ba/} suffer the punishment of eternal fire (Jude 7). ^Bst. {nga rang tsho nad kyi mnar ba na/} when we are suffering from an illness (TRC 257); {sdug bsngal gyis mnar ba/} the misery of suffering (TRC 342). Cognates: 1) {mnar med/} the hottest and most terrible of the eight hot hells (TRC 229); 2) {mnar gcod gtong ba/} to torture (DLP 9); {mnar sems/} a grudge, ill will (TRI 156).% Related Terms: 1) {bzod/} to endure or bear: {bzang po byas nas gnod pa bzod na/} if you suffer for doing good and endure it (1 Pet. 2:20); 2) {na ba/} to suffer from an illness: {yan lag gcig na bar 'gyur na/} if one part suffers (1 Cor. 12:26); 3) {'tshe ba myong ba/} to suffer abuse: {drang ba nyid kyi don du 'tshe ba myong na'ang /} even if you suffer for what is right (1 Pet. 3:14).% !SYNAGOGUE@ 1) #{'du khang /}$ [lit. assembly hall] ^Bib: synagogue: {de tsho'i 'du khang du phebs/} he went into their synagogue (Mt. 12:9), {'du khang gi dbu mdzad/} a synagogue ruler (Mk. 5:22), {ya hu da pa'i 'du khang /} a Jewish synagogue (Acts 17:1). ^Bst. {'du khang /} an assembly or meeting hall in a monastery: {'du khang nang la tshogs gdan mthon po/} the high seat in the meeting hall (DPD), {'du khang gi gnam pang /} the ceiling of the assembly hall (MHP 11), {'du khang /} an auditorium (AMD). 2) #{chos khang /}$ [lit. religion + house] ^Bib: {chos khang du khri stan mtho ba/} most important seats in the synagogues (Mt. 23:6). ^Bst. {chos khang /} a place for preaching religion (AMD). 3) #{chos sde/}$ ^Bib: synagogue: {da me seg gi chos sde/} the synagogues in Damascus (Acts 9:2). ^Bst. {chos sde/} a monastery or village where religion is taught (AMD), {chos sde chen po ri bo dga' ldan gyi dgon pa btab/} he founded a great religious center, the monastery on Ganden hill (TRC 139), {zhi ka rtser chos sde chen po bkra shis lhun po yod pa yin/} in Shigatse is the great religious center, Tashilhunpo (DPD). 4) #{tshogs/}$ [lit. meeting] ^Bib: synagogue: (metaphorical): {bdud kyi tshogs/} a synagogue of Satan (Rev. 2:9). ^Sec. {tshogs/} an arranged meeting (AMD). !TABERNACLE@ 1) #{gur mchog}$ [lit. tent + perfect] ^Bib: tabernacle; the portable sanctuary in which God met with the Israelites: {gur mchog sgreng bar dgos/} set up the tabernacle (Ex. 40:2), {dpang po'i gur mchog} the tabernacle of the Testimony (Acts 7:44), {gur mchog dngos ma/} the true tabernacle (Heb. 8:2). 2) #{spyil bu'i dus chen/}$ [lit. hut + festival] ^Bib: the week-long harvest festival of the Jews; during which the people dwelt in huts or "tabernacles": {ya hu da pa'i spyil bu'i dus chen nye bas/} the Jewish Feast of Tabernacles was near (Jn. 7:2). !TEACH@ see also PREACH, TEACHER 1) #{ston/}$ p. {bstan/} imp. {ston/} ^Bib: to teach: {chos ston pa dang 'chad pa/} to teach and preach (Mt. 11:1), {'du khang nang chos bstan pas/} teaching in the synagogue (Mk. 6:2), {lta ba tha dad pa ma ston/} not to teach different doctrines (1 Tim. 1:3,4). ^Bst. The historical Buddha was originally regarded as a teacher (see TEACHER) and this function is now thought to have passed to other Buddhas as well: {chos nyid bden pa bstan pas grol bar 'gyur/} [the Buddhas] deliver by teaching this very dharma (TRC 77). A teaching function is ascribed to the doctrine: {legs nyes kyi gnas tshul gsal bar ston pa'i chos/} the doctrine which teaches clearly the way of good and evil (TRC 166); and to the Bst. scriptures: {don dam pa'i chos dkon mchog de dag phyin ci ma log par ston pa'i sangs rgyas kyi bka'/} the conventional dharma jewel is the scriptures of the Buddha which teach without error (TRC 75). 2) #{slob/}$ p. {bslabs/} f. {bslab/}$ imp. {slobs/} teach, instruct: {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyis khyed la bslab 'ong /} the Holy Spirit will teach you (Lk. 12:12), {yo ha nan gyis rang gi slob ma la bslabs pa ltar/,,nga tsho la'ang smon lam 'debs tshul slob/} as John taught his disciples to pray, teach us also how to pray (Lk. 11:1), {gzhan la slob kyang rang la mi slob bam/} you who teach others, do you not teach yourself (Rom. 2:21), {bya 'os pa'i las 'di rnams slob cing skul cig} these are the things you are to teach and urge on them (1 Tim. 6:2). ^Sec. {slob/} the ordinary term for teaching: {khong la bod skad dang bod yig slab gyi yod/} I was teaching her Tibetan (DPD), {bod sman skor gyi slob khrid dang zhib 'jug gi las/} the work of teaching and research on Tibetan medicine (TMB 25). Proverbs: {byed lugs med kyang kha la lugs slobs/} if you don't teach your children how to do work, at least teach them how to eat (KPU 30). 3) #{'chad pa/}$ ^Bib: to preach or explain. According to the {bod rgya tshig mdzod chen mo/} this verb has transitive (p. {bshad pa/} imp. {shod/}) and intransitive (p. {chad pa/} f. {'chad pa/}) forms. These distinctions are not rigorously observed in the NT text. {hel len pa tshor chos 'chad 'ong ngam/} will he teach the Greeks? (Jn. 7:35), {ye shu'i ming rjod cing gtam dang chos 'chad mi chog zer mod/} commanded them not to speak or teach at all in the name of Jesus (Acts 4:18). ^Bst. see PREACH. Cognates: {bshad sgrub/} teaching and practice: {bshad sgrub kyi sgo nas/} by means of teaching and practice (TRC 137).% Related Terms: 1) {chos gnang /} [lit. religion + give] teach: {khong gdan chags nas gsung chos gnang ngo /} he sat down to teach them (Jn. 8:2), {'dus tshogs la gsung chos gnang /} teaching religion to an assembly of monks (TRC 53); 2) {gdams gnang /} [lit. counsel + give] instruct, teach: {ye shus nye gnas bcu gnyis po la zhal gdams gnang zin nas/} after Jesus had finished instructing his twelve disciples (Mt. 11:1), {zhag gsum gyi 'og tu slar gson por bzheng bar 'gyur zhes zhal gdams ston zhing /} teach that on the third day [the Son of Man would] rise again (Mk. 8:31); 3) {dge rgan byed/} to teach: {slob grwar dge rgan byed pa/} to teach in school (SLR 10).% !TEACHER@ (TEACHER OF THE LAW) 1) #{slob dpon/}$ ^Bib: teacher: {slob dpon las slob ma mi che/} a student is not above his teacher (Mt. 10:24), {slob dpon byed nus pa/} able to teach (2 Tim. 2:24), {slob dpon mang por ma gyur cig} not many of you should presume to be teachers (Jas. 3:1). ^Bst. The Bst. scriptures encourage students to view their teachers as the Buddha himself and to overlook any flaws he may have (JPG 31). {slob dpon/} 1) a term of respect for an aged and wise teacher (AMD); 2) a spiritual master [Skt. acarya]: {rgya gar nas slob dpon ku mar dang /,,bal yul gyi slob dpon shi la man ju zhu ba gdan drangs/} [he] invited the teacher Kumara from India and the teacher Silamanju from Nepal (TRC 113); {slob dpon chen po pad ma 'byung gnas/} the great teacher Padmasambhava (TRC 113). Cognates: 1) {slob mkhan/} teacher {slob mkhan rnams la khrims lhag par dam po gcad par nges pas/} we who teach will be judged more strictly (Jas. 3:1); 2) {slob 'khrid/} or {'khrid dpon/} lead teacher (TRC 51); 3) {slob ma/} disciple.% 2) #{ston pa/}$ ^Bst. teacher: {ston pa lags/} Teacher (Mt. 22:16). ^Bst. {ston pa/} 1) an honorific form used to refer to the founder of a religion such as Jesus or the Buddha (AMD): {ston pa chen po rnams kyis rang gi rjes 'brangs slob ma rnams ma rig pas kun nas bslangs pa'i sdig spyod kyi lam las skyabs/} the great teachers wanted to lead their followers away from the paths of negative deeds caused by ignorance (DLP 18); 2) the Buddha (KTM): {ston pa sangs rgyas/} or {ston pa sha kya mu ni/} Buddha the teacher (TRC 76/112), {ston pa phun sum tshogs pa/} an excellent teacher, one of the five excellences or {phun sum tshogs pa lnga/} (TRI 172), {ston pa yang dag pa/} the perfect teacher (TRC 73); 3) teachers of other Bst. schools: {mu stegs pa'i ston pa drug} the six teachers of the extremist school (TRC 27). Proverbs: 1) {bla ma spyan ras gzigs dang dbyer med du/} [seeing] the teacher as not different from Chenresi (HTE 182); 2) {dge rgan bzang po'i dge phrug} from a good teacher come good children (TQP 64). Related Terms: 1) {dge rgan/} ordinary term for teacher: {khyim pa zhig gsar du grwa pa byas pa yin na dang po 'gan 'khur gyi dge rgan zhig rogs kyi yod pa red/} when a layman first becomes a monk, he needs a teacher who bears responsibility for him (TRC 4); 2) {mkhan po/} the abbot or head of a monastery (TRI 27), used in the NT for "teacher of the law": {mkhan po dang pha ru shi pa rnams/} teachers of the law and Pharisees (Mt. 5:20), also sometimes used for secular teachers as a term of respect (AMD); 3) {bka' khrims kyi ston pa/} [lit. law's teacher] teacher of the law: {pha ru shi pa ga ma li el bya ba bka' khrims kyi ston pa/} Gamaliel, a teacher of the law (Acts 5:34); 4) {mkhas pa'i mi/} teacher of the law: {mkhas pa'i mi dang pha ru shi pa rnams/} teachers of the law and Pharisees (Mt. 5:20 SV); 5) {bla ma/} lama, guru: {rtsa ba'i bla ma mgon po spyan ras gzigs/} my root teacher, Chenresi (HTE 180), {sangs rgyas kun gyi ngo bo bla ma rje/} the noble teacher has the nature of all Buddhas (HTE 182).% !TEACHING@ 1) #{bstan pa/}$ ^Bib: doctrine, teaching: {khong gi bstan pa la ngo mtshar du gyur/} amazed at his teaching (Mt. 7:28,29), {bstan pa gsar pa 'di ci yin/} what is this new teaching (Mk. 1:27), {ngas ston pa 'di nga'i ma yin/} my teaching is not my own (Jn. 7:16), {bstan pa 'di dkon mchog nas yin nam/} if this teaching is from God (Jn. 7:17), {sku tshab rnams kyi bstan pa/} the apostles' teaching (Acts 2:42). ^Bst. {bstan pa/} is the teaching of the Buddha, which is believed to be {yang dag pa/} or completely correct (KTM), and {dri ma med pa/} unstained: {sangs rgyas kyi bstan pa dri ma med pa/} the unstained teaching of the Buddha (TRC 153). The term is also applied to the scriptures: {mdo sngags kyi bstan pa/} teachings of the sutras and tantras (TRC 113) and to the doctrines taught by other religious teachers: {dge lugs pa'i bstan pa'i bdag po/} master of the Gelugpa teachings (TRC 53), {bka' gdams kyi bstan pa/} teachings of the Kadampa school (TRC 154). Cognates: 1) {bstan pa snga dar dang /,,phyi dar/} the earlier and later periods of the spread of Bsm. in Tibet (TRI 117); 2) {bstan srung /} protectors of the doctrine (TRI 117).% 2) #{bslab bya/}$ ^Bib: teaching, instruction: {pha ru shi pa dang sad du ki pa'i bslab bya/} the teaching of the Pharisees and Saducees (Mt. 16:12), {bslab bya 'di rnams/} these teachings (1 Tim. 4:6). ^Bst. {bslab bya/} 1) advice or teaching about practical matters (KTM); 2) religious or doctrinal teachings: {btsun mo grags 'dzin ma 'khor dang bcas par chos kyi bslab bya mang po gsungs so/} [he] gave many teachings to Queen Grags 'Dzin ma and her court (SGN 15); 3) precepts: {bslab bya gsum/} the three types of precepts (TRI 299). Related Terms: 1) {bka'/} [lit. word, command] teaching, instruction, command: {bka' 'di ci yin/} what is this teaching (Lk. 4:36), {nga la gces pa des nga'i bka' srung ngo /} if anyone loves me, he will obey my teaching (Jn. 14:23); 2) {gsung /} [lit. saying] teaching: {gsung 'di mi sus nyan nus/} who can accept this teaching (Jn. 6:60); 3) {bden tshig} [lit. true word] sound or true teaching: {bden tshig rnams dpe ru/} as a pattern of sound teaching (2 Tim. 1:13); 4) {gtam/} [lit. talk] teaching: {de tsho'i gtam gyis gnyan nad ltar za bar 'gyur ro/} their teaching will spread like gangrene [lit. an infectious disease] (2 Tim. 2:17); 5) {chos/} teaching or doctrine: {'dre'i chos la rten/} to follow the teaching of demons (1 Tim. 4:1-2), {spyan ras gzigs kyi chos/} the teaching about Chenresi (TRC 113); 6) {bstan dgra/} a doctrinal opponent, adversary: {ma shi ka'i bstan dgra/} [lit. enemy of the teachings of Christ] the Antichrist (1 Jn. 2:18); 7) {sde snod gsum/} the three sets of teachings or three baskets of the Bst. scriptures (KBT 88); 8) {ldem por dgongs pa/} teachings which require interpretation (KBT 91).% !TEMPLE@ see also ALTAR, ARK, HOUSE OF GOD 1) #{mchod khang /}$ [lit. worship + house] ^Bib: temple: 1) the Jewish temple building: {ye shu mchod khang du phebs/} Jesus entered the temple (Mt. 21:12), {dkon mchog gi mchod khang /} the temple of God (Mt. 26:61), {mchod khang yang mi gtsang ba byed/} desecrate the temple (Acts 24:6); 2) also used figuratively: {khong gis sku lus yin pa'i mchod khang la dmigs te gsungs pa yin/} the temple he had spoken of was his body (Jn. 2:21), {khyed dkon mchog gi mchod khang yin te/} you yourselves are God's temple (1 Cor. 3:16), {dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi mchod khang /} a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19), {dkon mchog gi nam mkha'i mchod khang /} God's heavenly temple (Rev. 11:19); 3) used as a modern term for church: {el sha skra'i mchod khang /} El Shaddai Church (DPD), {pha ri si'i 'phags ma'i mchod khang /} the cathedral of Notre Dame in Paris (SBC-1, 62). ^Bst. 1) a chapel, a place for worship: {byams chen mchod khang /} the Chamba Buddha Hall (MHP 7); 2) a memorial hall: {mchod rten dang mchod khang chen mo/} the chorten and Grand Memorial Hall (MHP 7), {kun gzigs pan chen sku phreng bcu pa mchog gi sku gdung mchod rten dang mchod khang /} a Great Stupa and Memorial Hall for the Tenth Panchen Lama (MHP 7). 2) #{gtsang khang /}$ [lit. pure + house] ^Bib: temple, holy place: {gtsang khang dang mchod khri'i dkyil du/} between the temple and the altar (Mt. 23:35), {gtso bo dkon mchog gi gtsang khang du zhugs te/,,spos bdug pa kho la babs nas/} to go into the temple of the Lord and burn incense (Lk. 1:9), {gtsang khang gi yol ba khag gnyis su ral/} the curtain of the temple was torn in two (Lk. 23:45). 3) #{gzhal yas khang /}$ ^Bib: temple in a figurative sense: {khyed rnams dkon mchog gi gzhal yas khang yin/} you yourselves are God's temple (1 Cor. 3:16 SV), {khyed rnams kyi lus ni dam pa'i thugs nyid kyi gzhal yas khang yin/} your body is a temple of the Holy Spirit (1 Cor. 6:19 SV). ^Bst. {gzhal yas khang /} mansions, castles, or residences of the gods in Bst. mythology (TDC 2416). 4) #{lha khang /}$ [lit. god + house] ^Bib: pagan temple: {yu pi ter gyi lha khang /} the temple of Jupiter [Zeus] (Acts 14:13), {mi yis bzos pa'i lha khang /} temples built by hands (Acts 17:24). ^Bst. {lha khang mang po bzhengs/} [they] built many temples (TRC 113), {dpal gsam yas sprul pa'i lha khang /} the Utse temple at Samye Monastery (DPD), {rtse thang g.yu yi lha khang /} Tsethang's Turquoise Temple (DPD). Related Terms: 1) {pho brang /} [lit. palace] used as hon. term for "house": {dkon mchog gi pho brang nang song nas/} he entered the house of God (Mt. 12:4); 2) {mgon khang /} a chapel or temple where images of protector deities are kept (TDC 483); 3) {dam pa'i dam pa/} the Holy of Holies or Most Holy Place in Solomon's temple (1 Ki. 6:16).% !TEMPT@ 1) #{nyams sad/}$ [hon. {thugs sad/}] [lit. soul + test] ^Bib: 1) temptation: {nyams sad nang du ma 'khrid par/} lead us not into temptation (Mt. 6:13), {nyams sad nang mi ltung ba'i phyir/} so that you will not fall into temptation (Mt. 26:41), {bdud kyis thugs sad zin pa/} when the devil had finished tempting [Jesus] (Lk. 4:13); 2) trail or test: {nyams sad pa theg pa'i mi/} the man who perseveres under trial (Jas. 1:12). ^Bst. Demonic tempters are said to have enticed the Buddha on the eve of his enlightenment (SGN 11) and temptation is still attributed to demonic activity in popular stories: {bdud kyis dge slong zhig la nyams sad btang nas/} the devil went to tempt a monk (DPD). Cognates: 1) {sad pa po/} tempter: {sad pa po sku drung du 'ongs/} the tempter came to him (Mt. 4:3); 2) {nyams sad pa po/} tempter: {nyams sad pa pos khyed tshor sad/} [that] the tempter might have tempted you (1 Thes. 3:5); 3) {nyams sad mkhan/} tempter (1 Thes. 3:5 SV); 4) {nyams tshod len pa/} [lit. mind + measure + take] tested, tried: {mi re rang gi 'dod pas 'dren zhing 'khrid de nyams tshod len/} each one is tempted when, by his own evil desire, he is dragged away and enticed (Jas. 1:14 SV).% 2) #{slu/}$ p. {bslus} f. {bslu/} imp. {slus/} ^Bib: to lure, entice, lead someone astray: {bdud kyis mi bslu phyir/} so the devil will not tempt you (1 Cor. 7:5), {rang yang slu bar mi 'gyur ba'i phyir zon byos shig} watch yourselves so that you won't be tempted (Gal 6:1), {mi re re rang gi 'dod pas bslu/} each is tempted by his own desire (Jas. 1:14). ^Bst. to mislead or deceive: {gzhan sems bslu la su yid gtod/} they mislead others; who can trust them (HTE 172), {slu tshig} deceptive words; misleading speech (HTE 176), {mi bslu gtan gyi skyabs gcig dkon mchog gsum/} the only firm, non-misleading refuge is the three jewels (HTE 180). Related Terms: 1) {bslu med/} honest, dependable, unwavering (KTM); 2) {g.yo ba med pa/} unwavering (KTM); 3) {mgo skor gtong ba/} to trick, to deceive or fool (KTM).% !THOUGHT@ see also HEART, KNOWLEDGE, MEDITATION, MIND, SOUL 1) #{bsam pa/}$ ^Bib: thought: {ye shus de rnams gyi bsam pa mkhyen nas/} Jesus knew their thoughts (Mt. 9:4), {snying mang po'i bsam pa/} the thoughts of many hearts (Lk. 2:35), {mkhas pa'i bsam pa/} the thoughts of the wise (1 Cor. 3:20), {snying gi bsam pa dang 'dod pa rnams/} thoughts and attitudes of the heart (Heb. 4:12), {bsam pa ngan/} evil thoughts (Jas. 2:4). ^Bst. see MIND. 2) #{bsam blo/}$ ^Bib: 1) thought: {de dag gi bsam blo rdzob tu lhung /} their thoughts became futile (Rom. 1:21 SV); 2) understanding: {dkon mchog gi zhi bde bsam blo kun las lhag pa yin pa/} the peace of God, which transcends all understanding (Phil. 4:7 SV). ^Bst. 1) thought: {chos kyi bsam blo gtan nas med pa/} one who never has any thought of religion (TRC 216), {rang nyid gcig pu zhi bde'i bsam blo spangs/} to forsake the thought of one's own peace and happiness (TRC 218), {drin gzo 'dod kyi bsam blo/} the thought of repaying kindnesses (TRC 332), {bsam blo rnam dpyod kyi rang dbang /} the right to [hold one's own] thoughts and opinions (RRT 282 n. 23); 2) sense, attitude: {'dzam gling yongs khyab 'gan khur gyi bsam blo/} a sense of universal responsibility (DLP 10), {rang dbang ring lugs kyi bsam blo/} the thought of civil liberties, human rights (SBC 61). Proverbs: {bsam blo sngon la thongs na mkhas pa/} if you can think ahead, [you are] an intelligent man (KPU 14). Cognates: {bsam blo gtong ba/} to think: {pe tros zhal gzigs de'i skor la bsam blo btang ba/} Peter was still thinking about the vision (Acts 10:19), {phran gyis gzhan dag nang pa sangs rgyas pa'i chos lugs su rgyur rgyu'i bsam blo gtong gi med/} I do not think of converting others to Buddhism (DLP 19).% 3) #{thugs dgongs/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: will, thought, intention: {dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs/} the thoughts of God (1 Cor. 2:11). Related Terms: 1) {rtog pa/} thought or awareness: a) {rnam rtog} conceptual thought, which is an obstacle to religious practice in Bsm: {gzhan las thos pa dang rang gis deb klog pa sogs ga re yin yang /,,de tsho'i don la bsam blo btang tshad rnam rtog red/} whatever one thinks about the meaning of that which is heard from another or read in a book by oneself, is an idea-construction (TRC 165), {rnam par rtog pa/} conceptualization (KBT 45), {mi rtog pa/} non-conceptuality (KBT 112), {yang dag pa'i rtog pa/} right thought, a point on the Eightfold Path {'phags pa'i lam yan lag brgyad/} (KBT 60), b) gross conscious awareness; e.g. the ability to identify a pot as a pot (KBT 26), {so sor rtog pa'i ye shes/} the wisdom of discrimination (KBT 68); 2) {rtogs pa/} insight or realization gained through meditation; hence {rtogs pas bsdus pa drug} the six qualities of Buddha's insight (TRI 110), {rtogs par shes pa/} cognition (KBT 99); 3) {'du shes/} perception, feeling, discrimination: a) perception: {'du shes thams cad kyi nang nas mi rtag pa'i 'du shes mchog yin/} of all perceptions, the perception of impermanence is best (TRC 227), {mi rtag pa sgom pa'i 'du shes/} the perception which meditates on impermanence (TRC 227), b) feeling {yong khyab gcen gcung phu nu'i 'du shes/} an attitude of universal brotherhood and sisterhood (DLP 10), {'gro ba mi tshang mar dga' nye'i 'du shes/} a feeling of closeness for all human beings (DLP 15), {gus bkur byed pa'i 'du shes ngo ma/} a real feeling of respect for others (DLP 16), {lha sa'i mi dmangs kyi 'tsho ba'i goms srol dang chos dad kyi 'du shes/} the living habits and religious sentiments of the people of Lhasa (SLR 15), c) to select one from among others, to discriminate or single out: {nyon mongs pa dang /,,kun slong /,,'du shes/} passions, motivation, and singling out or discrimination are the three elements of non-virtue (TRC 243); 4) {rnam par shes pa/} sense or consciousness: {rnam par shes pa/} the consciousness aggregates: elements which make up the senses in Bst. psychology (KBT 31): eye consciousness {mig gi rnam par shes pa/} ear consciousness {rna ba'i rnam par shes pa/} (KBT 31), {rnam par shes pa 'gags pa/} cessation of consciousness is one of the cessations of the 12 links of internal dependent-arising (KBT 38); 5) {rnam shes/} consciousness, awareness: a) mind or consciousness: {rnam shes 'pho ba'i bu ga dgu/} the nine passages for consciousness transference (CNG 120), {rnam shes mtha' yas skye mched/} the perception of infinite consciousness (KBT 106), {sngon yang rang sems rnam shes gcig pu zhig/,,/'khyams shing las kyis bdas nas 'dir skyes zin/} not long ago, your consciousness was wandering alone; swept along by karma, it took this present birth (HTE 172), b) sense, sensory power: {rnam shes brgyad/} eight consciousnesses (5 senses plus mental, afflictive, and foundational (TRI 161), c) {mar shes/} meditating on another being as having been one's mother in a previous life: {mar shes zer ba de sgom dus/} when doing the so-called "understanding as mother" (TRC 329), d) {chog shes/} contentment: {chog shes ldan na phyug dang ma phyug med/} if you are contented, wealth does not make a difference (KPU 17); 6) {nyams/} a secondary meaning of this term is thought, mind, or spirit; frequently used in compounds: a) {nyams sad/} temptation: {nyams sad nang du ma 'khrid par/} lead us not into temptation (Mt. 6:13), b) {nyams len/} practice, application of a theory, c) {nyams chung /} humility, weakness: {nga khyed tsho'i rtsar shin tu nyams chung bas/} I came to you in weakness (1 Cor. 2:3), d) {nyams su myong ba/} to experience: {dad pa ni re ba byas pa'i dngos po rnams la blo gdeng dang /,,mig gis mi mthong ba rnams nyams su myong ba de yin no/} faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see (Heb. 11:1), e) {nyams tshod/} test or trial: {khyod kyi nyams tshod len phyir/} in order to test you (Rev. 2:10), f) {nyams thag pa/} misery, suffering (Rev. 3:17), g) {nyams mgur/} a spiritual song revealing meditational insights (TRI 93), h) {nyams rtogs/} spiritual realizations gained from experience and insight (TRI 93); 7) {blo/} thought: {sems dang blo gcig tu 'dag par gyur/} united in mind and thought (1 Cor. 1:10 SV); 8) {sems/} p. {bsams/} to think: {de'i phyir nga'i bsam pa la/,,spun rnams sngar khyed rnams kyi rtsar song nas/,,sngar khyed tshos khas blangs pa'i yon de bsgrub dgos zhes zhu bar bsams so/} I thought it necessary to urge the brothers to visit you in advance and finish the arrangements for the generous gift you had promised (2 Cor. 9:5 SV).% !TRUST@ (TRUSTWORTHY) see also BELIEVE, FAITH, HOPE, RELY 1) #{'chol ba/}$ p. {bcol/} ^Bib: to entrust or commit something to someone: {dkon mchog gi bka' thams cad ya hu da par bcol ba yin/} the Jews have been entrusted with the very words of God (Rom. 3:2), {phrin bzang bcol ba/} entrusted with the gospel (1 Thes. 2:4), {khyod la btad pa'i bcol ma bzang po/} the good deposit that was entrusted to you (2 Tim. 1:14), {mdzad pa po la bcol cig} trust the Creator (1 Pet. 4:19). ^Bst. {'chol ba/} to trust others, or to entrust something to their care: 1) {chos srung mo la 'chol ba/} to entrust the Bst. doctrines to the protection of the guardian spirits {srung mo/} (KTM); 2) {skyabs 'chol ba/} to entrust oneself to an object of refuge [e.g. the Buddha] (KTM); 3) {ca lag 'chol ba/} to give something into someone else's care (KTM). Proverbs: 1) {gser dngul mi la bcol dgos byung yang chol/,,bcol po brlag kyang btsal nas rnyed pa red/,,snying gtam mi la bcol bcol mang drags na/,,lag mgo kha la bcug nas sdod dgos yong /} if necessary, you can entrust your gold and silver to others; even if the keeper is gone, you may find your valuables. But if you trust others too much with your secrets, you may regret it (KPU 18); 2) {spyang ki bzang yang lug rdzis nyan mdog med/} even if a wolf is good, the shepherd is unlikely to listen (TQP 136). 2) #{yid ches byed pa/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: 1) trust: {gtam bden zhing yid ches 'os pa'o/} a [true and] trustworthy saying that deserves full acceptance (1 Tim. 4:9); 2) faith: {de rnams kyi yid ches la gzigs nas/} when [Jesus] saw their faith (Lk. 5:20); 3) to rely on: {nga tshor dkon mchog gis byams pa shes shing yid ches so/} we know and rely on the love God has for us (1 Jn. 4:16); 4) believe: {ngas zer na khyed kyis yid mi ches/} if I tell you, you will not believe me (Lk. 22:67). ^Bst. see BELIEVE, FAITH. 3) #{bslu med/}$ [lit. without deception] ^Bib: trustworthy: {bka' 'di bslu med bden pa lags/} these words are trustworthy and true (Rev. 21:5). ^Bst. Chenresi {spyan ras gzigs/} and objects of refuge {dkon mchog gsum/} are described as {bslu ba med pa/} or trustworthy (KTM). See also TEMPT. 4) #{blo gtod/}$ p. {blo btad/} [lit. mind + commit, bestow] ^Bib: to trust, rely on: {dkon mchog la blo btad/} he trusts in God (Mt. 27:43). ^Bst. 1) to trust: {grogs po de la blo gtod par 'os/} it is suitable to rely on a friend (KTM), {dam tshig gtsang ma'i mi la blo gtad bcol/} trust those who follow their commitments (KPU 11), {blo gtad bcol mi rnams tsho mtha' nas skyongs/} with those who trust you, have lasting relationships (KPU 12); 2) also, to be completely given over to an object of trust; to trust completely and unreservedly (KTM). 5) #{blo gdeng /}$ [lit. mind + confidence, assurance] ^Bib. trust, confidence, assurance: {thugs rje'i sgo nas gtso bos blo gdeng mdzad pa'i mi/} one who by the Lord's mercy is [made] trustworthy (1 Cor. 7:25). ^Bst. {blo gdeng /} suggests a person who is confident and unworried because of complete trust in another (KTM). 6) #{dad pa byed/}$ p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to have faith in, believe, or trust: {'od la dad pa byos shig} put your trust in the light (Jn. 12:36), {dkon mchog la dad/} trust in God (Jn. 14:1), {khong la dad rnams skyengs par mi 'gyur/} the one who trusts in him will never be put to shame (Rom. 9:33). ^Bst. see BELIEVE, FAITH. Related Terms: 1) {g.yo ba med pa/} unwavering (KTM); 2) {slu ba/} to deceive, entice, trick; 3) {mgo skor gtang ba/} to trick or confuse (KTM); 4) {nyan 'os pa/} [lit. worthy to be heard] trustworthy: {bden pa dang nyan 'os pa zhig yin/} a true and trustworthy saying (1 Tim. 1:15); 5) {blo 'khel/} to trust: {mi 'di sgyu ma mkhan 'dra e yin bsams nas blo 'khel ma byung /} because I wondered if he was a magician, I didn't trust him (TDC 1919); 6) {mos pa/} devotion; 7) {the mos/} to believe; 8) {the tshom/} to doubt.% !TRUTH@ 1) #{bden pa/}$ ^Bib: 1) truth; the correspondence of an idea with an exterior God-created reality; hence in a Bib. sense the ground or basis of truth is the God of truth: {khyed kyi bka' bden pa'o/} your word is truth (Jn. 17:17), {yab la thugs nyid dang bden pa'i sgo nas bsnyen bkur zhu ba/} worship the Father in spirit and in truth (Jn. 4:23), {bden pa des khyed sgrol bar 'gyur/} the truth will set you free (Jn. 8:32), {nga ni lam dang /,,bden pa nyid dang /,,srog de yin/} I am the way and the truth and the life (Jn. 14:6), {bden pa'i thugs nyid/} the Spirit of truth (Jn. 14:17); 2) truth may also be an attribute of persons: {dkon mchog bden pa yin/} God is truthful (Jn. 3:33) see also {drang ba/}. ^Bst. 1) in daily life, speaking the truth {bden par smra ba/} is one of the ten virtues (KTM); 2) doctrines believed to have been taught by the Buddha are considered to be true: {chos nyid bden pa bstan pas grol bar 'gyur/} [the Buddhas] deliver by teaching this true doctrine (TRC 77); however, the Bst. scriptures are thought to be true only as they apply to spiritual practice; they make no claim to historical or scientific truth (BAL 62); 3) in contrast to the Bib. view of truth above, Bsm. denies any reality and hence meaningful truth to the observable world: {snang tshad 'khrul pa lags te bden par med/} whatever appears is delusion and has no true existence (HTE 188); {'khor ba 'di la rtag pa gcig kyang med/,,rtag pa med pa bden pa su la yod/} there is no certainty or permanence in this life; where there is no certainty, who knows the truth? (KPU 6). Such skepticism extends even to the teachings of the Bst. scriptures, leading to the doctrine of two truths {bden pa gnyis/} i.e. conventional truth {kun rdzob bden pa/} that can be grasped by the ordinary mind (such as the {'phags pa'i bden pa bzhi/} or four noble truths) and ultimate truth {don dam bden pa/} which can only be realized by spiritual practice (TRI 141). Related Terms: 1) {rdzun zer ba/} to lie (Jn. 8:44) ; 2) {drang ba/} truthfulness, honesty, righteousness, sincerity: {skyur rtsi med pa'i drang ba dang bden pa'i bag leb/} the bread of sincerity and truth (1 Cor. 5:8), {thams cad drang por zhus so/} told him the whole truth (Mk. 5:33), {re res khyim mtshes la drang po smros/} each should speak truthfully to his neighbor (Eph. 4:25).% !VISION@ see also REVELATION #{zhal gzigs/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: a supernatural vision or revelation: {pho nya'i zhal gzigs mthong /} saw a vision of angels (Lk. 24:23), {gtso bos zhal gzigs nang a nan ya zhes gsungs pa/} the Lord called to him in a vision, "Ananias" (Acts 9:10), {dran pa mnyam bzhag gi ngang nas zhal gzigs nang /} in a trance I saw a vision (Acts 11:5), {nam mkha'i zhal gzigs/} vision from heaven (Acts 26:19), {zhal gzigs dang mngon du byung ba rnams/} visions and revelations (2 Cor. 12:1). ^Bst. an apparition, a vision of a deity: {shing gi lhas rang nyid la dngos su zhal gzigs gnang bar bsams/} [she] thought the tree-god had actually given her a vision of himself (SGN 10), {rje btsun 'jam pa'i dbyangs ni rje tsong kha pa chen po la rtag tu zhal gzigs pa yin/,,zhal gzigs tshul la'ang rmi lam du gzigs pa dang /,,nyams la gzigs pa/,,dngos su gzigs pa gsum yod/} Manjushri always appeared to Tsong Khapa in dreams, in his mind, and openly or actually (NPP). !WILL@ see also THOUGHT 1) #{dgongs pa/}$ [hon. of {sems/}] ^Bib: will, intention: {dkon mchog gi dgongs pa/} God's will, {khyed kyi dgongs pa nam mkha' la/,,/sgrub ltar sa la'ang sgrub par shog} your will be done on earth as it is in heaven (Mt. 6:10), {yab kyi dgongs pa/} the will of the Father (Mt. 7:21), {ngas rang gi dgongs pa la mi lta'i/} not according to my own will (Jn. 5:30). ^Bst. 1) will or intention: {dgongs pa can bzhi/} sutras which stress the basic intention of the Buddha (TRI 48), {rgyal po'i bka' dgongs ltar/} according to the wishes of the king (TRC 114); 2) thought, idea, or viewpoint: {ma'o tse thung gi dgongs pa/} Mao Tse Tung's thought (AMD), {de rnams kyi dgongs pa 'grel ba'i bstan bcos/} the commentaries on their thought (TRC 25); 3) to think: {dgongs nas rang drin rang la che bar mdzod/} think about it, and do yourself a big favor (HTE 172). Cognates: 1) {dgongs don/} essential point: {bod kyi dmangs gtso'i rtsa khrims rin po che'i dgongs don/} Essentials of the Precious Tibetan Democratic Constitution (RRT 274); 2) {dgongs pa gnang /} to give permission: {lo gsum phebs chog pa'i dgongs pa gnang /} permission to go for three years (TRC 154); 3) {dgongs pa shus pa/} to ask for permission: {pha ma gnyis la dgongs pa zhus pa/} to ask [my] parents for permission to leave (DPD); 4) {dgongs 'grel/} commentary (TRC 75).% 2) #{thugs dgongs/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: 1) will: {yab kyi thugs dgongs/} the will of the Father (Mt. 12:50), {nga mngags mkhan gyi thugs dgongs/} the will of him who sent me (Jn. 6:39; 2) intention or purpose: {dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs rang gi phyir du ma blangs so/} rejected God's purpose for themselves (Lk. 7:30), {dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs dang sngon mkhyen bzhin du/} by God's set purpose and foreknowledge (Acts 2:23), {dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs bzhin bos/} called according to his purpose (Rom. 8:28); 3) thought, intention, mind: {dkon mchog gi thugs dgongs/} the thoughts of God (1 Cor. 2:11), {gtso bo'i thugs dgongs su yis shes/} who has known the mind of the Lord (1 Cor. 2:16). 3) #{bsam pa/}$ [lit. thought] ^Bib: will: {rang gi bsam pa sgrub tu ma yin par/} not to do my will (Jn. 6:38), {lung bstan gang yang mi'i bsam pa las ma byung /} prophecy never had its origin in the will of man (2 Pet. 1:20,21). !WISDOM@ see also IGNORANCE, KNOWLEDGE, THOUGHT 1) #{shes rab/}$ [Skt. prajna] ^Bib: 1) wisdom is an attribute of God: {khong mnyam shes rab dang blo gros yod/} to God belong wisdom and understanding (Job 12:13), by which He creates (Pr. 8:23ff) and governs (Is. 31:2) the world; 2) from a Biblical standpoint, true human wisdom is grounded in the knowledge of God: {ya we'r 'jigs pa shes rab kyi thog ma'o/} the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom (Ps. 111:10), in contrast to the worldly wisdom {'jig rten 'di'i shes rab/} (1 Cor. 1:20) of pagan cultures. As with Solomon's wisdom {sha lo mo'i shes rab/} (Mt. 12:42), true wisdom {steng nas 'byung ba'i shes rab/} is a gift of God (Jas. 1:5; 3:17). In the NT, wisdom is often mentioned with other spiritual gifts: {shes rab dang mthu stobs/} wisdom and miraculous powers (Mt. 13:54), {dam pa'i thugs nyid dang shes rab kyis gang ba/} full of the Spirit and wisdom (Acts 6:3), {shes rab dang rtogs pa'i sems/} wisdom and revelation (Eph. 1:17), {shes rab dang rig pa/} wisdom and knowledge (Col. 2:2,3). ^Bst. 1) {shes rab/} [= {mkhyen rab/}] wisdom or skill attained by learning; 2) like the cultures of the ancient Near East, Indian Bsm. produced wisdom literature similar in form to the Book of Proverbs, the best known collection of which is the {chos kyi tshigs su bcad pa/} or Dhammapada; 3) {shes rab/} moral wisdom; the ability to distinguish virtue from non-virtue (JPG 486) or knowledge of what practices to cultivate and which to abandon (TRI 275); counted as one of the {'phags nor bdun/} or seven riches of a noble being [the others being {dad pa/} faith, {tshul khrims/} moral discipline, {thos pa/} hearing, {gtong ba/} generosity, {ngo tsha shes pa/} sense of shame, {khrel yod pa/} dread of blame]. There are three methods for acquiring wisdom: {thos pa las byung ba'i shes rab/} through hearing or learning; {bsam pa las byung ba'i shes rab/} through contemplation; and {bsgom pa las byung ba'i shes rab/} though meditation (TRI 275). Cognates: 1) {shes rab kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/} the Perfection of Wisdom (KBT 65); 2) {shes rab kyi mig} the eye of wisdom (TRC 331).% 2) #{ye shes/}$ ^Bib: spiritual wisdom, God's wisdom: {dkon mchog gi ye shes/} God's wisdom (Mt. 11:19), {dkon mchog gi dpal 'byor dang ye shes dang mkhyen rgya/} the riches of the wisdom and knowledge of God (Rom. 11:33), {dkon mchog gi dbang dang ye shes/} God's power and wisdom (1 Cor. 1:30,31), {ye shes dang rtogs pas/} [God's] wisdom and understanding (Eph. 1:7,8). ^Bst. {ye shes/} omniscient, supernatural wisdom: {ye shes kyi spyan/} the ability to see all that exists (TRI 251). The Buddhas are said to have four types of such wisdom: 1) mirror-like wisdom {me long lta bu'i ye shes/} , 2) wisdom of equality {mnyam pa nyid kyi ye shes/} , 3) wisdom of discrimination {so sor rtog pa'i ye shes/} , and 4) wisdom of accomplishment {bya ba nan tan gyi ye shes/} (KBT p. 68); {yang dag pa'i ye shes/} perfect wisdom (KBT 45); {ye shes kyi pha rol tu phyin pa/} the perfection of primordial wisdom (KBT 65). 3) #{mkhyen rab/}$ [hon.] ^Bib: knowledge or wisdom: {mkhyen rab kyis gang nas/} [Jesus was] filled with wisdom (Lk. 2:40), {dkon mchog gi mkhyen rab bzhin/} according to God's wisdom (1 Cor. 1:21). Cognates: 1) {kun mkhyen/} omniscient: {dkon mchog kun mkhyen 'ba' zhig la/} to the only wise [lit. all-knowing] God (Rom. 16:27); 2) {mkhyen rgya/} knowledge, wisdom: {rgyal po khyed ni dkon mchog gi pho nya dang mtshungs pa'i mkhyen rgya che bas/} my lord has wisdom like that of an angel of God (2 Sa. 14:20 NTV).% 4) #{rig pa/}$ [lit. intelligence] ^Bib: knowledge, wisdom, intelligence: {ya hu da pas rtags 'dod/,,hel len pas rig pa 'dod/} Jews demand miraculous signs, and Greeks look for wisdom (1 Cor. 1:22), {gcig la thugs nyid kyi rig pa'i ngag gnang /} to one there is given the message of wisdom (1 Cor. 12:8). ^Bst. see KNOWLEDGE. Proverbs: 1) {ji ltar dum bu gcig pa'i brag/,,rlung gis g.yo bar mi byed pa/,,de bzhin bstod dang smad pa la/,,mkhas pa rnams ni g.yo ba med/} solid rock is not moved by wind; the wise are not moved by praise or blame (DMP 42); 2) {bzod ldan khro med 'jigs med ni/,,mkhas pa zhes byar brdzod pa yin/} the one who is patient, free from anger, and fearless will be called wise (DMP 130). Related Terms: 1) {blo gros/} intelligence, knowledge or wisdom: {khyed cag gi dad pa ni mi'i blo gros nas mi 'byung gis/,,dkon mchog gi mthu stobs nas byung ba'i phyir yin/} so that your faith might not rest on men's wisdom, but on God's power (1 Cor. 2:5 SV), {mkhas pa dang blo gros can/} wise and understanding (Jas. 3:13), {blo gros dang ldan pa/} someone who is smart; 2) {mkhas pa/} wise man (1 Cor. 1:20); 3) {mkhan po/} scholar (1 Cor. 1:20); 4) {rtsod gleng pa/} philosopher [lit. "debater"] (1 Cor. 1:20); 5) {shes pa/} learning, knowledge (KTM).% !WORKS@ see also MERIT 1) #{las/}$ [lit. work, deed, act] ^Bib: good works, virtuous acts (more properly, {dge ba'i las/}): {las kyi sgo nas rnam dag tu gyur pa/} justified by works (Rom. 4:2), {las la mi rten par bos pa la rten pa/} not by works but by him who calls (Rom. 9:11,12), {thugs rjes yin pas las kyis min/} if by grace, then it is no longer by works (Rom. 11:6), {sus kyang ngom pa mi byed phyir las kyi sgo nas kyang min no/} not by works, so that no one can boast (Eph. 2:9), {dad pa'ang las dang bral na ro 'dra yin/} so too, faith without works is dead (Jas. 2:17). ^Bst. works of virtue or {dge ba'i las/} are the means of acquiring merit in Bsm: {bde ba'i rgyu dkar po dge ba'i las dang /,,sdug bsngal gyi rgyu nag po mi dge ba'i las/} the white action of virtue, the cause of happiness, and the black action of non-virtue, the cause of misery (TRC 242); see MERIT. 2) #{bya ba/}$ ^Bib: actions, deeds: {dkon mchog gyi bya ba/} the works God requires (Jn. 6:28). Related Terms: 1) {bzo las/} workmanship: {nged rnams dkon mchog gis mdzad pa'i bzo las yin/} for we are God's workmanship (Eph. 2:10 SV); 2) {las tshan/} works of service: {dam pa rnams las tshan gyi las byed cing ma shi ka'i sku lus 'god pa'i ched du phun sum tshogs par mdzad pa'i phyir/} to prepare God's people for works of service, so that the body of Christ may be built up (Eph. 4:12 SV); 3) {las byed pa/} to work, do work: {las byed pa'i mi la thugs rje nas gla ster ba ltar mi brtsi/} when a man works, his wages are not credited to him as a gift (Rom. 4:4 SV); 4) {tshul khrims srung ba/} to observe the law: {de dag gis dad pa'i sgo nas ma btsal gyis/,,tshul khrims srung ba'i sgo nas btsal bas/} they pursued it not by faith but as if it were by works (Rom. 9:32 SV).% !WORLD@ see also HEAVEN, HELL 1) #{'jig rten/}$ ^Bib: 1) the heavens and the earth; the universe or cosmos: {'jig rten bkod pa nas/} from the creation of the world (Mt. 25:34); 2) the human world, the people of the world: {'jig rten la byams par mdzad do/} [God so] loved the world (Jn. 3:16), {'jig rten gyi skyabs mgon/} the Savior of the world (Jn. 4:42), {'jig rten gyi rgyal khams/} the kingdoms of the world (Mt. 4:8), {'jig rten kun tu song /} go into all the world (Mk. 16:15), {'jig rten gyi 'od/} the light of the world (Mt. 5:14); 3) human life apart from God: {'jig rten pa yis ngo ma shes/} the world did not recognize him (Jn. 1:10), {'jig rten gyi dbang po/} the prince of this world (Jn. 14:30), {nga 'jig rten pa min pa ltar/,,de tsho 'jig rten pa min no/} they are not of the world, even as I am not of it (Jn. 17:16), {'jig rten pa ma yin nam/} are you not worldly? (1 Cor. 3:3). ^Bst. 1) {'jig rten/} the Bst. cosmos or world system, which is divided into three realms: 1) the purely spiritual Formless Realm or {gzugs med khams/} the four heavens of which contain beings with "mental bodies"; 2) the Form Realm or {gzugs khams/} with seventeen separate heavens containing gods bound in meditative absorptions; and 3) the Desire Realm or {'dod khams/} which include the six possible rebirths of worldly god, demigod, man, animal, preta, and hell-being. The center of the Desire Realm is Mt. Meru {ri rab lhun po/}, with the Jambudvipa continent {'dzam bu gling /} or India to its south, and mythical northern {byang sgra mi snyan/}, eastern {shar lus 'phags po/}, and western {nub ba lang spyod/} continents, the so-called {gling bzhi/}. Below the earth lie the eight hot {dmyal ba/} and eight cold {grang dmyal/} hells. The entire world system was modeled in the architecture of temples like Tibet's Samye complex. 2) {'jig rten bdun/} the seven worlds: the six possible rebirths above plus the {bar do/} or intermediate state (CNG 86); 3) worldly, mundane, belonging to the world system: {'jig rten gyi lam/} worldly paths (KBT 103), {tshangs pa dang /,,khyab 'jug la sogs pa'i 'jig rten pa'i lha/} worldly gods like Brahma and Vishnu (TRC 96); 4) life in general: {'jig rten phyi ma/} a future life (TRC 225). Cognates: 1) {'jig rten las 'das pa/} [lit. passed beyond the world] supernatural, transcendental: {'jig rten las 'das pa'i shes rab/} transcendental wisdom; wisdom beyond this world (TRC 362), {'jig rten las 'das pa'i rnam gzhag} metaphysics (DLP 22), {'jig rten las 'das/} the one transcending the world [an epithet of the Buddha] (LKT); 2) {'jig rten khams/} planet Earth, the physical universe (DLP 8); 3) {'jig rten bkod pa po/} a Creator {nang pa'i chos lugs su 'jig rten bkod pa po med/} in Tibetan Bsm. there is no Creator (DLP 20).% Proverbs: {chos dang 'jig rten khag khag so so red/} religion and ordinary life are separate (KPU 5). 2) #{sa gzhi/}$ [lit. place, locality] ^Bib: the earth, the physical world: {bden pa'i 'od gsal sa gzhir byon/} the true light was coming into the world (Jn. 1:9), {sa gzhi thams cad/} the entire Roman world (Acts 11:28), {sa gzhi'i bdag po/} heir [lit. lord, owner] of the world (Rom. 4:13), {sa gzhi'i mtha' ma'i bar du/} to the ends of the world (Rom. 10:18), {sa gzhi'i mi chen rnams/} the world's great men (Rev. 18:23). ^Bst. {sa gzhi/} the earth, planet earth: {sa gzhi hril po/} the whole earth (DLP 12). 3) #{'dzam gling /}$ [var. {'dzam bu gling /} Skt. Jambudvipa lit. world + island (CTL 145)] 1) the world, the earth: {'dzam gling la ji yod pa dkon mchog gis mdzad pa yin/} God made all that is in the world (DPD), {'dzam gling sa rgyus/} world geography; 2) worldwide or universal: {'dzam gling yongs khyab 'gan khur gyi bsam blo/} a sense of universal responsibility (DLP 10), {'dzam gling yongs khyab tu/} worldwide (DLP 3), {jar man hi ti la'i lo rgyus 'dzam gling 'dir grags pa/} the world-famous story of the German, Hitler (TRC 260), {'dzam gling mnyam sbrel rgyal tshogs/} the United Nations (RRT 282, n. 17); 3) Jambudvipa, the ancient name for the subcontinent of India: {dang po 'dzam gling 'di dbang du bsgyur/} first he ruled over Jambudvipa (TRC 259); 4) present-day human life: {'dzam gling zhi bde/} world peace (DLP), {deng rabs 'dzam gling /} the modern world (DLP 1), {'dzam gling chos lugs/} world religions (DLP 3). Related Terms: 1) {srid pa/} dominion, things that exist in this world: {srid pa'i lha rnams/} the basic principles [lit. gods] of the world (Gal. 4:3); 2) {sa chen/} the world: {sa chen la gnas pa'i ya hu da pa/} Jews all over the world (Acts 24:5); 3) {sha/} [lit. flesh] human ("fleshly") as opposed to spiritual action: {khyod cag da dung sha'i mi yin/} you are still worldly (1 Cor. 3:3 SV); 4) {mi'i snang tshul/}: man's viewpoint: {ma shi ka la yang sngar mi'i snang tshul gyis bltas kyang /} though we once regarded Christ from a human point of view (2 Cor. 5:16).% !WORSHIP@ see also OFFERING 1) #{bsnyen bkur byed/}$ [hon. {zhu/}] p. {byas/} f. {bya/} imp. {byos/} ^Bib: to worship, to show veneration or respect: 1) worship of God: {de tsho gtso bo la bsnyen bkur byed cing smyung bar gnas pa'i tshe/} while they were worshiping the Lord and fasting (Acts 13:2), {ngas pha mes kyi dkon mchog la bsnyen bkur byed/} I worship the God of our fathers (Acts 24:14); 2) worship of angels: {pho nya la bsnyen bkur byed pa/} worship of angels (Col. 2:18); 3) worship of idols: {a si a dang 'jig rten gyi mi thams cad kyis bsnyen bkur byed pa'i lha mo chen mo ar ti mi/} the great goddess Artemis who is worshiped throughout the province of Asia and the world (Acts 19:27), {khyed kyis rgyus med par bsnyen bkur zhu ba'i dkon mchog} the god you worship unknowingly (Acts 17:23); 4) worship of demons: {'dre dang /,,gser dngul ra gan rdo shing la bzos pa'i mthong thos 'grul mi thub pa'i sku 'dra la bsnyen bkur byed/} worshiping demons, and idols of gold, silver, bronze, stone and wood--idols that cannot see or hear or walk (Rev. 9:20), {de rnams kyis 'brug la bsnyen bkur byas so/} they worshiped the dragon (Rev. 13:4). ^Bst. {bsnyen bkur/} to offer respect or service to an object of veneration, e.g the priesthood, or old persons (TDC 1017). Ideally {bsnyen bkur/} is done through the "three doors" of the body [offering service]; speech [offering praise, thanksgiving, or respect]; and mind [offering faith, belief, or trust] (KTM). Cognates: {bsnyen bkur zhu ba rnams/} worshipers (Jn. 4:24).% 2) #{phyag 'tshal ba/}$ p. {btsal/} ^Bib: to bow down in reverence to someone or something that is physically present; or more generally, to worship. 1) worship of Jesus: {yum mir yam mnyam du yod pa'i khye'u chung mjal ba dang /,,lus sa la brdabs te phyag 'tshal/} they saw the child with his mother Mary, and they bowed down and worshiped him (Mt. 2:11), {rgyal khri'i mdun du dkon mchog la brdab phyag 'tshal/} they fell down on their faces before the throne and worshiped God (Rev. 7:11); 2) worship of Satan: {khyed kyis nga la rkyang phyag 'tshal na/,,ngas 'di thams cad khyed la 'bul bar bya'o/} if you bow down and worship me, I will give you all this (Mt. 4:9), {gcan zan de dang de'i 'dra sku la phyag ma btsal/} they had not worshiped the beast or his image (Rev. 20:4); 3) worship in general: {dkon mchog gtso bo la phyag 'tshal zhing /,,khong gcig pu la bsnyen bkur zhus shig} worship the Lord your God, and serve him only (Mt. 4:10), {'khar ba'i thog la brten te phyag btsal/} worshiped as he leaned on the top of his staff (Heb. 11:21). ^Bst. 1) {phyag 'tshal ba/} or prostrations are an important part of initial refuge-taking in Bsm: {lus kyis phyag 'tshal ba de/,,lus kyi skyabs 'gro byed tshul yin/} to do prostrations is the way of going for refuge with the body (REF 115), {dang po mkhan por phyag gsum 'tshal dus rkang lag brkyangs te phyag 'tshal dgos red/} at the time when one first salutes the preceptor, one must bow down three times extending the limbs (TRC 5). In a general sense, prostrations should be offered with the body (through outward signs of respect), speech (by praising and thanking the buddhas), and the mind (by developing faith in the Bst. teachings) (JPG 69). Hence: {lus ngag yid gsum phyag 'tshal smon lam thobs/} to pray and offer worship with body, speech, and mind (KPU 16); 2) to offer homage to a deity or teacher, especially at the beginning of a literary work: {'jig rten 'das khyod phyag 'tshal 'dud/} [I] bow down to you who have transcended the world [i.e. the Buddha] (LKT 2), {sangs rgyas bcom ldan 'das la phyag 'tshal lo/} homage to the victorious Buddha (SGN 1), {thugs rje chen po la phyag 'tshal lo/} homage to great compassion (UCO 148). Cognates: {phyag phul/} worship: {dkon mchog gi pho nya thams cad khong la phyag phul zhig} let all God's angels worship him (Heb. 1:6), {dkon mchog la phyag phul zhig} worship God (Rev. 22:9).% Related Terms: 1) {mchod pa/} [lit. those who make offerings] worshipers: {mchod pa 'bul mkhan rnams/} (SV); 2) {mos pa/} or {mos gus/} veneration, adoration: {mos gus byar 'os pa gang yod pa/} everything that is worshiped (2 Thes. 2:4 SV); 3) {na mo/} praise, adoration: {ye shu ma shi ka la na mo/} praise Jesus.%